
12 Reviews
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Emily Emily Emily, why why why ...??
4 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well I was duped again!! Actually I have it on pause @ 33 mins in just to come back here to IMDb and look at 'User Reviews' which I can see now was something I should have done BEFORE watching this diddy on simply seeing the 7.5 rating score. Darn Darn Darn Darn Darn (!!!) as Herman would say to Lily. DARN! And I usually do read u-reviews first. Well, I guess I do see one or two reviewer ratings over a 1 or a 2, but not many, but some, but .. uhh .. not many. And most the ones I see that are are mad at the others giving it a 1 or a 2, which are many! Soooo .. should I go finish this tripe, or, just write it off as another 3.99 row row row your dream gently down the Amazon stream loss? Ohhhh the decisions one has to make! So far the only part I've enjoyed is seeing the little rugrat get snatched by the ??? for playing with his toy Space Shuttle toy when he was told not to. Yep .. liked that. Children are to be seen not heard. I hope by saying that I don't have to click spoilers. Like I said I'm PAUSED at 33 mins so who knows. I guess I'm going to force myself to go finish this 'thing' just my 1s and 2s worth. Bye bye now.
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The motivation tape for new upcoming 'teen idols' called, "Scott Who!?"
23 August 2018
Well, I guess ol' Scott does have to buy groceries and pay his bills.

It seems there should come a time when the old 'teen-idol' needs to take a good look in the mirror and ask, "how far will I go before there's no return from looking the fool?" Obviously that question wasn't even pondered over on this gem.

I watched only a little of this (that's all I could stomach) on an old recorded disc that a roomie left behind as trash (and now I see why) and stopped it and took out exclaiming, oh my my. Just bad, bad-bad-bad. It's not even the funny-bad kind even. I was feeling embarrassed for the whole crew!

Scotty boy, if you're listening out there, it's time to reinvent yourself. Try doing the Sopranos type thing! How about "Godfather Revisited: Meet Chachi Corleone!" I dunno.

Wow! I just realized this tape is 10 years old! I knew you were over well 45! Actually, we met once LONG ago at a 'special' Laguna Beach party back in 78 or 79. Yep, we sure did. You were very Chachi even then.

