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An offensive, sick and worthless load of garbage...
17 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Dreadful. Truly, truly dreadful. Do not watch this movie if you consider yourself to be a movie lover or someone with good taste. I consider myself to be both of these, and unfortunately I had to be put through this at school.

Basically, I sometimes find sick humour funny. For example, I find Borat hilarious. But, like with most forms of humour, there is a point where sick humour stops being funny and becomes just plain sick. Superhero Movie crosses this line within the first ten minutes. Animal sex jokes are not funny. People getting killed isn't either. Like remember in Batman Begins, when Bruce's parents are murdered? That scene brings me dangerously close to tears sometimes. And making fun of it, in a blatantly obvious parody (they might as well shout, 'We're making fun of Batman Begins!') is really pathetic, I think.

Which, of course, brings me to the fact that I do enjoy superhero films; The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, Iron Man, etc. And I can laugh at a few jokes about them (the spoofs on YouTube, for instance), but not when they're ridiculously sick and blindingly obvious. Even as a thirteen-year-old, I know that this film is in very, very poor taste. Do the makers of Superhero Movie think that the people watching it are stupid? Actually, don't answer that.
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Dull, clichéd and BORING
22 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so I never read the books, so I wasn't even willing to see Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging – I had to be put through it at school instead. And I guess I didn't really have any idea what to expect from it, other that it was probably going to be some kind of sugar-coated, superficial teen flick. And that's exactly what I got.

I'm a British teenage girl. I should have enjoyed this film, right? Wrong, I certainly didn't. Of course, this is coming from the girl whose favourite films include The Dark Knight and Indiana Jones – I've never really liked teen movies all that much, but especially the totally brain-dead ones like this.

I'll try and give a small plot summary. From what I gathered, a group of fourteen-year-old girls (who, of course, think that their parents are mortifying and that they are all ugly; I told you this film was clichéd) fall head over heels in love with two boys from their school. They then hatch a ridiculous plan to try and win them over, featuring cats and all sorts. And, of course, things don't go according to plan.

However (and luckily for me), that's how far we got – and believe me, I'm in no hurry to ever find out what happens. I'm going to stay as far away from this film as possible in the future, and I highly recommend that everyone else do the same.
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WOW, WOW and WOW again...
9 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a huge fan of the whole superhero genre, but I have always been a Batman fan - and trust me, to call The Dark Knight a superhero movie is almost an insult. Everything that (in my opinion at least) makes a film brilliant is in here - the acting is outstanding, the story is totally gripping, the musical score is brilliant, and the pacing is so fast that those 152 minutes just fly past in what seems like virtually no time at all.

The aspect of this film that I think deserves the most amount of praise is by far the acting as it really is outstanding. Believe the hype around Heath Ledger's performance especially; his portrayal of the Joker is so vivid and gripping that he is genuinely frightening in some scenes (this is definitely not a film for kids; I'm a bit surprised that it got away with a 12 certificate).

The other actor who really stands out for me is Aaron Eckhart, bringing a new depth to the character of Harvey Dent/Two-Face and completely dragging him away from comics such as The Long Halloween (as the director Christopher Nolan has done with the entire Batman franchise so far). And, of course, who can forget the performances from the actors such as Christian Bale and Gary Oldman, who are just as brilliant in this film as they were in Batman Begins.

The Dark Knight is a film that is wonderfully, brutally dark, and contributes enormously to the whole new dimension of the Batman universe that Christopher Nolan has created. It has a very deep, complex storyline, and manages to be dark without being too overpowering (there are still some laugh-out-loud moments, particularly a very memorable one involving the Joker, a bodyguard and a pencil). If you think you're ready for a Batman film that has all this and much more, then watch it. You won't be disappointed.
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