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Left for Dead (II) (2007)
Too much hype, a whole lot of disappointment.
2 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I remember reading a brief article in Fangoria back in '07 when this was being made. It sounded pretty decent, albeit, treading familiar territory, but since it has Danielle Harris in it, I didn't think it would be too bad. I was so wrong. I just finished watching this. It's not only bad, but terribly boring.

Here is the plot. Five frat brother's accidentally cause the death of a young man who stole the wallet of one the brother's during their annual "Devil's Night." One year later (shades of IKWYDLS anyone?) during their Halloween party, the frat brother's and their girlfriends begin to die, one by one, at the hands of a masked killer brandishing a machete.

Yes, this sounds like every other revenge slasher before and after IKWYDLS, but I still thought it had potential. The acting was sub-par, at best, the violence and gore disappointingly minimal, and the killer from far threatening. The Halloween mask looks like it costs $10 at Wal-Mart. None of the characters (with the exception of Danielle Harris' character, Nancy and her boyfriend Tommy) were worth rooting for. Hell, even Tommy's character really wasn't worth rooting for. All he did was whine and whine about what had happened last year. Not much more. The only real positive thing in this movie was the body count. It was actually pretty decent.

I cannot for the life of me understand why the wonderful Danielle Harris saw in this project. She was woefully underused, and her role was nothing but to be the weak-willed victim that graced many 80s slashers.

For something that had so much PR hype going on for it, it sure delivered poorly. In my opinion, only watch it for Danielle Harris. Other that that, it isn't worth the 78 minutes of your life that you will waste on it.
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A neat, suspenseful, but sadly underrated horror flick
16 July 2009
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**CONTAINS SPOILERS**!! Demon Possessed is about six friends who are snowmobile racing in the remote Northwoods of Illinois. One of them is injured in the race, and this causes the other five friends to take shelter in an abandoned camp that once housed a secret religious cult, with their severely injured friend. One of the group finds an old Ouija Board from Haiti(?!) and conjures up a demon that ends up possessing their injured friend, Tom. Soon the group's ranks begins to dwindle as the possessed Tom starts to brutally kill of his friends.

Granted, Demon Possessed is very much inspired by "The Evil Dead," but they are a few things that actually make this pretty darn creepy on its own. First, the constant religious symbology raises the goose flesh on my arms! Second, the location of the camp is so isolated and far from civilization that it gives the movie a sense of hopelessness, especially for the group of characters trapped there. And three, as one character finds out before her untimely demise, is that the religious order who used to occupy the camp actually committed satanic sacrifices. The idea of a Catholic run retreat who dabbles in Satanism is even more frightening, in my opinion, than just a group of friends finding the Necronomicon and unleashing demons.

The acting is nothing to brag about, but at least the characters and their backgrounds were sort of fleshed out. It made me sympathize with them and their ordeal. The movie has some pretty decent kills. Death by barb wire, when one character "accidently" drives into it, death by a rotating ceiling fan, another character gets a rather large icicle in the eye, another character is "hanged" by a net, and of course, the guy who gets possessed. He sustains a rather nasty head injury.

The ending is chilling and action-packed, but I'll let you see that for yourself. To the best of my knowledge, "Demon Possessed" has never been released on DVD, and it's somewhat hard to find. But it's worth tracking down if you enjoy low budget, independent horror films. I'm sure you can track down a copy of it on amazon or ebay.
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Night (2006 Video)
Unique and interesting, a breath of fresh air.
1 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
NIGHT is a unique take on the vampire genre. It's about a cop named Mike who witnesses a woman get shot in the chest during a robbery and she lives. Before he is able to question her about how she lived, she mysteriously disappears, which leads Mike on an obsessive hunt to find who - and what she is. He soon discovers she is a vampire and she leads a group of other vampires. She soon sires Mike and introduces him to her world. Meanwhile, his best friend and cop partner, Jimi launches his own investigation into what is going on when Mike begins acting strangely and disappears. This soon leads Jimi into a violent quest to save his friend...

I'm not entirely sure if this was Mr. Miller's directorial debut. If it is, then he did a bang up job! I found NIGHT to be well worth my time. It's unique take on how to slay the vampires was different and refreshing. Instead of staking them you inflict as much physical damage to their being and burn them. I also found the acting from most of the principal characters to be quite well-done. Every character was believable. The fight scenes were also well-staged for a film of this caliber. It's obvious Mr. Miller hired actors who also had martial arts experience. This was another quality that helped rise the film above others of its type. One other quality that I was happy with was the use of alternative/Gothic music in the soundtrack.

