Owen Milgrim : I'm afraid
Annie Landsberg : Of what?
Owen Milgrim : Option B. Annie, the same thing happens every time. I meet someone, get close to someone, I mess it up. I'm gonna get frustrated one day and yell at you out of nowhere over something insignificant I'm fixated on. And you'll stop calling back, you'll change your number and it'll break my heart. It's just easier if you're not real.
Annie Landsberg : But I am real. You know me. You're braver than this Owen, and I will never do that to you. Never.
Owen Milgrim : My mind it... it doesn't work right.
Annie Landsberg : No one's does.
Owen Milgrim : Annie, why are you here?
Annie Landsberg : Because I'm your friend, and that's what friends do.
[last lines]
Owen Milgrim : Do we actually know each other?
Annie Landsberg : We're off to a good start.