
23 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
A Lesson In Adjusting Your Expectations.
27 February 2024
This film, at the moment, should be considered Christopher Nolan's masterpiece. That's right. Christopher Nolan, master of epic action movies, has made his best work in what should be considered a hybrid of historical biopic and political thriller. This movie has more in common with something like JFK or All The President's Men than it does with Inception or The Dark Knight Trilogy. If you realize that ahead of time, or can come to grips with it while viewing, you'll be handsomely rewarded.

With any movie, there are a few things even a huge admirer can disagree with. I'll say what most people said, it's way too long for lacking the usual action of a Nolan movie. I noticed at least 20-30 minutes worth of material that could have been cut without sacrificing the story or the tension. I watched this at home and decided to split it in half and watch it on 2 separate nights. So maybe that's why it didn't feel like a massive undertaking for me. I think if I would have had to sit through it in the theater, I might be less pleased with it.

The cast was hit or miss for me. The main cast were all fantastic, with all their awards and nominations well deserved. I'm a massive fan of RDJ's non-Marvel work, and I think this is his best performance. I just didn't need a big name for almost EVERY role. I could have done without Jack Quaid, Josh Peck, and even Gary Oldman. I'd even argue Florence Pugh's entire storyline could have been cut.

So why my high rating? Those 2 things are my only real bones to pick in what I think is still a completely engrossing thriller. I have to make special mention of the score for making normal, dialogue-focused scenes feel extremely intense. I'm a big fan of history-based movies. So admittedly, the subject matter was already in my wheelhouse. Casual Nolan fans might have been mad if they expected big action sequences. But if you haven't seen it yet, and understand it for what it actually IS, you will be very pleasantly surprised.
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It Follows (2014)
Stylish, with a few good scenes
26 July 2023
Overall, what a let down. After a promising opening, and a great scene at the pool towards the end, what a massively disappointing close. For as interesting a concept, you think there'd be a little closure. There isn't. To waste 2 hours on a movie to be left with a question mark always sucks. It's well made, the score is compelling, but that's about all I can say for positives. The performances aren't anything so special that dozens of other actors couldn't have pulled off the same, or better.

I kept thinking with as cool as the plot idea is, sure the movie has to get more intense or interesting. But not really, not aside from 2-3 scenes. The rest is filler. So it ultimately feels like a cool idea that wasn't fleshed out enough to fill 2 hours. The character's lack of communicating with each other about the big problem/issue of the movie is completely bewildering as well. Because there's only 1-2 scenes of characters filling each other in about the overall plot as well. You think there'd be more consistent discussion as to how to combat the problem. Nope.

I usually try to find some positives that allow me to suggest a movie to other viewers, but after going into this movie pretty optimistic because of the good reviews, only to be left saying "is that IT?", I sadly have to say you aren't missing anything by skipping this one.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Ignore negative reviews
30 June 2023
The negative reviews are from 1 of 2 types of people. They're either bigots who made an account solely to bash the characters featured in this episode(check their accounts, this is predictably the only thing they've "reviewed"). Or, they're purist fans of the videogame who don't think this story "fits" with the rest of the story from the games. A valid argument, but a poor one. I'll explain why.

This is a show based on the game, yes. But it was never going to be ONLY about things you saw in the games. Did you want a series that is 7-8 episodes long to never return after that? Because that's what sticking to the games would get you. Or do you want a new world built with the story from the game as a framework? I'm a massive fan of the game, and I'm in the latter camp. I get that there's things an adaptation has to do in order to stand on its own 2 feet. An episode like this is one of those things.

Such a grim, gritty story needs to show heart once in awhile in order to not only keep fans interested, but to give them a break from all the horrors of the main storyline. Bill and Frank's story, and the little bit of a new side we saw of Joel towards the episode's end, showcase a bit of humanity in a story and show that needed to make sure it established that.

If you can't get that because you're one of THOSE reviewers listed above...maybe intelligent, nuanced television just isn't for you.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
A masterpiece...if you're patient!
23 June 2023
This is in my top 3 dramas of all time. Speaking of which, I've rewatched it that many times to fully wrap my head around the entire story. I truly believe that if this had aired on a more prestigious channel or streaming service, it would be mentioned in the same conversation as greats like Breaking Bad and The Wire. So it had that working against it during its original run. I'm reluctant to leave a review because I'm not entirely sure I would do this entire body of work justice. So I will hit some bullet points instead.

