
21 Reviews
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The Favourite (2018)
The good reviews made me waste 2hrs
2 November 2022
This movie is rated 7.5/10 on here at the time of writing this, therefore I expected it to be a decent movie. What I spent 2hrs of my life on, however, was not. The acting was fine but the movie was bland, with annoying music, and too long for the story that was told. More than once there was monotonous music for minutes at a time, which had me reaching for the mute button. It is also advertised as a comedy or drama/comedy (depending where you look), but it most certainly is NOT funny in any way. Over all it was really disappointing, unenjoyable, and I feel completely ripped off that I wasted 2hrs watching it because of the current rating.
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One of my favourite films
2 September 2022
Overall just a really good film. The acting, the story, and especially telling the story from the child's perspective since she's at the centre of everything.

I've watched this a couple times and each time it's made my heart ache even more for children in these kind of situations. It reminds you that just because your not a 'bad' person, that doesn't mean having a child isn't a bad choice for you. It also reminds you that children often see and pick up on more than you think they do, even when you think you're hiding it.

If you have kids you'll want to hug them extra close after watching this.
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Colette (I) (2018)
Very English French story
18 August 2022
I'll say fist that I'm about a third of the way through the film and that's as far as I'll be getting. I didn't know anything about the real people or story before watching the movie and was rather confused with these very English actors/actresses but all the locations and writing being in French. After a quick google I realise Colette and everyone else were actually French. Why such an English cast was chosen is beyond me. Have the movie spoken in English, fine, but surely they could have found a few French speaking actors so you at least had the accent! The acting has been fine but for me that's not a good enough reason to watch the rest. I'll look keep an eye out for the story elsewhere.
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Windfall (2022)
Such a waste of time!
14 August 2022
By halfway through I was really resisting stopping the movie, only because it felt like there was going to be some kind of message it the end, but NOPE! Complete waste of time. Just skip it unless your already so bored you want to pull your hair out for fun.
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Sunday (V) (2014)
Is love enough?
26 July 2022
Great movie from these pair. Essentially it's a question about wether love really is enough to sustain a relationship. It also goes into the subject of one person having a career the other may not necessarily agree with or support at all points in the relationship. Is love enough to ignore the impacts of the career on the couple/family? Is it reasonable or unreasonable to expect or think that the person's career will change if the relationship changes, particularly regarding children? The film doesn't give an answer to Eve and Charlie's situation but makes you consider the points of view each of them hold.

