
13 Reviews
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All the Rage (1999)
Magnolia Meets Glock
31 August 2000
A well-crafted, rhythmic story knitting together a dozen lives (some well-explored, some not-enough) with handguns as the common thread.

Like Short Cuts or Magnolia, the story builds not though a single protagonist/antagonist pair, but through a mosaic of different people. The ensemble cast (especially Joan Allen, Andre Braugher, Gary Sinise, Jeff Daniels and Anna Paquin)is wonderful and except for Allen, all play parts that seem well outside their usual range. Braugher and Daniels especially play parts different from what they've done before and both are convincing. Only an accomplished stage actor like Sinise could have fully developed "Morgan", a character that could too easily have become a charicature; he probably deserved some award nominations for supporting actor for this, and it makes it more poignant seeing him in the mindless commercial pap that dominates his career.

The core theme is how guns, and owning them, affect different personalities. Some changes are the same in all the new gun owners; most are different. While it's clearly an anti-handgun film, I don't find that offensive; it's clear the writer knew actual urban people who obtained handguns and the way urban handgun toters change, sometimes subtlely, sometimes significantly. If you're a member of The Second Amendment Foundation or a survivalist whacko, you won't appreciate the film, but any of the 94% of the population that isn't will relish the tart commentary.

Editing and cinematography are both crisp and add a lot to the story.

This is a very, very good movie in every respect. I recommend it strongly.
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Black Mask (1996)
Hard to believe it could have been so pointless
2 July 2000
It's hard to believe an "action" packed Jet Li movie could be so boring, but this was transcendant trash. The plot is an amalgam of other Hong Kong chopsocky flicks. The martial arts action is all special effects and no human talent.

It's a comic book story about a group of super-human soldiers who are to be killed because they're mentally unstable, one of their number (Li) who holds off an incompetent army to save them and rebuilds a life as a pacifist librarian. The saved killers resurface with an Austin Powers quality plot to take over the world, and Li sheds his new life to save the world.

The version I saw was dubbed, and that may have accentuated the cheesiness of the wafer-thin plot and comic-book 25 cent special effects. But I suspect even Ninja-Turtle-watching 8-year olds would have found this juvenile and hollow.
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Almost perfectly edited piece of art
15 May 2000
Winter Sleepers, a film Tom Tykwer made before his brilliant Run Lola Run, shows some of his development. A few of the more dramatic shots were things he tried here first. From a technical point of view, the work is excellent: editing, photography, lighting, music, sets and locations were all beautifully delivered. At times, that's enough, but this is both an unrelentingly down story and it's probably about 25 minutes too long...a rough combination. I'm glad to have seen it; I enjoy Tykwer's vision and technical crispness; he knows how to grab your attention powerfully without resorting to cloying tricks like Spielberg. On the other hand, there aren't many people I would recommend Winter Sleepers to. Great work, so-so outcome.
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U-571 (2000)
60 minutes of raw adrenaline
22 April 2000
Look, this is not a deep, perceptive work. It's a very watch-able WWII submarine movie in the post-war tradition of Run Silent, Run Deep and We Dive at Dawn. Its outstanding trait is a 60 minute adrenaline roller-coaster ride in the vein of the first 10 minutes of Raiders of the Lost Ark. It just plain cooks. If you're in the mood for a monsterously exciting, crisp movie, see this in a big theatre with a great sound system. Don't bother to rent it -- it'll lose too much on the small screen.
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Swell visuals; unspeakable dialogue
12 March 2000
A lot of newspaper reviewers didn't like this film because it "didn't have enough action". I thought it *did*. I found it suspenseful, not completely predictable, with engaging landscapes and special effects. What sucked fatally was the unbelievably horrid dialogue. It wasn't just bad for a movie, it was bad for bad TV. Who writes this stuff? The exposition in the beginning was heinous, stilted and laughable. When a character dies, you just KNOW someone is going to say before the end of the movie, "You have to take it, <character name> would have wanted it that way" AND THEY DO SAY IT. It's supposed to be a tear-jerker of a moment, but about a third of the adults in the audience laughed. What's surprising is, given that, that the plot was good enough to sustain the movie. I enjoyed it... when I wasn't gritting my teeth at the dialogue.
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Elizabeth (1998)
A flawless script but direction was a little heavy-handed
3 May 1999
Historical dramas tend towards exaggeration. This seems to have been fairly loyal to the historical record, at least at the "royals" characters. Acting was wonderful, especially Cate Blanchett. Costumes, equally, and the sets/locations were quite good. Direction was a tad heavy-handed, as though the director was still learning a lot about his craft -- a lot of imitation of other films -- and the lighting sometimes undermined the message by some heavy-handed effects more appropriate to teenagers' TV shows. But he used his players well, and got unifomly good performances out of them. A fine fine film. Top 10 for the year.
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Deep Impact (1998)
Made-for-TV movie with expensive FX
28 April 1999
Deep Impact is paced like and looks and feels like a made-for-TV movie. It's not bad, except for dredging up a few more cliches than any one movie should have, but that TV movies need. Morgan Freeman was very good as the President, and it's always a plus to get Vanessa Redgrave, Elijah Wood or Leelee Sobieski in anything. The script had a few smart moments, using Moby Dick to fore-shadow an important moment at the end, but, as a whole, it felt like a made-for-TV spectacle, designed to keep the eyes busy and the brain otherwise dis-engaged. Worth renting when you want to be entertained but not challenged.
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A magnificent film about people, framed in a war setting
25 April 1999
This is an extraordinarily well-made film in every respect, from script to acting to cinematography to editing to soundtrack. It's not a war's a poetic story about the souls of young men, framed in a war setting. It's almost 3 hours long, and it is not boring for one minute, though some of the longer battle scenes may give some people battle fatigue.