The only complaint that I have is the audio was terrible throughout most of the film. I'm not sure if they only used the existing mic on the camera, or if the sound was mixed poorly. A lot of the music was also played too loudly over some of the scenes, including scenes with characters dialogue that may have been important to the plot. Other than that, NIGHT is a perfect example of what a true filmmaker can accomplish on a non-existent budget ($7,000). Kudos to Byron Miller for creating something fresh for the genre! I see great things coming from this man.

Anyone who enjoys vampire films, or independent films in general should be pleased with NIGHT.
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Hell Hath No Fury (2006 Video)
Would have better if it were more cohesive...
27 April 2009
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"Hell Hath No Fury" is a extreme, no-holds barred, erotic-horror anthology brought to us by the makers of "Vampires Vs. Zombies", and "Heads Are Gonna Roll." While it lives up to its gratuitous promise of extreme gore and loads of nudity, that's about all it has going for it, sadly.

The film opens with a wraparound of two men sitting in a diner swapping horror stories of scorned women, back and forth.

Story one tells us of a man who has a one night stand with a woman, and wakes up in the morning to discover that he has been tied to the bed because the woman is afraid he will leave her. She finds out that he is married, which leads them to argue, and then she leaves to get a pair of scissors to cut him loose. In a strange twist that I honestly did not expect, his jealous wife drops in and brutally murders both her husband and the woman. This story was actually pretty decent, and to the point. The acting was well-done, and the ending was pretty gruesome.

Story 2 was just absolutely confusing, but I think I got it. It opens with the police investigating a man's apparent "suicide." It turns out the female cop (who I think is a hypnotist?) was raped by this man, and she gets her revenge by using hypnosis to get him to kill himself. Not only was this story confusing, it was also just downright disgusting and disturbing. The scene where this man is raping her, he shoots her in the leg, and then has sex with the hole caused by the gunshot!!! I found this to be in absolutely poor taste. Just downright unnecessary! Not only is this story poor just for those reasons. The sound is also pretty bad. It was difficult to understand what the characters were saying most of the time.

Story 3 just did not make any sense, and it felt like it was thrown in at the last minute, as it plays out quite differently than the others, and serves no real purpose. This is possibly due to increase the running. But I don't see why seeing how the movie is over an hour and 40 minutes! Anyhow, story 3 is about a man being visited by his future self, and is told that his girlfriend will be breaking up with him soon due to his infidelities. The ending features his past or present self, (not sure here) along with him, and his future self, and his girlfriend as his past self (?) bringing another woman home. This leads to his girlfriend breaking up with him. This one, unlike the other stories seems out of place because there is no violence in this one.

Story 4 is easily the best and most disturbing story out of the bunch. It opens with a woman leaving her apartment to go to work, when she is attacked and raped by a masked assailant. This ultimately leads to a descent into madness, when she captures her attacker and turns the tables on him as well as any other man who scorns her. What made this story so powerful was the performance of the lead actress. She really understood the character. She showed no remorse when getting her revenge against those who hurt her. Another reason this was one the best was because the violence and gore was disturbing but perfectly executed. For example, the scene with the hypodermic syringes that she sticks in a certain spot, and then uses a blow torch on that same spot as means to torture her rapist.

The wraparound concludes with one of the men telling the stories receiving his "just desserts" for cheating on his wife.

Overall, "Hell Hath No Fury" is a decent rape revenge, female-empowerment horror anthology. Sadly, it's too all over the place, and poorly executed (excluding the 4th story) to be taken too seriously. Maybe that's what the filmmakers' intentions were, I don't know. But I do know it could have been much, much better if more attention to detail had been provided. However, it's still decent enough for fans of exploitation horror. Just ultimately forgettable.
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The lack of cohesiveness dampers what could have been a worthwhile "Waldemar Daninsky" flick.
22 March 2009
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A young woman, who is a practicing Satanist sets out to unearth the tomb of Countess Bathory by sacrificing young, virginal women. Waldemar Daninsky (Paul Naschy) also used to be Countess Bathory's loyal servant when they were executed several hundred years earlier for their gruesome crimes. Waldemar is now on a mission to destroy Countess Bathory in order to prevent her from making him her slave, once again.

THE CRAVING, when it was released in the states was horribly butchered because of its violent content. Unfortunately, this was its biggest detriment. It barely made any sense, and was quite difficult to keep track of what was going on.

