Shōgun (TV Series 2024–2026) Poster


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Rob133122 March 2024
I can't recommend Shogun enough! This is one of those rare shows that's a must watch. It takes place in Japan during the 1600' where Lord Yoshii Torango is turned on by Council of Regents and they try to kill him and his people. Then he finds a mysterious European ship marooned with its crew in a nearby village and everything changes from what he finds on it. This series has the look and feel of a blockbuster movie. Its world building, character development and attention to detail is as good as anything you'll see in tv. FX usually does a great job with its shows and Shogun is no different. I'll be shocked if this isn't nominated for several awards.
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An amazing television achievement but different from the book
Kevin-4227 February 2024
This is stunning television. The costumes, the sets, the historic period acting are all phenomenal. This show simply oozes dedication to detail and money. So with just two episodes in I can say that this will hook you almost immediately and for fans of Japan and its ancient culture it is almost a must-see.

Knowing the book the casting is near pitch-perfect or at least close enough to it. Maybe Lady Mariko doesn't look as I imagined her from the book but the actress still delivers a good performance and I am deeply appreciative of this show for making a worthy effort to depict the vast and intricate world of James Clavell's masterful historic novel.

However, maybe the book is too big to fit into the confined space of a TV series. For obvious reasons the showrunners had to rush through so much that is explained and described in detail in the book. In order to do the book justice it would have taken almost two seasons of television to show the story of John Blackthorne before he even reaches Osaka. Much of the underlying conflicts and the delicate web of diplomacy and intrigue the main characters have to navigate are cut short in the TV show. There also is a weird shift in perspective which strays from the book. Whereas the involvement of Portuguese foreigners in the politics of early 17th century Japan is treated as just another aspect in a mostly internal Japanese power struggle, the TV show almost sets the Portuguese up as the main antagonists of the show during its first two episodes. I hope the shows swings back to the Japan-centric story it is meant to be.

Bottom line: This is great television but I recommend reading the book eventually.
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Best thing I've seen for a long time
gillianabc-9342122 March 2024
When I saw the title on the Disney channel I assume it's one of those mock Asian war drama we always see on the screen with fake mock Asian token actors like we always see. I can not be more wrong. The richness in characters is built on real Japanese actors who are world class actors in the film/Tv industry and the depiction of the religious and political tension is something I have not seen on a main stream service for long time. Not to mention how rare we get to hear Japanese spoken with majority of the air time on an English language channel. This authentic Japanese/Englsih drama is exceptionally well made and has the potential to lead the white audience into a new realm of Asian western fusion genre. I expect some awards to be won shortly.
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Amazing series
Beske27 February 2024
Everything is just spot on with this series!

I get that Americans aren't used to reading subtitles, but come on. So what if the series is mostly in Japanese? It's about an English man stuck in Japan in the 17th century. Why wouldn't it be in Japanese?

The acting, staging, camera shots, editing, direction - everything is 10 out of 10.

I rarely give a 10 after just two episodes, but this is an amazing series. I rarely give anything a ten. This is probably one of the best series I've seen the last ten years.

Mark my words - this'll get an Emmy for sure! If you haven't watched it, be sure to do. It's exciting, full of history and just a gem to watch.
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Award winning
realskidrow30 April 2024
I was eagerly awaiting the new Shogun series, especially as a fan of the original series featuring Richard Chamberlain. This reboot surpasses its predecessor with a richer focus on Japanese characters, enhancing the drama significantly. While most of the cast delivered outstanding performances, Cosmo Jarvis seemed somewhat stiff and lacked emotional depth in his role as the Englishman who unexpectedly sails to Japan. Anna Sawai stands out exceptionally as the interpreter who falls for the Englishman, showcasing her acting prowess, particularly in the final two episodes. The storyline adeptly portrays Lord Toranaga's cunning strategies to ascend as Japan's leader while avoiding war. Jarvis's role as the Anjin serves as a cultural bridge for the audience. Shogun is a strong contender for numerous awards this year. Impressively executed.
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Toranagasama isn't worthy
anna-majcher24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In this 10-episode series we are led to side with the character of Toranaga, a Japanese lord whose life, and the life of everyone in his corner, is at risk at the hands of the other ruling regents. The way the show depicts Toranaga at first is the classic take on a strongwilled man, who is vilified because he is too much of a risk to the remainder of the ruling parties. The five men were supposed to rule in unison until the king comes of age, however, one man seems to go against the will of the other four and therefore is persecuted. We are led to believe that the four regents are the vile and egoistical ones, giving in to greed and foreign christian influence over the wellbeing of their own people. Lord Toranaga, on the other hand, supposedly goes against this, wishing to survive and bring prosperity with his vision.

