Lifechanger (2018) Poster


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Deserves a better retelling
mikayakatnt21 June 2021
A bizarre and original story with a few flaws. A mysterious and creepy treat for those who enjoy horror.

Lifechanger follows a serial killing shapeshifter who needs to change bodies so often or else he will die. A fun concept that can be explored in film. Yet, the implementation makes the low-budget nature of this film too obvious. From cheesy noise effects to random changes in pacing. This film tries to achieve much yet has flaws that can be suspense breaking.

Yet, I respect that this film focuses less on jumpscare and more on suspense building. The blood and guts can be toned down and the film remain powerful. Conflict feels like it's dished out to the audience instead of a more natural flow. If only the directors knew to rely less on cheaper effects for more powerful storytelling.

Acting is excellent throughout. Each character giving their own spin on the film. It's a bit tragic and sad with more emphasis on drama than horror.

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Could Have Been a Good Movie
claudio_carvalho8 January 2019
"Lifechanger" could have been a good movie...but it is not. The theme of shape-shifter successfully used in the gem "The Hidden" (1987), or "Fallen" (1998), is poorly used in "Lifechanger". The screenplay is lame and never works, with an awful and unpleasant narrative in off and none character development that are presented in one-dimension. The unknown cast is acceptable for a low-budget film and they do their best with the terrible script. The locations are also selected in accordance with the budget supported by poor cinematography. The attempt to make an ambiguous conclusion in the gross style of David Cronemberg does not work. Better off watch "The Hidden" again, one of the best cult-movies of this genre. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): 'Lifechanger"
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Really underwhelming if somewhat watchable effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder22 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
At the end of its cycle, a strange body-hopping being that has to keep shifting into a new host attempts to put its focus on its beloved romantic interest by killing those around her in to get close enough in order to be together only for its nature to take hold at the wrong moments.

This was a somewhat enjoyable effort. One of the finest aspects of the film is the incredibly strong and rather interesting setup featured at the start of the film. The film dives into this rather interesting creature from the start, showing off an impressive shapeshifting being that is continually on the hunt for new victims. The idea of being a shapeshifting spirit, one that can only be involved in a body for a certain period of time before it has to hop into another person which is signalled by the skin starting to rash and decompose and leak out various fluids before the change takes effect which is one of the more intriguing and enjoyable concepts for the creature here. Despite a brief tangent at the end that gives a brief look at what it is by tying into a form of Native American legend that offers a minor plot point about what he might be, on the whole, this is quite an interesting variation of the body-hopping creation. Seeing these scenes set up the series of strong and somewhat brutal kills there's some fun to be had from the numerous body-jumping sequences. Starting with the opening dismemberment of the one victim and leading into the series of confrontations at the boyfriends' house as she changes forms into several individuals, the series of random kills that she has to play out in order to stay on the move. That also includes the enjoyably thrilling and suspenseful scene of one form attempting to dodge the police force coming after her for one of the latest victims where it turns into several footchases around the neighborhood. The other big action encounter at the end offers up an enjoyable battle between the two that's more interesting than expected, and coupled with the engaging body-horror found in the finale offers up enough to like overall here to lift it up over its flaws. One of the biggest issues with the film is the difficult time it has trying to come to terms with how to tell its story. The disjointed feel of this one, especially since we follow this ever-rotating cast of hosts that make up the majority of the running time featured here, is never really explained in here. The anthology format of the film, jumping from one person to another without even catching their name or who they are, makes this difficult to keep track of who's who in the film or what they're trying to accomplish as the voiceover narration gives this more of a chaotic, narrative-less approach which doesn't make sense or generate any kind of answers once it spills its main storyline. That can make for a somewhat challenging watch as this goes along. The other issue here is the wholly underwhelming finale which is not completely based in horror at all. By going for the romance angle with the whole motivation here being to try to win her over, the main focus of not trying to hurt her turns the final half into a half-hearted romantic drama that maintains no real threat or suspense at all which really undermines a lot of the film. These here are what really hurt the film.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Brief Nudity, a sex scene and drug use.
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Great Concept, Poor Script
xrod-7676717 October 2018
I'm going to start with the positive: GREAT production values, WELL shot, WELL, lit, FANTASTIC special effect, acting performances were (meh...) hit and miss, but forgivable in most cases...

BUT THE SCRIPT -- Oh geez...not that great. As a matter of fact...kinda cringe-worthy. And the screenplay is the backbone of any film. If you don't have a solid script...DON'T MAKE THE MOVIE...(just yet, at least.)

