6:45 (2021) Poster


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Dull, predictable, derivative
tellstar27 February 2022
It's a half-hour Twilight Zone episode dragged out to 90 minutes. The plot has been recycled, you won't be surprised by the ending, and you've seen it done better before. There should be a special hell reserved for people who give these mediocre efforts pumped up ratings to mislead viewers.
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amymay-6991616 October 2022
This movie dragged on for far too long. Honestly, unlike most,I did not see the end coming, but, like most, was confused as heck anyway because it raised more questions than it answered. The couple was rather annoying and unlikeable. I actually started to look forward to seeing their demise. Irritatingly, despite KNOWING what will occur, the guy doesn't try in any major way to stop it. ONE HUNDRED times!!!! Never explains anything satisfactorily to his girlfriend, never makes a concerted effort to alter events (well,once, when he just convinced her to stay in the room all day. Insert eye roll).
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Not all, Not all, Not all, Not all, Not all it's cracked up to be!
troytheisen4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't check out any trailers or any reviews before watching this movie, so I knew nothing about what I was getting myself into.

At first, there were so many questions, and it was quite intriguing, but the Groundhog Day effect was far too overused. AND (this is the worst of all) the protagonist KNEW what was going to happen each day just like Groundhog Day or Happy Death Day, but unlike those movies, did nothing about it to change it. Here are the problems and holes in the plot of this movie:

1. Main character was having Groundhog Days with a terrible ending each time before waking up again, but did absolutely NOTHING to try and change things from one day to the next.

2. This went on FAR too many times. It was the same thing over and over and over without any significant changes to alter the negative outcome.

3. Why would anyone in their right mind kill a beautiful and extremely sexy woman like Augie Duke?

4. So many, many holes. The characters did NOTHING that normal people would do if they were experiencing the same issues.

5. Could see the ending a mile away, and it was full of negativity, sadness, and morose depression. Terrible ending.

CONCLUSION: There is already far too much negativity in the world. Why add fuel to that fire? Besides, the main character was a complete and utter idiot.
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In no universe is this movie 10/10
cynthiacaton26 February 2022
Some may describe this movie as a slow burner with a shock ending. I would describe it as a no burner with no surprise. If you didn't see the end coming, you must have been scrolling.

I actually got angry when the alarm went off. It was like living in a nightmare!
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Total Junk
brinsim1 September 2021
So stupid... The whole plot (if you can call it that) was a scam. The whole movie was painfully slow and dull. Nothing really happens throughout the whole movie. When the ending finally came the first thing I asked myself was, I waited all this time for that? The story just stunk! Very low budget and it shows. This is the kind of junk you expect on cable channel 600+ at 3 am. I felt totally ripped off.
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Gets stupider every 24 hours
zamboni-3663322 June 2022
I've seen several movies that do a twist on the Groundhog Day theme. Most have been pretty decent. Not this one! OMG, I didn't like either of these people from the get go. They never once seemed to be compatible. The plot was a mess and by the end I didn't care who was doing what to whom and why.
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Horrid film
burgerman9330 June 2022
It was a chore to sit through these 90 minutes. Over-acted and too ambiguous of a story. The way the scenes were overlaid was bizarre.

The only positive attribute is that the film setting made me think of my enjoyable trip to New England years back.
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grantss20 July 2022
From the summary you'd think this was an at least half-interesting horror movie. Turns out it's not interesting and hardly a horror movie. Quite dull and empty.
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Has been done before and much better
R993 July 2022
Closest comparison I can think of is Happy Death Day 2U, and if you haven't seen that, just think Groundhog Day with a murder/horror theme. At its best it was merely OK but got sort of boring starting around the middle and for me there wasn't really a payoff with the ending to make up for it.
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Feels unfinished....
bangel332221 May 2022
Several things in this film are not explained properly and so it ends, and you're just like, 'huh?'

Far too many plot holes here for this to be good. Dragged the film so much, wasting time on useless scenes when they could have been developing the story more. Waste of time.
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An unsettling psychological and psychedelic thriller.
josiahliljequist10 August 2021
I was expecting a cheap rip off of Happy Death Day and Groundhog Day when I watched this, but I thought it might be a fun, dumb slasher flick so I checked it out on Thursday previews. Turns out, it was so much more. The camerawork is slow and sensual in the first quarter of the film to produce a sense of calm, almost a lull before the storm before indulging in rapid cuts to mirror the chaos and claustrophobia of the main character reliving the same day over and over again. There are a few signature Hitchcockian staircase one-shots that are masterfully done, and simultaneous split-screen shots that aptly represent the confusion the man is going through to solve the mystery. One particular shot that I found fascinating was when there was a zoomed in shot of the man's eye, with the reflection of the moon mirrored perfectly in his pupil. I found, on the whole, a much higher quality craftsmanship with the mood and cinematography than any low budget thriller has a right to have. And the actors all play their part with aplomb, with no facepalming gaffes to speak of.

