Top Gear America (TV Series 2017) Poster

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Bring back Top Gear USA...
n-m-bertin2 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What's the point of remaking the American version of a UK show ? We already had Top Gear USA on another channel, and after a couple of barely OK seasons, the show found its rhythm, and was a great alternative to Top Gear UK. It was different : it was only about the road trip or the challenge. No more guest, no more car reviews. It suited the American audience, with a shorter format. And the hosts were funny and interesting, they had a nice dynamic. So why not rehire those guys ? They went for 3 new guys, which aren't very funny, and have to start again with the guests and the reviews and all of that, which didn't work out in the first place with Top Gear USA seasons 1 and 2... And worst of all, they start with VW Beetles... So don't waste your time, wait until season 2 or 3, once they find a better format, or better hosts. But more likely the ratings will be terrible and the show will be canceled...
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Awful in every way.
bfg-711997 August 2017
What happened to the 3 guys in Top Gear USA..there was chemistry, jokes,detailed car information, a good format. All things the new USA reboot does not have. Every Top gear is of course staged but could you make it less looked like the 3 hosts couldn't stand each other. If so don't act like you're friends because it makes you look like a fool. The only decent guy was Tom Ford. Where was the spontaneity..i'ts not hard to say scripted lines. And please get rid of the 'We are America, we are great' swag. Just ridiculous.

Clarkson ,Hammond and May are unmatched but this was just painful to watch.
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Really painful and forced.
tmink7 August 2017
Jeez, this is bad. Sure, Top Gear USA wasn't great but those guys were immensely more watchable than this latest trio. It just feels incredibly forced, as if they're trying to create chemistry that just isn't there. I really, really wanted to like this show but I haven't even been able to make it all the way through either of the first two episodes.
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I couldn't finish a single episode
rafiton8 August 2017
This reboot is so bad on so many levels. TopGear USA was fun to watch and it seemed that the hosts were having fun doing the show. TopGear America feels forced, dry and old. I actually went to see if this is a show from the 80s or the real show.

So so bad....So so sad. Bring back Adam, Tanner and Rut! Although they were far from perfect, it was fun watching them.
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Big Mistake in Casting
ryanmkincaid7 August 2017
When History got rid of Top Gear USA, I had hoped that it would land somewhere else. Then the rumblings sprang forth about BBC bringing Top Gear back stateside under the banner Top Gear America. I was happy again.

But then they re-casted it with new hosts and I'm thinking, "What's wrong with you producers? Did you not learn anything from the recasting of original Top Gear?"

The major takeaway about the Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May departure and their replacements was that the audience of Top Gear believes that the hosts are legitimately friends outside of the show. And we, as the audience were made to feel embraced by this trio of buddies and we follow them along in their adventures.

Think 3 Stooges if you must.

In Top Gear USA we got that from Tanner, Adam and Rutledge. These three guys are every bit believable as buddies. Their chemistry was fantastic, even though it wasn't as good as Jeremy, Richard and James, it was fun watching these friends tease each other in much the same fashion as their British counterparts.

Top Gear America's host are far, far, FAR!!! from that. There is no spark. The commentary during the "Star in a Car" segment is sooo dull and at times they just sit there and don't say anything as we watch the car race along the track at a speed of a school bus. In the opening episode we are even told that these guys were just thrown together, much like a manufactured boyband from a reality show. William Fichtner is really the only glue holding these guys together but that's because his years of experience acting helps him bring that presence to the screen. But he's not a comedian and lacks that comedic timing that is absolutely necessary with a show whose British counterparts are loaded with it and the original American version was coming into it's own as well.

I understand that Antron Brown is a driver and Tom Ford worked on Fifth Gear and in similar capacity as he is here but they don't give off the enthusiasm that Tanner, Adam or Rut when describing cars. I just don't believe that they like cars. They come off bored and I don't know why, especially when they've been given a closed track and a quarter of a million dollar super car to drive into the asphalt.

Compare Top Gear America's first episode of them driving in Baja versus The Grand Tour's episode driving the iron coast in Africa; night and day.

I don't expect Top Gear America to be anything like that of Top Gear but you definitely need to get the chemistry right with the hosts. Producers, you need a reset for your state side reboot. I'm telling you, take your format and bring back Tanner, Rutledge and Adam. Cause this new three "ain't it!"
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Went in with zero expectations, knew it would suck, it sucked harder than expected
danrtoner22 August 2017
I never leave 1 star reviews. It has to be unwatchable on every level. This fits that description. BBC what the hell? The back and forth "jokes" are soooo forced. Sooo canned. What sucks even worse is that you seem to have an awesome front man. Why couldn't you stop micro- managing so much and just let that dude be creative/interesting/funny/entertaining on his own? Oh that's right, you're BBC, you can't allow that. William Fichter, you're a smart dude, you had to have known how bad this was going to bomb. They must have offered you a lot of money. Hell I'd take it too. Don't worry, this won't taint your resume, this show has already been forgotten.
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Hey BBC America, You're Idiots
macdanife-4345825 August 2017
Really BBC? Did you really think America wanted this disaster of a show? I've given it four episodes, but it's quite evident these guys have absolutely no chemistry and little chance of some developing. It seems the producers spent about as much time putting together this cast as I did writing this review. William Fichtner is the only one with any kind of acting chops, but that doesn't make him a true car guy. He just happens to be the guy that can read the poorly written scripted parts better than the other two.

