
7 Reviews
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Sell out
12 November 2008
Kevin Smith a complete sell out. If you liked his previous work (Clerks 1-2, Chasing Amy, Dogma, even Mallrats), don't go watch this (and don't listen to the idiots who tell you it's funny), you'll hate Kevin Smith after. None of his trademarks are there, no intricate and witty dialog, no original characters, just a big sack of BS and clichés. The movie was quickly thrown together, completely uninspired, and should be an utter disappointment for former (because if you liked his work, you will certainly not like him after this) fans. He sold out to the make the cliché Hollywood comedy, with the looser who proves himself and gets the cute girl because they were best friends and secretly loved each other. Hurray. The movie also incorporates the new stereotype of the fat black guy created by the Apato folly, which basically consists of a stupid black man who portrays every black stereotype ever seen in the media, with the addition of being fat of course. Contrarily to the Hooper X character, a well developed intelligent, homosexual African American, "uncliche" as I would prefer to say, this new image of the fat black man has found its commercial value, and is bound to be used in future Hollywood comedies because idiot audiences find it appealing to have a black imbecile portrayed on screen. If you are black, this should definitely offend you, because he is the only black man in this film. But taking this point aside, nothing in this movie is good, except for the fact you get to see a cameo of famous porn stars naked (like Naomi). Congratulations Kevin Smith, you have succeeded in proving to us once more that we all have a price. For the sake of whatever fans remain loyal to you after this, although in my opinion, there shouldn't be any, if you future inclinations lean towards BS films like this, please stop making films so we, your former fans, can have at least a decent memory of you.
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Grindhouse (2007)
Revolution in the movie industry
8 April 2007
Finally, a revolution in the movie industry. Grindhouse, i'm sure, will become a movie genre of its own now. I can never recall having this much fun in a movie theater. As a matter of fact, i cannot recall ever seeing people have this much fun in a movie theater. The directing, the stories, the acting, everything in this movie was amazing, different, awesome.

The first movie, Planet Terror, will not only knock your socks off with the gore, but will also make you laugh. Every looser in the country will be masturbating to Rose McGowan now, she plays Chery Darling, a woman with a gun for a leg, and happens to be the hottest thing i've seen on TV since Scarlet Johanson in Match Point. This movie is packed with basically anything you could want in a movie, horror, comedy, great dialog, fun...

The second movie, Death Proof, is not as gory, but does not fall under the bar on the fun level. First off all, I think that Tarantino if one of the best dialog writers in the movie industry. His dialogs make any bore chit chat, amazingly interesting. I will not say anything to spoil this movie, but Kurt Russel is great in this movie. He nails his role as Stuntman Mike, a psychotic thrill seeker. The ending, not only was it unpredictable, and extremely funny, but it was preceded by the best car chase in the history of film making. This movie is just what you want to see after paying 9 dollars at the theatre.

Finally, before the movie starts, and in between both features, they show integrated previews for upcoming "grindhouse genre" films, such as Machete, something about Nazis and wolf women, and Thanksgiving. These small previews were just as fun as the movies, and I can't wait for them to come out. I guarantee you that these previews will generate loud blast of laughter out of you.

