Throughout time when humans get to a a point in life not a kid and not an adult they believe they know everything it's a right of passage. But until now that would pass and you would realize that 9 times out fo 10 your parents were right and in the and you have a laugh and a smile with them and remember just how stupid you were. Now we have this giant gaping hole of stupidity called social media where all the idiots can and get together and believe they are the first people to tackle racism, sexism, and bad aspects of capitalism. This gigantic piece of crap is the result of this generation of young adults be told they are all the same, that any competition is evil and that partcipent equals winner. Well guess what we aren't all the same. But that's ok our differences make us great, not everyone can be a surgeon, or a lawyer or an astronaut. What's my point, you may ask (if you got this far) well to all involved with this abomination, your parents lied to you, you can't do anything you want. Stop polluting our cultural landscape with badly reworked storylines with ridiculous dialogue like this line that I will never be able to forget along with a continuity error that would make Ed Wood chuckle. Man and women are in a cemetery. Man; out kinda late... yeah. Women: what is this 1812 I can't be out after sundown Man: nobody's saying you can't be, might not should be is all. He said it's late and she said out after sundown. This all conversation happens during the day. I watched the whole movie to punish my friends for picking this crap. There is not one interaction between characters that is anywhere close to how people would act in life. And I do feel bad that the actors are giving everything in every scene but I don't think they have ever had conversation with anyone because you can see the acting. They are talking at each other not to each other. The only reason to watch movie is your punishing who ever your with.