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The wife had a well plan for her weekend-schedule to meet and sleep with her lover after work.
8 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed watching this drama and rewatched it again. The actings of all leads and supporting roles were superb. The more one tried to understand the wife, the more one might dislike her ... and it was hard to sympathize her.

Below is the SPOILER. Please ignore it if you want to continue watching this drama series.

At home, when the husband and his cheating wife were talking about her upcoming weekend's schedule, he told her that his colleague saw her and a MAN at a cafetiria outside the office. She did not show any suspicious manner to reply him and continued acting busy in chatting on her phone. He then asked her if she could pick up their son at a Nursery school b/c he was not available. The story showed that the wife thought a bit and still did not show any suspicious manner in saying that it should be fine b/c her office meeting activity would end at 6 PM. But actually she and her lover went to join the office meeting together and had an appointment to sleep together after their office meeting ended around 3 PM. So, she dared to face and pick up her son at school after she slept with another man who was not his father.

It could be seen when the husband wanted to further ask his wife more about the office meeting, she did not want to answer those questions and walked away.

After the office meeting ended, the husband saw his cheating wife walking with her lover along the Hotel hallway to pick up a Hotel room key card to commit adultery at around 4 PM. So, she early LIED in front of her husband's face "without any suspicious manner" about her office meeting timing.

How could the husband trust the cheating wife any more in the later story?
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Is Surface Tension a reasonable excuse to have an affair?
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am a bit confused about the story in this EP. The husband's colleague told him that she well understood the cheating wife that she had to work so hard up to be a perfect career mom and gave him the example of surface tension of last drop of water on the full glass water which, IMO, sounded UNREASONABLE.

If the cheating wife, whom worked so hard up to the limit, asked the husband for help BUT he did not do or ignore it, the surface tension and a last drop of water might be a reasonable (though not acceptable) excuse to understand why the cheating wife betrayed her husband b/c she needed someone which was supposed to be her husband to protect and comfort her before the last drop of water dropping on the full glass of water .... When it happened, the cheating wife did NOT share her burdens to the husband for help BUT CHOSE another man to be her savior.

Cheating is her choice. Continuing the affair is also her choice.
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The husband wanted to forgive his wife's affair but could not forget the image of his wife being hold by another man.
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The written story of this EP is quite interesting. I really like what Tuna Mayo said that although the husband might do something wrong, the wife could not use it as an excuse to cheat on him. If she was not happy about their marriage life, she should talk with the husband or divorced him ..... So, cheating is on the cheater but not on the husband. Anyway, in the previouse EP, after the cheating wife had realized how much her husband loved her, she wanted to reconcile with him. She had asked the husband in the blog if he could forgive his wife's affair and understood that the husband might forgive her. Then the story shows that although the husband wants to forgive her, he can not forget the image of his wife and her lover being together. Viewers could expect what kind of (disgusting) imaginations that the husband has in his head which he can not force himself to touch his wife. The bottom line is that he CAN NOT FORGIVE his wife's affair guilt.

I am a bit confused about the written's story when the cheating wife and her husband visited her dad's upcountry home to inform him about their divorce .... Her dad said it was his fault that made them to divorce ... then the husband said it was also his fault that he could not take care of the wife ... but the cheating wife kept quiet while her affair's guilt was much worse than the the husband's fault in not noticing her hardship to be a perfect career mom. Why did the wife not say anything about her guilt? ... Was she too ashamed to say anything?

A question that I have after watching this EP is if her son should stay with her after the divorce. We know that she loves her son and has done so many things for him. However, when her son grows up and asks her what was the reason that his parent divorced, does she dare to tell her son the truth that she had an affair with another man whom was her savior from the overworks and hardship to be a perfect career and housewife and she was happy when being with him? And if she lies to her son and her son finds out the truth later, he will be so much disappointed about his mom's behavior.
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Valid Love: Episode #1.20 (2015)
Season 1, Episode 20
Love Triangle .... The Husband vs Young Wife vs Young Handsome Lover
1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed watching this drama. ML, FL, and second ML performed excellently. Their characters were not much complicated to understand why they felt happy/ sad/ angry, why they were selfish or greedy, etc. In their ways.

THE HUSBAND .... HT was so much hurt when discovering IR's affair. He could not forgive IR's affair guilt and insisted to divorce her. BUT when he realized how much IR loved him, he wanted to take her back. However, IR denied him b/c she was also hurt that HT did not forgive and insisted to divorce and pushed her to leave him.