However, I must say the climatic battle between Daninsky and Bathory was quite exciting and hilarious to watch.

Any Paul Naschy fan should check out. Fortunately, it was re-released under its uncut form via BCI/Deimos a year or two back. Just please avoid the censored version. It's way too confusing,
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Your typical "Waldemar Daninsky" entry with a disappointingly brief appearance with the Yeti...
14 March 2009
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I really wanted to like "Night of the Howling Beast," or "Werewolf Vs. the Yeti" as it's called in the uncut version. Unfortunately, the filmmakers manipulated us into thinking this film was going to be more about Daninsky and the Yeti's battle. It was not. Once again, we get Waldemar Daninsky being bitten by a werewolf while on an expedition in Tibet. After he disappears, his colleagues follow his trail to Tibet where most of them are wiped out by bandits and an evil sorceress and her equally evil sorcerer lover. This leads to a fight between the sorceress and sorcerer, that leads up to the "climactic" battle between Daninsky (in his werewolf form) and the elusive Yeti of the Himalayas.

The battle between both was unintentionally funny, and had me clutching my sides from too much laughter. Unfortunately, it was too brief to leave a long, satisfying effect on the audience.

The rest of the film is what you would expect of a Waldemar Daninsky werewolf flick. Paul Naschy once again, playing his tortured character who does nothing but whine about his condition, and the quintessential female lead who loves Waldemar unconditionally.

The bonuses include a couple of decent gory deaths (a woman who's back is skinned by the evil sorceress, being the most memorable one), and the competent photography that perfectly captures the beautiful locations. Paul Naschy, of course, delivers a competent performance as the tortured Waldemar Daninsky, and Juliet Mills (Beyond the Door) does quite well as Waldemar's love interest. Their chemistry is really the only thing that keeps the story moving along.

Overall, NIGHT OF THE HOWLING BEAST is nothing new. It's the same Waldemar Daninsky story but with a new setting. Paul Naschy fans should enjoy this nonetheless, others will feel extremely disappointed. It would have been much better if they had focused a tad bit longer on the battle scene between Daninsky and the Yeti.

A word of warning. It is extremely RARE and almost impossible to come by, especially in its Super Video release. You can acquire a legitimate bootleg copy of it on for fairly cheap. Check it out only if you are a Naschy completionist.
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A VERY RARE and interesting Paul Naschy effort...
9 March 2009
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Along with THE PEOPLE WHO OWN THE DARK and VENGEANCE OF THE ZOMBIES, this is another interesting effort in Paul Naschy's catalog. In the beginning, he plays a homicidal Pharoah during ancient Egypt, who along with his equally sick wife, sacrifice virgins in order to obtain immortality. They are put to death for their heinous crimes. His vows revenge. Several thousand years later, his tomb is disturbed by a husband and wife archaeological team. He is soon revived and convinces his blood relative (also played by Naschy) to kill young virgins in order for his ancestor to return to life, in the flesh. A colleague of Naschy's and his wife soon discover something isn't right and they begin their own investigation, which leads to a pretty neat showdown with the mummy.

At times, the violence is very effective, mostly consisting of gruesome throat slashing. The only real "let-downs" are the poorly dubbed growling of the mummy. It sounds like he is in mid-orgasm. Instead of the moments being tense, I found myself laughing at the horrible dubbing. The only other "let-down" is it is quite obvious that all the gore scenes were horribly cut down. Hopefully one day, THE MUMMY'S REVENGE will see an uncut DVD release. This film deserves to be re-discovered. Once again, Paul Naschy turns in a good dual-role performance. He shows that he is quite capable of playing other characters besides Waldemar Daninsky.

THE MUMMY'S REVENGE is quite difficult to track down. It's been out-of-print for many years, and seems to have virtually disappeared off the face of the planet. However,, and both carry it in bootleg editions. The quality is far from great, but for any fan of Spanish horror, or any self-respecting fan of Paul Naschy, it's definitely worth the search. Seek it out.
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Quite possibly the most incomprehensible film ever made!
9 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's really difficult to try and explain what THE HANGING WOMAN is about, but I'll give it a shot. A young man returns to his uncle's mansion shortly after his death to find out what really happened to his uncle, and . Upon his arrival, he discovers a woman hanging from a tree. He makes it to the mansion and informs the people there about the woman. When he returns to the spot, she has disappeared. He soon uncovers a plot to make an army of the living dead in order for world dominance.

