What's with Wheat? (2016) Poster

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Throw a Tantrum All You Want
ivettesan-1221624 December 2020
People in the reviews can whine and throw childish tantrums all they want. The film presents information. With the advent of the agricultural revolution and big corps wanting to make a quicker buck, wheat has changed. It is what it is. We live in a corporate controlled world where alot of things are unhealthy. This film goes into the history of wheat and how it was changed from the stalk and grain our great grandparents ate, and in turn how the new strains affect the body. If you don't want to learn about the world and keep your head in the sand, don't watch documentaries. Simple. And also no one is forcing you into the stone age by keeping you informed lol I watched this and kept eating sandwiches. Except now I know what I'm putting in my body, so I am making an informed decision to do that.
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Not a bad start to uncovering the truth...
jypsy_jazz20 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
*This ain't your Grandma's wheat* I agree that 'something' is horribly wrong with the grain that is used to make our breads, cookies, pies, bagels and cereals. From a personal perspective, if you fall into a sleepy stupor after eating two whole wheat bagels, 'something' is wrong. I applaud the efforts of the documentary crew to try and provide a high level view of 'how we got here'. If you are one of those that say "pooh" and stick your heads into the sand then so be it. From the research I have made on my own I truly believe true health is in the gut, and this current acceptance of 'eat your wheat and be damned' is truly sad. You face such a host of internal inflammation disorders ranging from fibromyalgia, lupus, MS to digestive and mood disorders simply because the glyphosphate agricultural chemicals is piggy-backing into your system on the worst gluten ever, that nature never designed. And it's about to get worse, the 'powers that be' are proposing even stronger chemicals because the little critters are adapting to the poisons.

This film is designed as a starting point, to get the discussion going. To get you to think mindfully about what foods you are (mindlessly) putting into your mouth and into your children's mouth. Go do your own research! If you are suffering from health maladies perhaps it's because your gut is a mess.... I rated this an 8 because they could have spent a couple of minutes on heirloom (ancient) grains and wheat as that was a lingering question if they are useful in our modern diet. Is it possible to be wheat-free? I dunno but balance and moderation in everything and I personally have felt better getting rid of those darn bagels!
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Eye opening
djpockaj27 February 2022
I for one have always been skeptical. I always said eat anything in moderation and you will be fine.

3 years ago, I started to show several symptoms. Alopecia, skin rashes, pain in my left side, random pain in my arms and legs. I just wrote it off as I was getting old. One day I had a massive stomach ache with severe bloating and diarrhea. It lasted over a week so I went to the hospital. They did several tests including a CT scan but found nothing.

My doctor suggested I have developed IBS. He prescribed drugs and recommended a low FODMOP diet. 2 months went by and I still felt horrible. So I decided to look into the foods I was eating more closely. I decided to cut bread out of my diet before I even discovered this documentary and low and behold I was seeing a big improvement. My body felt like it was healing.

I suffered from gut ache, random pain and diarrhea for 4 months until I cut bread out of my diet. I don't think it was a coincidence that I started to feel better.
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It gets one thinking. So THINK.
Snootz19 February 2018
The best thing this "documentary" does is get people thinking about their nutrition. Is wheat the "bad guy"? That's not really established. What we have are a number of PHDs and people recognized in their field giving what is commonly referred to as "expert opinions", with a little bit of science thrown in and (possibly) some good points made. Is it pure propaganda as some claim? No. Does it contain some opinionated and skewed statements? Yes. (The one about bad bad glucose coming from wheat was almost a showstopper for me).

Glucose is pure brain food. Pretty much every cell in the body uses glucose as raw fuel. Now sucrose and high fructose-- sure, badmouth those all you want. But speaking of glucose from wheat as a bad thing clearly points to the speaker as being biased in presentation.

The purpose is to get people to think... so let's THINK. Look at our diet. What the video presents is very accurate. We tend to push veggies, fruits, nuts, beans and rice to the side and go for the wheat-based quick-serve foods. Yes, the wheat crops are treated with chemicals rather than natural means-- the whole purpose of which is to monetarily enrich the corporate shareholder structure... not feed people nutritional food.

Some might argue that bread itself is "unnatural". I mean... look what it takes to produce the stuff! But that's opinion, not established fact. However, the fact that we eat SO MUCH bread in our diets (as accurately portrayed in the discussion) can't be good for us.

It is widely-recognized that the best "diet" is simply eat well-rounded meals containing a variety of food types. Watching people on the video gulp down oil-and-cheese-laden pizza, followed up with a sugar-topped cake nearly made my stomach churn. Great propaganda there... but it makes the point. Exactly what are we feeding our bodies? Garbage in-- garbage out.

I appreciated the personal experiences of those who went wheat-free and found their health improved amazingly-- especially the woman who was wheelchair bound. Yet, those are individual experiences not backed up by hard data. It's a personal, subjective experience.

If we follow the instructions of every one of these types of videos we will never eat wheat, red meat, bacon, milk, cheese, eggs, grain of any kind, any kind of fats, coffee, chocolate, etc etc etc. Enjoy your starvation!