The whole movie plays like a series of drug-laced nightmares that won't end, and there are plenty of chills and thrills along the way. And while the ending is rather predictable and not altogether satisfying, the psychological journey that it takes to get there is more than worth the watch.
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Incompetent nonsense
FeastMode26 March 2022
This movie is low-quality in almost every way. It feels completely amateur and incompetent. The acting is awful, the dialogue is laughable, the story is nonsense. There are are so many stupid moments and things that make zero sense. Nothing about this movie works. It has no redeeming qualities. It's a complete waste of time. When it finished I burst out in laughter at how truly horrendous this movie is. One of the worst I've ever seen. (1 viewing, 3/26/2022)
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Quite stupid and bad, in a beautiful seaside town (last 3 sentences are a spoiler)
leesimon-263577 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The most valuable 'real estate' in a film is time. So it is a very bad sign when a movie that spends so much screen time looping and repeating events has to resort to voice-over, or exposition-dump characters to get elements of the story across.

What little writing took place to get this boring atrocity on film was very bad. There is nothing going on for 96% of the run time. And when it is time to move the story along, instead of using imagery, suggestion or metaphors, this movie has a character just say sentences to the main character that expose what is actually going on. For example, in another movie where the central plot was to 'overcome difficulty,' a main character in a looping/revisiting story might see the same small bird fall out of a nest and keep trying to get back in, making the character realize that he has to overcome difficulty to reach his goal. In this movie, while a montage of very bad and pointless repeating events take place, a minor character will be heard just saying to the protagonist "you have to overcome difficulty! OVERCOME DIFFICULTY!" ominously (this is not a spoiler, and the central mystery to this movie has nothing to do with overcoming.)

Truly, this is a movie where the trailer delineates every single event in the movie, and insanely there is still looping and repeating in the trailer. This should give you an idea of how much unnecessary loop-montage will waste your time in this movie.

Bad acting, very bad choices in the directing (ie. Montages, shots, acting direction etc...,) bad filming, bad story. Don't waste your time.

**spoiler below**

IF the point of the looping seaside weekend was to get the character to realize what he had done. AND he accomplishes this by breaking up with her, and letting her leave the island. Then why, at the end of the film does the character not know what happened?

Will never watch again.
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What a Self Indulgent Ego-Driven Load!
Mehki_Girl7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this because I like mysterious horror movies. You could see the ending a mile away.

The ending was way too long. Some of the sequences looked like something cheapie 70's exploitation horror films. The gore of over the top and unnecessary.

The couple wasunattractive and unlikable so you really didn't care what happened to them. Everyone was unattractive and unlikable. The script was crap.

Acting was awful and the ending was dragged out. The interrogation scene looked like someone's been watching too many grade B crime dramas.

If I had paid to see this crap...
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I could make a better movie. Director should be embarrassed. Just awful.
rosemcmillan-3261325 March 2022
No words. Stole the premise from numerous live die repeat movies and produced nothing.

It's is the worst movie I've seen. Hopefully karma makes the director and those giving >2 watch it every day!
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rotini-525862 March 2022
Totally senseless movie. I don't get it. Just a bad movie in every sense of the word. You know what you have to do ?????? What something else. Bad bad bad.
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Wasted promise undermines the few enjoyable aspects
kannibalcorpsegrinder23 March 2022
While on vacation in a small town, a man and his fiancee are subject to a debilitating supernatural phenomenon where they repeat the day over and over again where they're both killed by a maniac and only he's aware of it, forcing him to find the cause of the situation to stop it from continuing.

This was a rather disappointing and underwhelming genre effort. One of the few enjoyable features here comes from the deaths that take place which reset the storyline over and over again. These are usually quite fun, resulting in some shocking ambushes with the figure emerging out of nowhere to slash her across the throat in graphic means with the way the resulting blood flow providing some solid enough gore in this type of story. The fact that they always have to happen with the ambush nature they do makes them appear out of nowhere and come off quite well which makes for a surprising turn of events as they come about in the film. With the number of times that occurs throughout here helping this even more, there's a lot to like with these scenes as a whole. However, there are a lot of flaws that hold this one down. One of the biggest problems is the rather bizarre inability of the film to make the time-loop scenario really mean anything since this one tends to have no point in undergoing the process. Rather than present the whole scenario as a learning opportunity for him to curb his violent antics towards others that gets him into fights or his drinking that always seems to steer their relationship into the combative more than anything, this just tends to continually indulge in that behavior every time they die. This makes the eventual attack and resurrection the next day feel expected as it heads to these encounters which just grows tiresome waiting around for it to happen without a point with the amount of time it happens. Moreover, the film also really struggles with any kind of momentum being built up beyond the bloody ambushes. The early scenes with them running around the island are dragged out way too long with scenes going on beyond their interest of their lovely-dovey relationship taking centerstage here but not doing much else with it. The constant repeating of their troubled relationship aspects that take place once the time-loop occurs is just plain uninteresting as it really struggles to make us care about the relationship at all with his noncommital to doing anything with her and just being at complete odds with everything they do which makes it hard to care what happens. Even the final twist is underwhelming here not just because of the earlier moments but it takes forever to play out, all of which bring this one down overall.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity, and several sex scenes.
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A bit mystery, but overall full of super annoying overuse scene! Bored to freaking death!
kwenchow29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film start with a couple copulate on the bed, and they sitting on the chair at the ship scene! As turnout, this film is about to find out the reason of a man "Bobby" keep experiencing his girlfriend "Jules" murder in front of him by an unknown people day by day! We found out the people killing Jules is Bobby himself, he actually just relive the moment he killing Jules! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the walking scene, overuse of the searching scene, overuse of the arguing scene, overuse of the calling names scene, overuse of the staring scene, overuse of the drinking scene, overuse of the smoking scene, overuse of the knocking door scene, overuse of the sound of the alarm clock scene, overuse of the slicing throat scene, overuse of the flashbacks scene, overuse of the blackout scene, overuse of the changing camera angle scene, overuse of the kissing scene, overuse of the copulate scene, and overuse of the waking up scene! Make the film unwatchable! At the end, we found out Bobby is the person murder Jules! That's it! Wasting time to watch!
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An Utter Waste of Time
metalmax-0704511 November 2023
Thought this might be an interesting psychological thriller movie, maybe with a weird Groundhog Day loop going on, but good crispy Christ this movie was dull dull dull. The story was dull, the characters were dull. And the ending I could see coming a mile away. It left me unsatisfied in every possible way. I e had better Groundhog Day loops in my dreams.

