
16 Reviews
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Superstore: New Initiative (2018)
Season 4, Episode 7
Family is the worst relation
11 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Seems this is once again an episode that promotes being a bad person, to the extent of some scenes encouraging murdering your own mother showing what tools to use. In the least problematic part of this it states that family will never accept their own offspring and go to the end of the world to make their children sad in order to fake parental pride.
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Superstore: Maternity Leave (2018)
Season 4, Episode 6
Showcase of how embarrassing the US healthcare is
11 March 2021
There are so many references to how poor the US healthcare system is and how little the US cares for people by not allowing them to be treated with respect when giving birth. This episode makes me never want to visit this country ever again and makes it look worse than any 3rd or 4th world country in regard to respect for you fellow human, and especially degrading to women. Rarely have I watched the depiction of sadder system than that of the US.
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Too much scattered action and no focus
3 February 2019
Season two has been a downhill slope and this episode does very little to make up for it. All the characters we want to love have been mixed up to introduce some suspension and just ended up introducing a lot of confusion and no focus. It tries to take on so many sub stories that none of them actually succeed. I really want to like this story as it started out great and with a lot of excitement, but at this point I am considering if the 3rd season is worth starting on.
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Graceland: No Old Tigers (2015)
Season 3, Episode 13
The End
9 August 2018
So the show (not just the season) seems to be already ended and now we are looking the wrap up. The personal vendetta that agent Warren had against agent Briggs has now opened up to be a crazy act of vengeance that cannot survive into a new season of this show. Maybe this was intended from the writers, maybe they were just really bad and should not be allowed to work in the industry anymore. The ending makes the viewer be glad that this was not renewed for another season. The entire second and even more third season was badly written and was only about how dirty the FBI is as a whole wrapped up in small episodes with meaningless side stories that belongs in a teen show and not in an FBI agent show. As an overall show, it started out OK in season one, but turned into one of the worst series I have ever watched. It was like a car crash, you dont want to watch but cant help yourself. The difference is though that I dislike this series to an extend where I will try to avoid other shows with the same writer, or maybe even with the same actors - The agent Mike Warren made such a bad impression that it will be hard watching anything else with the same actor.
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Graceland: Dog Catches Car (2015)
Season 3, Episode 12
End is nearing
9 August 2018
And it does not look as a good ending. As has been obvious for the most part of this season, this was always a agent Warren season where all the other, who by the way always did a better job at making it a good show than Warren ever did. The really big downside in this episode was the Charlie and Dale side story that just seems to be a weird non important story that has been put in to fill out a time slot. And then to top it off agent Warren steps in and takes the scene as the prime asshole once again at the end.
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Graceland: Master of Weak Ties (2015)
Season 3, Episode 10
Back to the chaos of a multistory
9 August 2018
As I watch this episode I get confused and doubtful about whether I like it or not. We had a brief moment in the beginning where agent Warren was about to overpower the story, and then his story was in luckily the background again. But we are still trying to manage several stories (2-4 sub stories, too confused to be sure) which takes attention in all different directions and makes it very hard to follow. The story still has too much of these agents getting their ass kicked and just taking it. This is not what we want from this type of series - and the Warren case stick its ugly head out at the end of this making us wish we skipped this episode.
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Graceland: Hand of Glory (2015)
Season 3, Episode 9
Less Warren more story
9 August 2018
Finally an episode with some good old fashion action in it. Agent Warren is finally at the backseat of an episode and this seems to do it a lot of good. His pathetic story is not over shadowing the case. Had all episodes been like this I would have been happy to binch watch them all. All agents are collaborating about the big case and no small side stories are destroying the overall theme of it. Good one for once.
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Graceland: Savior Complex (2015)
Season 3, Episode 8
Druggie agent
8 August 2018
Agent Warrens drug abuse has now come to a point where his "work" suffers and those around him risk dying because of it. It is also taking over the story and over clouding the FBI agents story. All that is left in the series is now a more and more weird story about agent Warren and his drug abuse. Underneath there is still a hint of the big story but it gets faint in this episode. This is a sad turn as Mike is the most boring and annoying character in the series, at least in season 2 and 3. The front story is the Mike story and all the small stories are pushed way back, which seems like an odd turn for the the series. The hint of the Miami story was the only highlight in this episode.