We watched Top Gear and Top Gear USA because it mixes buddy humor, smart writing and awesome cars both old and new. You've got barely one of three. That's about par with our president's popularity right now - hardly a lofty goal. And like him, I'm sure you can't admit you made a mistake, and bring back Tanner, Adam and Rutledge. If you won't, maybe Amazon will...
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Top Gear America 2017 is not good.
jclark-1923011 August 2017
It's bad enough that top gear America got rid of three funny hosts that made the show enjoyable. These three new hosts are bland and with a British host slipped into the cast, it feels like the BBC doesn't trust American hosts to do a good job. I don't have a problem with the hosts individually, but their on air chemistry is painful to watch. There is no chemistry. I would expect better from the British, but I guess they don't want to stick with or go back to what has made them very successful.
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New Show Not Worth Watching
chess-92-43109226 October 2017
I was shocked when I found out Top Gear USA was canceled for this new version. The three hosts do not hold a candle to Adam, Tanner, and Rutledge.

Please toss out this experiment gone bad and bring back Top Gear USA.

I've turned to hulu to watch the original episodes.

As a woman, I'm not a big fan of car shows, but I've been hooked on Top Gear USA for all six seasons.
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Perhaps the worst show ever created!!
qballdp7318 August 2017
As I sit here, I find myself perplexed. I'm desperately trying to craft clever superlatives to adequately convey to you the seemingly unobtainable level of terribleness this show has managed to achieve, yet anything I can think of falls cavernously short. This show is truly awful. You could scavenge the world to find 3 blind and deaf mutes from different countries and cultures and put them in a room together and within a matter of mere minutes they would have more chemistry than the hosts of this abysmal pile of trash can muster. The segments are drawn out and boring, offer no useful insights nor information on anything remotely related to automobiles, and have yet to arrive at any semblance of a point. The "celebrity" interviews are painful to watch; almost as painful as the mostly silence as the "star" navigates the test track. The only redeeming moment of this monument to crap are the end credits when you realize you've reclaimed your life.
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In no way does this do the brand justice.
steele-8280911 September 2017
I have watched since the reboot, every episode.

I am tired of hearing Antron say "Baby."

It also seems like they just don't have the chemistry building like it needs to. Each persons role seems well defined, but they just aren't growing as a team.

I have only had a few moments where I laughed, but I can literally watch this show with a straight face and end the show barely remembering what happened.

I hate to say it, I had high hopes, but the previous crew for the American version was better than this one.

Also, the challenges don't really tell a story, set up a real conflict or resolve any comedic issue. It's one failed skit after another.
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Fun, fun, fun!
hope_for_rest11 March 2018
Well done! Fichtner, Ford and Brown are wonderful hosts with screen chemistry, lots of funny teasing between each other and

The show is the rebel in the "Top Gear" family. Less technical info, more fun - in american style. Great car choise for each task. The fans of the UK version may be a bit disappointed but the show fulfills its task - the viewers have fun.

Some of the guests were a bit too serious and focused which made it difficult for the hosts to break the ice.

Would be better if the last episode "Time capsule" was actually first so the viewers could understand a bit more about the past and the car experience of the trio.
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Better than Top Gear without Clarkson any day of the week
crawlgsx18 September 2017
I really have a hard time understanding the negativity around this show. Is it Top Gear in its prime good? No it is not. I wouldn't begin to argue otherwise. However, I have completely lost interest in Top Gear with the onslaught of terrible hosts they have had since the trio left. You want to talk about forced? Look at any episode or host arrangement post Clarkson....

In my opinion, this show makes me feel like Season 1 of Top Gear original (the chemistry wasn't there either folks, it takes time!) , but Fichtner does a fantastic job as lead host, much like Clarkson hooked me in Season 1 of Top Gear. Antron and Ford do a great job of bringing some fresh takes on what a host can be of a car show. They are all very different and I think personally that is what makes it work.

The show is just enough original to be interesting, without losing that Top Gear format. That to me is what makes the show worth watching. If it had been TOO original it wouldn't be Top Gear, and without a little originality it would just be Top Gear Redeux. This show isn't meant to be that!

