After Tessie blows up the power substation (Around 1:24:00), it takes several seconds before the town suffers an electrical "cascade failure". Small sections of town lose electricity in small blocks, while the market can be seen losing power to individual stalls.
This is completely impossible as electricity travels at about 90% the speed of light, meaning the entire town should have gone dark in an instant. On top of that, a town of that size would only have one substation, making a cascade failure on such a small scale even more unrealistic.
This is completely impossible as electricity travels at about 90% the speed of light, meaning the entire town should have gone dark in an instant. On top of that, a town of that size would only have one substation, making a cascade failure on such a small scale even more unrealistic.
After Taki and Mitsuha meet on the edge of crater and Taki is left alone after end of dawn, a panoramic view shows the city's lake in its original form (before comet hits the city). It shouldn't be the case, as Taki is back to present day, where collision has occurred.
When a shock wave reaches a bridge, translucent, waving horizontal lines are visible. They are smoke rocket trails, used in filmed scientific and military explosion tests to visualize the edge of the shock wave in air. As far as the plot goes, there is no reason for their deployment, and suggests that the animators might have used films of explosion tests as reference footage.