1. It starts out very tech-heavy. But this all fades as the story progresses. The first half of the first season might seem like a lot of dialogue is going over your head, it definitely did with me. But it takes the time to explain what the characters are trying to accomplish. You don't have to understand every tech related detail to enjoy the plot. And eventually, while tech is an ever-present theme, it DOES fade into the background quite a bit later on.

2. The main character is written in the classic literary style of an unreliable narrator. He might be saying and seeing things that throw you off what's really going on. So when those things are revealed, it's very jarring. But ultimately, he's crazy and we're on this ride with him. So I think viewers who don't try too hard to "figure" everything out ahead of time and just enjoy the journey are MASSIVELY rewarded with this show

3. On the technical side, the show is nearly flawless. The cinematography, the music, performances, etc. It's all stellar. Special mention for a technique employed frequently that has characters in a single shot but not in the center of the frame. It adds a feeling of unease in a scene. I also have to mention the ambient sound. A detective calls in for backup out on the streets of NYC and we proceed to follow along with the scene unfolding as we hear faint sirens in the distance for the better half of 30 seconds all the way up until they're in the scene. That extra effort really gives the viewer a sense of immersion.

4. Your patience is always rewarded with this show. If a character disappears for 2-3 episodes, later on you'll get scenes of where they were and what they were doing. That kinda thing. I always had plenty of questions. But since I decided to sort of "surrender" to the ride, I was always rewarded with answers eventually and had a blast watching this show.

So there you have it. Hopefully that gives you reason to check it out. I'll say it's an wild, intense journey. But for the surprising amount of heart it shows along the way, it's well worth it.
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No reason for praise.
20 June 2023
I'm sure this review will be downvoted into oblivion and disappear within 24 hours but here we go anyways.

This show is just...ok. The story is the only thing it has going for it. But some things are just too hard to ignore. Like the fact that a 36 year old is playing the mother of a 27 year old. Poor creative choice there. It's so unbelievable it becomes distracting. And check the other reviews of users who give this show a high rating, because there aren't many if any. It seems a bunch of Tom Holland fangirls made accounts on this site just to give an average show blind praise. Liking an actor shouldn't translate to the rating of the work they do.

And the truth is, he's just not that great of an actor. Outside of Spiderman, there's just been no range in his non-marvel movies. I feel like he studied too much Back to the Future for his American accent. I'll give him credit for branching out and wanting to try challenging work. But he's not a "deep" dramatic actor. He's a matinee idol/action movie guy. I don't have any real problem with him. But after this, Cherry, and The Devil All The Time, I wish he'd see drama isn't his strength and stick to lighter fare.
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A flawless masterpiece!
20 December 2022
After my third rewatch of this fantastic miniseries, I thought it was time for a brief review. I'm not big on story or character synopsis as I'm sure you can find that elsewhere.

I wanted to write this review because I realized it does so many things so much better than it's peers. For starters, we see enough of the main group's personalities to genuinely come to care for them. The voiceover is helpful in guiding us along in the general narrative of the series and is FAR more welcome than most voiceovers usually are. It's shot beautifully, both the action scenes and the quieter scenes. As far as the action scenes go, it's always hard to tell who ends up a causality in battle scenes. This series makes sure to address it somehow so the viewer is made aware of it. Either with dialogue or camera work. Sometimes you watch things like this and can't tell who is shooting who. This series handles it better than anywhere else I've seen.

But it's those quiet moments where Band Of Brothers really shows how special it is. For all the horrors of war, we witness so many beautiful moments of humanity from these characters. For as rough around the edges as some of them might be, these guys are all heart. Thank God this series took the time and care to portray these men so wonderfully.
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Boys (2014 TV Movie)
Innocence is part of the appeal
20 December 2022
The best word I can think of to describe this movie is...light. But sometimes that's much needed in a coming out/coming of age story. It's a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of other modern movies telling the same story. No graphic nudity or sex here. It's just a feel-good story about a teenage boy trying to figure himself out once he starts developing feelings for another boy. Sure, not much happens. Sure, it's not reinventing the wheel for the genre. But I believe younger people going through the same thing as the main character need a story like this. There's some glimpses of hardships here and there, but it's nothing over-dramatic or unrealistic. I think a lot of the small things that happen in this movie will ring true for a lot of viewers.