So far I have enjoyed every episode and looked forward to the next, which for me personally is a big deal and fills a void left that Top Gear post Clarkson just isn't filling.
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Who are these people?
bhobamasucksballs3 September 2017
I have been watching the original (British) version of this show and it's awesome! The hosts are funny, and the content is interesting and often hilarious ... This American version doesn't even deserve to have the same name! They tossed a few random people in front of the camera who have zero chemistry or knowledge of cars and hoped they'd be as good as the original? I think not; not even close!
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A crowd of seals
wazza222213 September 2017
What's with the pack of seals clapping like morons on camera for half an hour? (oh that's just the hosts) Let's play a drinking game where you do a shot for every time Antron says 'baby' OOPS! I'm already drunk. The only way it could be worse is if they just chanted "USA, USA, USA..." for the entire show. I swear, this is the ONLY motoring show I have EVER fast forwarded through. Absolute garbage.
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jlingrel14 August 2017
So awfully stale and boring. Watching it is like listening to someone scratch their nails on a chalkboard. I'd rather whack my foot with a sledgehammer than watch this ridiculously boring show. The hosts are so scripted and everything about it seems so fake and did I say how boring this show is. Well I'd rather stick my hand in a blender than watch another episode.
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Same problems as UK version
deabuffalo12 September 2017
This iteration of "Top Gear" is suffering from the same problem that the UK version is not capturing. Chemistry. Jeremy, James and Hammond have incredible chemistry together. They are all completely different from each other, but equally funny, witty, entertaining and knowledgeable automobile loving professionals. And that is why they were #1 for so many years! You can have all the latest hyper-cars being shown using all of the latest camera angles and effects, but if the "presenters" don't have "it", people are going to get bored quickly and move on.
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Terrible cast and show
info-2458914 August 2017
This new version of Top Gear is really terrible.

The cast is not entertaining. The first episode wasn't too bad, but it really went downhill after that.

Couldn't even finish watching the last episode with the stupid RVs/Caravans. Was so bad and not fun to watch.

And not even a Ferrari in the whole show.....

They really have to re-think their concept and cast to make this work.

Jay Leno and Jerry Seinfeld would be good hosts and both have huge car collections and are funny together.
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The worst car show ever.
johnny-7758929 September 2017
Awfully scripted, terrible hosts (William what are you doing there!?) and stupid stories. Not that History Channel Top Gear USA was great, but actually so much better than this. They had at least one great guy (Tanner Foust) and ruined the program anyway. Here they did worst: can't really understand what the target audience was...
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dbborroughs4 September 2017
Yet another version of Top Gear for America misfires on pretty much every level:

It's so slick your attention slides off it.

Its so fast more times than not I have no idea what I'm watching- who won what competition?

And worst of all two of the presenters are dead fish with only William Fichtner coming across as watchable.

How did this get on the air? It is absolutely awful most of the time and easily the worst Top Gear I've ever seen
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I wanted so much more from this show
baayama17 June 2018
I went into this show with no high hopes and an open mind. This so feels more then scripted and i know William Fichtner can acted but in this nope... Its cringe worthy and not very entertaining unfortunately which i was badly hoping it would be. TopGear USA was much much better then this, the guys got taken off just as they where hitting their stride.

If you have nothing else to watch go for it.
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The show sucks big time !
jkmercedesbenz28 January 2018
The original format where the three presenters emulating the three stooges formula seem to have vanished leaving an utterly boring program of cars you have seen on other car shows. When I say boring I meant it in the superlative way possible. Imagine seeing them talking so monotonous about details (useless unconfirmed figures by the participating car companies), laughing forcefully for utterly no reason and repeating the mindless pathetic dialogue script to the end of the show.

Surely the producers could have pick a few experts from the original British show and brought the same magic into it? Top Gear under Chris Evans was never the same since Jeremy was sacked but at least it was not as bad as Top Gear America now.

Ironically is Top Gear under Matt Le Blanc and his sidekicks Chris and Rory have finally brought back the loveable joy to watching the show. There are times when one have admit it is better than The Grand Tour.

Comedy timing and delivery style with personality is hard? Then why not learn from the Matt Le Blanc team?
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Worst Top Gear Ever
mike_berger31 December 2017
The only hope of saving this version of the show is to scrap everything and retool the entire thing. Naturally, I'd much rather see Top Gear USA return, but without Adam Ferrara. With that being said, there is nothing redeeming about this version except maybe Antron. Bill Fichtner has no business being on a motoring show, as he offers no insights or intelligence at all, and usually seems more concerned with his vanity. The guest star segments are just painful, but perhaps worse of all is the really out of place canned laughter from the audience who are obviously even less amused and more uncomfortable at having to witness this atrocity firsthand. BBC America, if this is all you got, please don't bother. First Top Gear I actually didn't enjoy. Even the Chris Evans Top Gear was better than this.
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Bring back the old TG USA
baayama9 October 2017
People comparing this to the UK topgear should just give up and let it go already. It's not and never will be so just stop please and rate it on its own merits. I went into this version of topgear not expecting much and yeah it didn't disappoint. The old topgear USA is a 10 compared to this! I have watched every episode and it didn't get any better really which was a disappointment for sure. Only decent one was the old fifth gear host and he wasn't that great. Should of stuck with Tanner Adam and Rutledge, way better show then this. Gave it a 3 because of some good cars
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Are you kidding WTF have you done???
timelms18 March 2018
Top gear USA was great. EHH EHH. WTF is this crap, individually these guys are great but mashed together is a poorly pre scripted boy band. I keep trying, I do but keep turning over after 10 min. TG UK died now TG USA bugger me. its like the death of a favorited pet Thanks for killing another great show. SEE YA..
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