This movie cannot be describe by words, it must be experienced at a movie theater. It is everything anyone would want in a movie. It is the new revolution of the movie industry, and i cannot wait for more Grindhouse movies to come.
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Chasing Amy (1997)
Sad but true
24 January 2007
Not a lot of people have seen this movie, and its a shame. This is the first movie where i actually thought Ben Afleck was great. Ben Afleck's character, Holden, though most of us guys will hate to admit it,9 out of 10 of us would have reacted accordingly. Joe Lauren Adams made me fall in love with her character, Alyssa, in the movie. Finally, Jason Lee, though we might hate him for being a dick, he was amazing in this movie. Kevin Smith did a great job in creating the characters,specially Alyssa and Banky ( i mean, any guy who watches this movie will fall for Alyssa). The other thing to appreciate about this movie, is that it is unpredictable, we do not know where it will lead. It is not a boring chick flick, nor a typical love story. It is a story that has a lot of realism, and that shows how narrow minded we are. I strongly recommend this movie, specially to men because it will help them realize certain things about themselves.
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Beautiful and Brutal
9 January 2007
This movie is an amazing movie. It is one of the most daring movies I have seen, aside from Broke Back Mountain. I'll start by saying that this movie is not for everyone. This movie is beautiful in its harsh brutality and realness. Most people who go to watch movies expect predictable plots and happy endings all of which are nice, but not in conformity with reality. Ellen Burstyn is phenomenal. The speech she gave to her son Harry about how lowliness was killing her was touching and hard to hear. Jared Leto and Marlon Wayans surprised with the brilliance of their acting. Jennifer Connelly was equally great. The ending of this movie is one of the most brutal and sad endings I have seen and it helps to appreciate life that much more. Man can make himself great, but this movie shows you how he can be as destructive as the devil to himself. As I have said before, this movie is not a popular movie, not meant for simple people. It is a movie for intelligent people, spiritual people, philosophical people. In order to really appreciate your life, you must see how much other people have it worse than you. This movie will help you see that. I recommend this movie to any person who likes to meditate on his/her life, to any dreamer, to any intelligent being who will movies like The Transporter to those who cannot admire true beauty.
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The Hillz (2004 Video)
True definition of garbage
22 December 2006
If dictionaries had a picture next to the word garbage, this movie's poster would be that picture. Let me start off by saying the worst actress in the world, without a doubt is Paris Hilton. She is amazingly and utterly horrible in this movie, even laughing in some lines. It is as if she is reading the script. She sounds dead during the whole movie. A disgrace to the hard work done by actresses' these days. Jesse Woodrow, wow, he is mindblowingly dull in this movie. Indeed, he and Paris Hilton have paired up for the worst performances in acting history. He keeps the same tone during the whole movie, he is never angry or sad, he is just dull. I came up with a couple of titles that would be perfect for this movie: Guns, Drugs, Random ; The Suburbs are now more dangerous than the ghetto; Doing drugs and Killing people for no reason. The directing is as incompetent, unintelligent and horrible as the acting. The only believable actor in this movie was Renee Hedger, who wasn't even good. out of 10 I give this movie a -1000000000000000000, it deserves bellow zero. It should be illegal for Paris Hilton or Jesse Woodrow to ever act in a movie ever again, and they should receive the death sentence if they were ever caught in a movie together again. This is a demonstration of how human incompetence and stupidity is as infinite as the universe. It is also proof of Darwin's evolutionary theory, we do descend from monkeys, and the people who made this movie are living proof of that. I even think that chimps would have done a better job. Don't watch this movie, it will make you feel stupid and ignorant. It is sad to see that to try to make money people will do just about anything.
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Creativity at its best
12 December 2006
Jim Carey has proved himself to be one of the great actors of our decade in this film. He is just phenomenal, the way he captures the humor in this movie, i do not think that anyone else could have pulled it off better. Kate Winslet is amazing, she and Jim Carey are just so entirely different in this movie, that they seem perfect. The most original love story i have ever seen, not like the predictable, love stories, with traditional plots, this is creativity at its best. The imagery, the acting, the directing, everything in this movie is great. The only problem with it is that you have to wait t'ill you get almost in the middle of the movie, because it is kind of complicated, but once you start feeling it, you will agree with me that this is an excellent movie. Jim Carey does not get the consideration he deserves, he is an amazing actor, watch this movie and i'm sure you'll agree.
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Fight Club (1999)
Nothing short of AMAZING
12 December 2006
My favorite movie, excellent directing, great acting, Brad Pitt's best work, Edward Norton is also amazing in this movie, a must see. Not only is it a fun and entertaining movie, but it also has a deeper hidden message "the things you end up owning you: as Tyler Durden says. It shows us how society shapes us to becoming different than our true selves, and that in this process, we all end up creating alter egos. This movie is original, fun, it is everything a movie should be like, specially considering the garbage that the movie industry puts out nowadays. Everyone that is looking for a movie that has more than just explosions or just an extremely predictable plot should go see fight club. Not only will you have a blast, but it might also touch you in a spiritual way, Fight Club is not a movie, it is a religion.
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