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Gojira -1.0 (2023)
That was really good
When I went to go see this movie, I was not expecting much. I just thought it would be another Godzilla movie, with shallow characters and a horrible story, but it was completely the opposite. When I was only 15 minutes in I was already surprised by how good it was. As it went on it just kept getting getting better. The storyline was actually amazing. Also the acting, and direction were soooo good. Although, I thought the film was great, there were a couple things that annoyed me. One: being Godzilla was way too overpowered, Two: being the main characters had too much plot armor. But, the thing that blew those last to facts away was just how incredible the characters were, they were so well written and actually had emotions. Some of the scenes were so powerful that I got the chills while watching. I was extremely impressed that this was just a Godzilla film, because it works on so many levels. It's a must watch for Godzilla fans.
Black Adam (2022)
This film is a huge mess. There is way too much CGI, and the plot is garbage. It's extremely bleak, and is just another stupid DC film that just exists to make money. I could barely sit through it. All the characters are shallow, and you do not connect with any of them. This movie is a complete waste of money. I have seen some pretty bad superhero movies, but this one takes the cake. Even though my family have done family movie night for 5 years, this have been the worst film we have watched by far. Although I'm only 12 years old this might be my least favorite movie of all time. If I could rate this a 0/10 I definitely would.