
3 Reviews
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Bad... just bad.
11 August 2010
I wasn't a huge fan of the first Cats and Dogs movie and I hated this one even more. This is just a series of really bad parodies thrown together, most noticeably based on the James Bond series. You will see and hear a few lines from other classics which are also done poorly. It wasn't that funny, it wasn't engaging, the special effects are behind - I don't think there is any part of this movie that was done right. I only managed to smirk two or three times during the movie, all thanks to Katt Williams, but this wasn't his thing. He is normally a lot funnier. I would much rather watch his stand up than waste money on this movie. I don't think this would be a good kids movie either since it is based on the Bond series. Could you imagine what your kid would do if they found out Kitty Galore is suppose to be Pussy Galore? It would be the perfect excuse for them to yell out "Pussy!" all the time. This movie was a bad idea before the script writer put his pen to his notepad. My recommendation is to give this movie a pass , run as far away from it as you can, and don't ever look back. It isn't even worthy of the bargain bin at a used video shop.
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Salt (2010)
Just what you would expect from an action movie... maybe a little more.
30 July 2010
I was amused by this movie, but not impressed. It has plenty of gunfire, some good explosions, a few crashes, and some brutal beatings; the plot isn't totally boring and it had some decent acting, which is more than you can expect from a typical action movie, though the plot was a little predictable. The one thing that really bothers me about this movie is the lack of character development. All the characters seem hollow, with little or no insight into their history or personality. If the writers worked a little more on this, it would have done wonders for the script. I mean the just the espionage alone is cool and all, but if you had an emotional attachment, or some sort of relation to some of the characters - well that would be interesting to say the least. The good side to the lack of character development is after you see all the explosions and firefights, it does make you wonder "Who is Salt?" On the flip-side it also makes you wonder "Do I even care?"

I guess what I'm saying is the movie had the potential to be so much more than an action movie, but it isn't. But, with that said, it is a pretty good action movie. I can't say much more without getting into some detail so I'm going to sum up with a recommendation if you're into explosions and guns and such.
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Special Effects need work
26 August 2009
After hearing some recommendations about this movie, I finally decided to watch The Fast & Furious, hoping it would exceed the low standards the previous movies in the series achieved. It aims, it shoots, and misses. The special effects were pretty, but disappointing. With all cars virtually going the same speed (which appeared to be about 50 MPH tops)and cars not damaging the way they should, this movie really bugged me since I do love speed and cars. However, it was nice to see some of the original caste, such as Vin and Paul. The plot still closely intertwined with "respect of the street" and this time a hint of revenge, and nothing makes an action movie like the drive for revenge. If you loved the first movie in the series (The Fast & The Furious), then you will probably love this one as well. As for me, this movie isn't my cup of tea and there wasn't too much to love about this movie, which is why it gets 5 stars.
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