
6 Reviews
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NCIS: Being Bad (2016)
Season 14, Episode 2
Quinn, what a great addition
12 February 2024
Finally, since Kate, they got a good actress on the show and a great add to the team. Jennifer Esposito is a great actress. She was outstanding in Blue Bloods and now in NCIS. They should have kept her and sent Bishop packing. The Quinn character actually had a personality and Esposito did a great job playing her.

I think Torres is a good add. The problem is the writers trying to make McGee fill Tony's shoes which doesn't work. McGee as a character is a computer nerd. Not saying that is bad because I really like the character. He is funning, smart, and played well with Tony and Gibbs. But he isn't a character that can carry a show. But I think McGee as McGee with Quinn and Torres can carry the show. Lose Bishop because she adds nothing.
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Stargate SG-1: Heroes: Part 2 (2004)
Season 7, Episode 18
Good episode but flawed
4 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, very good episode. The premise is makes sense showing the conflict of a military leader focused on the welfare of his people and accomplishing a mission vs the press and their need to tell what is going on. Also showing the problems that can come from the Monday-morning quarterbacking that happens with so-call experts second guessing decision made under pressure during the operation of a mission. All actors involved did an outstanding job. I would recommend watching these shows.

However there is a flaw that anyone who knows combat operations would notice right away. An issue that is seen throughout this show and in other similar shows. That is allowing Dr. Frasier or anyone who doesn't have the proper combat training to go into a combat situation. In such operations, the military has combat medics, doctors, and medical personnel that are not only trained in combat medical operations but also combat operations. Even though Dr. Frasier is portrayed as a highly competent doctor, her place would be in the ER or surgery center behind the lines. In a real situation, each SG team would have an assigned combat medic and a unit like the SGC would have an emergency response team with a combat doctor. The combat medics and doctors do their best to save and stabilize the patient and then would bring the wounded to her. They are trained to do this when the bullets are flying around them. Very brave people and I've been proud to work with a lot of them. Because of her lack of combat training, she would not be sent into combat.
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NCIS: Gut Check (2013)
Season 11, Episode 9
Bishop, really a serious replacement for Ziva?!
16 October 2023
What a horrible character and actress. Bishop can't act. She has one expression for every situation. Her character is even worse. She acts like a middle school kid not a professional working for a government agency. Sitting cross-legged on a desk or floor where visitors past going to the NCIS Director's office. Really? She can't follow orders or listen to good advice from agents with years of experience. And a really unbelievable character. She weights maybe 100lbs soaking wet and later in the series, she knocks out a 250lb SF-type guy with one punch. The Gibbs of years past would have put her on the road and never considered her. My question is, who's daughter or girl friend is she. Or who lost the bet. The other question is, is she really the best actress they could find. I've seen all of the NCIS seasons a couple of times and know she stays on the show for five years. Going through the series again already looking forward to her leaving.

If it wasn't for her, this show would be pretty good. Luckily, the other characters can barely overcome her character.
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Yes it does have action but not much more
12 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very action packed episode. I didn't start watching this new version of Hawaii Five O until a couple of years ago. The first version had some pretty good actors but did have some kind of unbelievable stories here and there. Mainly the international spy stuff. Wasn't sure what to expect from this show. I was surprised by some of the actors. McGarrett, Danny, and Chin turned out to be pretty good. The others are fair. Michelle Borth is probably the worst. As an actress and the character. But the stories turned out the same as the old show. Some good ones mixed with some very unbelievable ones. This is one of the very unbelievable ones.

If you like action, no disappointment here. The bullet count has to be well over a thousand and the body count is up there also. But the writing is not that great and pretty lazy. Depending on the action. It seemed to be a cross between Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and the OK Coral. Maybe some Dirty Harry mixed in. I liked how Abby who we last saw with a gun to her head somehow got away and comes in riding Chin's $60K electric motorcycle shooting with her right hand (throttle hand) to save the day. Had a good laugh over that.

To answer the other review about how Gabriel could jump with a belly wound? The same way the villain from a couple of episodes before who had a 2-inch pipe stabbed completely through his belly and was able to pull it out and then run.

Bottom line is, this show isn't bad. Gabriel is finally caught ending that tiring phase of the show. The action is over the top but the good guys won. So for that, I would give it a 7 or 8. But the writing was pretty bad and would give it a 1 or 2.

Don't get me wrong, I like the show. It's not a bad overall. Just when they do these over-the-top unbelievable shows, it can be too much to handle.
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NCIS: Better Angels (2013)
Season 11, Episode 7
Ralph Waite, great acting
10 October 2023
I agree with the other reviewers, Ralph Waite did a great job. A very moving performance. As a retired Air Force flyer and combat veteran, I can relate to what he was feeling. Very moving. I was never bother by how Jackson acted but I was with Gibbs. His father made it clear that it was very important to him to have his son accompany him in seeing his friend. Case or not, this may be the last time Gibbs can be a part of an important event with his dad. But Gibbs made it clear that his job was more important than his dad. McGee has just over 10 years as an NCIS agent and Tony has 15 years plus as a NCIS agent and police officer. By this time, McGee and Tony each have more time as NCIS agents than Gibbs had when the show started. If Gibbs can't walk away from a case and let them handle it, then Gibbs hasn't done his job as their supervisor, trainer, and mentor. Treat them with the respect they have earned with their years of experience. The one reviewer said he want to yell at Jackson, I want to hit Gibbs and tell him to show his father more respect and love. Cases will come and go but we will see that Gibbs dad will not be around much longer. I can guarantee that Gibbs will regret how he acted toward his father.
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NCIS: Revenge (2013)
Season 10, Episode 22
Too much Super Woman
3 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really like NCIS and in most episodes, I can tolerate superwomen characters of Ziva and Ellen but this show really pushes it too far. In in a major car crash. A large SUV modified for the crash with a heavy duty bush guard hits her side of the car going probably 40+ mph. Cadillac safety feathers or not, she would have survived but her right side would have been severely injured. Probably with broken ribs, arm, and shoulder. But it does not really phase her. She draws her gun with her right hand and shoots at the escaping car. Within hours, she fine. Just a little sore. No marks or cuts from the flying glass. The next day she is working out and then goes rouge taking on a ship of bad guys. I understand that action sales but at least try to be a little realistic. At least Tony was acting like he had been in an accident.

Another comment. Tony works for the government and his Mustang and Cadillac were crashed while performing his job. He is able to submit a claim to the government. Easily justifiable. I should know, I have worked for the government for over 43 years. There a again, a little research can go a long way in making these shows more believable.
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