THE HANGING WOMAN is so erratic that you never really understand what's going on. There are also two other sub-plots in the mix here. There are also a couple more things that made me despise this film so much. 1.) Spanish horror star, Paul Naschy was woefully under-used at the necrophiliac gravedigger. 2.) The pacing was awful. It's only a 90 minute film, but it felt like it was four hours long. Mostly due to the fact that nothing is really happening for a good hour of the film. 3.) The incestuous relationship between the uncle's nephew and his nymphomaniac aunt. The love scene was just way too much to handle. And finally, 4.) The ending was completely unbelievable and rushed.

Honestly, I can only really recommend THE HANGING WOMAN to Naschy fans. Even that's difficult to do. Skip it and use the 90 minutes of your precious life watching something that's far better (perhaps, HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB or THE WEREWOLF VS. THE VAMPIRE WOMEN. Two of my personal favorite Naschy film) instead of wasting it on this abomination. Trust me, you'll thank me later.
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Excellent Spanish Giallo!
8 March 2009
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A "vigilante" of sorts is killing the corrupt citizens of Manila because he feels he has to clean up the city. Pimps, drug addicts, prostitutes. and homosexuals become his prime targets.

Paul Naschy plays a hard-shelled, tough detective assigned to the case. He soon realizes the killer may be closer to him than he thinks.

A DRAGONFLY FOR EACH CORPSE is a surprisingly well-made giallo that is filled with red herrings! You never really guess who the killer is until the last frame, and even then you may be wrong. Paul Naschy delivers a wonderful performance as the detective. It's a far cry from his "Waldemar Daninsky" films. He manages to pull it off successfully. Although his character may seem corrupt, he really isn't. He just wants to make the city a safe place. The way he pulls of a hard-nosed role while displaying empathy at the same time only further cements his capability as an actor. Erika Blanc (Devil's Nightmare, Kill Baby Kill!) is equally good in her role as Naschy's girlfriend. Typically, she portrays characters with a lot of sensuality. She still does this in this film, but also shows her fans that she is quite capable of playing a more serious, mature role this time around.

A few of the death scenes were very well-done, and are quite unsettling. The ending is suspense-packed up until the final frame. A DRAGONFLY FOR EACH CORPSE is a wonderful attention to any Naschy fans library. It's rather difficult to track down, though. However, you can acquire a legitimate bootleg copy from Check it out if you are a huge fan of Naschy (like myself).
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Mostly a lot of talk...
7 March 2009
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And I mean that literally! Jana and Leslie decide to head up to Jana's father's cabin in order to get Leslie away from her extremely possessive jerk of a boyfriend. Mysterious murders begin plaguing the town, and Leslie and Jana become the next targets! As good as that may sound, TERROR AT TENKILLER has one major problem - It's way too talky! Not a lot really happens until the final act when Leslie faces off with the killer.

The acting is pretty atrocious, and borders on bad soap opera acting (Port Charles, anyone?) Also, there is a scene with Jana when she is changing clothes that shows a different actress in her spot with bigger boobs doing the nude scene! I'm not kidding. Ed Wood would've been proud.

Despite everything I just mentioned, TERROR AT TENKILLER still retains some 80s trash charm. It's good for one watch, but that's it. A true cure for insomniacs everywhere.
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Terror House (1998 Video)
Not bad, but still far from impressive.
6 March 2009
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TERROR HOUSE is your typical Polonia Brothers' film. Poorly SOV (shot-on-video), extremely low budget with terrible acting.

TERROR HOUSE tells the tale of three college students (who look forty, to be honest) who are lead to a house with a dark history with the false reward of $25,000 if they agree to house-sit for the mysterious owner. Once there, they are drugged, and while they are out cold the mysterious owner bricks up every entrance and exit of the house. Including the windows. They soon realize they are trapped with a bloodthirsty creature who soon begins picking them off.

It's not a great film by any means, but Jon McBride and the Polonia Brothers still managed to maintain a moderate level of suspense and dread throughout the entire film. Their creative use of colored gel lights adds to the ambiance even more. I was a little disappointed with the downbeat ending, though.

