195 of 327 found this mild
Sex is mentioned numerous times as is masturbation and pornography. While nothing is explicitly shown there are scenes of people in bed discussing having had sex. Eleanor ends up flirting with and nearly kissing Chidi's girlfriend in a simulation.
References to "bang him", "whale humper", "vibrator", "horny" "kissing and groping" "jack off" and more
An off color joke about a truck advertising erectile pills
In an episode there is a clip shown of a very sexist man and a reporter. He grabs her breasts and is talking about them the whole clip but is referring to them as "references" and you never see the reporter or her breasts
Zoom-in on posters of half-dressed women. Posters are visible in later episodes.
Suggestive dialogue to sexual references.
142 of 224 found this mild
A woman is offscreen smashed by carts and then hit by a billboard truck
A woman is killed by a falling statue offscreen
At one point in the show someone's legs bend backwards off screen and he kicks his face onscreen. We see the person having bruises on his face and blood.
There are mild jokes about offscreen violence, and some appearances of blood when it is onscreen.
In season 2, episode 5, one of the characters runs over others with a trolley. The bloody aftermath is shown splattering all over him.
149 of 226 found this mild
Words like shit or fuck have been replaced with shirt and fork. Later episodes use the word 'bitch', 'damn' 'hell' 'bite me" 'dick' 'wanker'.
Swears in the good place are replaced by fork, shirt, bull shirt, ash-hole, bench, butthead and wanker
Throughout the whole series, there is a large amount of uses of the word 'Bitch'.
Expect some vulgar language, but cursing is subverted, as there's no rough language in the afterlife. For example, words like shit, fuck, asshole, bullshit, and bitch are replaced with "shirt", "fork", "bullshirt", "ash-hole", and "bench". However, there's also mild language without replacing the words, such as "hell", "damn", "badass", "dick", "bitch", and "wanker".
147 of 208 found this mild
Cocaine is spoken of and done a couple of times weed is also mentioned.
A fictional drug is talked about and snorted briefly out of dollar bills
Eleanor asks Janet for cocaine and she comes back holding 10 blocks of cocaine in front of Michael
Eleanor is seen buying tequila and margarita mix and says she's going to drink alcohol through a twizzler straw till she passes out
A man dies overdosing on whippets offscreen
A reference to a stoner kid getting really high on mushrooms
168 of 213 found this to have none
There are some scenes in the show with tension albeit in a way that is meant to be fun.
Season 4 was very intense
It's very well written the drama can be intense and upsetting
None/Mild in a lot of episodes.