
35 Reviews
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Prey (I) (2022)
A bumbling Pocahontas VS Predator, lame!
9 August 2022
Too bad this was ruined by political correctness garbage. Nothing is believable about the movie. The incompetent female character would have succumb to natural selection before the opening credits finished if this was truly meant to be 400 years ago. Ironically no one seemed to ever bathe even though there was a river within spitting distance of the camp. The only good thing about the movie was the creative Predator kills. Once the Predator starts dispatching the annoying characters it was a bit of fun until the bumbling Pocahontas wannabe shows up and ruins it.
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Barely better than last one
5 January 2022
The first 2 Ghost Busters were great movies hands down. Everything from great acting to funny jokes and a great cast for them. The last Ghost Busters was a complete flop and this new one Afterlife was a tad bit better only because of the great visual effects. I don't understand why they turned this into a lame kiddy movie better suited for the Disney channel. Terrible acting from the kids, terrible jokes and overall boring. The best parts of the movie are basically near the end. It was great to see some of the original GB 1 and GB 2 cast but I really feel sorry for them that they had to endure this insult to the GB franchise. And I hope they were paid well for turning this franchise into a pile of steaming dung. Worth watching once on mute for the visuals and that's about it.
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The Way (I) (2021)
Barely makes it to a 2
5 January 2022
Some good ideas that went no where and the movie had potential but it was just a mess overall. A few mediocre fight scenes were about the only parts really worth watching. The rest was a snore fest and I found myself using the fast forward for the majority of the useless scenes. Bad acting, horrible music, cheesy dialogue and could have been cut down to 20 minutes into a Twilight Zone or Outer Limits episode thing instead. This really was a 1 star movie but the lead actress had some guts to bare it all and actually did a better acting job than the majority of the characters. I hope Eli Jane and Joan Wong can find better agents because they both deserved better than this.
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Dead Space: Downfall (2008 Video)
Loved both movies so far
4 January 2022
Loved both movies so far and hope they make some more in this franchise. Reminds me a bit of the Heavy Metal animated movie which I wish would have continued in their franchise. Never played the Dead Space game nor even knew about them until recently. I'm sick and tired of the thousands of lame animation franchises geared towards little kids or pervs. Need more of these with full on gore and swearing and let the kiddies watch their Lion Kings and Cinderella stories without annoying the adults.

Anyone fool enough to go into this expecting some stupid lame kiddy show isn't very bright. The classifications are crystal clear it's a very violent movie and if you haven't got the spine or backbone for it then go watch Flintstones. Some of the squeamish commenters made me LMAO, it's like they walked into a Zombie movie expecting to learn how to be a Vegan. LOL.
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Settlers (2021)
A pathetic excuse for a movie
2 January 2022
Anyone with a few working brain cells and at least a grade 5 education knows there's no air or water on Mars let alone people surviving the harsh environment without life supports and suits built to handle it.

Claiming this is an Art House movie is almost as pathetic as calling all Dean R Koontz and Stephen King books/movies pornography. Give me a break and get an education or at least finish G. E. D. The correct category for this movie is it's a Garbage Bin movie. It was so bad they couldn't sell this in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart and ended up tossing it away.

If the cover art and trailer doesn't tell you enough how stupid this movie will be, then good luck. Because even the fast forward button won't make this slow paced idiotic movie any better or more exciting. The best part of the movie was, oh wait, there was nothing worth mentioning. This movie is so bad it makes Asylum sci-fi movies look like the works of a genius.
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Megaboa (2021)
It's as bad as they say but it is watchable
2 January 2022
No beating around the bush on this flick. It is as bad every negative reviewer has already stated but it's not as bad other movies released in 2021. Bad acting, bad dialogue, stupid decisions and plot holes big enough to drop an entire galaxy into. Knowing that this was a cheesy sci-fi made by Asylum I figured it might be a coin toss if I'd even be able to bear watching it to the end. Surprisingly I did manage to stomach the stupidity to the end and found myself rooting for the snake.

An example of the bad acting and dialogue was when the bimbos are arguing with the poacher asking why he didn't mention the snake, duh, he did when you first met at the campfire dummy. And the biggest let down was that not all of the more annoying younger characters were killed off by the snake.
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Was better than expected
16 November 2021
It's by no means a perfect flick. But far better than the trollers low rating it will have you think. It's got action, a strange direction and characters. Music is fairly decent too. No major complaints and worth watching once or twice. I'm not into the arty type stuff like the freaks in the street. Thankfully that weird nonsense was quickly dispatched with some shooting.
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A snore fest made for the blind?
15 November 2021
I love a good western but this was not even close to qualifying as one. Bad acting, bad script and far too many dumb mistakes for the time period.

Women with make-up that and multi-coloured hair that doesn't fit the era. Frosted hair tips and highlighting didn't exist yet for hair styles. They could have at least dyed their hair to be one colour for the movie. Square hay bales didn't exist until 1970's. There's far too many other out of place mistakes to list but these ones were the most obvious.