Shot over a solid 24 hour period, you can certainly tell. However, with the budget and time constraints, it'a not that bad. It could've been a lot worse. Check it out if you are a fan of no-budget B-horror movies, or a fan of the Polonia Brothers. You also may want to keep an eye out for a cameo appearance from B-movie actor Jeff Dylan Graham (Home Sick, October Moon) as a friend of one the "college" students.
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Dweller (2001 Video)
A poor ALIEN rip-off, but entertaining nonetheless.
6 March 2009
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DWELLER is an entertaining, yet poorly made rip-off of ALIEN. The plot concerns an invisible alien life-form that comes to earth to eradicate the human species. Three bank-robbers decide to hold up in an isolated cabin in the middle of the woods to elude the authorities after they rob a bank at a nearby town. They soon become prey for this alien life-form, and must quit fighting and put their heads together in order to survive.

The main problem with DWELLER is the extremely poor CGI effects and jaw-droppingly horrible acting from the entire cast. It hampers the film. Then again, this IS a Polonia Brothers movie. It's not all that surprising. The gore effects were OK with the budget they had.

The only thing DWELLER has going for it is the cameos by well-known B-movie actors, Leslie Culton (Hookers in a Haunted house, The House that Screamed 2), as an innocent hiker that becomes a victim of the alien life-form, and Jeff Dylan Graham (October Moon, Home Sick) as the Satellite supervisor who discovers the alien life-form. Their acting and cult status makes the film somewhat legitimate.

Overall, it's a no-budget, poorly SOV (shot-ov-video) rehash of ALIEN that probably would've have been better with better actors and a bigger budget. Check it out only if you are a fan of the Polonia Brothers.
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Pieces of Darkness (1989 Video)
Unknown for a reason
5 March 2009
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PIECES OF DARKNESS is a really wretched, low-budget regional anthology lensed in Knoville, and Oak Ridge, Tennessee in 1989 that instantly disappeared into obscurity, for good reason.

PIECES OF DARKNESS spins three boring, and uninteresting "tales of terror." Story 1: THE BOOTMAKER - From the chaotic, bloody battlefields of Vietnam to the quiet calm of a small, Southern town...Lucky tattoos and a tormented soul fuel the neighborhood boot-maker to spin a wicked web strung with adultery, deceit, and mutilation.

Story 2: CHOICE CUTS - A butcher shop is the backdrop for this tale of first love, intimidation, and lust. These elements are mixed together with a dash of jealously and a pinch of lunacy resulting in a frightening culinary creation.

Story 3: THAT'S SHOWBIZ - All the world may be a stage, but to be a player a price must be paid. A devilish deal is cut by a starstruck young man, only to be terminated in its inevitably manner. A chilling look backstage to treachery.

Every story is poorly SOV (shot-on-video) with below sub-par acting, and poor special effects. Every story seem to drag on for what seemed for hours. Thankfully, this ultra rare "horror" film is unknown for all the right reasons. It's just beyond terrible. If you ever happen upon a copy (good luck) avoid it at all costs!
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Enjoyable, only if not taken too seriously
4 March 2009
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DEATH ROW DINER is a fun, little SOV (shot-on-video) romp starring the wonderful Michelle Bauer (Sorority Babes, Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, Nightmare Sisters, many more...)

Otis Wilcox, once a powerful man in Hollywood whose studio churned out big budget Hollywood hits in the 30s and 40s, is framed for murdering his wife, and he is electrocuted... a hungry man... 40 years later, his former studio is now being run by two ruthless men, one of whom is married to his grand-daughter, Julia Wilcox-Weston (Michelle Bauer). While shooting a movie in the now abandoned prison where Otis is electrocuted, a freak electrical storm brings Otis back to life, now hideously disfigured, is hungrier than ever and ready to wreak havoc on the filmmakers and crew who have dragged his once grand studio into the depths of B-movie debauchery.

DEATH ROW DINER, in my opinion, is probably one of the best SOV horror-comedies to come out of the 80s. The reason for that is that it doesn't take itself seriously. The acting, of course, is sub-par at best. Excluding the wonderful Michelle Bauer and Jay Richardson, who plays her crude husband. The gore is absolutely laughable (i.e. the ping-pong paddle scene instantly comes to mind). The production values are on par with that of an early 80s adult film.

All of these things is what makes DEATH ROW DINER just an absolute blast to watch! It doesn't take itself seriously (unlike PHANTOM BROTHER) and it's intentionally meant to spoof the B-movie industry.

I urge anyone who loves crappy horror-comedies, or SOV completionists, or any fans of Michelle Bauer to track this bad boy down. It's quite rare, these days, but it usually pops up on ebay every once in awhile for cheap. You MUST own it! Now!
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Should be called "The Fall Asleep."
4 March 2009
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An executed murderer is reincarnated as a satanic demon. This "demon of darkness" invades a secluded all girls' school during a "stay awake" party. Soon they all start to die one by one as the hands of the demon. It's up to their brave teacher to face off with this demon and save what girls that are remaining.

