
4 Reviews
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Tattoo (I) (2002)
Finally a hip Euro-Thriller that's worth watching
19 October 2002
Though this movie does have more than passing similarities to David Fincher's SE7EN, I feel that comparing the two is unfair and, in my opinion, downright unwise. It is true that TATTOO unfolds in an ever rainy cityscape; follows the lives of two police detectives (with a vast generation and experience gap) while they chase a killer. And yes, it plays its drama out amidst a seedy German underworld

However, what transpires amidst this spectacularly visualized tapestry full of rave parties, torture chambers, skin rooms, and body modification cliques willing to sell the tattoos off their body for quick cash, is vastly different in tone and theme from Fincher's 'who done it, and why' police procedural. Here the characters are not shown as black and white, but rather in shades of gray. Their lives, their dilemmas, are the real story. Even the reasons for the killings are presented in such a way that makes you understand, if not empathize, with those that a standard Hollywood picture would casually demonize. This element of moral ambiguity, under the remarkably controlled direction of Schwentke, creates a dark, cold, and subtly stylized world, that surprisingly plays as very very real.

It is encouraging to see a European film with the refined sensibility of European cinema combined so adeptly with a genre so intrinsically American. It is also hard to believe that this is Schwentke's directorial debut. (I for one will keep my eye on him.)

It's a remarkable film, and I certainly hope it blows the doors open for other genre films shot in Germany, and in Europe as a whole. Not since viewing Spoorloos (The Vanishing) have I been so impressed. If you have a chance, don't hesitate to catch it on the big screen. It's gorgeous, it's ballsy, and it's worth it.
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Return to Me (2000)
Note to the director! (A winning review)
18 November 2000
Bonnie - You pulled it off! Congratulations on both your script, which is as strong as any I have seen translated to film, and your direction - which is as sure footed as Capra's. (High praise, I know... but hey. You made a terrific movie!!!)

The sense of realism (family and emotion) mixed with the storytellers usual bag of tricks (fantasy and romance), worked so well that this movie trancended the 'romantic comedy' genre for me. It became more. It became a GREAT MOVIE! For a genre that rarely produces anything but trite gushers, I applaud you for giving us such a personal view of what makes our dangerous world bearable and ever so charming.

In short - thank you! And congratulations on your first film! It will be remembered.

Now go do more!

[Point of reference: Male, 33, single, filmmaker / writer - who generaly stays away from genres such as 'romantic comedy', because like 'horror', not many good 'movies' are made within them.]
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Fall (1997)
Love it? - or - Hate it?
3 April 1999
I have watched this film several times so I thought I would stop by and see what everyone had to say. To be honest I am not surprised to see just how varied the opinions of this movie are. I guess it is just one of those rare films that ride the fine line of evoking some substantial 'truth' about the human condition - or - falling off into insubstantial irrelevancy. It is true that the film depicts events that are 'highly' unlikely, but I feel if you cannot get past this very common convention in film (Can Harry accidently run into Sally a few more times?) then you are unfortunately missing a beautifully crafted depiction of these two character's "fall". As I said it is a fine line, and I can see that it would be easy to discount this film as garbage, but I for one did not. I just gave myself to it and feel I came out richer for doing so. I believe that the director/lead actor/writer Eric Schaeffer, delivers a very personal journey down the road of real love - regardless of the unlikely circumstances. A journey that made me smile, laugh, hate, think, and cry. I for one loved it. If you haven't seen it, give it a shot.

PS: I don't think this would be a good 'date' film as some have suggested. If you do give into this film, it may just take you down the road of all your previous relationships - some of which may still haunt you today. Be careful.
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Pep Squad (1998)
Had money - had little talent.
21 March 1999
Saw the film at it's Lawrence, Kansas premiere. This wavering story about a group of disgruntled highschoolers killing off the competition for prom queen was just awful. It fails for many reasons - bad acting, bad script, no clear point. But mainly it just felt like the filmmakers said to themselves - "Hey I have some money, so let's make a movie!" - without really thinking it out. Sorrowfully most indie films that don't make it suffer from just that mentality. They just don't seem to realize that it takes more than money to make a good movie... or in this case, even a watchable one. With this film I do not feel ashamed to say, that if I didn't know some of the crew, I would have walked out. Simple as that.
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