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Les pêcheurs (2013–2017)
An excellent and refreshing comedy that reminds summer.
13 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The series Les Pêcheurs is one of my favorite comedies of the last decade. I watched a few episodes during reruns on television, however, I only got hooked by watching the complete series last summer.

The series sells the talented humorist Martin Petit, who owns a chalet. Each week, with a new guest from the artistic field, we follow a new adventure at the chalet. Although this concept may seem a bit repetitive, the series does a good job when it comes to creating stories that are captivating, even when watching several episodes in a row. I would even say that as the seasons progress, the stories become more and more ambitious and pleasant to watch, which makes the series even more qualitative, even though I feel like the quality does dip midgley after that main, unexpected incident in Le Karaoké (S04E02). It goes without saying that charged episodes are sometimes a con in a 20 minutes episode, since they try to tell too many mini-stories in one main one which can sometimes be disorienting and confusing. In my opinion, Fear of the Clowns (S01E12), is the perfect example of a "too-much-charged" episode. In it, the theme of fear and worries is well exploited, it's funny and the rhythm is quite good, however, we see several mini additional adventures that aren't really related to the main one, even if everything does make sense at the end. Namly, there's Dominique and André sharing their fears, the different products created by Dominique and Martin who's drowning. It becomes difficult to explain to someone and reflect on what the episode is about,

As for the writing, it's pretty well done too! Every episode contains enough goofy elements to make people laugh at least a few times, quite expected for a comedy. Speaking of jokes, an episode is usually composed of a mix of absurd jokes, sometimes awkwardness and advanced jokes, which can appeal to any type of viewer. Basically, having jokes setted that way helps when watching for the first time, as if you miss a thoughtful joke, it'll be supported by an absurd one shortly after, so you don't often feel like you've missed something too much important. Needless to say that rewatches brings a second lecture to the episodes, as you might understand some thoughtful jokes you've missed on first rewatch.

I would also like to add that although the series is considered to be comedic, it happens that we see scenes in the middle or at the end of the episode where the comedians are fishing and having a good time together, enjoying beers, laughing and just enjoying their lives. I think that's precisely what connects me and attracts me the most to the series ; It reminds us of summer memories, and good times with friends, by sharing moments that we can relate to.

It is for all these reasons that I sincerely believe that the series Les Pêcheurs deserves such a note. Whether it's the writing quality of the episodes, the jokes or the sequences of good times with friends that bring back good memories, everyone will be able to find a charm in this series!
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Show Me Going (2018)
Season 5, Episode 20
Heartwarming and captivating!
1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A very good episode.

Some seem to have been disappointed by the dramatic atmosphere that this episode spreads, but personally, I liked it. That the series shows us that it is not just humorous, but that it can sometimes be emotional and stressful, that pleases me a lot.

Precisely, if we dwell on the main story, I would say that it was probably one of the most captivating of the season. Of course, Rosa is expected to come out unscathed, since episodes often end without consequence, but I was still eager to see what happened. What I found successful is that despite this atmosphere, the writers still managed to place a few jokes to make the episode less heavy, and it doesn't seem forced! If I can complain about one element of this story, it's that I would have liked Rosa to tell a little about what had happened, instead of playing the "I don't want to talk about it" card.

The B-plot with Gina and Amy was good. I'd say out of all the side stories on the show, it definitely wasn't the best, but a few jokes still helped. The C-plot was also good to follow, without being excellent either.

A good episode, which stands out for its gripping main story, but also delivers a lot of emotions and keep it's touch of humor that we've been used to for 5 seasons already.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: DFW (2018)
Season 5, Episode 17
Pretty interesting and quite good!
30 April 2022
We can all agree that the Cold Open is probably one of the most memorable and iconic of the entire series. However, I saw several comments saying that the episode was not good, which rather surprised me, since I really enjoyed it.

Indeed, I really like when the episodes go outside the ordinary frame of the series, in this case, when the characters are not solving crimes or investigating. So I have to say that taking an interest in Jake's family pleased me a lot, and that it was a brilliant idea, even if other series have already tried the case. The story followed well, I liked the fact that there is a contrast between the two characters, knowing that Kate is rather delinquent, and that Jake is part of the NYPD. This story had a good ration of jokes, and it flowed well.

If we talk about the secondary stories, I would say that the two were not great, but they complemented each other well. On the one hand, the B-plot with Holt, Terry and Charles had a rather interesting story to follow, without a lot of jokes, whereas the C-plot was more joke-oriented, with a story being less memorable.

