
196 Reviews
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Not Going Out: Pointless (2014)
Season 7, Episode 5
Thank you, You Tube
3 June 2024
I am a fan of the game show Pointless and when clips from this episode showed up on my Recommendations in YouTube, I searched for the entire episode and found it on a few free site 9with ads, of course.)

I had never seen the show but thoroughly enjoyed it, although I don't know if the many other episodes reach this level of amusement.

Armstrong is a veteran of TV series and it shows, and Osman rises to the challenge (the biggest surprise was how tall he is.) The prelude to the actual show was fun but the appearance of the mis-informed pair on the actual set and show was pure comedy genius. Only flaw was the short running time.
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Bodkin: One True Mystery (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Obamas should probably stick to politics
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Mysteries set in these locales (Ireland, Scotland, Shetland, Scandinavia) at least always have interesting scenery, as this does. But I don't plan to see anymore of it thanks to one of the most unpleasant lead characters I've encountered in these types of shows. Dove is rude, pompous, and stupid (running into that car on the road?) and her two team mates aren't much better companions.

I had misgivings about this episode as I watched Sean drive down the narrow road hardly keeping his eyes forward. I expected they would get into an accident, as do most people who drive watching their passenger or their cell 'phone. We know they aren't actually driving, but still...

I won't know if the actual plot is better than the cast, but don't particularly care.
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Deal or No Deal Island: Are You a Gambler? (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Once Was Enough
9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was just curious to see how this was different from the studio-based version, which is fairly moronic to begin with. This first episode satisfied that curiosity and no more views are needed.

Not sure why Boston Rob is aboard, having already won millions in previous shows. I admire his game skills, and the trick he and Amber pulled off at an eating challenge on The Amazing Race was one of the cleverest in the show's history. (He convinced a team that arrived after him and Amber to take a penalty rather than do the challenge, ensuring they would be behind them at the mat.)

So why Aron didn't get rid of him right away was a dumb move (and maybe viewers wouldn't have to see Rob looking stupid wearing a backwards baseball cap) again.

Also, why do adults scream and carry on like teenage girls in all these shows? So idiotic.
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Judy Justice: Labradoodle Litigation (2024)
Season 3, Episode 44
What's wrong with these people?
1 April 2024
I have taken in over 60 dogs in my adulthood, many seniors and ill ones that didn't live long, but did not die in a shelter. I have a great disdain for breeding of dogs when there are thousands in shelters that never make it to a loving home. These litigants all deserve the lecture they got from the judge (but why was she buying dogs herself all these years.)

If people would stop spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on puppies, then breeders would stop over-populating the world with dogs.

I also support our military by boarding their pets through Dogs On Deployment. Maybe people who want a dog could look into that as an alternative to buying one. End of lecture.
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Judy Justice: Rims, Barter, and Betrayal (2024)
Season 3, Episode 38
Rim of the Pit
20 March 2024
Among the most boring episodes ever. Might have been ok as one of multiple cases, but to drag out a case about spark plugs and oil changes and financing rims and all that nonsense was breathtakingly dull.

Among the most boring episodes ever. Might have been ok as one of multiple cases, but to drag out a case about spark plugs and oil changes and financing rims and all that nonsense was breathtakingly dull.

Among the most boring episodes ever. Might have been ok as one of multiple cases, but to drag out a case about spark plugs and oil changes and financing rims and all that nonsense was breathtakingly dull.
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An uptick in litigant quality
14 February 2024
After a string of episodes where both the plaintiffs and the defendants mostly deserved each other, this episode had three of the four parties involved that were easier to take.

He first case involved horse owners who were unfortunate enough to rent stables belonging to a man who is probably in the top ten most annoying litigants in the show's history. Judge Judy was mostly able to control her temper with him -- just.

The second case concerned a woman suing her neighbor over towing fees when she went looking for his lost dog as a favor and her car became stuck in mud. As she said, it was an example of no good deed going unpunished.

As ever, the commentary from the judge's grand-daughter continues to be irrelevant to the show and it's hoped she gets a real job soon and won't be able to participate in future shows.
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Shetland: Episode #8.6 (2023)
Season 8, Episode 6
Season Eight Review
1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Granted that Douglas Henshall would be greatly missed, why didn't they even mention Jimmy Perez' absence in the early episodes?

Also granted that Ruth Calder was unlikable and like a loose cannon most of the time. The whole series was like someone took a bunch of plot ideas and threw them against the wall to see which ones stuck. Too many did, though.

