"Fear the Walking Dead" Cobalt (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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Can tough Mexican and mysterious black stranger redeem this show?
serbian_00727 September 2015
This week on Fear the Walking Dead:

The last 4 episodes, nothing much happens. But on the 5th episode .... yet again, nothing much happens.

However, the plot is thickening and there is a glimmer of hope now that there are 2 characters who aren't complete morons - 2 characters that are actually interesting enough to warrant viewer attention. In the blue corner, a disgruntled bad-ass Mexican father on a mission to save his precious wife gets his hands on the guy with the hots for his daughter, who ends up revealing the military's dark and terrifying 2 step program for the community - code-name Cobalt.

In the red corner, some would call him a magician. Others would say he's great at sleight of hand - one minute your keys are in your pocket, the next minute, well, poof.

Can tough Mexican dude and mysterious black stranger save this show and this horrendous cast from the depths of oblivion? Will Madison make a facial expression resembling something other than constipation? Will Travis grow some man parts and develop something that looks like a brain? Will Alicia and Chris do something productive with their time? What's in store for the community now that hoards of roamers lurk nearby?

Find out next time on the season finale of Fear the Walking Dead, where hopefully something will happen.

P.S. Next to Mr. Salazar, the mysterious black stranger is the most interesting character revealed so far. Isn't it weird how a character revealed in episode 5 can be more interesting than the entire main cast? Hmm, one wonders why.
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Indigo Prophecy
southdavid14 June 2018
Excellent episode.

The thin veneer of civility that remained following the army's forcible removal of the family members at the end of the last week's episode crumbles away as the atrocities begin to pile up on both sides of the fence. Travis is allowed to leave the camp, with an army accompanied trip to the medical base but his experiences out there and the gang's discovery of "Operation Cobalt" lead them to some drastic decisions. Meanwhile, back at the medical centre, Liza discovers a key fact about the pandemic and Travis meets the enigmatic Victor, who bargains with the guards to keep him close, as he seems to know what's coming.

So the tension is growing to ahead of the next episodes season finale. Cracks are starting to show in the families. Chris snaps at his father and stepmother before having some fun with Alicia, there may be more to that relationship in the future. Ofelia finally sees the depths that her father is capable of going to get answers and the decision to torture the solider splits Madison and Travis again, until the reveal of Operation Cobalt realigns everyone's priorities.

Performances remain good and the storyline compelling. The soldiers remain stuff we've seen before, but they have added more complexity to that as some are deciding that family outranks duty at this point. The scene is set for all hell to break loose in the last episode.
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rfgtdfgvdfg15 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
1x5 Rating: 8.3/10 Best episode of the show yet.

Storyline: Nick has a conversation with his cell mate Strand. Meanwhile Ofelia challenges the soldiers throwing objects at the fence asking where her mother is and Andrew Adams comes to take her home. Liza is working in the medical facility under the supervision of Dr. Exner and she learns that Griselda had to amputate her foot. Madison overhears a beat and she finds Daniel and Ofelia in the basement of their neighbor's house and Adams tied to a chair. When Madison and Ofelia leave the basement, Daniel tortures Adams to know where Griselda and Nick are. Meanwhile Travis meets Moyers and tells that he will face an insurrection in the community and Moyers asks Copro Castro to drive Travis to the medical facility. In their journey, they need to stop to fight against zombies that have trapped another National Guard team. Only Castro and a few man return and they drive Travis back to the safe zone. Meanwhile the Salvadorian Daniel recalls his life in El Salvador and tortures Adams. Soon he learns the meaning of "Cobalt" and where Liza, Griselda and Nick are. Daniel also learns that the National Guard has locked 2,000 infected in the arena nearby the facility. Liza Visits Griselda with Dr. Exner but they are incapable to save her life. What will Daniel do to retrieve Griselda?
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My Pink Bicycle
SteveResin13 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Another average episode. Travis is taking longer to emerge from his "Everything is going to be OK and I'll be back teaching and polishing the Beamer within the month" stupor than it takes Axl Rose to come up with new songs. I did enjoy his road trip with the grunts, although the show scrimped on the dollars again by deciding not to show the carnage that was going down in the library, while he sat there looking perturbed in the safety of the Humvee. He's so repressed I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the season he loses it completely, turns green and hulks out.

Madison embraced her inner-biatch again and decided to sponsor Daniel in the "Who resorts to torture first" competition. This bothered me immensley. The Walking Dead getting their brains blown out hither and thither is one thing while I'm eating my supper but I for one don't want to see torture scenes in shows I watch in the hope of being entertained. It reeked of sensationalism and has now completely derailed Daniel's character for me. Kill him already, and use the dollars for zombie sfx.

