
6 Reviews
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Damaged (2024)
Slow burn, obvious clues missed, largely dissappointing
12 April 2024
Movie in English and modern times, set in Scotland, but apart from the establishing shots, it's not possible to confirm location by watching the movie.

Plot: Unlikely investigation of Chicago police office being transfered to "Scotland" to conclude an investigation into a grisly serial killer who's kill signature follows through to Scotland.

What new in the movie genre is the slow burn on the plot. Well sit back, this one takes slow burn to new heights. The Scottish detective stumbles along and draqs the viewer with him and a yawn fest.

The resolve is as unsatisfying as the logic and missed clues pepering the movie. Jackon's performance is way below the standard we hold for him, and it does put a dissappointing stamp on a dissappointing outing.
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Why are people will to believe invented, manufactured lies.
30 March 2024
This is a documentry in English based in USA and covers the trails (two of them) that held Alex Jones accountable for lies and harressment of the families who lost their children and other loved one during the aftermath of Sandy Hook killings.

For me it was heartbreaking to watch. The pain and suffering one would experience when loosing a child that young is, described in vivid detail. (I have used the word loss twice now, please remember this word means murder, and killing).

Some reviews here still show a belief that this event never happened, so devasting was the reach of Alexs Jones. Its a tragedy, and in some way ALL Americans are responsibile for the murders of the 26 people, most children under six years. The Americans share the responsibility as they have failed to secure their gun laws so damaged people like Adam Lanza (the murderer) could not kill so many and so many so young.

It might be easier to believe that this never happened, than to say did we do all we could to prevent this from happening? Should we attack our laws, our legislator, our morality?

But instead of doing that, people looked to hid behind the lies of this man, this broken, pain inflicting man, this Alex Jones. The fear of loosing their guns sems to give people a right to lash out and inflict further pain on strangers than to acknowledge the truth.

Alex Jones lied.

The court found that he had lied.

This documentry is ablout his lies, and the continuation of him lying.

Sadly though; people will continue to believe lies no matter what truth they are presented. And era of the avoidance of truth seems just to have began!

Do watch this, no matter your beliefs.
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Criminal Record (2024– )
Good vs Evil in a tense secret hidden police drama
8 February 2024
Set in modern day England, with spoken language English this is a drama of the machination inside a police investigative unit.

Both actors are equal to the task of sinister and outraged as the plot of a of a womans emergency call comes under scrutinity. The caller reports against her boyfriend and lets slip that he has killed previously, however, an innocent man is serving the sentence.

The investingting officer (Cush Jumbo) runs into procedual red tape when bumping against a senior office with good standing (Peter Capaldi). He is just the right amount of menacing and escalates his level of intimidation throung the six episoides so far.

Brillantly engaging we hope the concluding shows bring this to a great finale and not drag out as is the like of other British shows.

Expectantly waiting over here.
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Lovely costumes and good looking period piece, but...
28 November 2023
Set in Victorian London, this english speaking piece colourfully depicts the period full of both Dicken's like characters to the hopes and dreams of it royals.

The plans to costruct the crystal palace are on display and various characters compete for the rights to exhibit. This is entertwined into our visually remarkable show. After watching two of the series, the line between the classes has not been defined and the posh accents mingle with the commons with far too much ease.

The story is explained as twin sisters, one ravished with rements of small pox, the other untarnished, and their struggles in a shop that macabrely recreates look a like dolls to reflect the customers children, dead or alive.

One of the sisters has the ambition to reach greater heights and this is where the plot abandons me. You are left wondering why the title would not be related to the plot, or why the characters seem aimless and drifting through life? Is this a drama or a melodrama? Are we about to be inflicted with a hundred episoides that go no where?

Personally I have surrended all interest after episode number two, however, perhaps others will find joy here?
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Pain Hustlers (2023)
Greed versus guilt in this very entertaining moive
6 November 2023
Set in modern times, we follow a single mom down on her luck, who takes on a position in pharmaceutical sales.

A story not new to our news cycles, nor our movies channels. The plucky young company that has a radical product, however, they soon become blinded by pursuit of profits. The task of the pig headed boss falls to Andy Garcia and bring to the role just the right amount of billionare hubris.

Demanding we engage in the movie it's lead role is emblished by Emily Blunt. Her crisis of concious is quite believable and her internal dialouge seems plausaible, unlike her southern drawl that dims then disappears. However, that aside her performance is as expected, stellar.

If you have the chance, do watch, it's quite the education.
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Devs (2020)
In part this is an attempt to discuss Free Will
10 October 2023
This discussion on Free Will almost takes this to religious heights, as a programer (Karl Glusman) is selected for the highest tier of the technology company. However, tradegy soon strikes.

His beautiful. Girl friends (Sonoya Mizuno) investigates. And soon bumps up against the owner of the company (Nick Offerman). These encounters soon reveal the free will debate. Ofcourse the characters act out the preset future and we painfully watch the inevitable conclusion.

Predictability our heroine saves the day and wins the argument that free will is volitile, or does she prove that it is not volitle? This slow burn wins only one argument, why on earth would it matter.

Sonoya Mizuno does win the argument that she looks amazing through out, and expecially in a vest and underware!
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