
9 Reviews
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Holly (2023)
Interesting oddity
2 June 2024
This was less straightforward than I had imagined. I noticed there were comparisons to King's classic Carrie (not sure I can agree there, except for the initial ten minutes or so). This is mostly something else, a subtle drama with no horror or fancy special effects.

It is challenging, because what is about? Humanity? Our shortcomings? The way things go although we except them to go somewhere else? At times it seems a bit buñuelian, with its centering on a young somewhat Christ like person rumoured to have special gifts and then there is the adult person aiming to do so well but is met with injustice.

An interesting movie (unfocused is one of its cons) that also brought Atom Egoyan's small town drama The Sweet Hereafter to mind. It might need two viewings (I had one so far).
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Long Twilight (1997)
Bus ride to hell?
23 September 2022
An aging woman goes on an excursion in a scenic Hungarian countryside. Soon she gets lost and the scenery as well as the mood changes to dark and rainy. It develops into a suggestive horror story that can be interpreted a little either way. Well-made psychological thriller that surprises, based on a story by Shirley Jackson. I discovered it by a lucky accident. Is recommended.

I had never heard of director Attila Janisch before but he seems a filmmaker to seek out. Long Twilight is a suitable movie for the Lynch loving crowd (for Halloween perhaps?) featuring some nice haunted house chills in the second part.
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The Emigrants this is not
13 May 2021
More than 100 votes and no review so far is a bit surprising. Anyway, I checked out an old review that I wrote to this and I found the words "good acting" which is not as true after a second look. The lines are mainly delivered unconvincingly and slowly, as is the film itself: mostly tedious. It was obviously made in the wake of the success of Jan Troell's Emigrants epics (also starring Eddie Axberg), but this lacks what made those films great.

What it has is first and foremost beautiful cinematography and the pathos for its characters (it is clearly made in the very RED 1970s Sweden) but this is not the place to start looking for quality drama depicting 19th century Scandinavia.
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The Nameless (1999)
Chiller with style and substance
6 August 2003
A nice and creepy Spanish flick, which uses every trick to make you shiver: a dark atmosphere, a good anything-can-happen-feel, quick jump cuts and some really disturbing images. The film owes much to Roman Polanski, as it recalls both ROSEMARY´S BABY and THE NINTH GATE. Briefly, it´s about a woman who loses her five-year-old daughter (although we don´t see how), expects her to be dead and then after five years receives a mysterious phone call from guess who? To reveal anything more is unnecessary. Here is what´s so impressive:

The technique. The music, editing and cinematography perfectly set the atmosphere and chills. Hardly ever has a hallway or an apartment looked so scary.

The ending. Judging from the other reviews here, it seems that this type of ending is either a huge disappointment or terrific. I vote for the latter; along with INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1978) and BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, it´s one of the most haunting endings I´ve ever seen in a horror film. It crawls under your skin and stays there for a long time.

The casting is also a triumph. Particularly Carlos Lasarte as the old man Santini and Brendan Price as the ex-husband are very effective. The foremost of them all, however, is Jessica Del Pozo as Angela. When you´ve seen her expressive face, believe me, you won´t forget it.
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Not bad at all
17 July 2003
Once again we follow the five now college guys on their (more or less)successful sexual adventures, which lead to even more hilarious and inventive situations. The clumsy but oh so charming Jim, the two "normal" ones, Kevin and Chris, the oriental-influenced Finch and the "casanova" Stifler all go to a summer camp after their first year in college, but that´s just an excuse for more crazy stuff like in the original. Once again it should amuse most people, if they can appreciate the strong humour (the trombone scene and the meeting with the half-naked girls in the bedroom stand out). There is no new idea added to the story here. When you think about it, there is no idea to the film at all. But it squeezes everything out of its original concept and goes for pure entertainment, which is just what you get: it´s even funnier this time. Plus, the romance between Jim and Michelle is surprisingly sweet.
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Woody Allen himself
27 February 2003
After several funny farces, some romantic comedies and a heavy Bergman-influenced drama (Interiors) Allen reflects himself in this fascinating story filmed in black and white. He is the director who is surrounded by his fans, admirers and of course the young women, and we get to take part of his neuroses and private life (we know it is an Allen film). It is obvious that he has seen Fellini´s 8 1/2, but I don´t mind because this one is much more accessible and entertaining. A highly interesting film, especially for moviegoers, and the opening scene from a bus is dynamite!
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Cool and unpredictable
25 February 2003
MR. RELIABLE is a cool, relaxed and unusual mixture of comedy, crime and satire. It´s in the late sixties and Wally is a former prisoner who wants to settle down with his new girlfriend, but by a misunderstanding the couple and her little kid are trapped in a house on the Australian countryside, with the police thinking that Wally is holding the woman and the kid hostages. The film contains many charming and humoristic moments as the drama goes on, partly due to the crowd gathering outside the house. They have hippie parties and barbeques, some teenagers make love when a mother sees them, a journalist wants to interview Wally´s girlfriend about her underwear and so on. The filmmakers want to make a satire about media and people´s reactions to a tense situation, and I think they were inspired by Milos Forman´s HAIR and some "serious" hostage films. This is a cool film.
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The Shining (1980)
A Kubrick disappointment
24 February 2003
This Stephen King story a la Kubrick is hailed by many as the greatest horror film ever. Well, it´s fascinating but with major flaws. Actually, Stanley Kubrick is my favourite director and I´m a big fan of horror films, but The Shining is the only Kubrick film that hasn´t impressed me much. Kubrick has put all effort on the atmosphere, which is original and hypnotic, but although I have seen the film three times, I have never really been scared. Also, the character studies should have been better. The relationships between the family members are vaguely drawn, which makes the course of horrible events less gripping.

Yet the big empty hotel is the perfect location for an eerie atmosphere and innovative camerawork (especially when the boy rides his bike through the corridors), Jack Nicholson and Danny Lloyd as his son are perfectly cast and the last image surely gives you something to think about. However, the film works much better as a psychological thriller. I believe The Exorcist will always be my favorite horror film.
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Zombie (1979)
Lousy zombie classic
24 February 2003
To me it´s a mystery how anyone can like this so-called horror/splatter film, English-spoken but made by Italians. The direction is lousy, the script is lousy and the pacing will make most people sleep. You gore-fans out there who are planning to see this should also think again, since the gore effects are low-budget and laughable compared to George Romero´s or Peter Jackson´s films. It´s about an island outside New York where ugly zombies are walking around terrorizing the real people. Yet some people are stupid enough to sail over to the island. Fulci´s THE BEYOND is a masterpiece compared to this one. The only bright moments are the scene with a diver under the water and the somewhat clever ending, clearly inspired by DAWN OF THE DEAD, but the rest is just crap.
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