The script felt uni-dimensional, not much substance other than the primary storyline following the shapeshifting body-jumper. Mostly dull during the entirety of Act 2. The movie would have been more interesting if there was a secondary plot line (maybe somebody following the shapeshifter who notices something strange going on?) This is what I get paid to do, so take it as free advice.

Even at the After Dark Film Festival premiere during the Q & A--I don't know if anybody else caught this--but the director ADMITS the screenplay was about a draft away from being! ARE YOU SERIOUS MAN?! Even if you think that (which I concur, you are correct...maybe even understating it a bit,) you DO NOT ever...under ANY circumstance ADMIT that to a sold-out theatre packed with people who paid to see your latest feature!

This is Canadian Film...unfortunately. Seems like so much potential is squandered because egos get in the way of good storytelling. (And that's not just an "opinion", that's empirical truth, otherwise there wouldn't be an acting/directing/producing talent brain drain heading to L.A. to make their dreams come true.) We cannot compete with Hollywood because it's like junior hockey competing with Pro NHLers. Story is everything. DO NOT compromise. Sorry Justin...I REALLY wanted to like your film but it sucks.
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Quite an enjoyable film!
El_Ingeniero20 October 2019
If you just expect a horror movie, you'll be disappointed. This is an example of how you can tell a beautiful story (drama / romance) supported by horror elements. 'Lifechanger' does it very well. I watched knowing nothing about it and I was pleasantly surprised. I don't quite like clear-cut films; I prefer when genres intertwine to produce something unique. Indie films don't have to follow the rules as much as bigger productions, so they sometimes give us little gems like this one. However I do understand that horror buffs might feel misled about the trailer; hence why I never watch them!
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Weird, and even weirder ending.
ponamaroevja31 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea why I watched this till the end. It was so weird, and at points cringeworthy to watch. The plot was confusing. There were no answers to the main character, or even what he was.... a butterfly...or something? I'm not sure what the whole point of this movie was, honestly. It was depressing and gory at some points, but basically a shapeshifter who was in love with a girl, blah blah blah, he kills her. The ending, well what in the actual hell! He even asked himself while looking in the mirror, "what am I?" Well, I guess nobody knows, man .
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Gripping and Creepy
reginamyers13 July 2019
Lifechanger is a very unique horror movie which had me gripped throughout. It's very much a character study of one man/woman who can take the forms of other people but has to kill them to do so. Sprinkled with a love story and some pretty gruesome body horror for good measure, Lifechanger is a very special kind of horror movie that I'm sure won't be for everyone but I loved it.

The acting is superb and I really got into the character's heads which really helped, expecially because the lead is quite a dark character.

Great Cinematogtaphy and sound design add to its eerie atmosphere and tone. I would strongly reccomend you give this one a shot.

MOVIE: 3/5 PICTURE: 5/5 SOUND: 4/5 CAST: 5/5
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Hyped up Pseudo Horror
barbaragolia27 August 2018
With all the build up you would expect a whole lot more, but what you get is a whole lot less in this overly hyped less interesting thinking man or woman's version of Jeepers Creepers or a more accessible version of Under The Skin. Wake me up when it's over.
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Not bad.
nafodude30 July 2019
I see a lot of negative reviews about this film, however I found it decent enough.

The premise was good, the execution not brilliant, but the film leads you down the path of appreciating what you have and to not take anything for granted. Until you realise this film is supposed to hit you emotionally and isn't packed with action, you wont fully appreciate it.
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More plot holes than ted bundys back yard.
lurpak4 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't suspend my disbelief at any point in this movie. It makes no sense. It's basically the "taking lives" premise where a soul passes from one person to the next adopting their lives. But due to terminal decay the person, who is at heart some sort of vampiric good guy has to jump from one person to the next killing each host as he goes, but only manages it seems to cups the host body for a day or two.

Despite this, he seems to attempt to continue the hosts lifes normal daily routines..why? He also wastes time disposing of the life drained corpses...which would appear to be in a state of severe decay...and by doing so. Makes their deaths looks more suspicious...why? This of course wastes most of the day he has in each host. He also seems concerned that the cops are catching him up...yet he would never have the same body, so could easily provide allibys for all the previous deaths...why?

It reminded me of a low budget student getting his first big budget script. Dialogue was poor.

It wasn't a terrible film, it was quite well made...but the conceptual plot, story and the dialogue really let it down.
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Excellent Low Budget Chiller
bettybenzone4 July 2019
Lifechanger is one of those movies I randomly stumbled upon late one night on Netflix and it reminded me of my younger days when I'd randomly come upon some unknown film on TV or at the video store and it would pleasantly surprise me.