You really have to wonder how dumb or blind the target audience was supposed to be. If you are looking for a good movie or western then keep on looking. This movie was utter rubbish and unrealistic in every aspect.
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Another garbage western with fake high reviews
12 November 2021
Bad acting, bad script, boring pace, no action, mind numbingly stupid dialogue. And everything in the movie looked fake, too new and shiny and out of place. Nothing from the movie is even the slightest bit believable. Good luck to anyone trying to avoid falling asleep to this rubbish. I almost fell asleep listening to the lame opening music. I cannot think of a single redeeming thing for this movie. I regret even trying to stomach this rubbish hoping there would be a point to it or any kind of action.
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Hell Hath No Fury (II) (2021)
Fury, nope, just fluff mostly
11 November 2021
I have no idea what people are smoking or drinking to give this movie a high rating. Seriously, someone found this erotic? Wow they must be desperate for a date because there was nothing erotic about it. I don't have any complaints about the characters or some decent visuals. But the whole movie seemed like it was a rip off of much better movies and just seemed far too unrealistic. There were far too many flaws to overlook. It was a very poorly executed and paced movie. As others mentioned, explosives that did very little damage and bombers that drop full loads with barely a scratch to the terrain. This honestly wasn't even worth the watch. I would have been better off watching The Dirty Dozen again instead of this nonsense.
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Old Henry (2021)
Better than expected
11 November 2021
I was surprised how well this movie was done overall. It was much better than the cheapo westerns lately with the fake looking towns and shiny/clean people or props that looked out of place.

I will agree with others that the movie was a really slow burn until about half-way and then finally got interesting right up to the end. I definitely enjoyed all the twists. A word of advice is not to watch the trailer as it will ruin some of the better parts in the movie.
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Very good movie but could have been a bit better
10 November 2021
I enjoyed this flick right to the end. I didn't find it that slow or boring as others claimed. I really enjoyed the interactions from the main characters in the movie. My only tiny complaint was the length of the movie and the ending could have been better. I might not have ever read any of the Bond books but I have seen every movie in the franchise. I honestly liked every one of them. Sure some of the earlier Bond characters were a bit different on screen and times have changed quite a bit since then resulting in a tamer Bond character. Otherwise people would have been complaining about the offensive (politically incorrect) parts had they tried to make it like the earlier Bonds movies in the franchise. Can't wait to see what the Bond movie will bring to the franchise.
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Mixed feelings, good VFX but terrible comedy
10 November 2021
I really enjoyed the VFX in the movie. Fight scenes were not very believable from the leads. The acting as others mentioned wasn't that great either. The lame jokes were for little kids that wouldn't even be old enough to watch this. Too bad they couldn't decide what the target audience was and make it more adult like it should have been. Well worth watching and still a keeper for the visuals but better off turning off the audio for it.
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Impressive movie but does have a few small flaws
10 November 2021
Personally I do not care what race any superhero is since it is irrelevant. This movie was quite impressive with the VFX but some of the humour was a bit too childish and seemed out of place. Seems like the humour was for a lower age group than the intended age targets watching the movie. I would have preferred this was more adult than kiddie. I can't complain about the acting or the story, they seemed adequate for me in this movie and easily overlooked from the visuals I was more interested in. Considering the movie is based on magical superheroes the obvious flaws in logic don't apply and the mistakes are easily overlooked. I enjoyed this one enough to add it my collection and won't hesitate to watch again. Definitely was worth the watch.

This movie is fill wth lot's of word's of wisdom. Here's some for people before they start jumping on soapboxes about races of characters in movies or pointing their fingers in any direction; 1 - Racists come in all colours, shapes and sizes. The only thing that matters is we are all part of the human race and bleed the same colour!

2 - If people ever want to truly end racism then don't be hypocrites and start with your own backyards including yourselves, family, friends and associates.
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Nominated by who for awards?
8 November 2021
You really have to wonder what kind drugs people were on or how drunk they were to nominate this stupid movie for any awards other than the Razzie Award.

I found this movie super annoying to watch, not just because of the idiotic cut scenes or the pointless shots of nothing. But the camera shake stuff was way too much and literally there is no point to the movie. The fake animal heads and gloves didn't help with the lame VFX either. Even the captive people were dumber than my dogs. I've had multiple dogs manage to break their chains quicker than these fools that couldn't when their lives depended on it. Without a swivel on the chain all you have to do is keep twisting until a link breaks. My dogs figured that out faster than the people ever would have in the movie. Save yourself the time and trouble watch any of the The Island of Dr. Moreau movies instead.
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Her Smell (2018)
This movie smelled like rotting fish from start
7 November 2021
Elisabeth Moss gave it a good go and did a superb job with the material. It's too bad the script and the movie were so pathetic. I was honestly hoping John Wick would show up and kill all these annoying spoiled brats. As others mentioned this movie could have been much shorter and tighter. Personally I think 10 minutes of this trash would have been long enough for most people. Movie drags on way too long and the characters are just too annoying to care about.
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Injustice (2021)
No major complaints
7 November 2021
After reading some of the reviews I had really low expectations for this movie. I'm not a comic book fan nor ever wasted time reading any. Never heard of the game that others mentioned either. I normally also don't even watch any SuperMan related stuff since most of it was a little too wholesome for my tastes.

