
11 Reviews
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Tiffany doesn't sell low quality
10 December 2022
Tiffany's should sue the people behind this crazy lazily written movie. It's so predictable, it hurts. Apparently it's based on a book. I find it hard to believe. Either the book is good and the movie people just took the title only and not the story. Or maybe the book is as bad as the movie, it got published by some sheer miracle.

The male lead knew he was in a bad movie. He didn't even bother to create any chemistry with the female lead, Zoey Deutsch.

And Zoey Deutsch should fire her agent, manager, or whoever her team is made up of. One mediocre movie after another.

She's lovely to watch. She actually reminds me of Sharon Stone (Sharon's late 80's early 90's era). I would love to see her play something tough. Actiony...
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Leverage (2019)
Leverage Below Average
18 November 2022
I felt like I was watching an independent movie made by a first time director, starring recent graduate actors.

How can they take a procedural show and turn it into some sad soapy affair.

The first episode started well with the museum heist. Introducing the two thieves. Then the insurance investigator arrives, and we're introduced to his brilliance.

Good so far.

Then we're introduced to his family life.


Then the show stays on this guy's family life.

Still...fine, I think?

Then something happens. Excitement is imminent!

That excitement turns into frustration. The second heist is poorly staged. Very low budget. The double-cross is poorly written. Very underwhelming.

Then the episode ends.

I thought 'let me give this show another chance'.

Episode two kept the tradition of episode one. Sad and soapy. Bad acting, underwhelming heist etc.
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Kingdom Business (2022– )
Could have been EMPIRE
9 September 2022
The characters in EMPIRE all had motives and individual drives. Some similar ingredients were present in Kingdom Business. But due to a mishandled murder mystery (when it wasn't mentioned by one of the characters, the viewer didn't even remember it. When the reveal comes at the end, it doesn't affect the story or none of the characters for that matter), a passive aggressive, self-sabotaging character (the young singer who's supposed to dethrone the reigning queen of gospel, at some point she infiltrates some underground sex scene for powerful men that leads to nowhere), love triangles that don't make sense, half-cooked character developments, half-cooked side storylines, etc.

It is saved by the adult cast members and the fact that it is 8 episodes .
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Este hombre no puedo más larga
29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I only watched the first episode. There's a guy, old and rich, drinking obviously expensive wine with a throat-slit ladyguest in his living room.

(I was reminded of that song by Lil' Wayne with the lyrics 'Leave them dead in the living room. Get it, leave them DEAD in the LIVING room.') Anyway, Hannibal Lecter wannabe receives a call from someone in high places. The police are on their way to arrest him. He's some infamous serial killer, you see. Not hitman! Serial killer!

It's always been my understanding that serial killers thirst alone, hunt alone and quench their hunger with noone else involved. Nobody watching their back.

Hitman on the other hand, they work for organizations or powerful individuals. Those individuals watch the hitman's back.

So, if this serial killer is getting a heads-up about his impending non-publicised arrest, then the person on the phone must be a powerful individual. Then this guy must be a hitman. Not a serial killer.

When he gets arrested, the powerful individual pulls string to get him diverted to a minimum security prison, and also puts together a hit squad to break him out that very same night. Who does this for a serial killer? Why are we viewers keep being told that this main character is a serial killer? Are the writers trying to set us up for some lame plot twist?

There's nothing more to him so far. I'll never find out, I'm not watching more of this crazy!

The other main character, he's in charge of the prison, is even worse. One of those bad fathers with limited visitation rights. He must squeeze every minute he can to spend time with the three kids. So when he gets a call about work, he doesn't call a babysitter, he takes the two kids to prison with him. The oldest one, old enough to look after the younger ones, decides to go to their moms house instead of prison.

She gets kidnapped. In prison, the two young ones end up isolated from the father during the attack to free the VIP serial killer.

There's a car accident There are prisoners who are digging a tunnel There's a woman who's getting some form of conditional release from prison. They are throwing a party for her.

There's a girl with anger issues at the party Oh, at the beginning of the episode, the powerful individual who warns the serial killer about the imminent arrest, (remember him?), yeah, he calls another guy right after and that guy kills himself.
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VR Fighter (2021)
Was this movie made by three directors?
27 July 2022
It's like watching three uncompleted short stories. With the same characters attached.

