Revelation: Dawn of Global Government (2016) Poster

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Rapture Forewarnig
rr-9639723 July 2018
Now at 77 and declining I sense that I might not make the Rapture. Born again christians will not see the globalization, others chip or heads off. I have left a ton of survival tips and counterfeit religion data on my facebook (some quite old). Problem water and ammo are heavy. Can't buy or sell, doesn't say pliage.
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Presentation FAIL
thegadgetdoc17 April 2016
While I understand the intended argument made by this documentary, I must say it is truly the most poorly edited film that I have ever watched on a big screen. Frequently cutting from clip to clip of different, even in mid-sentence, leads to a continual feeling of mental discomfort. I've never seen a movie that actually gave me a headache, but in effect that's what it did.

I don't understand why it would be pieced together this way. For most people who watch it, it will seem like someone is trying to edit film to make an argument that they couldn't except by putting words in peoples mouths. Although I don't think that's what was happening, it's how the average person with no background in these topics WILL perceive it.

Was this really some kind of experiment in avant-garde film or was it supposed to be some kind of weird deconstruction of anti-new world order beliefs? That's the only thing I can think of regarding how it played out, but that is probably false because it sounds too much like what a critic would say about a horrible film that only they would love.

It saddens me because I see how it could have been edited in a different way and it would have made a stronger argument instead of weakening the case that it was trying to build. Watching this could forever sway someone not to consider any of the point of views that are offered. This isn't how you build interest with an audience.

Despite all of that, there are lots of interesting viewpoints expressed. There were even a couple of really funny moments. I just can't understand why good material got wasted at so many different points in the editing process. I would fix it and re- release it on DVD to try recouping some of the money spent on it.
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Editing style killed this documentary
dekeriversfb5 December 2016
I watched this film the other night... or at least I tried to watch it. Understand, I am the target audience for this film... I'm aware of every issue that was brought up and discussed. However, the film itself was just awful... or to be more specific, the EDITING of this film was just awful. Imagine if you took the solid, rational, complete interviews of your guests, diced them up into five and 10 second clips, shuffled them like a deck of cards, and then played them in that random order. After 15 minutes I was ready to stop watching... but I kept up. After 50 minutes, I had had enough with it, and just left it play in the background.

A completely ruined documentary/movie, all because of the editing. If someone could take all of the pieces and reassemble them so that I can watch the actual interviews without having someone else's interview interwoven into it, then I could re-rate the movie to a higher number.

I can not recommend it, even though the information provided is important and needs to be shared. The editing just ruined this movie.
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Amateur hour
jungophile17 April 2016
Just to be forthright about my political position, I agree that yes, a New World Order of a global nature is being sought by a moneyed elite, but I do not agree as the filmmakers do that faith in Christianity, conservatism, and restoring the Constitution are the answers to this encroachment of tyranny and slavery.

In my view, a world with no rulers or masters, anarchy by its root definition, is the answer, as the Constitution has been subverted for over a century (as the film even points out). Let's not forget, too, that Jesus was, at bottom, an anarchist. If you're a true Christian (I'm not, but I respect people who choose this path), you're an anarchist, not statist reformers as most of the talking heads in this film ironically seem to be.

If the filmmakers genuinely believe that restoring the Constitution is the answer, why don't they even mention Article 5 which is about calling for a Constitutional convention? Obviously they can't because Alex Jones is in the film, and he's on record for being against it. So they trot out Charlie Daniels to spout cornball catch phrases, and occasional scenes with a second rate George Washington who can't even muster a passable Virginia dialect.

The photography is OK, and the sound mix is above average, but it's all talking heads with fast editing cuts to keep it from getting too boring, which it still is. They should have cut at least 15 minutes from this turkey; it was interminably long and a lot of the interviews are of negligible value (Debra Medina? C'mon, who outside of Texas knows who SHE is?).

I learned about this film showing in my neighborhood via an Oath Keepers email blast, and I think it is ironic that Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath Keepers and much more of a can-do heavy weight than at least half the people giving interviews here, only got two segments at about seven or eight seconds each. I guess the filmmakers snuck him in at the last second for the extra free advertising that the Oath Keepers mailing list would provide.

