Made to celebrate Mickey's 60th Anniversary, Mickey's Magical World is a mini-special hosted by Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio, telling about how Mickey discovered the magic inside him. During the story, they play some clips from select classic Mickey Mouse shorts (as this was 26 minutes long, and probably due to some of the shorts having content that would be seen as not PC for the 1980's, since they were released during the 1930's, they could not show the shorts in their entirety). From Thru The Mirror To The Sorcerror's Apprentice, which was taken from Fantasia, the clips help tell the story.
It's a pretty good special, and one I have grown up with as I owned it on VHS. While the shorts are shown in clips, they manage to keep the important parts in, even though some lost scenes would confuse younger Mickey fans being introduced to these classic through this special. Plus, the story Jiminy tells with these shorts teach a good lesson.