Death Battle (TV Series)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle Royale (2011)
Sam Riegel: Donatello
Wizard : Donatello is the brains of the bunch.
Boomstick : He does machines!
Wizard : Right, Boomstick. Somehow, he learned to operate and manipulate both human and alien technology without any formal education or budget whatsoever. He also speaks 100% fluent techno-babble.
Donatello : The resulting intermit multi-polar flux should create the electromagnetic pulse!
Boomstick : What the hell did I just hear? All that gibberish means he's probably trained less than the others, using more of his time for science!
Wizard : Fortunately, his useful bo staff makes up for his lack of constant training. Durable oak and six feet long, the bo gives Donatello far more attack range than his other brothers.
Boomstick : The range is nice, but it takes a lot of time and patience to kill anybody with a stick!
Wizard : He's no expert strategist, that's Leonardo's turf, but Donatello's considered the most level-headed of the Turtles. Even with his time spent tinkering, he's still a very capable warrior, easily keeping up with his brothers and even killing the Shredder in an alternate dimension.
Boomstick : An ass-kicking nerd? I don't believe it.