Some bits are a tad slow, but they serve a purpose and really give a feeling of the depth of the relationship. I found the message worth the wait, as it where.
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Life Itself (2018)
Really enjoyable
25 July 2022
Like all Hollywood style movies it has some really stupid, unbelievable bits which is both very minor in length but huge in affect. The concept is what I loved, and one line in particular about Abby's parents meeting, the seemingly insignificant bite of sandwich that turned out to be one of those moments that changed the course of their lives.
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Serena (I) (2014)
Dark and real
24 July 2022
This is not a light movie or a romance drama, so don't go into it expecting that. It's darker than it seems and gives a look at what can happen on that side of the line and the affect things can have on people and their reactions and behaviour. I found it quite similar to Australian movies in that it's rather un-Hollywood in style, the characters don't give speeches with their whole backstory and every thought they have. Personally I really like this as I often find myself going 'really' during a lot of movies and shows because the average person, or at least the ones I know, simply wouldn't talk or give info the way that so many characters do. It gives the movie a real-life feel that I enjoy.
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22 July 2022
Just watched it because I didn't have anything else to watch and wanted something that was more non-fiction. Wasn't really about DB Cooper though, more about the people sleuthing, and in some cases chasing, him. I think the most interesting person in the whole thing was the CIA lady talking about disguises. Would have loved to see more of her and specifically what someone the opposite of what DBC supposedly looked like could have done to create the look the suspect became known for. I think that would have been fair more interesting then what was actually presented.
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Servant or Slave (2016 TV Movie)
Very informative
5 June 2022
I came across this on Prime and watched it because I'm studying childcare and some modules are about working with A&I families, community groups and staff. This documentary was very helpful in understanding the government's past treatment of indigenous people and how this continues to affect them and their descendants today. Definitely one I'd recommend to anyone.
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Mr. Church (2016)
Really enjoyable movie about relationships and life.
6 January 2022
I enjoyed the theme, pace and acting of this movie, especially Eddie Murphy in a serious role, and wow did he do it well. Some reviews have complained about Mr Church's personal life not being revealed, but having read a Q&A of the writer it's obvious why this is; because in her own words she wanted to respect him as much now in telling his story as she did when he was alive and had asked to respect his privacy. The glimpses she got have been shared with the view but speculation has been left out. Truely, isn't respect what meaningful relationships are based on. I don't mind voiceovers, so long as they serve a purpose, and to me this did. It felt like having a story read to me, following along with pictures as it went. I think that went incredibly well with the movie as we see books being a key intersection between the characters and small details which could have been hard to emphasise realistically or could easily have been missed were instead highlighted. Overall I'd be happy to watch this again, and recommend it.
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Lead Me Home (2021)
Glad I watched it but disappointed with it
26 December 2021
As someone from outside of America it still amazes me that the USA can't get their act together. I know that homelessness is a huge problem over there and that the system is so overly complicated and unreasonable that once you're in it's really hard to get out but I don't know the details of how the system works, like the criteria that keeps people in this cycle of homelessness. Unfortunately as much as this doco showed the problem it equally showed nothing at all. Stories were started but no real follow through. There were seems that showed people going through the cycle of being on the street, to a home, back to the streets but not the details of why in this situation. As another review said, it basically feels like a 40min trailer for something really informative.
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Really enjoyed it, it felt real.
5 December 2021
Often, even with films based on true stories/events, I find the story or characters to be unrealistic; but not in this film. There's still a few moments of course, nothing is perfect after all, but overall it felt like real life being portrayed. I really enjoyed it and would watch it again.
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Don't even bother, no matter how bored you are.
12 September 2021
Started watching because it said it was an Australian film. Only thing Aussie about it is where they filmed. Horrible unrealistic American accents! Why they went to one of the most beautiful spots in Australia just to make such a terrible movie is completely beyond me. Surely someone, at some point in the concept or filming thought 'You know what, this is probably not a very good idea'. Well that person is right!! I got about 10 minutes, 15 tops, into the movie and will NEVER finish it. Save yourself the unpleasantness, don't bother with this film.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Didn't even make it through ep3
31 July 2021
We are in a family run business, in the early stages of a succession, so the idea of the story appealed to us, but neither hubby or I could find a single character we liked let alone identified with. We paused the 3rd episode in the last 5mins, for some reason I can't remember, and both agreed that we didn't even want to finish the last few minutes. Constant profanity just because, with thoroughly unlikable people.
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Wish Man (2019)
Good overall
1 June 2021
There are some parts that could have been better, some scenes were a little cheesy, some could have been explained more, but overall it is a good movie. I didn't know anything about it before watching and wasn't until the end that I realised what charity he started. Was a tears in the eyes, lump in the throat moment and in my opinion, a beautiful way to tell how it began. Enjoyed it enough to have watched it twice.
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Just Say Yes (2021)
Just say fun
10 May 2021
It's nothing new but it's light-hearted and fun. It has the predictable cliches and a fairly shallow storyline but it was enjoyable. Other reviews mention the English dubbing and actors, I can't comment on that stuff as I watch films in the language they're shot in and have no idea about Dutch actors; what I do know is the film made me smile and I felt good when it ended so it's a thumbs up for me.
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Stateless (2020)
Prejudice above all
6 April 2021
Finished the series this morning and it's been tumbling around my head. Many things are shown in the series, from the conditions, to the treatment, to the attitude of those in charge. There are bits of stories from the asylum seekers, guards, bureaucrats, media and protestors. While yes, the main story is of the white lady, I think it is important they highlighted this. Not just because it actually happened, but because we need to ask how it happened, and why is it important for people to know? The answer to both questions in my opinion is that the prejudice against these asylum seekers/refugees/illegal immigrants or whatever else you want to call them, was so strong that her mental state and even her appearance where not enough for the detention centre staff to treat her right. It made me think, if they could do that to her, how much more could they do to all the other people in these centres. As one of the characters said, "They will want to know why someone that looks just like them is trapped in a place like this.". The answer to me, is prejudice above all.
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Was ok until the end
26 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Despite some reservations about a few characters I was enjoying this movie; until the ending. Made the movie worthless to me. Hunters character seems to be turning a corner with his life then the next minute just accepts death without even the slightest fight, literally! Daniel just leaves, running for his life, with no knowledge of what's happened to Hunter; so apart from realising he has to run because of his stupidity and ego, I don't see the coming of age part. About the only bit that was ok was McKayla leaving, that was understandable. The kid narrating was a little weird though, but definitely not the worst part. Honestly my favourite thing from the whole movie was the song Fading Like A Flower by Roxette, and they only play a few lines of it. I think the actors where good but I have no interest in watching it again.
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Little Women (2019)
So happy I watched this!
23 October 2020
I love the 1994 film so was apprehensive about watching this one, but I've enjoyed many films with the actors so gave it ago but was fully prepared to dislike it. I loved it!! It's going to be a tough choice between the 2 versions in future, but which ever is available I know I will be happy watching it. Definitely be recommending this film.
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Rebecca (I) (2020)
Enjoyed the story more than the film itself.
22 October 2020
I knew nothing about this film but it was a suggestion on Netflix and the trailer seemed good. What convinced me was it being a recommendation from Jan Eyre, which I love. It was good enough that I'd happily watch it again but not quite good enough that I'd recommend it. It was missing that emotional ride that has your heart pumping out of anxiety or romance. What I did really enjoy was the actual story, and having now found out about Hitchcock's version I'll be looking to watch it and hopefully enjoy this story even more.
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If the Shoe Fits (1990 TV Movie)
Lovely and light
18 October 2020
I just wanted something easy to watch and this was exactly that. It's not an award winning, never before done, change your view of the world movie, just simple, lighthearted and fun. I look forward to watching it again.
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