Halfway through the whole chase of Ellen to Shetland was dropped, then we get the Norse cult stuff (huh? What happened to those people?), then the focus shifts to the Bains (nice to see Mrs. Hughes playing matriarch in her own estate), and the mystery of who killed Ellen (though who cares at this point) .

Since it wasn't established at the end, there is hope if another season is filmed, it won't include Ruth Calder as the DI. Tosh was good as a replacement, although she certainly let Calder get away with a few real zingers by keeping things to herself.
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Pointless: Episode #29.44 (2023)
Season 29, Episode 44
New Pointless Friend is Hard to Take
17 January 2024
A usually very entertaining quiz show that has been featuring guest co-hosts since Richard Osman left fails in their choice of Gyles Brandreth. His constant name-dropping and self-aggrandizement is tiresome and although UK viewers may be familiar with his career, my first introduction to him as a personality doesn't leave a favorable impression.

Also, the recent introduction of the bonus round where the final two pairs of contestants try to find pointless answers is silly and maybe the show could go back to having the extra round that was in the first show instead.

Armstrong continues to be a pleasant host and thankfully doesn't read the long clues twice any longer.
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Life Begins: Maggie & Phil (2004)
Season 1, Episode 1
False Advertising
23 December 2023
I was drawn to this by the two leads -- having enjoyed Quentin's other shows like Jonathan Creek, Blue Murder and her other appearances. And I've been watching Pointless for years without being aware that Armstrong had a resume that included acting credits. So I enjoyed this show (although his role is fairly secondary to hers.)

While it's a pleasant diversion, I don't think it should be classified as a "comedy." Not many laughs to be had, especially in the pilot where Maggie deals with her sudden single-ness.

I watched on Amazon Prime since I had accrued digital credits by not using the speediest delivery method on packages, but doubt it's worth paying for the rest of the episodes Pointkless is free with BritBox, and Xander is more fun to watch in that.)
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Frustratingly dumb
16 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Although some of the flashbacks are interesting, the whole motel scene was just padding and had no real point.

The truly idiotic aspect of this episode was Sian and Darby venturing out to, what, find the place Rohan was signaling to? And especially frustrating was Sian driving at breakneck speed in a snowstorm on a road barely visible and covered with ice (and possibly without seat belts on) which of course resulted in the expected crash -- always an annoying trope in shows where drivers look more at their passenger than the road and then wind up in a ditch. This series started out ok, but has gone down hill in every episode.
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Judy Justice: Pit Bull Ambush (Part 2) (2023)
Season 2, Episode 132
11 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Years of watching Judge Judy preside over these pit bull cases have left me with that sinking feeling going into the show. In this case it seems like the daughter was being irresponsible, knowing her dog's potential for biting people. Having had pit bulls myself I know they react to how they are treated -- mine have always been loved and were loving. Perhaps being crated all the time created the unsafe dog in this case. The judge is obviously prejudiced against the breed and might have pointed out that it's usually the owners fault for facilitating the breed's disposition by poor training or none at all.

To continue my rant about the judge's behavior in dog cases, I've always wished she would take to task dog breeders or people who buy dogs from breeders.

What was curious in this case is that the judge never brought up the fact that the plaintiff lied in her hospital account, which clearly states the attack happened while she was walking her own dog and that an unknown pit bull attacked her out in the street. Perhaps this was done in collusion with her boss so the boss would not have to explain it to her insurance company. Obviously more to this story than was shown.
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Judy Justice: Car Thief Hit-and-Run (2023)
Season 2, Episode 118
Tongue bitten
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode recalls the old days of Judge Judy shows, when it was obvious she was biting her tongue and holding back some scathing replies to some loser litigant in front of her.

The defendant in this case is a great example of failed parenting. She thinks that her daughter's asthma might justify her not taking correct action after her 14 year old daughter -- who of course has no driver's license -- steals her car, goes joy riding, hits an innocent person's car, and flees the scene.

Judge Judy does get the point across that the mother has done a terrible job raising her daughter and is irresponsible herself for driving with no car insurance. It's one of those episodes you might wish the court is a criminal one, not a TV show one.
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"I'm not gonna repeat myself"
24 September 2023
Judge Judy says that about 3/4th of the way through the first case, before which and after which she repeated herself many times. That fact meant that this case grew extremely boring and tiresome as the judge kept telling the plaintiff she did not have the correct paperwork to prove her claim. Plus, interestingly enough, Judge Judy was shown crossing her arms at one point (in frustration, maybe), a gesture she often admonishes her litigants about. The second case was fairly boring as well. Neither litigant was interesting and their friendship seemed parasitic.

