96 of 179 found this mild
A husband and wife begin to kiss passionately. He then lifts her onto the bed where he leans over her, panting. The scene then cuts to them lying together under the covers, implying sex.
An emaciated man is seen showering, his nude buttocks clearly visible for an extended period.
A woman references a prior affair her husband had. She suspects and even accuses him of having another affair, of which he is quickly proven innocent.
A man ordered to strip. He covers his genitals with his hands. He is subjected to a very rough and graphic cavity search, but no detail is shown. A naked man is seen in a prison shower room taking a shower; male full rear nudity is seen for an extended period.
53 of 78 found this mild
A man is shot in the head. It happens quickly and there's no visible blood.
A man is punched and later beaten by prison guards.
46 of 86 found this mild
One use of fuck
One use of "hell"
One use of "a-hole"
Misused God's/Jesus's name 3-4 times
44 of 69 found this mild
Characters drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes constantly throughout the movie
40 of 78 found this mild
Those familiar with the Cuban Missile Crisis and the peak of the Cold War in the early 1960s will find the overall atmosphere of the movie pretty intense, as well as the archival news footage detailing the event.
Nothing too bad.
For those in the UK, it's worth taking the 12A certificate seriously. The general air of global threat at the time is clear, and the prison scenes are pretty grim. Not all children will be OK with this.