If you're looking for blood and guts or jump out of your seat moments, Lifechanger might not be your cup of tea. What Lifechanger offers is a thoughtful, moody meditation on life and love that I wasn't expecting. What would you do if, to survive, you had to change bodies every few days or so even if it meant killing that person?

Lifechanger reminds me more of a George Romero or David Cronenberg movie where you're never scared in the traditional sense, but there's that creeping sense of dread and sadness throughout.

The acting is excellent throughout and the film is beautifully shot, especially considering its budget. I say definitely check this one out.
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Interesting Movie
louisethomas-0547330 October 2019
I enjoyed watching this flick. I did feel confused at some of the plot lines but that on the side this was a fun watch. The premise was simple but effective. I think it could of been produced a little differently to really ramp the motives but still it didn't deter too much from what was a creepy movie.
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Okay concept..
newmanm-8613818 April 2019
Just thought I'd leave an honest review to counterbalance the 8/10+ reviews given by what I assume to be friends and family of the production company.

This movie is an absolute slog. It has the pacing of a half dead hampster limping inside of a square hampster wheel. That is to say, it goes absolutely nowhere, instead deciding to play out the same scene over and over and over again. It wasn't a particularly original concept, however I feel it has not been overdone and as such could have been fitting for a short film. A very short film. A 10-15 minute film. Seriously, just watch this film for 10 minutes and rest assured you've already seen everything you need to see.

I typically do not like romance muddying up my horror movies (unless of course it inspires the plot in some meaningful way) but this movie takes the cake. It's not a cliche Hollywood shoehorning of romance into a movie that simply could do without -- no, it's much worse. This film is driven forward by a romantic plot written by what appears to be someone who has never in their life experienced romance. The writing is just god awful.

In short, this movie plays out like the AI robots that are forced to read Trump speeches or Olive Garden commercials and then write their own (to hilarious effect) were sat down in front of a Cronenburg film and set loose upon my senses.

I give it 2/10 stars because the concept was alright, and after reading this review I hope you have a good laugh while watching it and seeing exactly what I mean.
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Very good acting & good direction but not so good story/screenplay.
JJett1313132 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
LIFECHANGER is competently made with good direction and good cinematography. The acting from every person in the film is very good (especially from main(?) male lead Jack Foley. i'm VERY impressed with his acting and he's only acted in 3 projects in total!!) and the special FX work is very good as well.

what i really didn't like was the story/screenplay. i hated the fact that we're hearing/seeing things from the villain's perspective all while he's killing (or "taking" as the villain calls it) person after person with NO remorse whatsoever. much of the film is this villain "taking"/becoming (killing) person after person after person after person, etc. after the 350th person he becomes it gets really tired to watch. in other words it gets very repetitive real fast.

again, the acting, direction, FX work, etc. are all good but the movie gets only a 4 out of 10 from me because of the unsatisfying, poor storyline.
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My Review Of "Lifechanger"
ASouthernHorrorFan29 December 2018
McConnell's film places the main character in the role of both protagonist and antagonist. A shapeshifter, unsure of what it truly is, fighting emotionally against its own nature and drive to survive. Told in amplified conceptual storytelling, the film flows with a hint of melancholy juxtaposed against frantic horrific circumstances. It is all more "art film" than traditional horror.

The acting is top shelf, and there is a consistency in identity that is maintained in the many actors who all play the main character Drew. It is an exceptionally hard task to maintain, and a necessity to make a story of this unique nature work. Kudos to both the director and casting. A voice narration lapped over the film by the original Drew helps but had not McConnell's writing been so strong, the story could have easily become muddled.

The special effects are bone-cracking, visceral moments of practical, gooey delight. Unfortunately they are short-lived moments for most of the film , which moves pretty quickly. Perhaps if the pace were slower more time to enjoy the horror transformations could have been had, just saying. The pace also cripples the ability to really be vexed by the emotion and drama put forth in "Lifechanger". Still it is a good movie and definitely worth watching
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terrible, had to stop..
Sam66714 January 2019
It's a terrible little movie, the narrator is useless, the actors are terrible, the production value is zero, plotholes from the get-go, i had to stop after 20min and do something useful with my life. save your time, skip this one!
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Weird level 11, please...
ravenhair70215 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
OKAY! Wow...hate to point fingers, but it was late and my wife and I had scrolled through a huge amount of movies before saying..."If we don 't pick this one, we're not watching anything." Call me a wuss, but I was tired. I said okay. Have to admit, it WAS interesting. Doesn't really explain how the main character became what he/she is, but it kept me looking for why this character is the way he/she is.

