Zombie with a Shotgun (2019) Poster

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You should just shamble on to the next movie...
paul_haakonsen29 April 2021
I stumbled upon the 2019 movie "Zombie with a Shotgun" by sheer luck in 2021. I had never heard about the movie, and of course with my fascination and interest in all things zombie, of course I found the time immediately to sit down to watch this 2019 movie from writer and director Hilton Ariel Ruiz.

And oh dear God, this was not a good movie.

The storyline told in the movie was beyond mundane, and it was so difficult to get into the story and take it in. I have to admit that the storyline, as written by Hilton Ariel Ruiz, was just a swing and a miss. It was so pointless and uneventful that I gave up on the movie without seeing it through to the end. And it didn't really help that the entire character gallery in the movie were every bit as mundane, bland and pointless as the storyline was.

The acting in "Zombie with a Shotgun" was fairly okay, taking into consideration the type of movie this was and the type of budget they were operating with. Sure, don't go ahead and expect to see stellar performances here, because that is just not happening. I will say, though, that while the storyline was atrocious, the actors and actresses - for the most parts - actually fared better than what was to be expected.

Visually then "Zombie with a Shotgun" was just not impressive. A zombie movie needs proper special effects and prosthetics to be packing a punch. And sadly, "Zombie with a Shotgun" didn't do that. Also one of the reasons why my interest in the movie was so quickly fading.

Ultimately, then "Zombie with a Shotgun" is not an impressive or memorable zombie movie. And it is not definitely not one that brought anything new or innovative to the genre.

As a zombie genre fan, then I can't recommend that you waste your time or effort on "Zombie with a Shotgun". Some of us suffered through this, in greater or lesser extend, so you don't have to.

My rating of this 2019 zombie movie lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
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Just awful all round
kgribz15 February 2020
Absolute crap. I got half way through, nothing had happened apart from some dreadful acting, terrible writing and super awkward sex scenes. Don't waste your time.
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What did I watch
alex-799-90819919 January 2020
Ramdom rape scene, homeless man in a bsck of van, fbi and cops going for shoot to kill and ask questions later.

There wasn't a story, way too many drone shots of the town, no sense or direction, random shots of cult work with repeated locations and flashbacks. Over exposure and nothing adding up.

How do people feel when they've watched what they filmed.
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Writer's lack of brains disappoints
punkerbury30 April 2021
I'd rather die in a zombie apocalypse than finish sitting through this garbage.
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Really hard to watch
itwillsucktrustme29 April 2020
First let me say I hate to write a bad review. That being said I cannot believe what I just seen. It was painful to watch. I can sit through a lot of low budget movies with robotic acting, bad f/x, poor dialogue and still find some saving grace that I can talk about. This movie has nothing. It's almost as if they came up with the title first and then tried to film a movie the next day. Another reviewer asked - How do people feel when they've watched what they filmed? I think the answer is they felt horrible and stopped watching after the 5 minute mark. As for all the 9/10 and 10/10 reviews? I think those are based off of people that know people that were involved with the movie. There's no other explanation. No one could rate this higher than a 2 without having their nose grow faster than Pinocchio's.
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Why does this movie look like a porno?
shiner31011 January 2020
So, I'm not familiar with the origin of this story -- title caught my interest. And it is nothing like I expected, and am dumbfounded by all these glowing reviews. They must all be 'investors' who want to turn a profit. Within the first five minutes, we witness a rape -- or at least the highly censored and edited version of a rape. A few minutes later, we have a love scene - again edited so no naughties are shown, but you know they're on the editing floor -- or on the dvd you can order. and the rest of the movie follows suit -- a terrible movie, horrible production value - but does have those abbreviated sex scenes.
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Interesting Ideas but Flawed
Reviews_of_the_Dead19 March 2020
This was a movie I decided to check out when I was reached out to via Twitter that it had been added to Amazon Prime as well as Tubi. I didn't know much about it and the title sounded intriguing so I decided to give it a go. The synopsis here is a feature adaptation of a popular web series of the same name. Aaron Walker (Braeden Baade) and Rachael Young (Kathryn Kuhn) are on the run due to him being infected with a virus. They must get to the truth of the matter before it is too late.

We start this off with a zombie who has a shotgun, like the title states. He then go into the past to the events that lead us up to that point. There's a woman looking for her brother. She goes to the apartment of one his former girlfriends but he's not there and she hasn't heard from him. She then calls another woman, but armed men break in. The two of them are taken and it seems like the one looking for her brother is sexually assaulted.

