We Still Kill the Old Way (2014) Poster

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The Saint becomes the sinner.....,
FlashCallahan28 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Steven Berkoff interrupts a Gand of wannabe gangsters with those abhorrent faux Caribbean accents, trying to assault a young girl. After calling them a curse word that hasn't been heard since the seventies, the one from Eastenders walks on him for a few minutes, and Berkoff sadly expires.

Ian Ogilvy gets rudely awakened from his retirement, on hearing about Berkoff being killed, after all it's his brother. And in one monologue, we learn that these two brothers were The Krays of London, about the same time that The Krays were The Krays, and not The Kemps.

So he comes back from the Med, and calls up his old mates who were in lots of TV series and film in the eighties.......

Yes its Harry Brown meets Reservoir Old Dogs, and you can see the plot points and ending as soon as the credits roll, but these films are just meat and potato fodder, and they do you no harm once in a while.

The concept is Old School versus the gang with the horrible accents, and we all know who wins at the end.

But its nice to see the seasoned actors having a good old time with their grizzled voices and smugness, and although they were villains back in the day, you find yourself giving them empathy, because the E2 gang are just a bunch of morons you would want to slap, because of their lack of respect, and awful dress sense.

Did I mention their blooming irritating accents.

It's all good fun, ending with a shoot up in a hospital, and Alison Doody with so much cosmetic work done, you could swear she eventually found the Holy Grail.

Throwaway stuff, but when this sort of stuff is churned out every other week, its nice to find something that has had a little bit of effort put into it.

Worth watching if you like the genre.
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Very British Gangster movie
imap-052322 June 2022
Very rough, very realistic, very British.

It started strong and could have been a great revenge story. Unfortunately, the script and the directing messed up the second part, when the story lost its 'line'.

Disappointing final with a mass shooting in a hospital(!). Why filmmakers have so much trouble with consisting endings, here, why not tracing the villains step by step and giving them what they deserve? Instead the worst of the gang died graciously fast by a police bullet.

A central part of the story is completely incomprehensible: the daughter of the police women being the devote sex object of the guy who is the scum of the earth; without the mother having any idea? Come on!

Still an entertaining movie, though the topic is somewhat given away.
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Kill the old way
robdrummond4 February 2022
Slow to start yeah.

But it gets going and shows the arrogant (invincible) youth that they are novices in their world of gangsterism - once they have provoked the "old guard" into action.
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Brutal, and powerful film.
frompagescreen1 January 2015
What made this film for me was the cast that has been put together. Faces that I haven't seen on screen for years such as Ian Ogilvy, Lysette Anthony, Alison Doody and Christopher Ellison stand on screen with newcomers such as Danny Boy Hatchard who plays the most vile of characters. But thats the point. Within seconds of seeing Danny Boy Hatchards character (Aaron) on screen, I wanted to reach through the screen and throttle him. Brilliantly played by Danny Boy Hatchard who Im sure is a very decent guy with a heard of cold, he brilliantly plays one of the most vile humans I have seen on screen for a while. Well played Danny!.

On the flip side of that is the character of Lauren, fantastically played by Dani Dyer in her first big role in a feature film (Dani previously appeared in a small role in Vendetta) Dani does a fantastic job here in We Still Kill The Old Way, standing toe to toe with actors who have been around for decades. In fact some of the best scenes of the film involve Lauren (Dani Dyer) and Richie (Ian Ogilvy) who have a sort of Father/Daughter vibe going on in the film after certain events intertwine their lives. This may be Dani's first major role, but she has a great future ahead if she takes it. Its great to see that Dani is currently filming in the Neil Jones directed film Age of Kill (written by Simon Cluett) which is due out in 2015. Here in We Still Kill The Old Way, we the viewer are genuinely concerned about Laurens safety at several points in the running time. We want to get her out of that scary world, but we cant, so hope and prey that Richie will do it for us.

So is We Still Kill The Old Way worth watching? Well very much so yes. Its brutal, its well written, its well acted and whilst it does share a lot of 'themes' of Vendetta. (taking the law into your own hands), its a theme that worked in Vendetta, and works in this film too. Definitely check it out if you want to be pretty entertained for an hour and a half by a great cast, in a very decent film., especially if you like a bit of the old vigilante style film like Get Carter, or Death Wish.