The Producers are sinking even further into their Nubile Alicia fantasies and had her riding a pretty little pink bike around the streets in this one, with a pigtail and short shorts. I guess they must have panicked because soon enough they had her break into a neighbours wardrobe and suddenly she'd transformed into Rita Hayworth. That's basically all she does on this show, look nubile, pine for Randy Wagstaff From The Wire and scowl at her parents twice an episode. Kill her already. Use her fee for some zombie sfx.

The "Hospital" scenes were weak, and didn't the fact that Strand bribed the guards by handing them diamonds and a Rolex annoy anyone else? My eyes were rolling like it was going out of fashion. Surely even those cerebrally tepid grunts would realise by now that money and diamonds and Rolexes are worthless. Mrs Salazar finally bit the bullet, or cattle gun in this case. Maybe now they've killed her they can use the dollars for zombie sfx.
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The narrative thrust of "Cobalt" is driven by the characters' discovery of the military's grim intentions for their community
fernandoschiavi8 April 2024
After taunting a fellow inmate, Victor Strand recognizes Nick as a heroin addict and saves him from being taken away in order to use his skills to facilitate an escape.

In the medical ward at the command post, Liza tends to a patient under Dr. Exner's supervision. Dr. Exner informs Liza that Griselda is recovering from a foot amputation, but her diagnosis does not improve and she becomes septic. After she dies, Liza is told of the nature of the infection and shoots Griselda in the to prevent reanimation.

After Ofelia fails to get answers about her mother from solider, Andrew Adams, Daniel decides to take matters into his own hands. He captures Adams and proceeds to torture him for information much to the shock of Ofelia and disgust of Madison who reluctantly agreed to it. "Cobalt" is a code they hear over and over again on the radio. Adams finally reveals that civilians are locked in a local arena and "Cobalt" is a military code for their evacuation humane disposal of surviving civilians.

In "Cobalt," the penultimate episode of the inaugural season of "Fear the Walking Dead," the series ramps up the intensity and stakes for its characters, delivering a profound examination of the breakdown of civil order and the emergence of moral quandaries in the face of an unprecedented crisis. The episode reveals the military's plans under Operation Cobalt, which entails a mass evacuation of the safe zone and the elimination of those left behind, setting the stage for a desperate fight for survival and a clash of wills and ethics among the characters.

The narrative thrust of "Cobalt" is driven by the characters' discovery of the military's grim intentions for their community. This revelation forces each character to confront their own moral compass and survival instincts. Madison, Travis, and Daniel Salazar become increasingly entwined in a dangerous gambit to rescue their loved ones from a military holding facility, showcasing the lengths to which people will go to protect their family in dire situations. Particularly compelling is Daniel's interrogation of the soldier Adams, which reveals the depth of his dark past and willingness to embrace brutality for the sake of his family. This episode masterfully explores the theme of what humanity means in a world that is rapidly losing its humanity.

"Cobalt" excels not just in its thrilling plot developments but also in its deep dive into the psychological and moral complexities of its characters. The tension between the desire to maintain one's moral integrity and the instinct to survive by any means necessary is palpable. The episode's atmosphere is heavy with the impending doom of Operation Cobalt and the realization that the societal structures once relied upon are crumbling. The interactions among characters, layered with secrets, desperation, and shifting allegiances, add a rich texture to the narrative, making "Cobalt" a standout episode in terms of character development and thematic depth.

"Cobalt" is a high point for "Fear the Walking Dead's" first season, seamlessly blending action, emotion, and ethical quandaries. It sets a harrowing stage for the season's finale, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats with its cliffhanger ending. The episode serves as a critical examination of the choices individuals make when faced with the collapse of civilization, making it not only a compelling piece of television but also a poignant commentary on the human condition. As the characters brace for the fallout of Operation Cobalt, the audience is left pondering the true cost of survival in a world where the rules of society no longer apply.
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Introducing a New Character & More
panagiotis199314 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We get introduced to a new character called ''Victor Strand'' he seems to be a bit sadistic. Kidnapping a soldier? Wow now that's a dumb decision. Also why this soldier? He is obviously a kind person, he doesn't deserve this. The scene with Travis choosing not to shoot the walker was intense. Also the scene with Travis waiting in the army car was full of suspense. Are they building towards an Alicia/Chris thing? Maybe. I don't understand yet Victor's role in all of this but he seems like an interesting character. Damn Ofelia's father is a really troubled man. Wow so the army will kill everyone before leaving the place? Pretty gruesome. Victor and Nick have interesting chemistry, a team up would be awesome. Really solid episode overall. My rating is 7.5/10.
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Which man will I be?
reddiemurf8127 November 2022
The episode begins with an unknown man speaking out loud (speaking to someone off camera). He speaks about what a salesman he is. That he can sell anything to anyone at any time (except for insurance,, he finds that somewhat distasteful). All he has to do is look at a person for a few moments and he can tell if they are a buyer or not. That he, is a closer.