In brief, this film has its heart in the right place, but it's amateur hour all around. "Revelation: Dawn of Global Governance" will likely do very little to rouse people from their slumber. So-called patriots will feel good about watching it, maybe snatching a moment of quiescence or two while doing so, as they subsequently return to being slaves and obedient order-followers.
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Comprehensive summary of the true condition of our Republic
sootsme26 December 2016
This film uses a compelling mixture of historical vignettes and no holds barred exposure and analysis provided by present day patriots in the struggle to retain our Liberty. In this case, the patriots are fighting for all humanity as well as for America. This is much bigger than politics, race or religion; it is about whether or not there will continue to be any personal Liberty remaining anywhere on our planet. There are plenty of examples of the incremental chipping away of all aspects of our freedom through the use of fiat money, history revision, incomplete and perverted education, media manipulation, artificial divisions created between people, etc. Also addressed is the use of constant crises and threats of assorted disaster that supposedly only our "betters" can solve with more taxes and more laws. (How's that working out so far?) Bottom line: once this pill is swallowed, there is no going back. A scary, hard look at present day America that challenges each of us to acknowledge the facts and encourages each of us to act, going forward, in a manner that honors those who have paid so dearly for all that we love about America. Please watch this, then choose your camp...
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estoehr19 December 2016
The editing is horrible. This film must have been made with the thought that Clinton would be our next president. The film premise is that white Christian values are the only way to make our country great. Many of the people in this film were major Trump supporters. I wonder what kind of blinders the film makers must be putting on, to not see the similarities of what they are saying and the cabinet that Trump is building. I did find portions of it very funny, as in when they show of us having to ride horse and buggy's because we will all be forced to be carbon neutral in the new world order. It is interesting how many times they used the word lynch. In general it does convey a disturbing view of the future, I found it disturbing because of the presenters and their narrow white Christian views, and the similarities of their narrative to the incoming administration. It is a horrible movie, but a cautionary tale people should watch. Because propaganda like this must be allowed to be made, but should be called out for what it is, hate filled speech with sugar frosting. "We the People" is used, but the people they refer to in "WE the People" are White Christians.
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A wake-up-call with style that matches substance
susanmarx-0753424 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
While some reviewers have given lower box scores owing to the jarring editing style - that very element is part of the genius of this film. Writer/director Chuck Untersee knew exactly what he was doing when he put this project together. No ordinary, linear story line would suffice. And mere non-linear structure is way too pedestrian.

Revelation's explosive material demands a ragged edge. This is not a laid-back, feel-good documentary designed to merely present facts and build a case. It sounds a piercingly urgent alarm and calls us, as patriots, to stand up to protect the freedoms that are being dismantled, piece-by-piece, in favor of a globalist agenda.

The end of America as we have known it has been under attack for more than a century. Now we are at the 11th hour. Ever heard of Agenda 21? How about the U.N. Small Arms Declaration? You must watch this film with an alert mind. The opening V.O. quote from the late President John F. Kennedy sets the tone.

"We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence and we are, as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, secret oaths and secret proceedings." (JFK)

From here, the film weaves together a complex web of events and back-walks us through key moments in history and the heroic, on-going fight to release the strangle-hold that threatens our republic.

I would have preferred a more solution-oriented ending. But maybe that would've only served to lull the audience back into complacency. As a professional Hollywood story analyst, I highly recommend it.
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Wake up call! Life changing! You will never view the world in the same way!
mladymarcia2 May 2016
This movie changed my life. And, I will never view the world in the same way. After viewing it, you realize that we have all been in a deep sleep. It jars and slaps you awake with big doses of facts from very respected professionals, the three star General Boykin and his inside military perspective, Mr. Griffith, and his revelations of our financial system and Federal Reserve, to Katherine Albrecht and her view of technology, that is being used to enslave us. One realizes that we are all being fed a version of the truth that the media wants us all to believe, without really giving any real substantial facts. Feeding us pablum with no protein. This movie pulls back the curtain from the puppets that are running this country and gives us an insight into reality. This movie is a must see for anyone who cares about the future of our great Country and the future of your children and grandchildren. We are all in peril and need to react to this before it is too late. If it is not too late already. The movie takes conspiracy theory and turns it into conspiracy fact. Great cinematography for a documentary. Love the editing. Charlie Daniels is outstanding as narrator, and love the parts played by Mark Collins, as George Washington. This movie is a call to action! Run don't walk to your neighborhood theater!
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Eye Opening
anna-351422 May 2016
This film, Revelation Dawn of Global Government, will take your breath away. Its a life changing eye opener that covers more subject ground than any other documentary out there. Its not your average info, its stuff that a person can research at home and find the data to back up what they are hearing and seeing in the film. Its beautifully and professionally shot, above and beyond your expectations of a documentary. Lots of interesting and less known history is explored in conjunction with modern day issues. Its all done with creative and historically accurate montages. Go see it! People need to know what is happening around them.
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Truly attention grabbing
bob-875972 May 2016
I went in with no expectations but found the movie extremely thought provoking. There were a variety of subjects covered from the New World Order to the federal reserve to the united nations agenda 21 and others. Some I was aware of and other that I was not. The style in which it was edited kept it interesting and from dragging like many documentary style films do.

