Outlaw (2019) Poster


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From Stockholm to Salo
kosmasp30 March 2022
And back again ... or the other way around. There are of course other things that get checked here. Many references and quite artful as I reckon most would attest. That being said, the movie starts off ... weird ... and ends weird. And is weird throughout. If you read that this has nudity and thought: well that sounds exciting, let me tell you one thing: do not watch it because you think this will go a certain direction.

This was not made to get your aroused or excited. This was made to please a certain audience ... to make a point .. to show a society and certain downfalls. I am surprised that there is homosexuality in the movie ... in the sense that it is as far as I know forbidden to even talk about it over there. But the movie promotes anarchy so don't expect it to take any prisoners anyway (although - well I guess pun intended).

A weird movie, that has some fine points and things to say ... but that is also not saying much on the other hand ... or nothing of too much substance. Society has a long way to go to accept those on the fringes ... not sure if a movie like this helps the way it is made or just further divides ...
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=== Don't Be Tempted By Description And The Pic!! Attempts 'Arthouse' But Just Weird And Messy! ===
LovelyLabrys28 August 2020
I can only think that the relatively high rating is for the nudity, or the sex, which just looks ridiculous (except perhaps,for one solo scene), and not exciting in the slightest.

Weird introduction to start with, and if you get past that then well done. Lots of long dialogues about how an artist, or writer or their work, is a metaphor for certain situations. Very pretentious with lots of swirling about, singing boring songs and then random violence.

The description probably leads you to think that there will be a sort of love story between the two guys, but there is simply intimidation, anger and abuse. None of the 'plots' (and i use that word in VERY loose terms) come to anything, and it is just frustrating, tedious and messy.
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I tried but I failed
scorpio622 March 2021
Neo russian cinema forays into neo Goth, neo surrealism and neo decadence no plot and no acting. Boring to no end as is russian society trying to cinvey the message of neo class war. Yes and my review sounds like the film void and desperate
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