
14 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Quality movie for sure, but a headache to watch
21 September 2023
Disclaimer, I love Christopher Nolan's movies, he is absolutely brilliant. But for making a historical movie he is just not the right choice. The nonlinear storytelling that makes fiction stories awesome just isn't really a fit for recounting history. Oppenheimer, plus some of the greatest scientific minds of the XX century, and the history around them are, by themselves, fascinating. There was no need to do this confusing continuous jumps between I don't know how many timelines to make it great.

The 3 minutes movie trailer is exciting. If they would just make the movie like that it would have been amazing.

Great acting for the most, except the ignorance of giving Edward Teller (a Hungarian guy) a Russian accent.
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Could be great without this "I know I'm in a TV show" nonsene
27 October 2022
I deeply dislike all shows in which the characters makes notes about knowing that they are in a TV show, and comment on their own episodes and the plot and all. It turns me off entirely. I can't immerse myself in a story where the heroes know that they are in a story, and here this was the main feature of every episode.

It could have been an OK series to watch otherwise. It's made for the 2020s, pops up some familiar societal problems we women face. It's funny and relatable. The characters are not incredibly original, but it would have been still enjoyable if they don't make it into this bizarre nonsense.
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As an 80s parody: GREAT, as an Agents of SHIELD episode: AWFUL
5 October 2022
I get it, 80s vibe and fun and all, and if the goal was just to make a laughable standalone 80s parody it would fly. My problem is that this is an episode in a series that so far had a certain level of seriousness, an now turning into some parody show. Everything is way off, nonsense levels are over the roof, cheesy punchlines, cheesy everything, absurdity overload.

We already have some time travelling absurd WTF tv-series like Doctor Who or Legends of Tomorrow, both of which I gave up on after a while because I couldn't tolerate the nonsense. I would be happy to left to enjoy something else.

If you like this kind of humor, good for you. We literally hated it.
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Marvel turned into a comedy show
24 July 2022
So many jokes, made-to-be-funny moments and laughable nonsense that it renders the entire movie to be a cheap comedy show.

"Choose love" is a nice message, and if you want to give deep meaning for a 12 year old, it might fly, together with the very simple story. As for adult audience, I would expect something more complex.

Examples show that Marvel can obviously produce better than this.
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The "Alien" movies in a Star Trek setup
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't a bad episode. It is just it was near complete copy of two "Alien" movies, thus it was VERY VERY predictable. If you have seen "Alien" and "Aliens", you have basically seen this episode. The way how the species use humans to incubate, the way how they hatch, the back story of a group of explorers who are fallen victim of this specie, that only one young girl survive, that there is one woman who faced them before - the list of similarities goes on long.
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Quantum Leap: Trilogy: Part 3 - July 28, 1978 (1992)
Season 5, Episode 10
There is a fine line between scientific fantasy and bloody nonsense. This one is the latter
27 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sam occupying someone's body, and in that body Sam has sex with a woman, who gets pregnant, and then it is someone inheriting Sam's genetic material. There is a fine line between scientific fantasy and bloody nonsense. This one is the latter. I utterly hate it that it completely rewrote the timeline and this girl grew up to be part of Project Quantum Leap.
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A whole epsiode of cheesy overflood of some unfounded mad love
27 February 2022
Sam falls MADLY in love with someone who he knows for like ten minutes. The woman is pretty, vulnerable aannnd..... that's it. She has some background story but no personality. Nothing that makes her interesting or fun. There is absolutely no basis for this love story. It's empty and meaningless, and yet the entire episode is filled with it. It's as interesting as a cheap low quality romance novel.

Ah yes, and southerners, like in every second episode of this show. By now I really got tired of nothing else but southerners.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Season 1-2: Like Star Trek, just every character is awkward and unprofessional. Season 3: Like Star Trek
27 September 2021
How you like the first 1,5 seasons of this show show will depend on how much you like humor that rests on awkward situations. If you like this kind of humor, you'll love this show as there are infinite amount of awkwardness, stemming often from people being totally unprofessional.

I started to really like it by the end of the 2nd season when stakes got much higher and stupid jokes got less. Now in Season3 I started to love it It's less of a Family Guy in space and more of a proper sci-fi. The plot lines are intertwined with earlier seasons, it has complexity, it has food for your brain.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Hated the first 2 seasons, love it from the 3rd
11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's difficult to rate this... Season1-2: 2 stars. From season 3: 8 stars.

I deeply despised re-wiring the timeline, giving Spock a sister he never had, redesigning the klingons, introducing a super advanced ship soon before Kirk's time and such. WTF, outrage!

From season 3 though, with the jump to the future, it became something totally different, for the better. I feel like it found it's way back to the original theme, with an entertaining plot, going on missions, like the old days. I'm halfway trough season 3 and I love it as much as I hated the first two.
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Crossing Lines: Family Ties (2014)
Season 2, Episode 8
I learned something new here - meanwhile getting entertained
16 March 2021
Really interesting episode that balances well emotional and action scenes. Also: I'm European, and I have never heard about the Irish Travellers. I spent an hour afterwards to read up about their history, language, culture and the clash they are with "Buffers" (aka: settled people).
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Stargate: Atlantis: Childhood's End (2004)
Season 1, Episode 5
A year in another planet is as long as an Earth year??
12 January 2021
You don't have to have a PhD in astrophysics to know that a year on a planet orbiting another star probably won't be exactly as longs as a year on Earth. It would not have taken much to account for it in the scene writing. That absolutely everyone in the entire universe speak American English, is something that hurts, but we just have to accept, for easier story-writing. Let's not dumb this even further by assuming every year on every planet is as long as an Earth year. These small details matter.
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Stargate SG-1: 200 (2006)
Season 10, Episode 6
WTF is this???
8 December 2020
Thanks, I hated it. It is totally out of context, doesn't fit the storyline and rather confusing. It's like screenwriters getting high on something throwing in all kind of loosely associated stuff at random. Writer 1- Hey! Let's make a.... (-smokes a joint-) .... parody! (-passes the joint-) Writer 2- Yea, mix in, like, that other tv-serie Ben Browder is in! Writer 1- Dope! And then ... let's blend in some Star Trek and Wizard of Oz! Writer 2- Yea, and make the characters from marionette figures! WTF??
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Much better than it's current rating
1 December 2020
I had my scepticism before watching, based on that it's a Hollywood movie with Brad Pitt, and it is only rated 7.1. I was pleasantly surprised! It gives a really interesting historical glimpse to Tibet, and insight on Buddhism. It is not moving in fast pace, and I see that had turned off many. The way of filming is indeed more like 70-s, taking it's time to paint a picture about the characters and life situations - a meditative style which is aligned with Buddhism IMHO. If you expect an action movie, this is not it, but that's for the better. Brad Pitt's fake German accent is not very authentic, but that's the hardest criticism I can give here. I got something seriously better than expected.
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Valeria (2020–2024)
It's basically "Sex and the City" in Spain in 2020
16 August 2020
"Four female Madrileñas gossip about their sex lives (or lack thereof) and find new ways to deal with being a woman in 2020" - This is a description from Sex and the City. I just changed "New Yorkers" to Madrileñas and "the late 1990s" to "2020", and voilá, a perfect description of Valeria. I watch it in Spanish with Spanish subs to improve my language skills. For that it's perfect. But unless you like shows that don't give you much to think of, I wouldn't recommend it.
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