I was attracted to the film initially because it has Dougie Brimsons name attached. The guy hasn't let me down with his work yet, and also the name Sacha Bennett attached.as director who also hasn't let me down yet (although I have still to track down and watch his film Outside Bet)

They didn't let me down. I totally enjoyed We Still Kill The Old Way and hope you do too
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stevesky-1508712 October 2021
I enjoyed this film much much more than I should have. It's more enjoyable than scores of Hollywood movies I've seen recently that cost 1000 times as much. Ok, there's some duff acting here and there, from the young cast it has to be said. The main villain is trying way too hard, as do most of his gang, but it's the young girl who wins the rotten tomato. I don't think she's a bad actor, that's the thing, just needed better direction. And that's the main issue I have with this film. The direction. Cinematography is great. Script is witty and fun. The old guys/girls are great. And their dialogue is awesome... it's the direction that's lacking. Watching this I felt like I was watching a day tine terrestrial tv version that had been cut to get a daytime rating. Prime examples are the torture scene and the arm cutting. You see nothing. Also the old boys characters were so rich they needed more screen time. I wanted to know more about them and what their past was. It's all asked over way too quickly. The gun ending too was badly shot and didn't really give the pay off we all wanted. I wish they'd Dione more with it. But overall this is a good movie. Much better than the stupid 3 and 4 reviews given here. Approach it for what it is... a love budget British indie film, and you'll have fun in Ritchie and his Pals company. I would definitely want to see another one. But given this was 2014 and I'd ne er heard of it, that seems unlikely. A shame as this gang deserves more. Knocks films like cockneys versus vampires and all the set into the dust.
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Good film
gavfletcher8115 July 2021
Good film to be fair, a little bit wayward with the police reaction at the end but kept me entertained.
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Lol, not an unpleasant way to kill 94 minutes...
emortland17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's one of these films you want to give to a film editing class and say, "Okay, tighten it up!" Think poor man's "Expendables" with a dash of "Reservoir Dogs" Geritol powder mixed in (id Geritol still around? I really don't know.)

So basically an old retired London gang with manners seeks vengeance on a new London punk gang who are dicks, basically because they killed one of the retired guys and posted it on the internet. The new London gang doesn't seem very smart. If you can't tell how this going to end within 20 minutes or so, you're really out of touch.

To their credit I think the actors are all pretty cool (Holy Cow, is that Steven Berkoff?), the actresses need to update their IMDB photos, and props to the director/writer team for throwing in little "twists' that were a pleasant surprise. Won't tell you what they are, see if you enjoy them too. It appears they were trying to make this an ongoing franchise, there is a listed sequel ("We Still Steal the Old Way"), but I haven't seen it and may have to wait for the next pandemic surge to hit. Incidentally, if this is the new wave of "action/comedy budget" films being made in England these days, okay by me.
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We Still Kill the Old Way: I'm really torn on this one
Platypuschow6 December 2018
This was a recommendation and a movie I'd certainly never had watched otherwise. Not only do I generally dislike British cinema but I hate any "Gangster" related nonsense especially such low rent stuff like this.

It's a revenge tale, a bunch of old school gangsters seeking retribution against young hoodlums who take the life of one their own. On paper this movie stood absolutely no chance with me, but it does have redeeming features.

It's paced perfectly, it's wonderfully constructed and the 4 veterans do a fantastic job especially Ogilvy and Cosmo. It succeeds in making you absolutely detest the antagonists, to levels I haven't seen since Eden Lake (2008).

But on the flipside our heroes are also villians, it's difficult rooting for a side when essentially it's bad vs bad. I don't care if the youth are more obnoxious, in the grand scheme of things I'm sure the protagonists have considerably more blood under their nails. Much like the critically acclaimed Attack the Block (2011), you expect me to cheer on these wretches just because the opposition is worse?

And more? It suffers with the same problem as Eden Lake. Namely, it's too real. What I mean by that is chav scum and youth gangs are rife, you see them to some extent daily regardless of where you are in the country and quite frankly I don't want to see them in movies as well. The first 10 minutes of the film made me deeply uncomfortable for a host of reasons.