You probably notice how I keep saying he/she. Can't tell you. You have to watch the damn movie. I don't do spoilers. It got mainly good reviews, have to say. I don't really get the ending. Maybe you people will. It has no jump scares, no hair raising moments...lot of dead bodies, sure...but again, you'll have to watch the movie to find out why. It's good, but it's definitely a one time watch. Peace.
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Ambiguous Doesn't Always Mean Good
TwistedContent1 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Lifechanger" is quite an ambitious attempt at making a philosophical indie horror & it's also the first horror movie I've watched in 2019. Here's what I think of "Lifechanger" (mild spoilers ahead):

I'm pretty sure the fact that I went into this not knowing a thing contributed to my amazement. There's a lot of small, positive things about this movie that I really liked. For example, the voice of Bill Oberst Jr. is made to narrate things. Yeah, there's a narrator for this movie - the main character whose real form we don't see until the very end. Visually, the main character changes all the time for he's taking another human being and making it himself, over and over again. Yes, the concept of "Lifechanger" indeed is interesting, to say the least, but does it lead anywhere? That's probably the biggest flaw of this horror flick - the story leads nowhere and ends in such ambiguity that it leaves the viewer slightly frustrated. I love ambiguous endings - in my opinion, the best story is the one that leaves the figuring-it-out to You, but the things is - the viewer should be able to figure it out to the extent that it makes sense, even if just metaphorically. So, "Lifechanger" starts out great, scene after scene makes you more intrigued and eager to know the solution to all the happenings. Sadly, halfway through the movie I started to question the destination of "Lifechanger". The idea behind the story is arguably great, but the finished script - underwhelming.

However underwhelming the flow and solution of the story might be, the director has done a good enough job to keep the viewer follow the movie - scene to scene, character to character - it's rather engaging, especially for a horror movie buff like myself who's in a dire need to expierence new & fresh takes on the horror genre. Surprisingly, the acting is convincing enough, given the script & the fact that this is not big budget movie. Cinematography is simple and polished, does not stand out with any on-the-nose flaws. Oh, and the gore! For some reason, I was expecting a lot more of it. However, it has its amount of gore & blood plus it's all practical FX & who doesn't love that? I sure as hell do.

Another thing I'd like to mention - there's quite a bit of drama/romance hybrid mashed in with all the horror. While it doesn't sound that good in theory, it actually kinda worked. Not counting the final dialogue (confrontation), the drama/romance parts are not the ones that'll make you cringe.

"Lifechanger" is one of those movies that I wish I could've liked a bit more, yet I can't fool myself and others, so, well, if you're interested in an itsy-bitsy different indie horror flick - take this up! If you're interested in anything other than that - skip this one. My rating: 5/10.
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Not as bad as many say...
aramt-0793527 June 2019
Not as bad as many say...If you look at it from the philosophical point of view,the film asks ,in it's own way.questions,that makes life miserable for thinking people:Who am I?Why I'm here?Is it really me or a mask?What is love,if we are the ones always to destroy it anyway???Not a horror,more of a essay about meaning of life...Look at it that way and it is pretty clever film...I liked it.
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The existential shape-shifter.
S_Soma30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A single, even interesting, idea isn't a story. Unless you go to the effort of building a complete story around it all you end up with, at best, is a vignette.

This is the case with LIFECHANGER. We don't really have a story in LIFECHANGER, we have this situation/vignette of a primary character shape-shifter that, a la INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, assumes the identity of people by "consuming" them, leaving a sort of mummified-looking cadaver husk behind at the end of the process. The gimmick in this shape-shifter story, unlike most shape-shifter stories, is that this shape-shifter has to shape-shift in a consumptive fashion in order to survive. Originally, when younger, our shape-shifter only had to transmogrify once every few years. Now, probably as a result of advancing age, he/she/it has to consume a new person every day or two. If it doesn't, it begins to show visually apparent signs of decay. Presumably, failure to consume another person in time will result in death, although our shape-shifter does not seem to be fully aware of all the rules that apply to shape-shifters. The situation just IS; no exposition or explanation.

A fast succession, one after the other, of shape-shifts or plain murders, all in the name of survival or to keep concealing the secret, are all that constitutes the "story" of LIFECHANGER. The rapidfire chain of death abruptly comes to an end, conveniently after the amount of time constituting a movie has expired, when the protagonist accidentally consumes the only person (other than its own mother which it ALSO accidentally consumed early on) that it ever really cared about (again, other than its own mother). This emotionally upsetting event precipitates a decision to stop the shape-shifter cycle.