Inside of a car we get to meet our two stars, Aaron and Rachael. We learn that he's infected with something and she wants to take him to a hospital. The reason being that they won't kill him, but he states they're the ones that did this to him. He doesn't trust what they'll do if he goes in so they're meeting his friend. She is the same on that his sister called and she puts him up in an apartment.

It is during their time there that we see Rachael might not be exactly who she says she is. Aaron is having a vivid dream that involves her, him and his friend in some wild sex acts. These also include blood. When he gets up, he's not feeling feel and they need to go. They're being pursued by Hank Ray (Kyle Hester) amongst others.

We're also given flashbacks to fill in the back-story and that Aaron's father might be involved in this as well. He's been on the run ever since and Rachael also seems to have a dark past with this virus as well that involved her father. Who is behind this virus and what is its purpose? Can Aaron prevent himself from becoming a zombie in the process as well?

Now I wanted to go a bit lighter on the recap here, but to be honest some of it is that I'm not sure what some of the characters' names are and on top of that, this story is a bit of a mess. I don't want to come down hard on this though to start so I'll begin with what I liked.

The first thing would be the title. My initial assumption was that they're playing off of the more grindhouse title of Hobo with a Shotgun which would also be fitting that there's a hobo in the movie played by Jeremy Fultz. The more that I've looked into this and as the synopsis stated, this is a web series that is the basis and I'm almost thinking it could have been originally based on that title but I cannot confirm. The title makes me think this is going to be a bit of a comedy but it's not that at all. There are some interesting ideas and part of that is based in conspiracy theories.

It is fitting that I watched and am writing this review during the start of the Corona Virus quarantine as were dealing with a virus here in the movie. We do get some secretive, government agent aspects to the movie that is behind this. It is at first hinted at which I like as there's always the conspiracy theory in real life. The more we learn though, the less farfetched it seems.

I also think this is an interesting time for the movie to be released. We have issues with quarantines and questioning how our medical system is working. Now Aaron doesn't trust going to a hospital as he believes they did this to him. This isn't that much similar to my age group. I personally don't like going to doctor. For me it isn't the cost, as I'm healthy so it's just check ups. That's not why Aaron doesn't want to go, but it doesn't change the fact he doesn't trust them.

Since I've laid out Aaron's belief who is behind it, this movie does some cool stuff with the zombie mythology. If you know me, this is a genre that I love the heavy hitters, but you need to do something new with it if you're going to make one now. I like that this one, the zombies do eat flesh, but they're not mindless. There are some slight inconstancies here though. With something revealed at the end, I think that the other zombies should just act like we expect them to, but that's not the case.

I'm going to shift over the pacing, which I hate to say that I was bored for a good chunk of the movie. I think it's trying too hard to present this back-story and mythology here, but it just didn't hold my attention. There are some lulls that go on a bit too long and that could really be part of it as well. It just takes too long for us to get to the crux of the movie and it seems there are trying to build to a sequel or possible a series I think it might be too ambitious if you don't make the original stronger.

The acting was something else that I wasn't overly impressed with, but I don't want to say it is bad. I thought that Baade was fine as the lead. He really comes off wooden, but I think that works as he's infected so he's in pain from that trying to take him over. That worked for me. Kuhn is easy on the eyes, but I don't like that we're presented very early on that we probably shouldn't trust her as that really goes no where. There's just one scene and then ignored from that point on. The rest of the cast was fine. We get a bit of nudity which was nice, but no one really stood out aside from that.

Something that was really hit or miss for me was the effects. I think that for the most part the look of the zombies was good. The only gripe I had is the one that is featured in the beginning and ending, I could see it was a mask and the teeth on it didn't look real. It didn't help that I could see in the mouth too. Aside from that they were good, including the blood in the movie. The only other issue was the CGI we get along with the gun flashes in the movie I did think the cinematography was well done and there are some really good establishing shots.

Last thing to cover would be the soundtrack and sound design. I did notice this one and I thought the selections were good. It fit the movie and helped to build the feel of the scene during the moments I noticed it. I did have an issue with the sound design though. They did some things were it just didn't sound right as it felt like the sound was coming from a tunnel. It just seems that the rooms they were in were not conducive to recording and it showed. Not enough to ruin this, but it didn't feel consistent.