If you are looking for a movie in this genre that is light, uplifting, and doesn't get better than this one.
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Remarkably average movie
1 December 2022
Maybe I am missing the point. I don't get the praise or how it was up for so many awards. I'm not one to insult other's taste. So if people like it, that's great. But when I reflect back on watching this movie I can't remember a single scene or plot point that sticks out as being remarkable. I just came away from it feeling like...nothing happened. It's beautifully shot, I'll give it that. The performances are interesting and well done but nothing I'd consider Oscar-worthy. Maybe on a bigger screen it would have had more of an impact? I feel that way with a lot of big awards season movies that go straight to a streaming service. I didn't particularly care for Nomadland, either. Maybe something is getting lost in translation there. Either way, I feel like this movie is just sorta...there.
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Young Royals (2021–2024)
Entertaining middle ground between other extremes.
7 November 2022
For the sake of the review, I'm referring to this series as a middle ground in tone and themes between the more innocent Heartstopper and the more mature Euphoria.

If you like either of those shows, I'm sure you'll find something in this one for you. Where Young Royals is concerned...there's an interesting contrast between the tenderness of the main love story and the highly stylized, punch-you-in-the-face music montages. For the record, I enjoy those...that's not an insult. Everything technical about this show(camerawork, music, etc) is done in an age appropriate way.

To me, this series rings a little more true than anything I've seen depicted on those other shows. For example...The way the characters are very transparent with what they're thinking and feeling on a show like Heartstopper...that doesn't happen here all that much. But teenagers are frustrating like that. High school is like that. So to me, it checks out. And as for Euphoria, well to me that pretty much feels like adults who happen to once and awhile go to high school. That's not a knock on the other shows. I enjoy them both very much. There's just more social and familial dynamics in Young Royals that's accurate of the age group.

If you like teen dramas or romances, this is well worth your time.
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Mythic Quest: Quarantine (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
A masterpiece!
27 October 2022
You know you have a special show on your hands when a webcam-based quarantine episode is this good. This episode covers an entire spectrum of emotions. You'll tear up one minute and crack up the next. The writers manage to do justice to the many social nuances on the pandemic and slide in some blink and you'll miss it metaphors as well. The cast is somehow at the height of their charms given the restrictions. I love this show and Always Sunny, but this show gives us something Always Sunny rightfully doesn't. These characters care about each other and take the time to show it. They do genuinely decent things. You can come away from an episode of television like this feeling uplifted. Kudos to everyone in front of AND behind the camera. Well done.
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Black Bird (2022)
Good story...stellar performances.
19 October 2022
I've raved about this miniseries to anyone who is looking for something quick to watch. You get in, the story doesn't waste a lot of time, and you get out. The way a miniseries should operate. I wasn't necessarily blown away by the story itself. I don't feel like it broke any new ground. But what it did, it did well. If you're a fan of crime thrillers this will be right up your alley.

My real reason for writing this review is the performances. I was blown away by the entire cast. But I'll only mention a few here for the sake of time. Only having seen Paul Walter Hauser as Stringray in Cobra Kai, I wasn't aware of the extent of his talent. And there's plenty of it. I was very pleasantly surprised there. I was aware of Taron Egerton but have never really gravitated toward any of his previous work, and he knocked it out of park. What a marvelously versatile performance. If he isn't in the conversation to be the next Bond, he should be.

And finally, Ray Liotta. Not in every episode but absolutely owns every scene he graces us with. I was left in awe and just saying to myself "wow, this guy was so freaking good". I don't know if it's officially the last performance he left us with or not. But what an absolutely legendary performance from a legendary actor. Well done and RIP, sir.
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Home Improvement (1991–1999)
An under-praised classic.
18 September 2022
Is it possible to be beloved AND underrated? A lot of people don't remember this series but the ones that do always seem to think of it highly. And that's well deserved. While not as high brow or prestigious, for my money it's just as funny as Seinfeld or The Office. And although not as awarded it's funnier than something like Everybody Loves Raymond or Friends. That's simply one guy's opinion but let me explain why.