The shape-shifter, rather than dying because of going on the shape-shifting wagon, goes into a sort of rubbery chrysalis and emerges an old, balding man which we assume is what "he" have looked like had he never consumed all of the victims over the years. Right after the emergence from the flesh chrysalis, LIFECHANGER abruptly concludes with the following monologue from the shape-shifter/old man that's supposed to sound deep but only sounds like pseudo-intellectual jibber-jabber:

"I'm not dead. Why am I not dead? What am I? My mother once told me nothing last forever. Everything ends. I think maybe she wasn't entirely right. The choices we make leave echoes. The guilt we carry always lives on. You can blame your upbringing, the wrong ideas you had about just who you were and how the world worked. Blame how wrong you were about everything. Try to be better, but the guilt lives on. Tiny voice in the back of your mind, starting as a whisper and building to a chorus, growing until there's nothing left of who you once were, until you can't remember who you're supposed to be. Or maybe there was never anything of you in the first place. Maybe you never really knew who you were."


It's clear from this that the "writer" had no idea how to wrap this one-trick train wreck up and so threw gobbledygook at the screen and hoped for the best. JAZZ HANDS!

There's no progress or pursuit or deeper story or arc or explanation or anything. We just have this prefab shape-shifter consuming people with a sort of bulleted list of attributes that are involved in the process. And then a chrysalis and the end. It's not a story, it's just a vignette with a collection of attributes that we look at for a time and then it stops. It would've been far better as a 30 minute TWILIGHT ZONE episode where at least such non-storytelling is considered pro forma.
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Gruesome shapeshifter Drama
Pairic28 October 2018
Lifechanger: A tale of a shapeshifter who takes on the identities and bodies of those whom he preys on, leaving behind the husks of their old bodies. one of his victims was a farmer and thus he has a handy place to dispose of the dessicated corpses. We see him assume many identities, a woman who has been reported missing has to kill her concerned husband and then take on the identity of a detective who arrives. He then preys on a dentist who in turn carries on the spree.

Things are not as they used be for this ageing body changer, now the bodies decay quicker so he has to find new victims more often. Using cocaine speeds up the process if he has to change fast, antibiotics slows down the decomposition. He has also fallen in love with a woman and visits her in many different guises at the same singles bar.

Pretty gruesome at times with stabbings by various instruments including a corkscrew, dismembering of bodies, burning of a house in an attempt to cover up evidence when a quick escape is necessary. A compelling new take on the Shape--shifter/Psychic Vampire genre is written, produced and directed by Justin McConnell. 8/10.
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Good little horror!
justinhorton-388968 September 2019
Watched this with no expectations so had an open mind. Well, if you're looking for a horror flick that doesn't need much thought and takes you on a journey of murder and decent SFX then look no further. Acting great, kept moving at a decent pace. Recommended.
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I really wish I'd skipped this one
Rickard-606-59271625 June 2019
Yet another movie I was lured into watching because I looked at the average rating, but didn't bother to look at the actual reviews. If I had done so, I would've noticed the usual oddly consistent, highly positive early reviews, followed by comments written by unhappy reviewers who seem to have seen the movie I did, not the marvel of modern filmmaking the early reviewers watched.

I fell asleep at one point for 15 - 20 minutes, and didn't even bother to go back and watch what I'd missed -- I'd already seen the same basic scene played out three times, didn't really need to watch number four to get the idea of what had happened.

When I woke, I paused to see how much time was left, and if there'd been more than 15 minutes, I wouldn't have bothered to finish. Alas, I did finish.

The ending annoyed me so much that I wish I'd stopped before I got there. One of those "deep" endings that I suspect is written because no one can figure out how to end the movie. It explained nothing, resolved nothing and in the end, this was for me another utterly bland, unoriginal, dull movie I watched only because Netflix pushed it a bit and suggested I'd like it. I guess I did get a short nap, so some good came of this.

I know a lot of people put a lot of time, effort and money into this, and I wish for their sake and mine that it had paid off. I guess it did, for them -- at least they got money for their effort.

You and I are just about finished, Netflix.
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Nice idea over and over again
brunovanael26 December 2020
I wouldn't personally call this a horror, but more a psychological thriller/drama. So I got something completely different than expected and I was very intrigued. Well acted throughout the film, but the story derailed unfortunately half way through. This opened a door for opportunities, but here those doors seemed exactly alike. A nice try for an ending trying to revive the audience, but you lost them halfway.
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Interesting premise, low budget let's it down.
scottsideasare7 January 2019
The premise is solid but it suffers from the same problems all low budget films suffer from, namely acting that's not quite there, a soundtrack that doesn't hit on all cylinders, and amateur lighting. Having said that, if you don't mind cruising the low budget films, I think you'll enjoy this movie.
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