Now with that said, this was a movie that I thought did some good things, but others not so much. Since this is legitimately independent cinema, I'm a little bit more forgiving as they're not working with the same budgets. There are some good concepts and the story behind it is interesting. If I have a problem there it is just the mythology being a bit inconsistent. The acting is pretty amateur. The effects were hit or miss as was the soundtrack design. The soundtrack did work for me though. If I had to give this rating, I'd say that this is average for me. I don't think most will like this one, but I didn't mind it, just wanted a bit more.
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Barely watchable zombie effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder17 June 2020
Stricken with a strange virus, a man and his girlfriend decide to go in search of the potential cure learn that they're involved in a far deadlier scheme that brings them into contact with not only a mutant strain of zombies but the agents in charge of the operation and must race to stop it from happening.

This one here wasn't goo great but did have some enjoyable elements. Among the more troubling aspects here is the completely confusing and disorienting first half that throws us into the proceedings without much information. Going in blind on this group of mercenaries hunting down a woman on the city streets to a friends' apartment where she escapes their clutches before turning to this other stranger and his girlfriend making vague threats about being a victim of a conspiracy and some strange virus experiments just doesn't make sense. With this all being doe with the characters discussing and acting like they've been having conversations about previous knowledge, this is a troubling factor. As well, the entire first half is extremely troubling with the characters being willfully and blindingly ignorant of what's going on. Nearly everything that transpires here, from staying at the motel to the chase through the building and eventually meeting up with the traitorous friend by getting the police involved, is all brought about by their stupidity and stubbornness. Being well aware that they're sick and showing visible signs of something wrong with them by the information they both drop in conversations, it's extremely difficult to feel any sympathy for their plight when the entirety of their struggle is due to the inability to do the obvious for asinine reasons. That factor compounds everything, as when they don't behave reasonably and can't rationally defend it just makes for a problematic time. The other troubling aspect to this one is the underwhelming action scenes, on the rare occasions they pop up in the film. There's never much given on the virus so the weird zombie behavior here is quite confusing, where they do or don't seem to notice victims in front of them so there are very few attacks present when they appear. The few gunfights here are laughably staged and barely interesting or thrilling, speaking to the general lack of interest when what could've been the fun one is played out as crude animations to hide the gory aftermath. With no traditional feasting scenes with hordes of zombies or even multiple creatures on-screen at once and a series of scenes featuring him using a gun uncharacteristically, there's a ton to dislike about this one. The zombie makeup looks great but that's all that works here.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.
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Great Indie film
ScotsGirl845 January 2020
As far as Indie films go, this one is great. Considering that, like most independent films, it's budget and financial aspect heavily relies on donations and such..this film is well done. The characters are interesting, though perhaps somewhat lacking in development. The score is fitting and the whole theme gives of the kind of affect you'd expect from this type of film. I would however suggest a bit more background and direction. But overall, for an indie film it's a great choice. I see a ton of potential here for the filmmaker(s) !
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Watch this movie. Its an amazing.
GundamU928 December 2019
This movie is amazing. The writing and directing is great. The cinematography is on point. All actors are amazing. The sound is decent.Thank you for all cast and crew for your efforts in creating this film of course production you kick butt. I'm a sucker for a well made intricate indie film. I've been waiting a long time to see this film I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to do so! I encourage anyone to watch this film. This isn't just any zombie movie. I hope to see more from you guys!
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Different kinda zombie movie.
rcdeano20 January 2020
I like the smart zombie and make up. The story got a little confusing and was a little slow for me. I will give it another watch though because it is worth the watch. I will be watching this director because he does have a outside of the box thought train on the zombie genre and it's refreshing.
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Worthless. Watch Hobo With a Shotgun instead.
mhorg201823 September 2021
Really trash, low budget no acting waste of celluloid. Obviously the no talent people behind this decided to rip on Hobo With a Shotgun which, while not great, does have Rutger Hauer in it and has some funny scenes. I'd say 'avoid this like the plague', but no one seems to take this advice anymore. So, just don't watch it.
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Great Movie! Worth the watch!!
ReAnimateHer20 January 2020
Really enjoyed this Independent film! I love how the director gave you the point of view from a Zombies point. Most zombie films the Undead are slow and stupid which is cool but it is truly fresh to see a "smart" zombie.

The acting was great, audio and visuals were nice as well. Seeing NY from a outsider perspective was really cool to see.