There's a lot of valuable information included in the film and I ended up going back and watching it a second time because of it. The second time around I found myself catching even more details that I have investigated further myself.

The movie is well worth the money and definitely something I recommend other Americans see for themselves.
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Great Movie!
dander7892 May 2016
I have watched this movie several times. It is riveting and so very topical. The movie's editing is superb. I could not take my eyes off the screen. The movie has changed my view of America and its leadership. Because of this movie I have become very politically active. The movie is a must see for all freedom loving patriots. I was moved to tears by the sacrifices portrayed, especially those of WorldWar Two. I urge everyone to see this film with an open mind and freedom loving heart. Charlie Daniels does an excellent job of narration and call to arms. Mr Griffith is a well respected author and his book, "The Creature From Jeckel Island" is also a must read for anyone wandering why we are in such a financial mess. I'm so glad this has come out in this very important election year.
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I gave this movie 10 stars, but I hated it.
lancetb134918 April 2016
The only reason I gave this movie 10 stars is because it contains the truth. Other than that, the lousy editing made it a horrible documentary. It constantly jumps from one interviewee to another, which literally gave me a headache, and it fails to coherently develop the claims that are made by the people being interviewed. This documentary contains a lot of information that people need to be aware of, but even if you already know what's going on in the world, you'll probably walk away confused. Word of advice to the filmmakers: Go back and re-edit this documentary before you release it on DVD and allow each interviewee to finish expressing a complete thought before jumping around ten times.
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Shocking Truth exposing the plans of the global elite.
michael-221933 May 2016
SHOCKING...The average citizen should expect a lightning bolt of a jolt...A rude awakening awaits the unassuming, non nonchalance routine of the orchestrated daily distractions of sports, sitcoms, and "reality" shows. The educated citizen will not be as shocked but will certainly be enlightened. WAKE UP PEOPLE! THIS IS REAL! AND YES, OUR VERY LIVES AND THE CERTAINLY THE LIVES OF OUR CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY BE IMPACTED BY THE TOPICS COVERED IN THIS POWERFUL FILM.

BASED ON TRUTHS, NOT CONSPIRACY THEORIES. This film intentionally deeply scratches the surface of sinister plans of the global elite, to control, monitor and yes, limit the numbers of humans as well as all human activities on the planet. General Boykin carefully draws on his vast knowledge of insurgencies and counter insurgencies in concluding the obvious movement of our nation, the USA towards Marxism and the loss of American sovereignty to a one world government. Charlie Daniels adds a wonderful dimension of the ties to Americana and masterfully wrote the theme song heard at the end.

MOVING stories from real survivors will bring tears and embolden the brave to stand up and be heard. Historical vignettes with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and brief scenes from the Alamo, WW1, WW2, and Desert Storm offer entertaining theatrical breaks from the paced interviews.

I especially appreciated the movement in the editing as so many documentaries have to work to hold interest. Biblical perspectives are well blended and noted throughout the film. The role of the church throughout our history is interestingly noted for it's absence today. Color, sound and clarity are first rate.

Every American and in fact all citizens of the world should see this film! It is a call to action! For America is the last hope for much the rest of the world.
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I loved it. It points out historical links that have been forgotten
gusfaris10 May 2016
More people need to remember the warning, "We will bury you." The we were not all in foreign countries, many more are here now, and many of them have great power. Connecting the dots and seeing the big picture and its consequences is more important today than ever before. Go see the movie before it is too late.

The message is laid out well and easy to understand. It is presented in a quick action format that drives home the points. The moderator and the speakers are clear in their messaging.

