88/100 This was absolutely brilliant. Probably one of the best comedies I've ever seen. I never laughed so hard, this was literally so funny, the plot wasn't that simple, the one who made this is a genius! I watched the whole 3 seasons in less than one week! This made me stick to the screen because I constantly wanted to know what was going to happen next. I also think this is underrated because in my opinion it's a really good show. Finally a show where the last season is equal to the others or even better because there was a plot twist I never expected haha! When I finished this i felt sad because I couldn't watch more episodes and I missed watching it. The end wasn't bad, it could've ended better but it also could've ended way worse. I remember that at the first episode I thought: "nah this is cringe I'm going to quit it here" but then I watched the whole thing and that was a great decision!