
14 Reviews
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Not bad, not as good as hoped
17 August 2003
It's been 19 years since The Terminator; 12 years since Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Arnold has gotten older, movie-technology has gotten more advanced, but how does this affect the third installment to the Terminator-epic...?

First of all, I'm not gonna be one of those critical souls shouting that this is a poor movie, cause one thing must be clear: Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines is FAR from being poor. The story is still exiting, the special effects are as good as you'd expect, the acting is quite OK. However, T3 leaves you a bit disappointed. There is something lacking despite all the fancy camera-work, the high speed chases, the rough action, basically all the blockbuster eyecandy can't remove the feeling that T3 should have been a little bit...better.

While watching T3's two predecessors, there has always been a certain unique atmosphere present; an intense excitement; a sence of impending doom when the Terminator is chasing after it's targeted victim. That very atmosphere was what made both films so very good, together with - of course - very well written scripts, great directing, and awesome soundtracks.

T3 has got action sequences which are at times better than the first two movies, with crispier CGI. But that feeling of doom, the terror of the terminator is gone. When Robert Patrick was on screen in T2, you felt an eerie presence of his bad guy-character, the same with Arnold in the first movie.

Kristanna Loken who plays the female T-X terminator in T3 is a pretty girl, no doubt about that, but she completely lacks the ability to send out any eerie-vibes what so ever. You just don't feel intimidated by her. Her general performance isn't really good either, and despite the fact that she hardly has any lines, it is all too easy to see that she is no Cate Blanchett when it comes to acting. The rest of the cast do an OK job though, while Claire Danes' "damsel in distress"-character gets a little annoying at times. I love Arnie in this movie, and it's been a while since I did. His latest movies has been quite disappointing, but in T3 you'll find him back in good old-fashioned style. OK, he's not an Oscar-material actor (never was, never will be), but he IS the Terminator!

One of the movies' downfall, is the script. Cause the script for T3 doesn't work as well as the scripts for two first movies did. And while Jonathan Mostow is a talented director (I think both Breakdown and U-571 were good films), he hasn't got the story-telling ability that James Cameron is the master of. Cameron, who directed both the two first Terminator-movies, knows the story better than anyone, and I think he would have been the perfect choice for T3 as well. But all together, Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines is an enjoyable action-flick, with some very funny moments as well (Especially the "Talk to the hand"-line from Arnold while walking out of a gas-station without paying for his merchandise). Just a little shame that the movie is not as good you would hope it to be. But maybe a 4th movie will do the series total justice. Atleast the ending sure opens up for a 4th Terminator-epic.

I have a feeling that sometime in a not too distant future, Arnie will be back...untill then, I will get out of here!

My score for Terminator 3 - Rise of The Machines: 7/10 (T2, the best in the series as I see it, would get 9/10)
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Crime might be king...This movie sure isn't!
4 April 2002
I was going to write a long review of this movie, but I don't have to. You can all read Keyser Soze12's review, cause he's right on about this incredibly stupid movie!

I was bored after 35 minutes of this film, and wished I could have turned it off right there and then. Guess what? I didn't...To make errors, is DEFINETLY human!

WARNING: Do NOT watch '3000 Miles to Graceland'

Why? Cause it's crappy.

I'll give it 2 out of 10, just because it makes an effort to be different and it tries to be cool...Too bad it ends up being nothing but stupid, annoying, and boring.
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Under Siege (1992)
Seagals best ever...
14 November 1999
"Under Siege" is a typical good guy vs bad guy-movie...or, more precisely in this film, good guy vs. bad GUYS, cause Seagal is the lone wolf who has to take care of business when one of the four remaining U.S Navy battleships, the 'USS Missouri', is hijacked by a former CIA-agent and his men.

I've seen almost all of Steven Seagal's movies, and I think that this is the definite best of them. And I think that "Under Siege" was made when Seagal was at his peak. Cause after "Under Siege II" (1995), all of his films has...well, to be honest, sucked. They've had bad, uninteresting stories, and not alot of good action-scenes in them either. But "Under Siege" has it all--a good plot, great action scenes, and Tommy Lee Jones, and Jones' plays a cool character (which he usually does...) even as the main bad guy.

I think "Under Siege" is a very fine action-movie, and--like said--Seagals best movie. And when I even mention that Seagals acting performance isn't bad in this film (which isn't always the fact in the other movies of his), then you know it's well worth watching.
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Runaway Bride (1999)
This sequel is better than the first...
8 November 1999
OK, so "Runaway Bride" is no direct sequel to "Pretty Woman", but still it's the same team that brought us the latter. And, let's just say that the saying 'never change a winning team' fits the bill for what this movie's concerned. I thought it was very good. Very good indeed. I liked "Pretty Woman", but "Runaway Bride" is actually better. Cause as the romantic part of the story has been kept intact, the comedy part is funnier than "Pretty Woman". The only objection I have, is the the very last part of the movie. From the scene in the church when Roberts and Gere is getting married, and Robert's character for the fourth time runs away, the story seem a little too constructed and prolonged. They could have ended it at the church after my opinion. But that is just a minor problem, and I won't let it change my opinion about "Runaway Bride" being an absolutely good movie! And I can't think of any actors that has that special chemistry which Roberts and Gere in fact has. Not even Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan can match it...
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Urban Legend (1998)
Quit nice, but still...
8 November 1999
I think "Urban Legend" fits nicely into the line of American horror-movies made during the last couple of years, which has a story that takes place at either a high school or a college, and and always seems to have a bunch of good looking students being the main characters. (i.e "Scream I and II" and "I Know What You Did Last Summer" + the latters sequel.)