Aside from just being laugh out loud funny and at times ridiculous(in an good, entertaining way), the household dynamic of the Taylor family rings more true than almost any other sitcom family I've ever seen. Jill gets to have her own life. You see her applying for jobs and pursuing a fulfilling career. But you also see her doing mom stuff like ironing and the parents do mundane things like schedule picking the kids up from activities. It's clear they put a lot of thought into accurately representing a real family and I feel it pays off in spades. On the technical side of the production, I'll mention that the lighting in the yard scenes is beautiful in those early evening "golden hour" scenes. They've won Emmys for that. Well deserved.

I walk away from this series with 2 gripes. The biggest being that when the kids got older and got their own storylines I felt the comedy suffered a bit. But I can see how writers would sort of be backed into a corner with something like that. So I'd say this show is a 10 for the first 3-4 seasons and I'll knock one star off for the latter half of its run. I'm also a bit amazed that Patricia Richardson never won an Emmy for playing Jill. She's insanely funny, a great representation of a mother and wife, and knocks it out of the park when she needs to be dramatic.

All in all, I think any sitcom fan who hunts this show down and gives it a chance will come away glad that they did. Enjoy!
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Barely of interest for bored teenagers
7 August 2022
I can get why a few people might like this. It's a shallow enough show that you can goof around on your phone and sorta just have this on in the background. And sure, the actors are nice to look at.

But the fact that they CAN'T ACT makes this pretty much unwatchable for everyone else. I honestly thought I was watching a parody and not the real show because it was so laughably cringey. There are far better teen shows out there for summertime "empty calorie viewing"
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Not bad but so obviously a Disney cash grab
5 August 2022
I'm a proud Star Wars geek and love The Mandalorian. That being said, while this isn't awful it just feels unnecessary. This story didn't really need to be told. It's sadly becoming obviously Disney wants to turn Star Wars into Marvel and create a whole "universe". The thing is...I just don't think Star Wars has the amount of stories or characters for that to pay off. With so much being set in stone because of the films, there's only so many options. And I don't really need to see a young bratty Leia. I don't need to see Obi-Wan watching Luke from afar. I already knew he was doing that. Sometimes it's smart to leave well enough alone. I'm more excited at the prospect of NEW ideas. Like the Mandalorian. Like what Taika is gonna come up with. If there's promise for this brand in the future, it needs to look forward, not backward.
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Heartstopper (2022– )
A thoroughly positive, uplifting viewing experience.
2 August 2022
I don't really understand the low ratings. So I'll address some of the things those harp on first.

The acting. These are young actors. In the actor who plays Charlie's case, it's literally his first acting gig. This isn't Succession. It's teenagers. And while it's not top notch, it's not nearly as horrible as people are making it sound. It's good enough to get a pass and doesn't take away from the enjoyment of the show.

Boring plot/cringey dialogue. Again, this is a show about teenagers. And it's also not built or supposed to come across like some major, large scale drama. This is a smaller, humbly made show about young people. And I believe the whole point is to sorta exist as the opposite to darker teen shows like Riverdale and Euphoria. It's going out of its way to be low key and innocent. Plot and dialogue are going to reflect that. Some people need that. Another passing grade there.

So I watched and really enjoyed this show. I consider myself a pretty tough critic, yet I didn't pick up on any of the things the negative reviews are nitpicking here. I almost feel like those people went into it with unreasonably high expectations based off what they're used to.

All that being said, why did I enjoy the show? There's plenty of valid reason this show is getting praise. The representation, etc. But the thing that a lot of viewers gloss over that I really appreciated was that these characters are being honest about their feelings and communicating them to each other.

For example, so many scared, confused closeted kids in Nick's situation would jump at the chance to use Imogen as a beard and would have danced around or denied his feelings for Charlie for entire seasons of the show. And the exact opposite happens here. Nick goes out of his way to specifically tell both those characters how he really feels. In a world full of doom and gloom dark teen shows, that is such a positive thing to depict. And it's the sorta thing that's gonna give other young viewers who are going through the same thing a lot of hope.

Aside from a specific reason like that, I feel like this show in general is just so light and positive that anyone that watches it can come away from it just feeling...good. You'll literally notice yourself smiling while you're watching it.

If you need something uplifting that isn't a lot of work to keep up with, this is more than worth your time. Enjoy!
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Please Like Me (2013–2016)
A rollercoaster of emotion!
29 July 2022
Very realistic series in my opinion. Funny things happen. Absolutely heartbreaking things happen. But hey, that's life.