In short, I would say that this episode is still well done. The main story manages to juggle the jokes and the story well, making it all interesting to watch, while the two side stories, together, manage to entertain the viewer quite well. Without forgetting to mention, once again, that this Cold Open is simply unforgettable and cult!
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Captain Latvia (2016)
Season 4, Episode 10
Worst Christmas episode, although not awful
23 April 2022
I'm quite surprised by the two super serious negative reviews of this episode. It sure was the least interesting and memorable Christmas episode we've had so far, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

I liked the main story of Boyle in search of Captain Latvia. I have to say that knowing practically nothing about Latvian culture, none of the details about the country really made me lose interest of the episode itself. Although the story was not the most thrilling, and some parts were long and non-interesting, I liked seeing Charles getting involved in the case to make Nikolaj happy for his first Christmas. The jokes weren't the funniest, but it was a nice addition, as some really worked well.

The B-plot story with the singing competition wasn't the most gripping story either, but a few jokes were still worth it. It wasn't particularly good, but it was enjoyable overall.

All in all, I'd say this is the worst Christmas episode we've had so far. However, Charles going "Full Boyle" for his son's hapiness, and Jake's and Boyle's chemistry always work for me. Not desatrous, I guess i'd be willing to watch it on occasions.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: House Mouses (2016)
Season 3, Episode 16
A pure sweet from start to finish!
18 April 2022
Probably one of the jewels of this third season. It was a real pleasure to see Hitchcock and Scully in the field with the others, and I think it was just a brilliant idea. This story also brought a good batch of jokes, all of which were really funny. I'd be really down to see them solve cases with the others on occasion.

Otherwise the B-plot was really fun to watch. Nothing too big was going on, but it was satisfying to see the girls confront their fears, which brang a bunch of jokes that were hilarous.

Finally, the C-plot was a little less interesting than the others. It was a little strange to see Holt being so admiring, that he forgets to do his job, since he's usually so much into work. Again, the jokes saved this okayish plot, making it quite enjoyable nonetheless.

A very good episode overall!
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Cruise (2016)
Season 3, Episode 13
Another refreshing episode
18 April 2022
I must say that the episode was quite enjoyable to follow. However, I expected a little better. I like the character of the Pontiac Bandit a lot, due to his strange chemistry with Jake, but I found that his presence in this episode was a little pushed, although pleasant. Indeed, I think this story could've had a completely different twist, and be just as much fun to watch, maybe even more. That said, several jokes were on point, and it was pretty entertaining.

Holt's side story with his sister brought up a lot of relevant jokes, and it was interesting to learn more about his relatives, since Holt is nearly never talking about it.

Also, Boyle and Rosa's story was nice. Unpretentious, it flowed well, and was a nice addition to the other two stories.

In my humble opinion, this episode was a bit below my expectations, but still probably among the best of the season, because of the main story that goes out of the usual frame and the great jokes brought by all three stories.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Mattress (2015)
Season 3, Episode 7
It was not the most interesting episode, but it holds the average of the season.
18 April 2022
It wasn't a hugely memorable episode, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Indeed, the story of Jake and Amy having to work together, and at the same time, deal with their life as a couple and work was rather pleasant to watch, and there were, as always, a few jokes to compensate for the slower moments.

Otherwise, the two secondary stories were also interesting. On the one hand, I liked seeing the more vulnerable side of Rosa, much when she takes care of her "little brother" in this episode, or when she adopts a puppy, later in the season. Finally, the story of Boyle and Holt was pleasant to watch, and rather funny.

In short, the episode does not particularly stand out from the others, apart from the story of Jake and Amy, but it maintains the average formula of the episodes of this season.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Hostage Situation (2016)
Season 3, Episode 11
Least enjoyable episode of the season, though fine
16 April 2022
I don't know what happened with this episode, but it's probably one of the first ones that I didn't really like.

The main story with Boyle wanting to get his cum back wasn't entirely bad, it could have been an interesting story, however, I didn't really care about it most of the way, but I couldn't tell why. Apart from a few exceptions, there weren't really any jokes that I enjoyed in this story. Seems like I would've preferred to see it as a side story, with a more interesting one as the main.

The two side stories were also average, the story of Amy's letter of recommendation was a little funny, but not very interesting. The other one with Rosa, Holt and Gina, wasn't really interesting either, nothing much happened, and jokes didn't make it any better.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Yippie Kayak (2015)
Season 3, Episode 10
Definetly a worth-watching Christmas Special
16 April 2022
Probably my favorite Christmas episode out of the three the series has offered us so far.