This carefully crafted image shatters in the last minutes of episode 8 and subsequently in ep 10. The man plays the underdog, pretends he is ready to give up so that his followers are all the more riled up and urge him to fight on. He gaslights his generals into signing an agreement to give up, he has his most trusted advisor and lifelong friend commit seppuku as part of his plan. He sacrifices lady Mariko into giving her life to him as well, so that he can free hostages who are on his side and manipulate the king's mother into assisting him. He then orders for the Anjin's ship to be burned and tortures the whole village, killing innocent people, pretending to be looking for the culprits of the burning, all as a twisted test to see how the Anjin would behave. He claims to be humble, to be ready to sacrifice himself for the good of the realm. He is not. He is ruthless, trecherous, absolutely obsessed with power, holding human life in no regard, killing people at whim. And the worst of it all, he will kill off anyone in his circle, be it his loyalists or regular villagers, just to prove a point. There is nothing noble about this man.

This series leaves you wondering whether you have been rooting for the wrong side all along and feeling that all of this 10-hour investment has been wasted. Especially that, after you learn of Toranaga's villainy, there is absolutely no follow up to see how the other characters react to this man having his way and what the fallout of all this is to the general people.
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Brilliant !
thelastapasenger27 February 2024
This was a most waiting tv series for 2024! And it is true! The two first episodes were just perfect! Mr Sanada is perfect to his role as lord toranaga as perfect are the two allies ( blackthorne and mariko)!

We have a short story at the beginning to understand the culture of feudal japan at 1590 as the teaser trailer released two weeks ago !

Customs , cgi , has many details ( shoes , helmets, armor, etc) as it was at 1600 bc at feudal japan !

Story is writen on japan culture as well!

So far so perfect! Its truly based to james clavel novel more than 80s series ! Waiting for the next episodes to see !
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Finally, something authentic and worth watching
daveeze28 February 2024
With only 2 episodes out so far, I find this show to be really well done whether or not you have read the book or saw the 1980 mini-series with Richard Chamberlain. Hiroyuki Sanada is one of my favourite actors and his performance, as well as the other cast members is superb. The show is very authentic looking and most of the dialogue is in Japanese, which really adds to the atmosphere and gives you a sense of being in 1600s Japan. Except for one scene (IMHO), the cinematography is really good. Unlike the 1980 series, there is a darker "feel" which better portrays what was going on at that time. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the series.
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Worth a watch but could've been better
Supermanfan-1323 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Shogun is everything I hoped it would be and more. I've been looking forward to this ever since I first heard about it. I thought my expectations were going to be too much and it'd be somewhat of a let down but it wasn't. It was everything I'd hoped it would be and more. I love this kind of genre. This premise kind of looked like The Last Samurai movie with Tom Cruise and I loved that movie as well. The story is told from the perspective of a British hero named John Blackthorne as he helps Lord Torango in his war. This series just pulls you into their world and doesn't let go and you don't want it to. It's gotten nothing but great reviews and currently has a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. It was also just rightfully nominated for a bunch of Emmy's including Best Drama, Best Actor (Hiroyuki Sanada), Best Actress (Anna Sawai), Best Supporting Actor (Takehiro Hira & Tadanobu Asano) & Outstanding Guest Actor (Néstor Carbonell). I've literally enjoyed every second of this and can't wait for the seasons 2 and 3!
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They come to talk, and die, and talk some more
gropes25 April 2024
I have fond memories of the series from the 80's.

This started very impressively from every perspective. My partner became so fascinated by it that he read the book super quickly.

But after around the 3rd episode my patience ran very thin.

All the visual aspects of the show are incredibly authentic and impressive. What let the show down for me is the way the story is told.

Japan is portrayed as a massive death cult. People die at the drop of a hat to defend someone else's honour / face or whatever. With 10 hours of screen time you thought they might have time to portray some interesting / fun aspects of life at the time. But all you ever see is the ways people are killed or kill themselves, and a bunch of selfish old men wanting the power for it's own sake while being depressed about it. From what I remember GOT is like that too , that's why I stopped watching early in series 2. But remembering the 80's series and knowing this won't run to 7 seasons I persevered.

My partner said the book doesn't tell it like that at all. In fact so many storylines have been altered that it makes very little dramatic sense. Towards the end it's just talk and talk. It seems the producers wanted to avoid any big battle scene at all costs, so the characters just talk about how it all ends.

The Blackthorn character seems to understand no Japanese one minute, and totally fluent another. This especially when his translator is gone is very baffling.

For all it's flaws the old series afforded some satisfaction when it ended. This just left me scratching my head.
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Very well made, but never actually goes anywhere. Endless carrot on a stick...
Eiriksterminator25 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a western guy who's a huge Japanophile, loving the country's history and culture. I used to live in Tokyo. I go on vacations to Japan regularly. Naturally, I love samurai stuff. So, I was super hyped about this series. Probably hadn't been so hyped for anything since Game of Thrones. I always expected someone like me to love this show, and for other people who are less gung hoo about this kind of stuff, to maybe find it average. So to see everyone else love it so much, hailing it as the best series in a long time, glowing 9's everywhere, while I myself of all people, am left feeling dissatisfied, feels kind of surreal...