I think that's why I valued this show so much. The difficult moments aren't sugarcoated, and the fun moments feel so relatable you can almost see yourself and your own friends in the place of Josh and the rest of the gang.

The production value is subtle and quaint. No big budget stuff here that's gonna blow your mind. But that, paired with such naturally likable performances, I'd a big part of this show's charm. If you're a fan of dramadies, this is right up your alleyZ.
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The Office+The Real World+Vampires=What We Do In The Shadows
13 June 2022
This show is an absolute blast. But I also acknowledge that it's for fans of a certain kind of comedy. If the randomness of The Office isn't your cup of tea, I doubt this will be either. And that's ok.

An example that jumps to mind is in the first season where they are trying to figure out where to put up a visiting vampire in their house. Someone suggests the attic and Lazlo says "no the stairmaster is up there!"

Stuff like that gets a laugh out of me. It's random and ridiculous and said by a vampire those things are just multiplied. Don't even get me started on the kickball game they have against the werewolves.

This is a funny show. But you'll know almost immediately if it's your kind of funny or not. I'd say give it a shot regardless.
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Enjoyable if a tad over-stuffed.
13 June 2022
It works mostly as a mystery/investigative miniseries. Following Andrew Garfield's character as he tries to solve the case is the most enjoyable aspect of everything going on here. For the record, he's fantastic as always. The rest of the performances are strong as well. Both from the well known and lesser know actors.

That being said, there are slow moments that made this hard to get through in spots. Not from the subject matter. Not being all that educated on that whole world(Mormonism) and way of living, it kept my interest. I'm referring more to the sense that it got quite slow in the few middle episodes. The more flashbacks to early Mormon days they give you, the slower the show gets. They could have left all of that out and lost almost nothing in my opinion. There was enough modern day context that the flashbacks were eventually off-putting and just keeping the plot from moving forward.

I'd ultimately say that this starts strong, gets a bit slow in the middle, then finishes strong. If you're a fan of Andrew Garfield or police mysteries/procedurals, I'd say this short miniseries is worth your time.
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Dark: Ein unendlicher Kreis (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Best of the bunch
15 October 2021
For a show that is extremely, well...dark...this is by far the most emotionally charged episode of the series in my opinion. There are even some glimpses of genuine happiness. Just don't get too used to it. My favorite episode of my favorite series.
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Television done PERFECTLY
29 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just here to echo the sentiments that this is the best episode of the series(so far). There's no actual dialogue aside from the last minute, and yet it's fantastic. I couldn't look away and found myself not only marveling at where they went with the story, but how superbly they pulled it all off.
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Outer Banks (2020– )
Ridiculous, but lots of fun.
27 August 2021
Not everything needs to be The Wire or Breaking Bad. Sometimes you just need a fun story you can enjoy and detach from daily life with. This doesn't get quite as insane or unbelievable as say, Riverdale, but there is some silly stuff in here considering we are talking about teenagers on a treasure hunt for the most part.

I kind of like the 2 separate social groups amongst the teens. Pogues and Kooks. Reminds me of The Outsiders with the Greasers and Socs back in the day. Adds a fun extra element to the story

The acting is enjoyable from the entire cast. With a special mention going to Drew Starkey who plays Rafe Cameron. He's the best actor of the bunch and it's a blast to watch him.

Check this out if you wanna get into a fun story but wanna be able to turn your brain off a little at the same time.
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Zodiac (2007)
Fincher's best...but be patient with it
27 August 2021
I'd give this movie a perfect 10 if they could maybe have shaved 20-30 minutes off it somewhere. I love the movie and think it's a masterpiece technically and from a storytelling standpoint as well. It's just hard to rewatch because it's a little long.

People looking for a gory horror movie considering this is about a serial killer will be disappointed. This is mainly focused on the investigation and the obsession that can come from such a thing. Also, since Zodiac was never caught, if you're a movie goer who needs closure, you will be disappointed on that front. But it's still worth a watch for plenty other reasons.

The basement scene is one of the creepiest movie scenes I've ever seen.

The acting is terrific from the entire cast as well. It's a top 10 movie for me. Enjoy!
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Read the book.
4 August 2021
Loved the book series. The characters and story hold a very special place in my heart. That being said, I feel like this adaptation was botched. Mostly by the cringe-worth, heavy-handed acting. I would have loved to see this as a miniseries under better direction with some bigger names attached to star.
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