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IMDb member since January 2003
The Elephant Man (1982)
Brilliant beyond words !!
11 August 2013 - 4 out of 4 users found this review helpful.
When I saw this TV film I was totally blown away by Philip Anglim's stunning performance. The fact that he could portray Merrick's grotesque appearance WITHOUT the aid of a massive bodily make-over, but only by his ability to contort his body and facial expressions shows what an accomplished actor he is.
It kind of reminds me of the little boy who was commenting on "listening" to the radio when he said, "The pictures are better! (A PBR commercial.) Yes, indeed, our imaginations are miraculous and Anglim's astounding portrayal of the "elephant" man proves the miracle. BRAVO!!
I hope to find this on DVD somewhere, as it certainly should be in everyone's film library!
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