THE LOVER ..... KJ was single who worked alone and had no relatives. The lover's character was a childish boy whom did whatever he wanted without any much consideration in LOVE. He felt in love with a married woman (IR) and just wanted her to be with him. He even showed his (unacceptable) aggressive behavior when he saw IR dancing with her being ex-husband in her in-law's house. KJ was also inconsiderate and even wanted to take IR with him and left her hometown to stay away from her being ex-husband's family.

THE WIFE ..... IR met a young handsome Carpenter KJ who was around her age and was infatuated by him. She created a Love Triangle situation but when IR realized what she was doing was wrong, she wanted to stop her emotional affair with her lover. Unfortunately, her husband found out her affair before she ended her realtion with her lover.

I did not much like IR's character much in this drama that she always gave a hope or expressed her care to Carpenter KJ implying that she still thought of him even during the period when she was trying very hard to beg her husband's forgiveness. She said to her sister, mom, and her husband that she would NOT see KJ any more, however, when she unintentionally met KJ, she always showed her care and gave hopes to him.

When Carpenter KJ and IR argued in KJ's workshop that he did not want IR to stay in her in-law's house and asked IR "what he meant to her". IR replied that she followed her heart to be with him and she stayed in the in-law's house b/c she did not want anyone to think that she left the in-law family b/c of KJ. Her words seemed confusing if she followed her heart to be with KJ, she should early accept her husband's divorcing proposal and left him to stay with KJ. At almost the ending story, when IR denied to leave her hometown and stay with Carpenter KJ, KJ ended the relationship with her. Next day, after IR talked with her old school-friend and thought "what she had done", she then called Carpenter KJ .... What was the reason that she called KJ ... to comfort him ? ... to show her care to him? ... Or else ???.

Lastly, after IR left the hospital, she decided to end her love to both her husband and her lover and leave them. Her husband also narrated that IR "no longer" loved him any more when he read her good-bye letter. It was so confusing when IR met her husband in one day, her heart fluttered and later reconnected with him. Was IR not able to end her love to the husband?
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The affair relationship between the cheaters is so confusing.
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This EP is quite confusing when I rewatch it again to better understand the wife's character and try to sympathize her. BUT the more we try to understand her, the more we may dislike her.

The early drama story showed us that the cheating wife intentionally lied in front of her husband's face to sleep with her lover in a Hotel room. She even kissed her hand given to her lover when he wanted to hold her hand after he drove her off at home in one late night (after off-hour working ... or after doing something else ?) with a sweet smile. In the following night at home, when her husband was asking her about the upcoming weekend office-work activity, it seemed that she did NOT want to talk much about the weekend work when her husband asked questions .... The story also portrayed that the cheating wife did not show any suspicious manner when talking with her husband although she had a plan to sleep with another man on that day and also thought that she was able to pick her son in a Nursery school after she HAD SLEPT with that man. The story also tells us that the her lover is her project's partner whom she has met quite often and she is so happy when being with him since the affair relationship started about six months ago.

Then after the cheating wife and her lover was caught up red-handed and during the three-confrontation in a Hotel room, the cheating wife's lover said in front of her husband that he LOVED the cheating wife. The story shows us both cheaters want to stop the affair after it is caught-up. It is not quite clear if the cheating wife wants to "temporarily" stop the affair relationship b/c she did not correct her words when talking with the husband at home. In this EP, her lover decides to completely end the relationship to save his family and removes her out from the project. HOWEVER, when they both talk in the office, why does the wife NOT express her upset or disappointing or sadness feelings at all when talking with her lover BUT "too" simply accept her removal from the project that she has worked so hard?

WHY does the cheaters' affair relationship break-up so EASY? The cheating wife heard her lover saying to her husband in the Hotel room that he loved her ... and she herself was happy when being with him and even intentionally lied so many things in front of her husband's face to be with him. Is the cheating wife's character as the door-mat person type ... or does she feel so much passionately in love with her lover and accepts whatever he wants?
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The wife does not show any suspicious manner in front of her husband that she is cheating on him.
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
ML and FL perform excellently and it is looked naturally.

Wow .... It will be sad if the wife is "really" cheating on her husband. She tells her husband that she has to leave the house for a late night work BUT why she dresses up so nicely for off-hour work at night? Question is if she really goes out for a late night work or meets someone else? ..... And then when a person (her lover ?) drops her off at home and wants to hold her hand, she kisses or blows her hand given to him with a sweet smile? Later at home, the wife does not show any suspicious manner at all (if she has another man) when she talks in front of her husband.

