
18 Reviews
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Really poor execution of an interesting idea
15 September 2023
The idea is to enter someone's home without their knowledge and hide without being discovered for 8 hours. It seemed that two of the three were unable to focus on that simple concept, making poor decisions and snooping around, increasing the risk of being found. After watching I came to the conclusion they took the risk of being jailed for breaking and entering for such a relatively small prize because they are too stupid to hold down a real job. Even a very bad excuse of needing to make money quickly for medical reasons is not well thought out. Very poorly executed, the writing was subpar, the acting mediocre at best. Take a pass on this and watch something decent.
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Really disappointing
6 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Had a good premise but fell flat fast. Interesting story to begin with, but very uneven. Protagonist went from reluctant participant to completely ineffective and unable to make any good decision. I was really frustrated by the complete lack of competence through most of the movie, only to find some inner ninja at the last 10 minutes, absolutely not believable. I have seen this in far too many movies, and it is (to me anyway) the worst sin a director and writer can make. It is a cop out way to bring a movie to an end when you have no good ideas about how to do so. Pass this one by, it is a waste of your time.
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Dead Sound (2018)
Another college kids making stupid decisions movie
4 August 2020
Poor decisions until the end, poorly acted, very predictable, unlikable characters.
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Deadbeat (2014–2016)
Seasons 1 and 2 great, season 3 no.
15 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked Reaper and this seemed along the same lines. Really enjoyed the concept and the cast, although they could have made Pac a little smarter. In Season 3 for some reason they dropped the level of humor way down, the writing seemed weaker, almost felt like they wanted to ensure it was the last season. Enjoy first two seasons, mindless fun, and if you want to, slog through season 3.
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Villains (I) (2019)
What is to like about this?
9 May 2020
What did I absolutely hate about this? Billed as a comedy but not funny, billed as horror but not scary, and they wrote way too much dialog for it to be action. Everyone took too much talk and too long to get around to actually doing anything. This would have made it a shorter movie, but much more satisfying. Another reviewer mentioned about anti-heroes. Where they are used successfully is when you establish a connection with them, find something likeable or identifiable so you want to see them win. By the end of this I wanted everyone to die.
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Why are cops in horror movies so useless?
7 May 2020
Useless cops, stupid adults, treacherous teens, only reason I watched to the end was to see who gets caught and how. Pretty shabby. Not recommended for horror or thriller fans, or fans of good movies.
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The Mist (2017)
Most dysfunctional group ever
28 April 2020
The characters have to be the most dysfunctional group I have ever seen. They have no sense of cooperation in a crisis, too ready to kill each other or betray each other at the least provocation, they all lie to each other, even what passes for the heroes. I would not trust any of them to get me a glass of water or provide directions if I was lost. And they all make the worst decisions. Very unsatisfying season ending, will not bother with season two.
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Seriously stupid people
21 February 2020
Tragedy is this could happen because too many people are just that stupid. Best viewed as a dark comedy because that would be only way to like this movie.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Good series, but I hated the mother character.
10 February 2020
The mother (Nina) just sucks at everything. I liked the other characters, the story, and the overall concept.
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The Cabin (II) (2018)
Really very boring.
18 January 2020
Very badly written characters, no one this stupid would have lived to their age. Villain is not good, victims are pathetic, nothing about this movie will appeal to ANY fan of horror. Skip it even if you are completely bored and have no better viewing options, staring into space will be a more interesting and entertaining use of your time.
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Matriarch (I) (2018)
Really disappointing hostage movie
14 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Cannot believe how badly written these characters are. These have to be the stupidest people in Scotland. Did not like the characters, the script, just terrible. Someone kidnaps you and you have an opportunity to attack them, just do it, no hesitation and no half-hearted little slap. You are rescuing someone, you don't take time for a hug and cry, you get the hell out. Someone shooting at you, don't just stand in the bullets path. All their choices and decisions were wrong, all their actions poorly executed. Maybe it is from seeing a long string of movies with similarly stupid characters, but I just could not have hated this movie more. Would have rated negative stars for the time this movie sucked out of my life.
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Everyone in the movie is someone I would not want to know
14 January 2020
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Script not great, but the characters were all so very unlikable. Just unbearably self-centered and they are supposed to be friends but I have seen enemies that cared more for each other. Just a collection of a-holes in the woods. Really bad.
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Follows a tired and predictable formula
3 January 2020
Really poor character development, tired script, mediocre acting and oh so predictable. We are to believe these characters are capable of overcoming an attacker and then completely incompetent later. Just very bad.
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Fails on so many levels, do not watch this.
27 December 2019
As a fan of horror, and movies in general, I find this crapfest was just awful. Writing, acting, casting, camera work, wardrobe, audio, everything was just the worst. I have seen a few as bad as Blair Witch, this was actually worse. The "static" or "interference" effect on the cameras I thought was being used to mask the fact they had no real budget for a good effect, my wife mentioned that maybe they could not even afford decent remote cameras and decided to use the defect as spiritual static. Either way it became annoying very quickly. Do anything else with that hour and six minutes, your life will be better for it.
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Us (II) (2019)
Really wanted to like this movie.
31 October 2019
Another case of people making poor decisions consistently, not learning from their mistakes, which prolongs their peril (and lengthens the movie). Then, instant competence. And the one plot device with too little background, upon which the whole story is set, too much M. Night.......Watch it, but not with the hyped up expectation.
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Paints college age kids in a very bad light
21 October 2019
Yet another college kids in the woods making all the wrong decisions horror movie. With all the red flags, and second chances, they still end up badly. Waste of your time.
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Xmoor (2014)
Really bad, with characters you will really hate
18 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't hate the first five minutes, but it really went down hill fast. Matt is a terrible example of a man, started off as a bit useless and got worse as the movie progressed. I wondered why the female lead character would date him, until I saw more of her personality. A lot of horror movies consist of people making really poor choices, but this was ridiculous. What bothered me most was the same thing that I have a problem with in many of these "chased around the woods" movies, the lead character is completely incompetent for an hour and twenty minutes, then becomes an instant ninja to save themselves. You know what I mean, the girl who screams at every shadow and noise, making the location of the group known to the killer so he can hunt them all down, then when it is her own life left she is silent and deadly....unbelievably so. The time you spent to read this is time better spent than watching this movie.
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Funny Games (2007)
Terribly bad, I cannot believe people like this exist.
16 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
One of the most frustrating experiences in my recent history was watching this movie. The characters of George, Ann and Georgie were so pathetic that my wife and I both wanted to see them die. We were actually glad when there was no surprise ending that saved them. They showed much less than normal interest in events going on around them (I am not a dog owner, but if I owned one and he was barking I would check to see why), and took no real action to try to survive. This was not a psychological thriller, with you wondering what was going to happen, it was an exercise in tolerance, wondering when these pathetic excuses for human beings were going to try something to give themselves a chance to live. At one point when the kid runs off I had a shred of hope that he would do something intelligent, but he failed miserably. My wife commented, as we watched his weak attempts to climb a fence, that any kid she knew at that age could climb fences, trees, etc. And maybe I am a better man than most (if the portrayal of the husband is supposed to be typical male), but I'd be dead or nearly so before I would permit my wife and kid to be brutalized and degraded. This was a very disappointing movie, in the summary I state I cannot believe people like this exist, I am not referring to Peter and Paul, we know psychos are out there. It's the sheep that they slaughter, with no real effort to survive, that make this a truly awful viewing experience.
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