So though the film is wonderfully made it suffers due to its own successes. For me this was better than it should have been, but I just can't get behind a movie with such themes.

The Good:

Very well made

Some great performances

The Bad:

Deeply uncomfortable viewing in places

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Hospital security isn't what it used to be
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Good Old Firm Gangster British Film
t-dooley-69-38691625 January 2015
I was genuinely surprised by how good this was - it's a South London gangland film and it was well made, entertaining and Danny Dyer wasn't in it but his daughter is and she is interestingly enough called Dani Dyer! (Couldn't make it up could you). Well Ian Ogilvy, Richie, of 'The Return of the Saint' fame is retired to the Costa del Crime and is awaiting his big brother to come over for a Birthday bash. Meanwhile back in Blighty his bro Charlie (Steven Berkoff) interrupts a gang who are sexually assaulting a young girl Lauren (Dani Dyer) - instead of acting like men they brutally murder him.

The Feds (that is police to non gang types) are about as much use as a pork pie at a bar mitzvah and so Richie gets his chopper out - sorry helicopter - and comes home back to his old Manor - where everyone used to be proper crooks and love their mums - that was back in the day. Now they are all 'blud' and 'innit' and have to walk with a pimp stroll and a permanent hood on their heads like a failed monk. There he assembles the old firm - who are a coterie of crime acting regulars- and they go all out for some righteous retribution.

Now there are some issues with this film, police procedure is a joke, a few plot holes, as many coincidences as Dickens packed into 'Oliver Twist' and an ending that requires a bit of a stretch to actually believe. That said I still ruddy enjoyed it, veteran James Cosmo as the loud mouthed Arthur was brilliant and Ian Ogilvy showed what a bit of old school talent can bring to the screen. This is a guilty pleasure and I wish the makers all the best - it is nice seeing veteran actors getting a fair crack at a fun role. If you want a bit of semi - mindless fun and don't mind a bit of sawn off shotgun justice then this is for you or puckkah as they say.
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A decent retelling of Harry Brown
baronvonsteve12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We Kill is a decent retelling of Harry Brown. However, it lacks the sheer personality and grit that Michael Cain brought to the story in Harry Brown (think British Charles Bronson/Death Wish). It's still a decent East Ender revenge/vigilante film. The plot is, as I said, almost identical to Harry Brown with a few minor changes. It's still very entertaining and I enjoyed seeing the old guys getting their gangster on.

In my opinion the film built tension and action nicely but reached its peak to soon and then petered out with an almost anticlimactic end. It would have been nice to see some of the subplots developed a bit more as well. It left the characters coming off as a bit 2 dimensional at times.

Overall, not a waste of time like some more recent old guy films made by action stars approaching the end of their careers and willing to act in anything. If you want a decent British vigilante film this one will do the job. But, if you want the best of the old guy films watch Harry Brown instead. Michael Cain does not disappoint.
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Hard as nails
Prismark1013 May 2016
This is a London based vigilante film that features almost cartoonish street hoodlums who the director goes out of his way to make utterly despicable such as casual raping and at one point threatening to throw a pram and baby over a building.

An old man Charlie (Steven Berkoff) is kicked to death by a gang called E2 as he tries to help a young woman from being raped. However Charlie was a respected and also a feared former gangster. To get revenge his brother Richie (Ian Ogilvy) returns from Spain and gets together with his old lags to gain revenge.

The hard guy pensioners go old school as they catch several members of E2 and torture them as they try to find out the whereabouts of their gang leader. The police in the mean time act like dummies not even able to find out that the gang put Charlie's beating on YouTube.

It is nice to see former Saint, Ogilvy returning to headline a film and trading his posh accent for a gruff cockney one. He still looks smooth for his age which is more than I can say for the female co- stars Alison Doody and Lysette Anthony who are unrecognisable from their bygone years.

At least the hard assed veterans seem to be having fun getting back to torturing their victims like the old day although I did it find it hard to believe that the youthful scum did not start squealing after one punch.

The film is derivative, enjoyable and plain daft in equal measures. The shoot out at the hospital was almost bizarre.
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Brilliant old school revenge
paulgeite8 January 2015
I have to say that this was a brilliant film. With the UK the way it is, being overrun by little chavs, this was the ultimate chav-culling film. a group of old school gangsters stand up to them and take them down the old way.