When the husband tries to question her about her current works, it seems that she does NOT want to answer her husband's questions and acts liked she is so busy in chatting with the Mom's chat group.

If the wife is cheating on her husband and the husband does NOT intentionally find out the text message on her phone, it seems that he will be cheated forever !!!
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The cheating wife says that she herself can stand BUT can NOT stand if the husband and family will be hurt if her affair's identity is exposed into the Net community.
17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The story seems a bit confusing. In the previous EPs, the story clearly showed us that the cheating wife confessed her affair guilt to her MIL. Her husband's team colleagues already knew about her affair. All of her office's colleagues questioned and talked behind her back what was the reason (affair ?) that she had been suddenly removed from the on-going project which she was being in charge and doing it well. So, groups of people around her and her husband already know about her betrayal.

When the cheating wife tells her husband on phone that she herself can stand if her ID is exposed in the Net community BUT can NOT stand that her husband and family will be hurt. This statement is NOT quite correct and it seems that she may want to protect herself .... Her husband has been HURT already since she had intentionally lied in front of his face to sleep with her lover and he caught-up her affair red-handed in the Hotel.
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The cheating wife tells her husband why she has an affair. Was her excuse believable and reasonable?
15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The actings of ML and FL are great and naturally.

In the previous EP, the story showed us that she kept pushing her husband to find a camera-man (to help her burden) to satisfy the Mom-group. So, it seemed that she did not have any communication issue in sharing her burden to her husband asking for help. Then the story also shows that her husband was a good person and helped her by saying to the Mom-group that he would try to get one although he was still upset and hurt due to her affair. So, why did she NOT communicate her other early issues to the husband for help rather than having an affair?

The wife's character is quite confusing to understand and it is hard to sympathy her as the victim of her affair. The cheating wife wanted to be a perfect career mom and housewife. She tells her husband that she was exhausted but did not dare to share her issues to the husband b/c of the perfect wife image. She says that she has not had time to be herself and could NOT even complete reading a book and fix her worn-out shoes .... Then when she was exhausted and another man noticed her weakness and comforted her, she felt happy in being with that man and dared to sleep with him (only ONCE ? As told in the story). She still met her lover whom was her company's partner without any thinking to break-up the (emotional) affair relationship until her husband caught-up her and her lover at the Hotel. .... Viewers could see in the early EP on how she missed her lover and even kissed or blew her hand given to him when he wanted to hold her hand after he dropped her off at home in one late night. Her not-enough time excuse does NOT make much sense. If she did not really have time to fix her worn-out shoes as claimed, I do not really understand how having an affair with another man will resolve her to manage her (not-enough) time at all b/c she still had so many overloaded works to do? .... But having an affair, how could she magically arrange her inadequate time to do her overloaded works and at the same period, how she could meet her lover in any cafeteria outside the office and arrange her time to sleep with her lover?

If the husband did NOT intentionally find out the text message in her cell phone, the cheating wife and her lover would continue committing adultery again and again.

In this EP, she encounters her husband if he had an affair before. Viewer may suspect that she might know her husband's secret affair or the husband had also cheated on her. BUT the story does not clearly show that the husband has had any affair during their marriage. So, what is the reason that she wants to ask this question to the husband? The written story seems to show that the husband's fantasy thinking VS his wife's obvious betrayal.

Cheating is her choice and continuing the affair is her intention. The wife has betrayed her husband and had another man in her heart since the affair started and did not deny her lover's desire when he wanted to sleep with her. This is NOT a ONE-TIME mistake as the Song Lyric says.
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The cheating wife admits that she has been happy when being with another man during the affair.
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I suspected that the cheating wife might fall passionately in love with her lover during the affair due to her expressions when being with that man ... and this EP confirms when she admits that she has been happy when being with her lover for half a year and did not think to end the affair relationship if her husband did not find out. Although she slept with her lover ONCE, her mistake was not a ONE-TIME mistake or one-night stand. The cheating wife has betrayed her husband and had another man in her heart since the affair started and did not deny her lover's desire to sleep with her and even dared to lie in front of her husband's face to sleep with her lover. She even dared to pick up her son at a nursery school after she had slept with another man.