In the main story, the atmosphere of suspense, even for a comedy series, was really intriguing and enjoyable to follow. The fact that it's Jake and Boyle, who, for once, are in danger, really pleased me. Otherwise, Gina was definitely a mainstay in the episode, just the fact that she was a civilian in danger with two police officers was brilliant and provided a whole host of funny jokes.

Then, the secondary story with Holt, Amy and Rosa was nice, without being hugely interesting or funny, it was decently good!

There was also the story of Terry having to submit to The Vulture's orders, which was kind of comical as well. I liked the idea that he had to either respect his superior's orders, or make his own decisions in order to help his friends.

In short, this is definitely a highly enjoyable episode due to its well-written stories and hilarious jokes.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Swedes (2015)
Season 3, Episode 9
Rather interesting and fun to watch!
16 April 2022
Another pretty good episode. The main plot about the whole competition between the Swedish co-workers and Jake and Rosa was interesting. It brang some funny jokes and I like how Jake cares about his relationship with Rosa. As others mentionned, despite the Swedish co-workers are clearly not speaking proprely, it didn't annoy me enough to dislike them.

Then, the two secondary stories are also intended to be as interesting. On the one hand, seeing Charles in his whole intensity was really entertaining, and the trio of Terry, Amy and Gina is always a perfect mix so far!

Good episode, which manages to maintain a good balance between jokes and captivating stories.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Slump (2013)
Season 1, Episode 3
Least favorite of the season, but it holds up as a fine episode
12 April 2022
In my opinion, this is the worst episode of the season. However, I wouldn't say that it is absolutely bad and that everything is to be thrown away.

I think one of the things that I don't like about the episode is the pacing, which is pretty slow, and not a lot is going on, except for Jake's bad luck. There's also Amy's story, which I remember almost nothing of it. Nonetheless, I want to say that Terry's story is just adorable and it brings in a few jokes that help the episode be a little more enjoyable to watch.

In short, due to the lack of action and atmosphere, I'm not fond of this episode, although it is not terribly bad.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Pilot (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
Decently well-written pilot that started it all!
12 April 2022
Good pilot episode for a majestic series. I must say that I absolutely did not expect to embark on the series. Initially, I simply wanted to compare the original version to the Quebec version, which causes so much controversy. And then finally, I'm really satisfied with this episode.

The characters, the crazy universe and the humor is very well established. Sure, it's not the funniest or most meaningful episode, but I think it establishes the roots of the show very well. After watching it, I knew that I would definitely watch more.

Pretty good pilot, that sets a beautiful, promising and brilliantly written series!
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Les Honorables (2019–2022)
Extremely addictive thriller
6 March 2022
A rather interesting series that enters deeply into the subject from the first episodes.

I couldn't say if I adored or just liked the series, but it was frankly interesting to follow. The script is well written and I found that the cast played competently for most scenes. I also found the cast really diversified and well chosen.

Although the storyline and the idea of revenge is greatly interesting, I thought that some episodes dive too deeply into this subject, to the point that some characters make rash and absurd decisions, especially knowing that they've been judges since several years and that they know the legal system. A simple example to demonstrate what I just said is that they repeatedly hide to the police some evidence that could arrest the main criminals, because they want to do the operation their own way. I would also add that a few scenes were predictable, but not as much as some people have said.

In the end, Les Honorables is an intense and addictive series that was brilliantly written. We fully feel what the Dessureaux are going through and we can only have empathy for them. I would totally recommend it if you're willing to give it a bit of time to truly develop itself, wether it's for the characters or the story.
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Taxi 0-22 (2007– )
You'll never feel closer to a taxi driver than with Rogatien
6 March 2022
At first glance, you might be hesitant to watch the series because of its repetitive concept and the fact that it aired nearly 15 years ago, at least I surely was. But if you manage to get over it, you should be able to enjoy this TV series which brilliantly satirizes the people of Quebec in a absurd, funny way, without being shocking or inappropriate.

The main character, Rogatien Dubois Jr is perfect in his role; A character who argues with everyone due to his different opinions, but who still has a charming, endearing and comical personality. In later seasons, we can even notice that some of his perceptions have changed and that he has greatly evolved as a person, while always keeping his kinda grumpy personality, and that's what I really liked about the series.

It is certain that for non-Quebecers, this series may be less appealing, since the jokes and the various caricatures relay a lot about Quebec culture, but I still think that if you're able to find subtitles or know a minimum of Canadian French, you will be able to appreciate it.
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