By linking the historical information and the current state of events, the message that immediate action is required comes through clearly and loudly. I was especially impressed by the Black Robe linkage. It pushed me to act.
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Wow! Chuck Norris's brother is great too.
bartsd25 October 2016
Wow, so impressed with this movie! Well done. It gave me chills watching it, and I almost cried once or twice too. So glad we have patriots like Alex Jones and the Norris family fighting for freedom, and the future of America. It was entertaining, quality filming, the plot is relevant for the times (with election in focus). I bought a copy of it for my Dad for Christmas, it was that good. I think it's safe to say the Norris's have established themselves as top notch film producers. Very much enjoyed this movie, and highly recommend you watch it. Takes you back in time to what the founders had envisioned for the country.
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Both the Content and Form Are Excellent
clelldrumheller3 May 2016
I have viewed this superb film twice. I wrote a review in another Internet publication giving "Revelation: Dawn of Global Government" the top rating allowed(5 stars there, which equals a 10 rating here). I find the negative criticisms of the movie, given by some previous reviewers, to be without substance. Both the movie's content and cinematography are, in fact, excellent and appropriate to the film's purpose. Also, while I do not expect non-Christians to appreciate the film's specific recommended remedies for the problems cataloged in it -- anymore than I expect a post-modern head-banger to appreciate the singing of Placido Domingo or Kathleen Battle -- their lack of belief does not invalidate the suggestions (whether for the nation or an individual). Moreover, the cast and the script succeed in presenting the movie's much-needed message in a very clear, focused, and compelling fashion.
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See the movie.
lwreams10 May 2016
I have seen this movie three times and learned more every time. It is an eye opening educational film, well documented as to history and current day events, that should be seen by all Americans. It should be shown in every high school class room in America. It well states our current situation regarding the encroachment of global government and tyranny and the loss of our US sovereignty. In countries all around the world we see this happening; the ruling class elites make decisions and policy that pushes nations toward globalism when the people of that nation do not want it and don't even recognize its coming until it's too late. It's happening today in America and it's time the people wake up to it. Revelation does an excellent job of making us aware.
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lanakeeton24 January 2017
"Revelation, Dawn of Global Government" is a stunning cinematographic tale of the reality of American life. Growing up in Bonham, Texas it was a Norman Rockwell kind of life for me. Seeing Revelation shows the under belly of the beast at work taking away that life and our, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...bit by bit by bit.

Revelation is the CURE for the hatred in America today showing our common values and love for one another as patriotic Americans.

I challenge you to watch it and re-think your vision of the America handed down to us by our Forefathers. Very moving!

God loves us. God loves America. Watch REVELATION and get your joy in being an American back! You will love it!
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A Movie Every American Should See This Election Season
dhuls-5215510 May 2016
This movie unpacks in a very compelling manner all those things about government persecution and gamesmanship that ordinary Americans are upset over. If you are wondering why Trump, Cruz and Bernie have done so well in the primaries, this movie provides some insight into why people see our government failing the people and are searching for other solutions. There is almost no facet of American society that is not commented on by experts in the field. From the economy, education, jihad in America, border security, future trends and actual acts of government oppression. It also provides a historical perspective in many cases so that the audience can judge for themselves whether we are on a path towards oppression or do we have a hope for liberty as our Founders set us on. I have talked to political activists who when viewing the movie feel validated in what they believe. Others who have seen this and aren't very active politically are shocked by what they see. They have said "I had no idea what was going on." The movie directly states that it is up to "we the people" to right the ship of state and we can only do that with a firm moral backing and reliance on God.
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A must-see film for everyone
tbensn4 May 2016
An excellently executed film providing the viewer with the big picture of what is wrong in our country, the agenda behind it and how the pieces fit together. A very comprehensive perspective with a plethora of highly knowledgeable experts who explain the many aspects contributing to the agenda of the New World Order and Global Governance. Our Founding Fathers sought true liberty and sovereignty for themselves and posterity. The film underscores how the Constitutional Republic which they gave us for that reason, is in grave jeopardy of being lost. In fact, we can understand with the evidence shared in the film, how we are well on the way. The film is a Call to Action, a warning to America to 'pay attention', 'wake-up' and notice that little by little we are being robbed of the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought so hard for, for eight long bloody years. A must-see film for everyone and anyone who wants to understand the deception and manipulation being implemented by our government and the global controllers like the United Nations.
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