The husband's written character is so confusing. The story early showed us that he is an indecisive person whom thinks many times before making any decision. But when he makes his decision, that's it. He is so much hurt that he can not forget the image of his wife being with another man which leads to the divorce decision. The story says that the husband tries to forgive BUT can NOT FORGET his wife's affair guilt ..... It means that he eventually can NOT FORGIVE his wife's affair. Then after their divorce for a few or several months, how can the husband ERASE his painful memory and wants to be back to his wife? This painful memory due to his wife's affair (physically and emotionally) will take years or forever to forget and forgive.

The cheating wife's character is also disappointing. Yes, she regrets about her affair guilt but her "sorry" actions or expressions to the husband seem simply and generally. ..... If she really feels truly sorry to the husband, after she read from the blog that her husband had expected her to knee down and begged for forgiveness, why did she NOT do it? The adulterous wife has not done much things which is clearly seen in the show to get her husband back !!! ... She just only cries and cries.

The ending story should be enough up to the point that they divorce and stay with only friend relationship to raise their child together .... The written story should not be hardly pushed such that the husband could forget his painful memory and ignore his nice neighbor who wants to develop further relationship with him and probably goes back to be with his cheating wife.
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The cheating wife plays role as the Victim of her own affair
3 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The cheating wife had NOT denied her lover's desire to sleep with her BUT dared to lie in front of her husband's face about her office meeting activity to commit adultery without any shame to face and pick up her son at a Nursery school after sleeping with her lover.

Why does the cheating wife NOT DARE to CLARIFY her wordings of stopping the relationship with her lover "for now" to "from now on" to the husband when he is so upset?

When the cheating wife and her husband both firstly talk at home in the following night, she says to the husband that she does not want to deceive him BUT she does not openly tell him the whole affair story. She tells the husband that she did not have an affair to divorce him ..... BUT, in fact, she had SLEPT with her lover and continued her affair relationship with another man for about half a year. The story shows that the husband pushes her the question if she had slept with her lover before. Although she feels upset and does not want to answer this question, she dares to encounter him that she has missed her lover all the times after accepts that she and her lover already slept together. It seems that the cheating wife does not yet feel guilty about her affair and does not much care how much the husband is hurt.
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Crazy and Funny Movie
21 August 2022
This K-movie is a funny movie. I enjoy watching it very much. All four male and female casts perform superb.

Not only Mi Young's husband had an affair .... But Mi Young, herself, also had an affair with her worker.

Just wonder if Mi Young's husband or her affair partner is the Father of her baby? In the most ending story, when a woman tells Mi Young's husband at the Park that his baby looks like him, Mi Young, her brother, and her brother's girl-friend turn their heads so quickly which seems that they have something in their minds? Do thye not want Mi-Young's husband to question or suspect anything about the baby?
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Great movie and storyline
20 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is one of the great K-movies. The storyline, IMO, was "partially" adapted from the old (excellent) movie namely "The Sixth Sense" performed by Bruce Willis about 20 years ago ..... ML performs excellently in this K-drama. His acting is so emotional and looked real and naturally.

This K-movie storyline tells us the husband's sad story and what he missed in life ... but I dislike a (hidden) questionable scene which is shown in several K-movies or K-dramas which makes Viewers create their own imaginations based on the given storyline. For example, this K-movie portrays a questionable short scene if the wife slept with her neighbor and cheated on her husband. However, in the meantime, the story portrays that she is a good wife who is trying to bring the husband to stay with her in Australia and shows her care and love to her husband. So, why did the K-Writer need to add a hidden scene showing that they kiss together (and then ??) rather than making the scene more clearer in showing that both the wife and her neighbor slept together on bed or showing their taken clothes out left on the floor without SEX? With this kind of unclear story ,,, and by our own imagination, it is hard to truly sympathize to the wife at the end.
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Valid Love (2014–2015)
Love Triangle between High Ego Husband vs Devoted Housewife vs Young and Handsome Lover
25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This review may contain SPOILERS.

I just completely watched this drama in July'22. I loved the great actings of all ML, FL, and second ML in this drama.

IMO ... The wife IR loved her husband HT but might be infatuated by Carpenter KJ whom she could talk and cried with him. She felt remorseful to her husband in thinking of and loving another man. IR begged for her husband's forgiveness several times but the husband had very high pride and ego and could not accept her "emotional" affair guilt although the affair relationship between IR and KJ was not up to the unforgiven level that they slept together.

Although IR tried very hard in begging her husband's forgiveness, her husband was so stubborned and insisted to not forgive and wanted to divorce her. Then after he realized how much IR loved him and devoted for his family, he wanted her back to stay with him. BUT she did not want to come back to him b/c her husband hurt her and she still believed that he could not forgive her "emotional" affair guilt. After she denied staying with her husband, Carpenter KJ re-approached her and she started to gradually reconnect to him. If her mom-in-law did not start to have memory loss and KJ did not much show his childish behavior, I wonder that she "might" choose him.