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Graceland: Bon Voyage (2015)
Season 3, Episode 7
All goes bad
8 August 2018
This story gets more and more pathetic. Now there are no more good guys left and all the "agents" are now behaving like teen screwups more than anything. We are now mostly dealing with drug abuse and murder coverups amongst the agents. There are still too many sub stories to keep a straight line through the story, that still seems to be there behind all this chaos. Most series have either a story through each season or individuals in each episode. This has on one hand both and the other none. Too bad this has turned into a very bad written agent series, it started out good in S01 and went downhill from there, and this episode just proves it is still going downhill.
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Graceland: Piñon Tree (2015)
Season 3, Episode 5
All inzane
7 August 2018
It seems the series is now for sure changed into a crazy chaotic series of non coherent incidents. Almost all characters of the show have now transformed from agents into lunatics that all have bad things on their conscience. There is no longer a solid continuity in the show, and it's hard to see where it is going. Now we are only waiting to see the entire show cancelled as this have no chance of working for a new season. WE are dealing with a string of fragmented stories that are hard to tell if they fit together in some kind of overall puzzle of it has turned into a new set of no moral rogue agents with a story that only holds out for the single episode. This episode at least have a small win for the agents but it is all still so chaotic that we can hardly spot the win.
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Graceland: B-Positive (2015)
Season 3, Episode 1
Weak start of the final season
31 July 2018
What started out as a worthwhile series is not ending up only trying to make the FBI look homicidal maniacs that does not care for human life. With the downfall off agent Mike Warren in season 2, it now looks like the remaining set of agents are being pulled into the same way of working. Where they in season 2 had the Solano family to take down, it has in season three passed on to a couple of other criminals that cannot carry the weight of this kind of show. A crooked cop and a small boy that are more a teen on crack than a leader that will ever follow in the footsteps of his father. Lets see if the show will pick up, but already now I am beginning to see why a next season never happened from here.
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Graceland: Faith 7 (2014)
Season 2, Episode 13
Chaotic ending to the season
31 July 2018
The season ended and at least which is a good thing. This was one of the more chaotic episodes with multiple sub stories which seems not totally connected. We are seeing small stories with all the agents scattered into their own small story, even some agents crossing from one story into another. It all gets very hard to find the meaning of this. It would seem that karma is finally catching up with agent Warren in this last episode, and this ends up setting the entire house on trial as a "family". This was not entirely a bad episode, but the next season will need to be better to deserve being commissioned. Since there is only the three seasons one can ask if season three will be as bad as this season was and the series deserved to be cancelled.
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Graceland: The Head of the Pig (2014)
Season 2, Episode 10
Small win in the big battle
30 July 2018
This episode actually had some progress that was unexpected in a good way. The agents seem to work on the same project but from so many angles that they dont see what the other sub teams are doing and this causes them to trip each other. Even though it all explodes in this episode it is actually a good thing for the story. And the soulless Mike Warren finally gets a small taste of tough going we have all waited to see. As a viewer I am rooting for him to fail and enjoy when there is just a hint of it.
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Graceland: Gratis (2014)
Season 2, Episode 9
Least coherent story yes in the series
30 July 2018
The story continues with what is supposed to be a theme throughout the season it seems, but it is getting so fragmented that it is hurting the overall quality of the story. The agents have changed in character to a place where it is hard to recognize them from the first fairly OK season. Especially the Mike guy (agent Warren) is taking a turn in a direction far from where the series started out. He seems to have lost his humanity in this episode being in too deep under cover. I the quality does not get better with the next few episodes a third season would bot have been my recommendation I am sorry to day. I staryed too far from the theme of the first season.
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Graceland: Los Malos (2014)
Season 2, Episode 7
Average story, but overall not worth much
29 July 2018
This seems to be a story going first nowhere and second downhill. Most of the agent characters are actually making an OK story out of it, but the Mike character is getting more and more an arrogant soulless asshole that makes the series hard to watch. If the story of his character does not improve soon, I am surprised why there were ever a third season commissioned for this series. In this episode we are still on the ever going hunt for Mikes hero case, that is supposed to make him famous in the big FBI league. It does not seem to go very fast and most try to close his case results in failure and only proves more and more that the FBI has no soul and respect for human beings, at least not as portraid by the up and coming Mike guy.
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New Girl: Engram Pattersky (2018)
Season 7, Episode 8
Ending at the bottom of the slope
16 May 2018
This series went downhill in the last episodes and ended with one of the dumbest of them all. Only good thing about the ending was that I am happy we never need see another episode of this. Most of the characters behaved like idiots in a much worse sense than ever before in this show. This last episode made us want to not see anymore of the show.
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