Some good humour and references to other films such as the Italian Job, it was a refreshing change from half of the rubbish that is released nowadays.

OK the way that the gang leader talks was a bit over the top, but it shows how people perceive the little gits.

If you want a good film with a nice little twist, then watch this film.
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Not Bad ....
stephenbishop-229256 January 2019
Possibly one of the best films from the Jonathan Sothcott produced vault. It combines an older experienced cast (Ian Ogilvy, Tony Denham, Chris Ellison, James Cosmo etc) with some of todays up and coming younger talent from the UK. Quite a good story to it with some humour, and a flowing script and direction from Sacha Bennett. Well worth a Sunday Afternoon!
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We still kill the old way...only you wouldn't know it here
bushtony24 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I like the idea far more than the execution. What we have here is a wasted opportunity for a jolly good old-fashioned hard-boiled torture-porn blood-spurting gut churning British gangster knees-up extravaganza Eastend-style. What we get is a graphically restrained and disappointingly timid stab at an old-school crime/revenge thriller that fritters away its potential in favour of annoying camera technique, clichéd scripting, over-the top performances, cartoon caricature characterisation and little in the way of thrills and spills.

It should have amped the violence, pumped the adrenaline and sparked the target. Rather, it tones down, cops out and misses the mark. If a film is going to name-check the Krays and the Richardson Gang then the makers should recognise that the violent methods employed by these people was medieval and then some. What happens on screen should go some reasonable distance to reflecting that, rather than shy away from the gratuitous and explicit nature. If, as the title claims, we still kill the old way, then let's see it, experience it, the power and the horror of it.

The simple plot opens the doors to many possibilities, but fails to capitalise. Old geezer comes to the aid of young girl being primed for gang-rape by a bunch of hoodies and gets stomped to death. But this isn't any old geezer. Oh no, this is Stephen Berkoff playing Charlie Archer, a once revered and feared sixties Eastend crime tsar. Charlie's brother, Richie (Ian Ogilvy) lives a comfortable life in Spain, but upon hearing of his brother's demise returns home for the funeral and a healthy slice of revenge. Three of his old compatriots join him, bemoaning the good old days when the streets were safe because Richie and Charlie killed every threat, real or imagined, and the people were happy and danced a jig of joy from dawn until dusk like Dick Van Dyke on acid. The four pensioners amble about their business with sawn-off shotguns, claw hammers, drills, machetes, knuckle-dusters, etc, to teach the young scum a lesson by kidnapping, torturing and killing them all. Which ought to make them see the error of their ways if anything will.

Should have and could have been an electrifying journey into the dark heart and mind of criminal psychopathy, but opts for a pedestrian trundle into blandness instead. On the way they run into Alison Doody as a wholly improbable police detective investigating Charlie's murder – and a clunky plot device whereby it turns out it was Doody's wayward daughter who Charlie saved from being raped.

On the plus side, good to see Ogilvy back on screen and actually headlining (nice to see him reunited with his WITCHFINDER GENERAL compatriot Nicky Henson), and Berkoff (fleeting though he may be here) is always worth watching. There is a nice line in black humour on occasion and there are brief flashes of inspiration, such as the juxtaposition of criminal styles between the old school and the young upstarts. The oldies are brutally elegant, ruthless, determined, clinical, unflinching, matter-of-fact, whereas the kids are messy, disorganised, borderline-retarded, histrionic and irredeemably vile. Also, they all communicate through a virtually incomprehensible hip-hop street patois which I'm pretty sure no one uses meaningfully outside of a comedy sketch. Subtitles for translation would have helped.

I liked the cheeky reference to THE Italian JOB (1969) at the end – a pleasing touch.