First short film is a MISSION-IMPOSSIBLE-esque thrilling rescue, very well-done, clean action-packed, affair. Edge of your seat stuff. Our hero succeeds, the bad guys come after him, he survives and we wait for his retaliation. The showdown...


Second part is like an indie cinema type. Maybe he is recuperating. Biding his time. We wait for his retaliation. The showdown.


Third is the charm? We wish!!! Still no bad guys with tattoos on their necks. You know, those from the first part of the movie. What happened to the CEO? Did he launch his clean energy product after the attempted assassination? Are the oil industry tycoons...Don't bother.

Now the movie has become a DIE-HARDesque shinding. People are held hostage in one room while the hero roams the hallways taking out the bad guys, one by one. Not those tattooed bad guys. A brand new batch of bad guys.

And then the twist comes. (I think M. Night Shimalayan was brought in for this part)

The three stars I gave are for the first short story. You know, the CEO one...
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The Gray Man (2022)
An insult to Mark Greaney and The Gray Man series fans
25 July 2022
Where do I begin?

If you say you're turning a book into a movie. Turn the damn BOOK into a movie. Don't just use the book title and some character names and call it a day.

Netflix could have gotten three movies , a damn trilogy, from the first book alone. Or made a six part series like THE NIGHT MANAGER.

In the movie the Gray Man is cracking jokes while he is being hunted, shot at. Really!?

In the book the Gray Man is alone and wounded in various cities, with no passports, no weapons, no money. His genious survival skills are part of the thrill. He's not wearing flashy suits. He's being betrayed by his network but still staying two steps ahead. That tension is nowhere to be found in this 'adaptation'. This 'loosely based on'.

If you say you're spending $200 000 000, 00 ( please, look at those zeros) on a movie... (I'm realizing just now where the money went. The Avengers directors, the Avengers actor, the cute Ryan (okay, all the Ryans are cute. Gosling, Reynolds, Phillipe etc etc), the bond girl, the veteran actor (Thornton), the veteran actress (Woodard), the Bridgerton hunk and so on and so forth) I think maybe $90 000 000, 00 ended up on film. So, this is a $90 million movie.

I thought it would give the MISSION IMPOSSIBLE FRANCHISE, the BOND FRANCHISE, the FAST and FURIOUS FRANCHISE ( the BOLD and the BEAUTIFUL, the YOUNG and the RESTLESS) and all the franchises a run for their money.
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El marginal (2016–2022)
Rare Great Finale
28 May 2022
Just finished watching season cinco. I've loved this series. It never slumped. The final season (especially the last episode) satisfied me in all the ways I needed to be satisfied. It's very rare these days for writers to achieve this feat. Game of thrones, Villanelle etc (we all know the culprits) went out with fail-fare.

Can Antin get a spin-off, por favor.

I gave 8 stars instead of 10 because there were some revenges that weren't dished out. (I hope they are, in that Antin spin-off)
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Welcome to Eden (2022–2023)
Questions raised. No answers given.
8 May 2022
Yes I watched all episodes in one go. I almost abandoned it on episode 3. Because there are so many characters, they look and sound the same. I persevered because...curiosity.

I wish I hadn't.

This show reminded of SEVERED. SEVERED pulled the same trick.

This is a new annoying trend in series land.

Create a mysterious setting. Create a mysterious motive. Have the viewer out of breath anticipating the big reveal...and then don't answer even one question .


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Blacklight (2022)
More like Blanklight
5 March 2022
An hour and a half of dialogue about bad grandparenting. A sprinkle of dialogue between a news editor and one of his writers. When the action finally happens you blink and you miss it.

What do actors do with their millions? Liam must be desperate to accept a bad script like this.
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Hard Hit (2021)
Korean production keeps kicking Hollywood
22 January 2022
The actors playing father and daughter pulled off their roles very well. The cinematography was excellent. Midway the story almost fell apart, but the good quality of everything else made me look away from that misstep and still enjoy immensely.
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They filmed the first draft
22 January 2022
Everything is amateurish. A high school production would be better than this. The writer should have decided on one protagonist and one antagonist. Not this all over the place mess! I have left it unrated, because even zero is too generous.
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