If you are looking for another take on Zombies then this is a film for you.
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An unusual origin story for an unusual protagonist.
nctvstreaming29 December 2019
Zombie With A Shotgun 3/5 Aaron has a problem. He's been infected with some strange virus that's slowly turning him into a monster. He and his girlfriend Racheal are on the run from mysterious bounty hunters, the clock and the law as Aaron tries to piece together how he got infected to begin with.

The Bad Quickly shot with a micro budget the film sometimes gets choppy and hard to follow, similarly with the story it seemed occasionally confusing with plot lines that sometimes have no explanations. These lead to some questions about what exactly is going on.

The Good A great story centered around an interesting spin on the zombie formula constructed similarly to films like D.O.A. and Nick of Time where it seems our protagonist is battling the clock as the virus slowly transforms him into the living dead.

Some really beautiful and exceptional photography in this film especially for the budget! The numerous aerial drone shots where a delight and the locations themselves seemed full of personality.

Most of the make up in the film is well done, but the final look for Aaron at the end of the film is beautiful, disgusting and wild. It's a shame the entire feature didn't have more of it!

In my opinion Hilton Ariel Ruiz has made an exceptional film with obvious heart, time and budget constraints aside. It's well worth the 79 minutes with a likable lead.

An unusual origin story for an unusual protagonist.

Looking forward to a possible sequel.
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Definitely worth the watch
theparanormalcritic7219 January 2020
Fun take on this genre. Probably done on a smaller budget but nontheless, enjoyable, entertaining and fun.
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Great movie!
traceyp-6308810 February 2020
Thoroughly enjoyed Zombie with a shotgun. The movie showcased a different take on zombies / walkers which intrigued me. I look forward to seeing what you come up with in part 2.
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What an interesting and amazing film
lkulp1-778-6080630 November 2019
Zombie With A Shotgun is an incredible film. It mixes everything government/big pharma conspiracy, love, betrayal and of course, Zombies. This is not your typical brain eating, horror film zombies. I loved that it was different, there was an actual story. The mixing of color, black &white and comic book graphics leads to an immersive experience. The drone footage was fabulous and I cannot say enough about the fabulous cast. If you want fresh and innovative, watch this film
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There has to be a porno version of this
boydpeters28 June 2021
Myeh, I'd probably watch that

I wish it has smoking man from x files in it

In 26 minutes in and I have no idea what is going on

In rating it 5 for laughs. Actually the girl in white earned it 4 extra from the 1 it was at.
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Not a mindless zombie movie
escalonsandovals28 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure what I was expecting (ok - mindless flesh eating zombies) but it was a very pleasant surprise. In this film the zombies aren't mindless & the underlining storyline makes sense. It's a wild ride of twists & turns, and you end up being on Team Zombie!
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Low budget but a unique story
davehyatt18 September 2021
I liked this movie. It has a very unique take on zombie infection. Intrigue and action and some mysterious animated sequences, You do have to look past the wooden acting at times but the attempt is grand. It is probably streaming free somewhere so take a chance and watch it.
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a fun ride!
torche-206782 December 2019
This film is a reminder of what can be accomplished when a collection of good folks get together and accomplish a goal they believe in.. A good plot supported be clever imagery and cinematography!
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out of the ordinary campy cult like indie genre film
lbruhnca7 May 2020
This indie film is outside the box, a bit campy and cult like. Creative, unique characters and interesting story with some twists, could be a psychological thriller as well as horror. Keep an open mind, remember it's not a huge budget film, and go along for the ride with this fun genre zombie film.
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I Dig It!
derrickfury-876-12735827 April 2020
This is a stylish take on the grind house Zombie genre. Not only does it deliver on its high concept but has an engaging story and is a fun watch as well. I dig it, definitely worth a watch.
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Bizarre fun
sachaput5029 March 2022
Aaron has been infected with a zombie virus, but isn't immediately turning. He attempts to discover why and how he became this way. Unable to trust most around him, he goes on a hunt to get the answers.

Love the practical effects & make-up. There is also a nicely animated shootout which was a lot of fun. It's bizarre and hallucinatory in a number of scenes. Not your straight forward zombie thriller.
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Zombies can pull triggers too
richardblake31422 April 2020
Very interesting twist on the completely oversaturated zombie film market. However, with unique animation and laugh out loud moments, this one will come off enjoyable!
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