This little, low budget 80s horror film, lensed in South Africa is pretty lame. It takes up to 30 or 40 mins for someone to die. There is very little (to zero) gore. Most of the film is comprised of these teenage girls watching horror movies and talking...lots and lots of talking. When the deaths finally occur, they are so poorly done that even the deaths become boring. The only reason I even gave this two stars is for the hilariously awful demon costume, lol. That was about the only entertaining (and interesting) thing in the entire movie.

THE STAY AWAKE is meant only for hardcore, non-discriminating horror fans. Seek it out only for that reason, otherwise you will want to kill yourself for the self-inflicted abuse caused by watching it.
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Classic 50s B-movie schlock
4 March 2009
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BEAST FROM HAUNTED CAVE is your typical 50s B-horror flick. The plot concerns a group of thieves hole up in an isolated cabin after robbing a bank. Soon they realize a bloodsucking creature is knocking them off, one by one and they must fight for their lives and destroy the creature that resides in a cave near the cabin.

Man, I LOVE 50s B-movies! They usually are cheesy, with horrible acting. But they are almost always irresistible.

The acting in BEAST FROM HAUNTED CAVE is not exception. However, Sheila Carol did a wonderful job. The dialogue is ludicrous and the creature is beyond laughable. If you enjoy old 50s B-movies like I do, then pick up BEAST FROM HAUNTED CAVE with a nice big bowl of popcorn!
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Ghosthouse (1988)
Creepy in parts, ludicrous in others, but overall a decent haunted house chiller...
4 March 2009
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Ghosthouse (La Casa 3) is a decent, yet flawed haunted house chiller directed by Umberto Lenzi (under the painfully obvious pseudonym, Humphrey Humbert. The story concerns a young girl and her demonic clown haunting a house just outside Boston. 20 years earlier, her mother and father were brutally murdered by the evil clown, and the daughter died under mysterious circumstances. 20 years later, two college students hear a distress call coming from a short wave radio. The trace it to the now decrepit and dilapidated house and soon meet two brothers, their annoying sister, and one of the brother's girlfriend camping at the house. Soon, they all begin to die at the hands of the evil clown and the little girl.

For the most part, Ghosthouse succeeds at being atmospheric and suspenseful, mostly due to the creepy nursery rhyme that either the little girl or the clown sings (it was hard to determine who it was). The house was played a major part in the film's dreadful, melancholic atmosphere. For trivia, it was the same house used in Lucio Fulci's less than desirable, HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY.

Ghosthouse had it's fair share of gore, unfortunately not too much of it, and it was difficult to see it due to the poor lighting. The acting was also a bit uneven and the dubbing of the actors poor. But that's to be expected with any Italian horror film. The ending was a bit downbeat, but a neat way to close the film. Another issue I had with Ghosthouse was that the actors were extremely annoying, and they all deserved to bite the bullet. The ending also felt rushed. Perhaps, their budget ran low, and they had to come up with something less expensive at the last minute.

Overall, Ghosthouse is worth seeing if you are a die-hard fan of Italian horror. Like most Italian horror films, it succeeds in being atmospheric and melancholic. Unfortunately, it ends up just becoming a run-of-the-mill haunted house slasher flick with uninspired performances and ludicrous situations. It is quite rare on video but it receive a DVD release in the UK. Seek it out only if you enjoy these kinds of films.
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Blood Song (1982)
Watchable but far from memorable..
1 March 2009
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Donna Wilkes (Jaws 2) stars as Marion, a partially crippled teenage girl who is psychically gifted. Marion begins having visions of a demented man (50s teen idol, Frankie Avalon) randomly murdering people. She also hears him play the flute when no one else does. She soon encounters him in a park burying one of his latest victims. He catches her watching him and a stalk and chase scenario soon ensues as she becomes his next target.

Personally, I don't really consider this a slasher. It's more of a Suspense/Thriller. There are maybe four or five deaths, very little gore, and some very brief nudity. Most of the film is padded out to feature Marion's dysfunctional relationship with her abusive alcoholic father and her supportive, but neurotic mother. Her father is probably the biggest jerk I've ever seen in a slasher film. Thankfully, he gets his just desserts.