Anyway, I did not much like IR's written character in the story. IR had talked with her husband several times and her sister that she would NOT see and talk with KJ any more. However, when she unintentionally met KJ, she always gave hopes and showed her cares to him. There was a scene obviously showing IR's care to KJ in reminding him to apply lotion on his hand. Also, there was a scene after their big argument in KJ's workshop that KJ did not want IR to stay in her in-law's house and he asked her what he meant to her. IR clearly replied to KJ that she followed her heart to be with him BUT did not want anyone to think that she avoided her (to-be ex) in-laws b/c of him. So, if she REALLY FOLLOWED her heart to be with Carpenter KJ, WHY had she NOT accepted her husband's early divorce proposals and stay with KJ?

Again, when IR and KJ talked in front of IR's house after she had left her in-law's house and IR apologized KJ that she had not listened to him to stay in her in-law's house, it was clearly shown that IR did NOT want to be with Carpenter KJ as a family b/c she did not want to leave her hometown. BUT after KJ ended the relationship, she just called him the next day after thinking "what she had done:" .... but it was good that KJ did not accept the call, otherwise he would be hurt more.

When IR had her SAC-SAC ventilation and when she was in a Hospital, she thought of both men, her husband and the Carpenter, in her mind. But in EP19, after she woke up, she firstly thought of her husband and misunderstood that Carpenter KJ was her husband. However, after she got well, she decided to end the relationships with both her husband and Carpenter KJ. IR met KJ in his workshop to end the relationship and later left a letter in her husband's house to say good bye to him saying that "I was sorry". Her husband also narrated that IR's "sorry" meaning was she did not love him any more. Then when IR and her husband met at the crossing road, why did her heart start to flutter again? Did she never stop loving her husband?

So, I did not quite understand if IR decided to leave her husband, WHY / HOW did she decide to reconnect and offer to make him a dinner in the last EP after seeing the rocking chair? Did she feel that her husband would forgive and not resent her any more?

Any comments on why the rocking chair was still in the house after their reconciliation? What would IR and her husband think when seeing or sitting on the rocking chair in their house?
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A Perfect Wife Who Did Not Complain Her Overstretched Works to The Husband But Chose to Cheat on Him.
9 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this drama quite late in 2021 and enjoyed it. Main Lead / Supporting actors and actresses did great performance throughout the show. OST were also so emotional. I rewatched this drama again from the start to better understand and sympathize the cheating wife SY ... but it was quite hard to agree upon the (opened) happy ending story of this remade K-drama version although this was a good story in presenting how difficulty to be both career mom and housewife which any husband might not notice and realize. The Writer seemed to make SY looked like a Victim whom had reason(s) to cheat her husband and deserved forgiveness at the end. However, the story showed so many CONFLICTING scenes leading some Viewers to think differently for the happy ending story direction.

The cheating wife SY was a beautiful career mom who tried her best to be a perfect mom and housewife. As written, the cheating wife SY's character was a thoughtful woman and kept things to herself. She wanted to please anyone although she was exhausted. Her husband HW was a good husband who "unintentionally" overlooked her burdens / stresses because he always thought that SY was a perfect wife. She had ONCE slept with her lover SW and secretly kept it under her smiling face to her family since the affair started about 6 months ago.

It seemed that SY might still love her husband BUT she also missed her lover. SY and her lover worked together as companies' project partners. They always met at their offices and in any cafeteria outside the office. The story showed that she and her lover SW did not want to divorce their own families during their affair relationship. They seemed to create their weird imagination that having an affair without divorcing in mind was the excuse to NOT destroy their own families. They are SELFISH without any thinking that while they enjoyed their happiness moment, they were hurting other people's feelings.

When her lover wanted to sleep her, SY did NOT deny and was willing to serve his desire. She intentionally lied to her husband about the ending time of her office meeting and also thought that she was able to pick up her son at a Nursery school after sleeping with her lover. How could she go to face her son just right after she had slept with another man who was not her son's father? However, the physical affair did not happen because it got caught red-handed by her husband at the hotel.

The scene did not clearly show that she felt guilty after the affair was caught up red-handed at a Hotel. At home, she said to her husband that she would stop seeing her ex-lover SW "for now". The husband was upset after heard her wordings BUT why she did NOT clarify that she meant "from now on". It might be interpreted that she did NOT really want to end the relationship with her lover b/c they still met and were working on a project together. She might hope to refresh and continue their love again.