If there ever was a time loop I wish I could use it to get the money and time back I wasted on this film.

I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. At all. Mean unless you want a cure for insomnia then congratulations you found one of a handful of movies that'll do it.
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Siri, set alarm for 6:45.....
Tomand20GregsRoyStar10 August 2021
Absolutely loved this movie. Right of the bat, you know you're in for some atmospheric, bleak fun. A vacationing couple takes a trip to a wintry, all but abandoned town, and it's semi-surreal right off the bat - but that doesn't make the characters feel any less real, any less intense. After a horrific end to the day, the male protagonist finds himself reliving the same day each morning, but in a quirkily new and equally disturbing manner. The obvious comparison is Groundhog Day, and more recently, Happy Death Day - but this is a true horror-genre take on the concept, and it's as fresh and original as any film of the 2020's. I was formulating theories all throughout, but was blown away by the twisty ending. Such majestic camerawork, anchored by the stellar lead performances, all built from a really tight and engaging script. This is a MUST-SEE for any horror fan who likes their flicks to have some serious substance and mind-stimulation behind the gore (which, also, is done with aplomb here).
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not an oscar movie , but unique
Ahmed-ASG9 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Looking at the movie ,,, yeah the looping disasters are in a way killing the joy of watching the movie , but it also reminds me of the struggle that some people have in their daily life over things that don't make sense , yet , they keep going threw it to that point it feels it's never gonna end , till you look for way to get you out of the situation before you blow your brain out.

The directing performance was good genuenly , it kept my heart racing here and there , i'm very interested to see the team that made this movie making another.
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Bad day after bad day
BandSAboutMovies7 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Most Groundhog Day movies have some level of happiness to them. But what if you just kept reliving the worst day of your life. And even worse, what if you didn't learn a single thing from it?

Every day, Bobby wakes up and the same thing happens. His fiancée, Jules, has her throat cut and when he falls to the ground in, stunned by the enormity of it all, he has his spine snapped. And then he wakes up and does it all again.

But why do the people in the resort town know so many personal details about both of them? And why is Bobby in a bar so often when drinking makes him argumentative at best and abusive at worst? Why have the couple had so many blow out arguments? Why would you go on vacation to a town named Bog Grove?

The worst part of it all is that Bobby knows that this death is coming every day at the same time. And he can't warn Jules, he can't stop it and all he can do is wait for it.

Director Craig Singer made Perkins' 14, A Good Day to Die and Dark Ride, which was also written by Robert Dean Klein. This film has a great look, a dark journey and no small share of surprises. I was expecting it to not pay off its concept, but it did a great job of landing the plane.
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Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Saiph906 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is, I actually cannot be bothered describing it but I have 537 characters to fill. A couple descend on an Island she has her throat slashed and he has his neck broken. He the wakes up to his alarm at 6:45 and the day with alteration repeats and repeats and repeats. This seems to go on endlessly, unfortunately watched this on a plane and at one stage thought about requesting a parachute to escape. When she was killed for the 302nd time I was beyond bored. The film comes eventually to an ending and surprise, surprise it is the boyfriend who killed her. The two main characters looked as bored as I felt by the end.
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Anyway! You two have fun out there alright!
hollymffns29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had been waiting for this movie release for several months because the trailer was so intriguing and what caught my eye was Armen Garo as Gene who says in the trailer on loop: "Anyway you two have fun out there alright!" The trailer was so epic and hyped me up so much because I love underground suspense thrillers- however, it could've taken a different turn. It was definitely more psychological than anything- not exactly a supernatural horror, just monsters within. Great thematic elements though: the setting, amazing graphic effects, music and score. The plot just needed some thickening and a little more drive. Well, see you next time alright!
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