Easily one of the 100 best films of all time. See it in a theatre, preferably with a real screen and sound system.
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Mafia! (1998)
Best Abrahams/Zucker-type film since Top Secret
11 April 1999
Look, you either laugh at the kind of humor in "Airplane!" or you don't. "Mafia" won't overcome the immunity of much of the population to this kind of humor. BUT if you like this kind of film, Mafia is very very good...the best work any of the Airplane team have done since Top Secret (well over 10 years ago). Mafia doesn't seem as forced -- it unself-consciously cranks out 8-12 jokes a minute and a lot of them are laugh aloud quality. Many of the films in this genre labor to fill 90 minutes -- they run out of ideas. But Mafia makes fun of enough different films to sustain its demented energy for the full monty. If you ever thought all those "good guys" films were flatulent with pretention, you'll get a big kick out of this one.
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Unspeakable waste of effort
21 December 1998
The apocryphal description of sequels -- that they can only get weaker with age, is not necessarily true. What is true is that if the producers get lazy and just want to cash in w/some easy $$, they can make crapulent mindless vapid product and make some money on it. That's exactly what this crew chose to do. It has none of the character development of the original, wastes a good cast with trite, oversimplified 'characters' and substitutes explosions & car chases for plot. On the good side, there are some brilliantly choreographed martial arts sequences, if you like them, and an interesting sub-plot around Communist Chinese slave labor policies, as well as a small handful of good laugh lines. Jet Li is a great villain. Worth a $1.99 rental price if you have three people watching.
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Predictable but snappy thriller
2 December 1998
This film could have been very very good instead of somehwat above average if there had been a single plot device that wasn't predictable. Good technical execution and a great performance by Kevin Spacey in what might be his first non-character role. Damn, the guy proved he's not just good, but great.
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Ronin (1998)
A technically well-made, moderately satisfying thriller
4 October 1998
Mechanically crisp thriller with fewer script flaws than most of the genre, but in the end, fairly empty characterization & thin plot. Great cast giving adequate performances.
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Event Horizon (1997)
Technically virtuoso piece of unimaginative mediocrity
15 August 1998
Good performers, photography, excellent special effects. Hopeless script, devoid of a single innovation, except, perhaps, folding a bit of The Exorcist into Alien, The Exorcist being about the only film besides Porky's VII not yet folded into Alien as an SF plot by some visionless hacks looking to crank out a gory SF scare-a-thon.
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