Well, that is all. Carry on.
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The Following (2013–2015)
Just LOVE my User Reviews!!!!
30 May 2018
This is not a review, because after reading one full page worth of BAD reviews, with barely any rating over a 2, I just will not be doing this, for sure. But, poor ol' Kevin, I sure loved him in all his old movies. And I know Hollywood can be brutal on gigs for actors when they're entering Grampa Gravity territory (time). But Kevin Bacon is a great versatile actor that has proved himself multiple times and I hate seeing him do bad flicks. He did give us Friday the 13th, and Dirty Dancing, need I say more? :):)
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Bill Nye Saves the World (2017–2018)
SO glad for IMDb reviews!
26 May 2018
Before I get into watching some movie or series on Netflix, or anywhere else, I look it up on good ol' IMDb here and read some of the good ol' 'User Reviews" first to see what's up and this one garnered no more than a 2 rating all the way down with some very unflattering reviews by all. So .. I thank you all for that. :)
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Just NOT good ..
20 March 2018
I have no idea what Hollyweird dive they fished Aaron Paul out from, but throw him back!! What a colossally bad actor. He is so unconvincing even laughable trying to play a strong male lead lover. I even had to stop halfway, I ended up feeling embarrassed for him! From his always coiffed Bart Simpson rooster frolic, to the perpetual five o'clock shadow. Hasn't h-weird moved on from that look yet? You ain't got it Aaron, stick to what you know best bud. This might have been a good flick had it had some strong leads, or at-best they didn't keep going back in memoryland over and over with Aaron trying to play the hetro lover! Screeech! NOT! Hey, the Russian dude in the junkyard was good.
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The Descent (2005)
Silly, annoying, just bad.
5 March 2018
I just felt like I wasted 1.5 hrs trying to give this a like. A bunch of hysterically loud females in an underground cave in N Carolina full of these pasty white inbred humanoid things that look like they came from a 1950's B TV movie at best. For a mid millenia flick of the times it's missing the the most minimal of much needed SFX. But with all the ridiculous plot curves, twists & turns who'd care anyway. Such predictability coming from some overacting actresses that simply aren't ready for the majors yet and better stick in school. I did like the little old Bronco II, and thumbs up to the stunt driver at the is as far as I can go. So that's why I gave it a 2.
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The Decorator (1965 TV Movie)
Margo Channing; 15 years later..?
24 November 2017
I just found this on YouTube, in it's entirety. Actually, I don't think it's so bad? I read the two other reviews, and I get-it about over-the- top acts, and this wasn't some Lucy Show, agree. But personally? I think the concept was a good one for 1965 and could've worked! I think if they used the approach of the Davis/Liz character being a Margo Channing who'd recently retired from a long NY stage/theater career some 15 years later, moved out West to her nice little beach cottage with her good old' pal and biz mgr; who was the Ritter/Birdie in 1950's "Eve" and now the Wickes/Viola character in this ... to pursue her hidden flair of interior decorating her wealthy client's homes! (??) This would have been the PERFECT vehicle for that and would have made it with some various (obvious) tweaks here and there. Because I'm sure audiences (fans) were "still" wanting to see 1950 Margo Channing in 1965. It looks they were on the right track with this one, it just had not proper marketing, if any. I agree Begley could have toned down. I agree about those old laugh tracks too. Although Davis may not have been hilarious, I think she held her own - as usual. And simply viewing the legendary Drama-Queen, Ms Davis, do a comedic sitcom? Well, that's comedy in itself right there! And aside all else? She was Bette 'Friggin' Davis! The audience wouldn't have expected her to act like a screwball "Lucy Ricardo" character! Mary Wickes? What another awesome legend as well. Maybe it should've been a Comedy/Drama? And, in technicolor too? Show off that gold/red hair, and clothes. I say, it had potential to grow-up, given the chance. But in 1965, Bette probably could have taken or leaven it, either way.
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The Debt (I) (2010)
Ciarán Hinds should be Marton Csokas instead..!! ?
21 May 2017
The biggest mistake in this movie was the casting for the part of the Stephen Gold character! Was nobody over at Acme Central Casting that day? Was no one clever enough to see that Ciarán Hinds and Marton Csokas look alike and both should have been the older-younger versions of Stephen Gold, instead of Tom Wilkinson and Sam Worthington!? Someone sure was out to lunch that day, wow. Oh well.
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River's Edge (1986)
1986 Rocked!
22 February 2017
Keanu was 22 and second billed! But for low a budget film great cinematography, direction and GREAT cast! Anything with Dennis Hopper rocks on of course, RIP Dennis! And when Dennis did this movie (1986) he was 50yo. Remember he played next to Jimmy Dean, Liz Taylor and Rock Hudson thirty years earlier (1955) when he was Keanu and Crispin's age in academy award winner "Giant"!
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The Space Shuttle (1994 TV Movie)
Outstanding Photography
16 May 2005
I just watched this 1994 Documentary about NASA'a Space Shuttle(s) and never realized just how much is involved. This is a must see for those who really don't know how intense and detailed the Shuttle Program is. With the hundreds of involved technical aspects and programing that goes into it at every moment. And just how sensitive and fragile every piece of the puzzle is, and their are so many. You can also come away making your own conclusions about the two prior accidents, Challenger & Columbia. Nothing is mentioned of them in the Doc. Nothing needs to be said. Once you see all that's involved in making these "machines" do what they do, you will probably agree that two accidents in 25 years of service and operation is quite amazing. Amazing that there have not been more. The Shuttle's have done quite a job. Though, personally, I'm ready to see space technology and travel move ahead to the next phase to whatever that may be.
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26 September 2000
I'm not a big horror film watcher, but this was more on the action side. I thought it was a cool movie that kept me wide awake through the whole thing. All the kids were pretty much newcomers, and did some real good acting. I have to admit that at the very end, I laughed ... and I think that was their intention for our reaction. Anyway, go rent it. Its worth it.
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Well Done Movie!
20 September 2000
Many people have losses that are very hard to deal with, and they must "Let-Go" on their own time and in their own way after processing. I think this movie was well done. I believe that many of us who have lost either a spouse, parent, sibling, etc ... have kept in contact in some way in our heart, soul and mind. Here is to Dave and Gillian, and a very good screenplay!
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