Frankie Avalon was surprisingly dead on with his performance as the psychotic killer who witnessed his father kill his mother and her lover in cold blood as a child. There are a few scenes when watching was truly disturbing. Bravo, Mr. Avalon! The rest of the characters were too underdeveloped to really care about. Marion was nothing but a whiny brat, but it's understandable considering what her father puts her through. Still, I was rooting for Frankie to kill her. The ending was ludicrous and frustrating to watch.

Overall, BLOOD SONG a.k.a. DREAM SLAYER (the version I own) is a decent enough suspense/thriller, but it doesn't really work well as a slasher flick. If you are a devoted horror fan, then give it a watch, if only for curiosity's sake.
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Blood Sisters (1987)
Really bad, creepy dark house slasher featuring annoying sorority girls and dead prostitutes
1 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, we all know that Roberta Findlay is far from a great filmmaker. But one thing I can say is that she knows how to please horror fans.

BLOOD SISTERS opens up with a young boy who is taunted by a young girl he likes because his mother is a prostitute. He flips out and murders his mother and her John in cold blood by blowing them away with a shotgun. 15 years later, Linda, the leader of a popular sorority on campus drives 7 of her pledges out to the former brothel where the young boy murdered his mom, as a hazing. It is now rumored to be haunted by her ghost. Throughout the night, they are stalked and killed off by a fat prostitute, who may or may not be the ghost of the prostitute mother.

BLOOD SISTERS, albeit, really cheesy and features some of the worst acting I have seen, is actually quite suspenseful and atmospheric. Robert Findlay did a decent job creating a sense of doom and suspense as the girls wander off alone and are brutally murdered. For the pervs out there, yes there is a decent amount of nudity in the film. I was slightly disappointed with the gore. Thee wasn't a lot of it and there was only one truly disturbing death in the entire film. A couple of things I didn't like about it also was the downbeat ending, which had me screaming at the TV, and the fact it took almost 40 minutes for the first person to die!! Other than that, it's a fun, spooky, and sometimes trashy mid-80s slasher flick that any horror fan should enjoy. Media Blasters released this on DVD a couple years back. Scour ebay and pick yourself up a copy.
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A superb, fun slasher that is sadly underrated and unknown...
1 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
TO ALL A GOODNIGHT was arguably the first slasher flick to feature Santa Claus as a killer. In my opinion, it is also way better than Christmas EVIL, or SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT. Unfortunately, it has become all but forgotten by horror fans.

The plot revolves are 5 young women, who are boarders at the exclusive Calvin Finishing School who are staying behind for the holidays. They decide to drug their housemother and invite their boyfriends over for a late night frolic. During the night, two of them are murdered. The next day, the rest of the group discover their friend's bodies and they soon must fight for their lives as they begin dying one, by one.

Granted, TO ALL A GOODNIGHT is far from a good film, but it does try. It doesn't present itself anymore than just being a straight slasher. They are a few odd moments in the film. One having to do with one of the girls ballet dancing on the balcony (I'll let you find out that one for yourself.) The only other complaint that I have is that the ending felt rushed and anti-climatic.

Horror fans will be pleased to know that it has one heck of the body count and the gore is decent. We have a death by a wire garrote, another at the receiving end of a private plane's blades, a decapitation and so on and so on.

Overall, it's an entertaining and woefully underrated slasher film that needs to see a resurrection on DVD. If you can locate a copy on ebay (did I mention it's rather rare?) pick it up. It makes a nice addition to any hardcore horror movie collector.
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One of Paul Naschy's best films!
1 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The People Who Own the Dark is about a group of wealthy gentleman who visit a secluded for some kinky sex games with the prostitutes. During the party, they are startled by a huge earthquake from a nuclear disaster which has taken place. They soon discover that survivors from a nearby town are now transformed into wandering blind creatures. They kill a few of the blind survivors due to being scared and unsure. Soon the rest of the blind survivors make their way to the villa to seek revenge.

Despite the fact it's an obvious rip-off of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, it still manages to evoke a sense of doom and helplessness throughout the film as each one is killed off by the wandering blind townspeople. Paul Naschy is in prime form as a jerk who's out to save his own skin. It's refreshing to see him play a different role aside from Waldemar Daninsky for once. Maria Perschy (Beyond the Door, Night of the Howling Beast) is also very good as one of the prostitutes. Her acting is what makes this film shine the most. The only thing this film suffers from is a downbeat ending.