This unknown man (goes by the name Strand) is speaking to one of Travis's neighbors, who was caught by the military after being out past curfew, and brought to a makeshift holding facility they setup by their medical facility. The two men are amongst many people being held by the military guard. Another familiar face in the holding facility turns out to be Nick Clark, who was taken against his will by soldiers, right out of the Clark household when they collected Griselda to take her to the medical facility (Liza accompanied the military escort to the medical facility as well to help the doctor treat the never-ending amount of patients).

Travis & Madison, along with Chris, Alicia, Daniel, and Ofelia are left in the dark as to what is happening with their loved ones, and when they will be returned/be able to see them/etc. Eventually, Daniel and Madison begin to look at what they are willing to do to find out what is really going on,,,
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Could it get worse?
Tarx30930 April 2016
This episode once again proves that this is a downbeat, dull, poorly acted, and horribly written show. This is garbage in comparison to The Walking Dead. This show seems to be focusing entirely on the drama between the families. There's only one problem with this: none of it lands. Perhaps its because its very hard to feel any connection for these characters, but none of the drama in this episode (or any of them for that matter) actually worked (especially the interactions between the teenagers, which was immorally cringe- worthy). I didn't find any of this episode gripping, and the two leads were just awful. Madison was just moping around and redundant in this episode, and Travis was as dull and uninteresting as ever. It was all very slowly paced, although at least there was a glimmer of plot development in this episode (which is new), but barely anything, and it all happened very slowly. Not at all gripping.

It's laughable that this show bares almost no action, and in some ways this episode was no exception. There were hints of fights between soldiers and zombies going on, but the frustrating thing was that we only heard a couple of sounds as we were forced to stare at Travis looking scared for ages. The whole "cobalt" reveal was entirely unbelievable, and I had to try hard not to laugh at the idea of that when it was revealed. One scene between Chris and Alicia was kind of fun, yet seemed completely out of nowhere. The only redeeming feature of this episode (and the only reason it's not getting one star from me) is the plot involving Daniel Salazar, which was actually effective and entertaining for the most part. Presently he's the only character I care for, and thankfully this was his episode to shine in. Although asides from that, there was nothing to enjoy here.
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Can this be any more boring
sjensenstrad29 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So now we got 5 episode and they try to make the show interesting by adding a plot about a conspiracy of some evil "government" that takes people away and we don't know why - is it exciting? NOT REALLY because it is going SLOW SLOW SLOW.

We had the chance of some zombie action in the library.... but all we got was some gun shot.... yes that's the way to go in a zombie flick, NOT! The Mexican guy tries his best to make his story interesting, but really how many times has he spoke the line "They come and take people away - I have seen this before".

The kids go berserk in a house for no reason.

The main problem with this TV show is that it is switching between different none interesting scenes and offers no quality dialog.

If a zombie apocalypse appeared, people would sit down and talk about what is happening, lay plans for survival and stuff. They would also express FEAR! But not in this TV show!
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Do the Means Justify the End?
claudio_carvalho22 December 2015
Nick has a conversation with his cell mate Strand. Meanwhile Ofelia challenges the soldiers throwing objects at the fence asking where her mother is and Andrew Adams comes to take her home. Liza is working in the medical facility under the supervision of Dr. Exner and she learns that Griselda had to amputate her foot. Madison overhears a beat and she finds Daniel and Ofelia in the basement of their neighbor's house and Adams tied to a chair. When Madison and Ofelia leave the basement, Daniel tortures Adams to know where Griselda and Nick are. Meanwhile Travis meets Moyers and tells that he will face an insurrection in the community and Moyers asks Copro Castro to drive Travis to the medical facility. In their journey, they need to stop to fight against zombies that have trapped another National Guard team. Only Castro and a few man return and they drive Travis back to the safe zone. Meanwhile the Salvadorian Daniel recalls his life in El Salvador and tortures Adams. Soon he learns the meaning of "Cobalt" and where Liza, Griselda and Nick are. Daniel also learns that the National Guard has locked 2,000 infected in the arena nearby the facility. Liza Visits Griselda with Dr. Exner but they are incapable to save her life. What will Daniel do to retrieve Griselda?

"Cobalt" is a stupid episode of "Fear the Walking Dead". Daniel proves that he is a monster torturing Adams that was betrayed by Ofelia. Do the means justify the end? Madison is a disappointing character, leaving the soldier in the hands of the sick and wicked Daniel. Liza is a beautiful character helping the needy people. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Cobalt"

Note: El Salvador, or Republic of El Salvador, is a small country in Central America (and not in Mexico).
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Boring Boring Boring
ZegMaarJus15 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The most boring episode so far.

Non action at all.

Weird storyline.
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pariisaap30 September 2021
I ve been watching The series and wait something happen but it is still boring.

A man with Two wives !

The boy , Nick ,trapped in stupid place Stupid Alicia hanging with chris Although there is something new happen but it is still boring .

I'd rather watch zombie fight instead of fight with a military.

And why Nick doesn't change his clothes . It is really disgusting .
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