Note To FreeVee: since we have to watch the ads, how about not repeating the same ones over and over. And not showing snippets of upcoming testimony or recapping what we just watched a minute before?
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fara sens
12 September 2023
Best thing about this mess is the short running time; although it's still too long.

This inexperienced nepotist journalist travels to Romania to flesh out a story of a nun who died during an exorcism.

She calls back to her newspaper to give the actor playing her uncle more screen time, and luckily it's always daytime in both places, except once although it should have been dark in both places.

Luckily for her everyone she encounters in the "rural" part of the country speaks perfect English. That itself merits one star. She also luckily finds a wonderfully spacious room in the local hotel in this "rural" part of the country, where the manager speaks perfect English. She gets involved with a handsome local clergyman (who speaks, well, you know), and others in the church and local hospital who, well, you know.

I tried to find the Romanian word for "balderdash" but wasn't able to.
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Revising my thoughts after watching again
7 September 2023
I originally rated this 9 stars, but have changed it a bit. Goddard is one of my favorite golden age stars, so seeing her play a nitwit was a bit of a downer. Early in the film there was a cringe-worthy moment when the brokerage firm owner dismisses the adult black man shining shoes (itself a lamentable image) as "boy." Willie Best is also referred as that later on. Times change, but still...

The Ghost Breakers is one of my favorite movies (Cat and the Canary is up there, also) but this third re-teaming of Hope and Goddard doesn't age as well. Her costume designer must have been playing an inside joke on her or someone in the production since some of her outfits are ridiculous.

Except for the obvious racial lapses I'd say this is innocuous fun.
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What's the Russian word for "Huh?"
31 August 2023
Interesting setting and the switching between present and past was well done. The female character was off-putting and obviously using the "boy" for her own ends. Maybe if the actor had been much better looking and less strange in his behavior we could accept her actions.

Sadly, the plot was incomprehensible to non-Russian speakers because the subtitles were off-sync and some that were two lines long went by so quickly you couldn't read them. It wasn't obvious who was saying what line and since the plot twist was complicated, at the end I still couldn't figure out what had happened. Plus the whole "anniversary in the cave" premise was pretty silly.
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Shetland: Red Bones: Part 1 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
Conflicted review
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Although third in the series of books, this teleplay based on it was the first to be shown. It sort of follows the plot but moves the action from the smaller island of Whalsey to Bressay for no obvious reason, except maybe it was closer to Lerwick and easier for Perez to get to quickly. The TV character of Tosh does not appear in the book, but is a welcome addition to the show. Some of the characters in the book were omitted but the biggest difference was the identity of the killer.

This was mostly interesting because it is set on one of the smaller islands so the atmosphere is more claustrophobic and the characters involved are all interrelated. In the book Sandy is less mature but has grown from the first two books. Watching the TV version after just finishing the book was disconcerting since a viewer might keep comparing the two versions, and thinking "that's not right."
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Grantchester: Episode #8.1 (2023)
Season 8, Episode 1
Mrs. C was right
14 July 2023
I live on a rural road and am often disturbed by motorcyclists who insist on making their ride as loud as possible. So I thought the premise of a fun bike ride was not my idea of fun. Getting that off my chest I turn to the series major sticking point for me -- the continual nonsense of a vicar being so involved in police work, such as investigating crime scenes and sitting in on interrogations. It's all so improbable and off-putting. I keep watching due to being unable to give up a bad habit (plus I can do other things while the show is on.) Not sure the domestic intrigue of the Davenports is worth the effort either. Past time to retire this -- and that shouldn't be a choice either.
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Somewhat painful
15 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Do the producers insist that the contestants yell and scream and generally act like 12-year olds on Christmas morning? Seemingly mature adults devolve as they enter the race. Also, yelling at their partner during a challenge can't be helpful. Oh, and I was not disappointed when the team that had the man wearing a backward baseball cap (never a good look) lost.