But this movie I enjoyed for its darker side about a super hero going bad. I was actually very surprised about all the killings and I have no complaints about the story, voices or the animation style. I always have a good laugh when I see people complaining it didn't follow the comic book series. Who cares if it didn't follow any comics, even comics don't follow their own stories and constantly change things up. Hope they make more like it in the future with super heroes turning bad, it's far more interesting than the comic books ever were to me.
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I feel sorry for the people that played in this
7 November 2021
It's a pity that all the actors/actresses in this movie wasted their talent on it. They did a great job with what they had but it wasn't enough to make the movie worthwhile watching. Unless someone was strapped to a chair and hit with 1000 CCs of Thorazine, there's very few people that would watch the whole movie voluntarily.

I can also see most of the higher ratings are either fake or people involved with the picture. The movie was a pile of steaming dung and so were the Bakers quite frankly. Just a couple of cons milking gullible people out of their savings with their snake oil religious nonsense to pay for their lavish lifestyles. They should have banned TV Evangelists in the USA long ago like most other countries did already and jailed them for what they are, just crooks stealing money from the stupid.
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Finch (2021)
Not bad but not great either
7 November 2021
As others already mentioned there's a lot of similar material we've already seen in other movies. Overall the movie was good enough to watch to the end. Some parts were a bit slow or childish which was understandable to some degree considering the context of the robots. I really would have preferred seeing some more VFX about the end of the world and more super storms. Finch was much better than the super boring Castaway movie that I tried to watch 3 times and never managed to finish yet. I doubt I'll ever watch Finch again. But it is worth a watch once.
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What a pathetic excuse for a movie
7 November 2021
Not even the fast forward button could save this garbage. There's good bad movies but this isn't one of them. They should have burned this one while it was still in the can. The movie is just as lame as watching drunk rednecks pretending to be pro wrestlers in the backyard. Right from the start the acting was a sign it won't be getting any better. And once the first gang of thugs is introduced it was all downhill from there. I would have been better off watching Kung Fury instead of this sorry excuse for a flick.
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Dangerous (III) (2021)
Not a bad movie at all and glad I don't trust reviews
7 November 2021
I don't know what the complaints were about. Perhaps they saw a different movie or maybe they are related to the ketchup guy from the Pizza Hut incident. Seems like people these days will complain about anything for a freebie. The only freebie from this they'll get is, that I'm glad I ignored them or I would have missed a decent flick.

The movie's a bit of a slow burn until things get going. But it was intentional for the setup of the characters and plot. I enjoyed Scott Eastwood's performance, reminded me of his stoned faced dad in the old westerns. Hope to see him in a lot more action flicks in the future or maybe some westerns perhaps. Mel Gibson was a surprise to see since I didn't check the casting for it. He played his part just perfectly. And the psychos in the movie were fun to watch too. This one's a keeper for my movie archives.
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Brain Freeze (I) (2021)
Mediocre zombie flick
1 October 2021
Compared to the overly saturated zombie market this wasn't too bad. I've seen better or worse zombie movies in the last year. There's a few interesting things going for this but overall it falls flat. The only half decent acting was from Roy Dupuis and the other characters you'd want dead from the zombies ASAP.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
I usually avoid kids movies but...
30 September 2021
Normally I wouldn't watch a Disney movie since I find they're made for kids not adults. I was actually surprised this wasn't too bad at all. The acting and scenery were great, the on-screen chemistry was great between the male (Dwayne Johnson) and female (Emily Blunt) leads. The only thing that spoiled it for was the fact this was kind of like a kiddie version of Indiana Jones made by Disney.
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The Entity (1982)
A Classic
28 September 2021
I enjoyed this movie as a teen and enjoyed it as an adult too. Sure the movie has some silly flaws and goofs but overall it was really good for its time (1980's tech). Nothing so far has even come close to the atmosphere and suspense this one oozes once it gets going. No pun intended for the quicky in Ghost Busters. It's definitely worth a watch, I've seen it many times and still keep finding little things I missed before.
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Magic Crystal (1986)
Were they high praise reviewers blind or kiddies?
12 September 2021
What a stupid movie. Horrible acting, horrible script, no plot, jumps all over the place and the slow-mo for some of the fights only made them look even cheesier. I've seen better fights between crack-hoes when one accuses the other of stealing her rock she was about to smoke.

There's good and good-bad movies, this one seems like the free movies you'd get for bringing in a dead horse to a glue factory.
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