Unfortunately, that's part of this movies' downfall. Because the story in "Urban Legend" is a little too similar to the stories in the films just mentioned. So, if this movie had been made before "Scream" was released, I'm sure it would have been a much bigger hit than what it became.

But, like allready said, it is a good horror movie...So, it's somewhat of a shame that it leaves you with the impression that you've seen it all before.
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8 November 1999
This movie is one of the best I've ever seen, and it deserved all the Academy Awards it received. The only other movie that has made me experience so many different emotions during it's running time, has to have been "Forrest Gump". Because "The Shawshank Redemption" made me smile, it brought tears to my eyes, it made me laugh, and it made me curse at the injustice that takes place. And the acting-chemistry between Robbins and Freeman is nothing but excellent. Yep, this movie is great, and nothing but great! If you haven't seen it, you definetly should! And IF you HAVE seen it, you probably agree that it's a wonderful movie!
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"Captain, my captain!"
8 November 1999
If you say that is Robin Williams' best film ever, and without doubt one of his best performances, you will not hear me object to it! Cause I would agree. Williams does a magnificent job. Because usually he covers his characters with too much funny faces and joking around, so that it gets a bit tiring after a while. But in "Dead Poets Society", he masterfully combines his genious comedy-talent with his more serious side of acting and it's a winning combination.

Peter Weir's directing is awesome, and the combination of a great story, excellent acting from all actors involved, solid camerawork and both humour and drama, makes this one of my all time highs!
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The Exorcist (1973)
8 November 1999
Some people say that this is perhaps one of the scariest horror-movies ever made. But, without rambling on about this film, I don't agree. Actually, I didn't find it scary. Some perhaps disturbing scenes, but not really scary. But then again, I've never been much for older horror movies. In my opinion there's only one horror movie from the 70's that is actually scary, and that's "Jaws".
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Funny? Entertaining?
7 November 1999
The answer to the questions above, would be "no". Atleast in my opinion. OK, this movie might have a few funny scenes, but when you get to the middle of the movie, you just start to hope that it's not too much left of it. Because honestly, I started to feel bored. There's just not too much of a pace in the movie to keep you interested in what's going on....Which is really quite sad, because the idea behind the whole story could make for a really fun comedy. Too bad "Dead Man On Campus" never turned out to be just that!
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Ransom (1996)
Great, unusual thriller!
7 November 1999
The whole story in this movie is not that unusual, but the way the different events takes place, is very unusual and surprising. The whole time it left me guessing what might happen next, but it kept surprising me all the time.

It's very exiting, and if there's something about it that is not unusual, then it would be that Gibson delivers another excellent performance as the desperate but yet cold-blooded father who stops at nothing to get his son back alive!

It's a very good movie, and it deserves the good reviews it's been getting ever since it's release.
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Similar to Aliens
5 November 1999
Naturally it would be similar to the other Alien-movies, since it's the last one of them. And even if it's a nice movie, with several nice scenes and plenty of cool special effects, you can't help but to have seen it all before. To me, "Alien: Ressurection" is very similar to James Cameron's "Aliens" (aka "Alien II"), but it lacks the nerve and intensity of that film. And while Camerons movie from '86 was packed with new special effects that amazed most viewers, Resurrection doesn't come up with anything new. (Although the scene while they're submerged and they fire grenades under water, is quite cool.)

All together, it's a good movie, and it delivers what you'd expect from the last movie in the Alien-series. Just don't expect to see something you haven't seen before from the other threesome. Personally, I would only recommend this movie strongly to those who are die-hard Alien-fans!
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Mafia! (1998)
Nice, and somnetimes funny, but far from brilliant.
4 November 1999
This is kinda the sort of movie you choose to see when your main choice isn't in at the video-rental store. But it is not a bad movie...Far from it, cause it has certain moments where you'll be laughing out loud. But still, there are numerous clichés, allready seen in films like Hotshots I and II, and on an average basis, it never gets to be brilliant. So, it's a film you will probably enjoy while watching it, but it'll (most likely) be forgotten once you've rewinded the tape.
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Titanic (1997)
A true masterpiece!
4 November 1999
Since all the things there is to say about this film has allready been said, I'm not gonna say anything about it.

Except: If you have not seen this masterpiece by James Cameron, what are you waiting for!!?? Go out there, and rent it...or buy it...! This is a movie not to be missed; Spectacular, world-class effects; excellent acting; magnificent story; wonderful photography, superb music alive with tense atmosphere. It's Cameron's best movie ever. If that doesn't mean anything to you, you've missed out on some very good movies...But, like said, this is the best one! And this is one movie you don't wanna miss!
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A movie quite underrated
4 November 1999
This is one film that has not scored many good reviews, but honestly, I'm a little surprised why most movie critics has slaughtered this film all together. Myself, I think that's unfair, cause I found it absolutely enjoyable. OK, the story is a bit thin at times, but alot of films has had thinner stories than this one, and still received better reviews. Sheen doesn't act too bad in this film either, and Kinsky surprises as well. None of them are great actors, but they don't let the film down. In general, a fair action-movie, with some very spectacular skydiving-scenes. Not bad at all.
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