First episode bodes ill for the rest of the series since many of the teams are not ones I'd like to spend more time with. Thankfully there is always that fast-forward button available on the remote, which came in handy many times this episode.
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OK up until the end
26 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As did many viewers, I suspect, I knew the outcome and was curious how they would film it. What was most impressive was the period detail in the costuming -- even those extras on the street in long shots. And using sites within Paris that probably hadn't changed in the decades since the story is set was a nice touch.

I was ok with the acting, although the interplay between the police prefect and the inspector was a bit tiresome. What ruined the entire thing for me happens at the very end in the park scene where the police (who aren't spread out arm-to-arm) are searching for the culprit. Knowing there is such danger, Phillippe brings the young woman to the park, then walks off when she stops and doesn't turn around until he hears her screams. Totally preposterous and stupid writing. Watch this again? Nevermore.
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Dalgliesh: A Certain Justice - Part 2 (2023)
Season 2, Episode 4
Fails in the logic department at the end
11 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An enjoyable series with a competent Chief Inspector who shows (maybe too much) empathy towards his colleagues and even some suspects.

I probably read the book years and years ago so can't compare it to this teleplay, although there are some plot holes and inconsistencies.

My reason for rating this episode so low (I gave the first part a 7) is the scene in the forest. And even before that, why the daughter didn't just run off at the petrol station was baffling. But why she allows the policeman to be stabbed when she could have prevented it had me yelling at the TV screen. She was portrayed as a complete fool.
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What the Blank?
10 April 2023
Just had 20 minutes to kill and clicked on this episode since I sort of liked some of the celebrity panelists (and had no idea who others were.) It was like watching a college get-together where all the alumni were trying to out-do each other in the childish category. Except possibly Justin Long, the others all acted like fools; Baldwin also was unfunny in his screechy delivery. The "game" itself was also infantile and the contestants mugging for the camera and interacting with the panel was hard to take.

I wish I had used those spare minutes to do something else, like alphabetize the books on the shelves.
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Frikjent (2015–2016)
Pros and Cons
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Season One Pros: * beautiful scenery. Makes you want to move to Norway.

* also some beautiful actors (both male and female) * an interesting premise about the death of Karine

Cons: * too many episodes and drawn out sub-plots. Those that could have been dropped included the budding romance between the grand-daughter and Tim; the illicit meeting between visiting executive and hotel owner, and the corporate shenanigans * too many drone shots of cars driving on those great fjord-side roads * another Con goes to the costume designer who insisted the character Tim wear a backwards ball cap. Never a good look.

* and it was a stretch that Tim spoke fluent Norwegian * Ava's obsession with Aksel, especially as the series progressed. Why people didn't just walk away from her as she went on and on is more of a mystery.

Season Two Pros: * more beautiful scenery, this time more snowy * same beautiful actors

ConsL * more driving around, but on snowier roads * 90% of main characters act illogically * Aksel really became a boring dog with that bone * Lifjord is the Nordic Peyton Place. Were there any main characters (besides maybe Svien?) who were not sleeping with someone they shouldn't have been?

* At the end I thought if that final jolt had happened in the first 15 minutes of Season One, Episode One it would have save many of us hours of watching cars drive on single lane roads.

* not a Con for the series, but very boring reading the same trivia in each episode entry.
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To be fair...
6 March 2023
... this is the only episode I have watched, and the only one I will watch. And I only watched the Roberts sections.

While it was interesting to go back through her family tree, the viewer didn't need a recap of her career, which took up more than half her segment.

I found the host asking "... and how does that make you feel?" after revealing every tidbit of information tiresome and condescending. Would have been more watchable to see how the investigators went about finding those tidbits instead of prompting Roberts (or is it Mitchell?) to gush over every fact.

It's a good concept for a show, but poorly executed.
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Moneybags: Celebrity Special 2 (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
"To be fair, Jurassic Park -- not a documentary"
27 February 2023
Host Craig Charles lifts this game show above many others. His wit is spot on and his banter with the contestants often elicits laughter (from them, and me.)

The quote above was his retort when a player in this celebrity edition (all of whom were unknown to me) gave her reason for thinking a pterodactyl fit the criteria for a prehistoric beast being a carnivore because she remembers them eating people in the film.

Craig is also adept at gentle mockery when the players exhibit some shockingly silly answers (one player during the first shows said he thought an Abba album cover would have a train on it because they sang the song "Waterloo.")

It all seems like great fun and no one takes themselves seriously, although winning a great deal of cash seems very hard to do.

The only gripe I have is too much repeating of rules during the various rounds. Otherwise, a fun time is had by all.
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