Throughout viewing, I couldn't help imagining how it could have been done so much better, and that's no desirable pursuit for a film to stimulate in an audience during its running time. For fans of British Crime Cinema it's not essential viewing, but it passes the time relatively harmlessly whilst entertaining on a resolutely moderate level. I'm not sure if that is a recommendation.
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Some weaknesses but still huge fun
Colin_Sibthorpe_II2 April 2019
It's distinctly slow to get going. The vileness of the hoodies seems a bit overdone; later on you know why it's necessary, so we feel there's nothing whatsoever so bad but they deserve it; but at the time it's just a bit much. Worst of all, the punishment doesn't fit the crime - it's not the very worst of them that meets the worst end. But for all that tremendously enjoyable, entertaining and with a feel good factor.
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Worth a watch for the elder gangsters
Chrispearce29 March 2019
The old school actors did a good job and it was nice to see them all in one film, they had all the good lines. The dialogue for the young bad guys was disappointing and vulgar which was a shame as it spoilt an otherwise reasonable film. The bad guys were a bit cliche. All in all worth a watch but it's no goodfellows.
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Fun Film For Street Justice
cjstanford-6509714 November 2022
Plot: An attractive gang girl is harassed and assaulted by her gang. A elderly witness tries to help her and it's the last thing he does. Turns out that he and his brother, who now lives a life of quiet luxury on the Spanish Coast used to run everything illegal in this same area many years ago. All acting is good, but there's no brilliance there since everybody are playing charactures of themselves. This high quality production uses a few sets to establish that the new gangs are absent any values or redeeming qualities. The script has the audience wishing for a resurgence of the more moral gangs of the past. The brother comes to London for the funeral in a chartered, or private, helicopter. He amasses his old lieutenants (those still alive) and vows justice. His former mistress still lives in the hood and finds a filming of the double assault on the darknet. So the brother has an target for his revenge. The film is fun, but it has its weaknesses. First, the old gang is almost portrayed as Romantic and Noble especially when compared to the callous, contemporary youth gangs who are naive to the area's history. The former mobsters are cliches pulled right out of dozens of movies/books. Ah, but so what?... We need an anti-hero to clean up this neighborhood! It turns out the assaulted remains loyal to the gang and her boyfriend who's reluctantly in the gang, and who by-the-way is the daughter of the police inspector investigating the murder. The mother is clueless that her daughter was in the middle of it. Maybe the handsome but elderly monster will help her like a fairy godfather and not tell the well intentioned but hapless, beautiful blond inspector. For those the hardened fan of justice and mobster films, we are rooting for the old guys. And the writers leave an opening for a sequel or series of them. A little too cliche, but a good way to spend 90 minutes.
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Easily the worst film of the decade that I have seen so far
owoodhead-154-2679434 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Owing to the length of the positive reviews given for this film, I can only imagine that they are persons with a vested interest in it; how any serious lover of film can find anything positive to say about this film, other than the admittedly vile behavior/script of some of the gang members, beggars belief.

The acting is atrocious, particularly from both Leading Ladies, Lysette Anthony & Alison Dooley, the script doesn't help though either. Shame on the Casting Director Lee Mountjoy, if this was the best he could dig-up. James Cosmo, he is a Hollywood figure, why did he stoop so low and Steven Berkoff, another global name, well blink and you miss him - everyone else who took payment for this, please go gracefully and make this your last ever showbiz gig, it was all just so bad.

This is the first review I have ever written. I felt compelled to do so because this film is so utterly terrible. Please, do not watch this film, it is a huge Rotten Tomato. And since when do police drive around in Audi TT's, look like a bad extra from Sex in the City and all those bad accents throughout. Just the poorest excuse of a film that I have put myself through for as long as I can remember, well, apart from maybe The November Man with Pierce Brosnan!
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Hands down, best "generational" drama so far..
A_Different_Drummer23 December 2014
Would you believe that Hollywood has been trying to do a film like this for years ... and never succeeded? You look at nonsense like Stallone's boring and repetitive Expendable series and dramas-turned-comedies like the OVER THE HILL GANG and you realize that Hollywood lacks whatever gene is required to make a film where the older players pull the rug out from the younger ones.

Because, at its core, Hollywood reflects a culture of youth.

Thank God for UK filmmakers. A little tradition. A little respect for the old ways.

And presto, easily the best generational conflict film in recent memory.

Set against a story about a modern gang of street punks that unintentionally takes on a gang that used to run their neighbourhood when they were still a gleam in daddy's eye.

By itself, this is an excellent film, with great dialogue, real characters, no false moments.