Moderation in all things. I am sure this video is very one-sided in its presentation. However it did get me thinking and you know what... the symptoms described were right down the line with my physical condition. So I'm going to THINK and try the simple test they presented: one month with no wheat at all. I'll eat potatoes, veggies, fruit, chicken, fish, nuts, beans, rice, and other types of food. I will avoid wheat like it's toxic. And I will see for myself whether (in my case) wheat is as detrimental as they say. I'll know at the end of 30 short days. What would be stupid would be to suspect wheat may be a major dietary issue and not at least TRY and see if that's the case.

So I give it 5 stars for getting me to think about the issue. At the worst all I can lose is 30 days without chocolate chip cookies. If the video is bogus, I'll know at the end of 30 days. If it's on-the-button (at least i my case) I'll know that too.

The only question I have is this: if (according to this video) one microgram of wheat is enough to trigger a serious reaction in some people... how can a person be absolutely assured they are actually eliminating all wheat in their diet? This documentary did a lot of complaining and warning but offered very little information in actually helping people understand how to totally "zero wheat". Does my vitamin pill contain a microgram of wheat? What about the filler for other medicines I take (on which my very life depends).

This film draws a big question mark but provides little in the way of answers. For asking the question I give it my "mediocre" score of "worth watching but not exceptional". They simply focus too much on "how bad wheat is" and not nearly enough on personal solutions. However there's the Net and "Wheat-free diet" searches. We can fill in the blanks. I'll let you know in 30 days about the personal solutions.

30 DAYS LATER-- review edit So I went off wheat for 30 days. The result: no difference. Yes, my diet did improve. When one stops eating cookies and crackers and cereal and other wheat/sugar-primary items, it is interesting how many more foods become of primary interest. Celery or banana with peanut butter, zucchini with a little spice, rice and bean combinations, fruit instead of candy, etc etc. This can't help but improve both diet and health.

But overall result? No discernible difference other than what would be expected from an improved diet devoid of combined sugars and fats. My digestive tract didn't improve, my energy didn't improve, I didn't experience a miraculous change in overall health and welfare.

In short, while the film makes some good points, it all boils down to a simple fact: eat well-rounded meals, cut down on meat and make it a 3-ounce side dish instead of an 8-ounce main course, eliminate completely refined sugars and those sugar/fat-heavy deserts, and you'll be fine.

Of course, if you have an allergy to wheat, going off wheat 30 days is going to be an eye-opener. But other than that, for the everyday person, this film does nothing more than point out "The American Diet is a killer"... which everyone should already know. If not, that's the story to take home. But is wheat "bad food"? Perhaps if it's laced with pesticide, but otherwise no. Total nonsense. This film is typical propaganda and like all such films, needs researched beyond surface appearance.

30 days without wheat made no difference in my case... except to open my eyes to a better overall dietary method-- which I still retain.
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Immune dysfunction epidemic
aikiracorvallis1 February 2023
I have been a qualified health care provider in the United States for the last 30 years. The degradation of the public health has increased significantly. For the first time ever, the current generation will not outlive its previous generation. The food system is directly correlated to the decrease in quality of health. This movie shows the clinical research as to why our food system is so toxic. Unfortunately corporate profits once again, are more valuable than human life. While most first world countries have banned round up contaminated wheat, and many other toxic compounds in their food, the US has continued to allow protection for the chemical industry giants. The next documentary should be about how the pharmaceutical companies are creating serious damage to human health.
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Nonsensical pseudoscience
nash1178019 July 2017
Up to 6% of people suffer from gluten intolerance and celiac disease, and we are seeing a slow and steady rise in this condition. Yet, this documentary fails to detail the root theorectical cause of this condition - leaky gut syndrome - which is due to overuse of antibiotics, non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs, and high fat diets.

Instead they blame gluten sensitivity on GMOs, pesticides, and the rise of Frankecrops, large wheat hybrids that do no resemble the ancient grains from which they came. No scientific studies are cited to back their claim that modern gluten is responsible for everything from headaches, auto- immune diseases, and even autism! This is a very unscientific documentary and if you dig a little deeper, some recognizable pro- Paleo bloggers funded by the Weston Price Foundation and other Agribusiness groups are clearly behind this propaganda. Don't waste your time watching this film.
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We need to return to the stone age
xhidden9919 August 2017
All progress is evil bad and wrong. Everything you know is wrong. Better we starve to death 7/8ths of the world so that rich white women in Australia have fewer things to blame their weigh gain on. And while we're at it we need also ban all meat, all grains and all starches. And don't be too quick to pick fruit off the trees either because that's unnatural too and controlled by Big Fruit! The first thing we need to do is outlaw all food consumption unless it literally grows wild away from any external influence, ever. If that means everyone starves and we all die at age 27, so be it.
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Lost all credibility when Pete Evan's Turned Up
kirk-stephen31 January 2021
I turned it off as soon as Pete Evan's appeared on screen. Absolute looney tune who has been dropped from most things for providing misleading nutritional advice to the public.

Seemed to be a movie of fear mongering more than anything else. Sure people have gluten intolerances/allergies and some of the stuff that has been done isn't great. But I wouldn't pay too much attention to this documentary.
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Ban American Pharma?
dustinbarr18 June 2019
Ok America. So stop everything you've been doing for the last 3 decades? They're essentially telling us that nearly everything we've been buying in our grocery stores and everything our doctors have been prescribing has been killing us. I'm am an autoimmune encephalitis sufferer so they seem to be suggesting I simply stop taking drugs and change my diet and it will miraculously reverse the damage to my brain.
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