Fans of Spanish horror or Paul Naschy should enjoy THE PEOPLE WHO OWN THE DARK. It's different from other film's in his catalog (namely, the Waldemar Daninisky series.) It is incredibly rare, but I'm sure you can still manage to locate a copy of it on ebay or amazon. It's more than worth the price, despite its downbeat ending.
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Ridiculous and fun!
28 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A team of young archaeologists who disturb the burial site of an evil Seminole witch doctor. He returns with a vengeance in the form of an animal and knocks off most of the cast. DEATH CURSE OF TARTU is made B-movies are truly made for! From the ridiculous dialogue, to the ludicrous acting, and unbelievable situations. The 50s and 60s were saturated with films of this ilk. It's these kinds of films that set the bar for B-movies today.

Despite all the cheesiness, the landscape of the locations were beautiful photographed. Pop this in on a Friday night and enjoy making fun of it with your friends.
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A misleading title leads to a very strange and boring film...
28 February 2009
I agree with others who commented on this title. It is bad film with a terribly misleading title. But it has this odd, alluring quality to it. The entire film had a dream-like quality to it. The plot concerns two documentary film students who travel to a small, isolated town in the middle of nowhere to film a documentary about murders that occurred there. Soon they are stalked by someone who is afraid the students are getting to close to a close guarded secret in the town that led to the murders. Despite its slow padding and poor acting, it's still entertaining in a murder mystery sort of way.

One thing I must say that I disagree with is other viewers commenting on the actors being wooden. I thought they did well given the material they had to work with, especially Donna Baltron. Whom I enjoyed very much in HIDE AND GO SHRIEK and SHALLOW GRAVE. With that said, BLOODBATH IN PSYCHO TOWN is still a worth few for people who have patience. Sadly, it's extremely difficult to track down on VHS, but fear not, Troma Entertainment re-released under the title VIDEO DEMONS DO PSYCHOTOWN. Another misleading title.
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555 (1988 Video)
Extremely rare slasher that's slightly different than other films of its kind...
28 February 2009
555 is an extremely rare, SOV (shot on video) slasher flick from the 80s that brings something a little different to the table. The plot concerns a cross-dresser serial killer who kills his victims on the 5th day, of the 5th movie, of the 5 year. Hence the title 555. Back in the 80s and even today, rarely are there slasher films that boast a cross-dresser killer. Hide and Go Shriek and Unhinged immediately come to mind. Despite it's low budget, 555 manages to deliver. It has decent plot and a nice body count to boot. The gore and violence is brutal and very well-done for the budget they had. The ending was predictable but nonetheless entertaining. The only thing that really hampers the film is the poor video camera it was filmed on. The color balance seems off and a bit hazy. Nevertheless, it's a fun low budget horror flick that is underrated and almost impossible to get ahold of. If you manage to come across a copy on ebay (good luck) pick it up. It makes a nice addition to any horror completionist's collection.
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Blood Rage (1987)
A surprisingly decent entry that is underrated
28 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
BLOOD RAGE a.k.a. NIGHTMARE AT SHADOW WOODS is a decent little slasher flick that is surprisingly underrated. It's about two young brothers who witness a couple making love in the backseat of their car while watching a movie at a drive-in. Terry, one of the brothers murders the guy and blames it on his twin brother, Todd. Todd is sent away to a mental institution, while Terry enjoys his freedom.

15 years later, Todd escapes the mental institution and a series of murders begin plaguing the apartment complex where Terry and his mother now live with her fiancée. But is it Todd or Terry who is committing the murders. Don't worry, the filmmakers do not hold back the identity and you get to see who is doing the killing the entire time. I was quite surprised and pleased with how gory and brutal the murders were. We have a woman who gets cut in half with a machete, a steak fork that gets shoved in a young teenager's throat, a severed hand, a machete to the face and a decapitation, among many others. The gore was well-handled and brutal. The acting is typical 80s slasher with uneven performances. The ending is a bit out there.

The only complaint that I have is the motive of the killer. It's never really explained. Maybe hinted at, but not completely explained. BLOOD RAGE has become extremely rare to obtain under it's video release from Prism Entertainment. However, there is a bargain bin DVD that I'm sure you can find on amazon or ebay under its original title, NIGHTMARE AT SHADOW WOODS. Ever slasher fan definitely needs to check it out. It may not be as well known as MY BLOODY VALENTINE, THE BURNING, THE PROWLER, or MADMAN but it's still worthy of recognition. It's woefully underrated.
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