When she and her husband agreed to talk at home in the following night, she acted so "calmly" when she said to HW that she was sorry for what she had done and added that she did not have an affair to divorce the husband. She was PRETENDING like there was NO any physical affair happening between her and her lover b/c the husband had found it out before it happened. But her husband did not trust and pushed her the question if she had slept with SW before. She could not deny BUT expressed her upset feeling when replying to the husband that she had slept with her lover before. How could she encounter her husband that she missed her lover all the times if she really felt guilty?

Although there was no obvious scene showing that SY said to anyone that she loved and cared her lover SW, the written story seemed to show that she might feel passionately in love with that man. There was a short scene after the affair was caught-up and SY, her husband, and her lover were all in a Hotel room. When the husband noticed that his wife did not wear her wedding ring and asked if she actually loved SW. SY felt reluctant to answer and SW quickly jumped-in saying that they were "playing with fire". Her reluctance meant that she could not tell the truth that she loved SW. SY was not a flirtatious women type, so if she dared to repeat the same mistake by allowing another man to physically touch her body, it meant that she loved that man. Her expressions as seen in the drama also showed that she was in love with SW such as wearing beautiful dresses when seeing SW; kissing her hand given to SW; planning and intentional lying to her husband for adultery; thinking to temporarily stop seeing SW after the affair was found out; later admitting that she forgot her family, guilty, etc when being with SW; and sharing her feeling like a kid chasing after a balloon which implied that she would continue her affair during her marriage. So, it seemed that SY truly loved SW and had him in her heart during the affair and might be ready to leave her family whenever SW decided to divorce his wife.

While she might want to temporarily stop her relationship with her ex-lover SW, it was SW (clearly NOT Her) who ended their relationship and dumped her by requesting her boss to take her out from the project. The affair relationship between SY and her lover also confused me a bit. During the three-confrontation in a Hotel room, her lover said in front of her husband that he loved SY. SY herself admitted that she was so happy when being with her lover and did not want to break up the affair if her husband did not find out. She even dared to lie in front of her husband's face to sleep with her lover when he desired. When her ex-lover abandoned her completely, she did not feel sad or express her disappointing feeling when she met him to report her job-handover progressing. She just normally complained her ex-lover that he should early inform her. But when her ex-lover said back to SY that it was not appropriate to contact her personally and they should not see each other again, SY just easily accepted it. HOW did their love affair end up so easy? Anyway, it seemed that SY started to realize that she was loosing her ex-lover and felt guilty to her husband. She seemed to feel remorseful and kept saying SORRY endlessly in the show.

There was another scene that I did not quite understand if the Writer wanted to make the cheating wife looked more cruel when the cheating wife encountered her husband if he had ever had an affair before. Then there was no later scene clearly saying that the husband had an affair with any woman during their marriage. He might only have a fantasy thinking with another girl. So, he was a good husband and honest to his wife while she betrayed him.

SY told her husband that she was exhausted due to over-works. Her excuse was that she did not have time to be herself (even to fix her worn-out shoes) and when her lover approached her, she felt happy when being with him. Her excuse did NOT make any sense ... If she really did NOT have enough time, how could she manage her (not-enough) times to meet him at any cafeteria or even planned to sleep with him?

The cheating wife's intentional affair mistake was MUCH WORSE than her husband's unintentional overlooking her stresses. The story tried to show that SY felt remorseful and kept crying BUT NOT dared to ask forgiveness. There was not much scene showing her improvement to gain her husband's trust or showing how much she loved her husband. I understand that this drama was the story of the husband HW to grow maturely and improve himself. So, it did not show much story about SY while her mistake was much worse. It was hard for me to be sympathetic from the given story that SY would deserve the happiness ending.

I really liked this K-drama's concept that Forgiving can be done BUT Forgetting is harder. The story presented that HW's character was an indecisive person and he always thought so many times before making any decision. He felt pain and was struggled b/c he could not get rid of the image of his wife when being with another man which was the "key" reason that led to the divorcing decision. It did NOT make any sense at all that the divorce erased the husband's painful memory in such a SHORT PERIOD and he walked back to restart husband/wife relationship again !! Forget such kind of hurt emotional feeling takes times even years or forever. If they returned back, they would divorce again.

Anyway, this is a DRAMA story. Drama is still Drama !!
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