If you are over 55, however, it is a positive treat.
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Absolute beauty. A good old gangster film that I enjoyed
cseabhi12 September 2020
Well to be honest I was having a high expectations from this movie. Though it didnt met my expectation but I wasn't disappointed also. It was an enjoyable movie. The classic old way revenge. Absolutely beautifully made. Though there should be more action and the gun scenes.

All in all a beautiful decent film with some old style classic dialouges, real acting and great expressions.
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Pointless & mindless dribble
dabalonairian22 December 2014
This film can be added to a list of "most pointless films ever" It just has to be a tax write off, I can't think of any other reason anyone would of produced such utter garbage.

This film is nothing more than a cliché containing a shockingly bad group of young actors that would be better suited to the kids program "Balamory" If you are going to create a film with actors meant to depict a upcoming crime syndicate at least find actors that fit the part and not a group of kids that looks like they would crap their pants during the slightest confrontation at a shopping center car park dispute after escaping daycare.

If you want to know whats wrong with this planet, its partly due to pointless violence depicted in films like this that kids eventually download free from torrents out of pure boredom, led to believe that tormenting women in housing projects and hanging baby carriages containing a baby over the edge of a 30 story building is gang worthy or in the slightest bit tough.

If you want to know whats wrong with the film industry, watch this rubbish. Otherwise rent Balamory and shoot water pistols at each other, same effect in the end. Better still, mace yourself until the urge subsides.

Minus 5 Stars.
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The British Expendables?
Leofwine_draca24 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
WE STILL KILL THE OLD WAY is another low budget British gangster thriller, a bit better than most thanks to some smart casting. As leads we get old timers including Chris Ellison, James Cosmo and Ian Ogilvy, making this a gangster version of THE EXPENDABLES mixed with a dark HARRY BROWN-style revenge plot if you will. The film suffers from a poor script that favours the usual kind of expletive-filled nonsense over much in the way of the wit, although there are some funny lines here and there. Way too much screen time is given over to some truly loathsome characters, more than they deserve, which makes some of this hard to sit through, and Dani Dyer has no discernable talent. But given the constraints of the budget this could be a lot worse; two sequels have followed.
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Surprising good!
CRGLancashireUK26 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A gang of mindless scroats kill an old miscreant' brother. The ex-eastender gangster and his chums take revenge, in the old fashioned way.

I am currently watching this for the second time, largely to see if the scroats were as stupid as I remember the first time I watched it. They are! How anyone, whilst tied up and under 'duress' can issue threats of death to the old fellas, if they don't let them go, is beyond me. Just demonstrates how utterly stupid and arrogant young miscreants are.

I DO love it when the low-lifes get their comeuppance. Ian Ogilvy is splendid in his role and should be doing more since 'The Saint".

I seldom write reviews ( this is my second ) except when praise ( in this case ) or derision is necessary.
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Fun movie
sivanandrao10 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about Old School and New school. Old Guys bashing up younger ones. The movie follows the life of Richie who returns to his neighborhood to avenge his brothers murder. The movie has some nice Back ground music. Richie is played well by Ian Ogilvy. Danny-Boy has done a great job as the protagonist. Even though i found it a bit difficult to understand his language it sounded intense. There is a small twist in the movie but I guess most of you can catch it.The screenplay is done out well and sure will not bore you. If you are ready for some fancy stuff (they portray Richie almost equal to Corleone), then you are in for this movie. . I am ready for the second part.
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appalling advert for British films
durnanmichael25 December 2014
If this was classed as a black comedy it may have got a 3/10 but it isn't.The acting and storyline makes crossroads look like Macbeth .The lady copper and Ian Ogilvy take acting to lows rarely reached.If the option is the dentist or watching this drivel again then get the drill on.The actual story of an old east-end gangster returning to his old stomping ground to find his brothers killers is promising ,however the script is ridiculous and insulting to intelligence.The one bright spot was the over the top cameo performance of Steven Berkoff who in hindsight should have switched roles with Ogilvy.Unfortunately his appearance in the film was oh to brief as the almost manic brother killed by the thugs.Surely there must be better script writers around than this turgid effort.I wish you luck if you disregard my warning.Come on British Film makers lets get back to credibility.
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