True, this show has impeccable sets, costumes (they said in an interview that they made the costumes from scratch, for each person, to make them as real and authentic as possible. Super awesome), cinematography, and acting, and also interesting characters, and an AWESOME setting. This much I agree with. But see, the story, it never actually reaches a satisfying conclusion, a payoff for all the build up. It just fades out into nothing in the end. The entire series teases war, and huge battles, but there is none of that, even until the end of the very last episode. In fact, there's almost no action at all. We never get to see the bad guys get theirs. We also never get to see the end result of Toranaga's plans and ambition, and all the sacrifices that are made along the way. Which is another thing; so many people die along the way, and I find it increasingly hard to root for Toranaga sacrificing them all for his cause. Mariko's death in particular left a really bitter taste in my mouth. As an insight into the culture, history, customs, and daily life of Edo time period Japan, this is all very interesting, and very well made, but as STORY, this is very unsatisfying, I feel.
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Lost me a bit in the end
emil-raphaug23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was 10/10 on this, got very into the series initially and was thinking of it a lot, always looking forward to that next episode. Very well directed and written, the camera effect was sometimes not to my liking but gave a unique style so that didnt bother me too much. However, I found the ending to be somewhat anti-climatic, the 9th episode was amazing and kinda feels like the last episode was some weird epilogue. Also the first half of the series had a great build up, then it started feeling like nothing was gonna happen. And nothing did happen.. sort off, action and war/battle wise. I dont need battles and sieges but it felt of after having that build up.. even in the intro showing war and sieges.
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Renewing the show for two seasons gave the finale much credibility
hamadalsanadi23 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who watched the show after it was confirmed to have two seasons, I feel that the finale felt much better and not as lackluster as if it were the entire series finale. The problem was that we kept hearing about War throughout the season, and it was inevitable. Even at the beginning of the final episode, it was mentioned more than once. So It was strange to see the show ending with 0 implications of any war. And the thing is, it boggles my mind that this was originally the series finale after spending ten episodes preparing for a war and betrayal/sacrifice. I initially gave the show seven, but since it has been renewed, the finale episode feels more like an excellent introduction for the next season.
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To anyone who remembers the 1980's Richard Chamberlain "Shogun"...
Broccolidwarf29 February 2024
...this is not that.

While it was certainly groundbreaking and a huge hit at the time, in retrospect great parts of it was rather cheasy and cheapish, and come on, none of us REALLY bought Richard Chamberlain as a rugged and battle hardened sea officer ;)

The 2024 version feels a great deal more modern and budgeted bigger.

It's rougher, it's dirtier, the action scenes are crafted much better, the camera work is much better and reminds you of a Hollywood blockbuster, the lighting and visuals are stunning to the point of being art, and they are underlined by sound effects and a score which amplifies the mood of every scene perfectly.

The script is much richer and intricate than the original series, with better dialogue allowing the much enlarged gallery of characters more complexity and debth, which is especially important to American and European audiences, when depicting a very "foreign" culture... and it is all perfectly executed by a stellar cast, some of whom are getting their international breakthrough on this show.

I just love it, it's probably not only the show of the year, but something we will constantly crave more of in years to come, and which competitors will try to copy.

I should mention this is based off the first 6 episodes, so we are yet to see large scale battle scenes (but looking at the teaser clips, they look exellent), and we are yet to see the all important ending so I will reserve a possible 10 for then - but I am quite hopeful that is where it lands.

It's a show that makes you annoyed it is a limited series, by nature of James Clavell having written only one novel on feudal Japan.. but I actually predict this will be such a big hit, that FX will attempt to have scripts written for either a prequal, continuation - or spin offs - because that period of Japanese history is ripe with potential - and come on, who doesn't like samurais?

This is a must see show, even if you don't like samurais, even if you don't like period dramas, even if you don't like foreign language entertainment, even if you don't like subtitles - because if you don't watch it, you will be the person left out of the conversation, when the topic becomes entertainment.

Enjoy :)
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If I could use words like scattering flowers and falling leaves
narccis-4883822 July 2024
Is it historically accurate? No. Neither the source material (novel) is. Is the show fully novel-accurate? No. Some things were changed, in order to tell the story for this show, and it works mostly??

There is some "modern" injected, although not too much, just it would seem that "we" can never separate fully from the time we exist in, thus our time's "bits and pieces", follow us on all our "time travels".., also as authentic it looks, still it only looks..

Have to admit that for quite some time, I haven't liked a TV show character as much as have Mariko, or Fuji, etc, while aware of figures from history, sad and happy at the same time, that the show stayed, more or LESS, true to it overall, "underwhelming" finale included..

Premise describes events leading to creation of (most powerful) longest lasting Shogunate, where "Sacrifice of the Few" was prioritized and made for "The good of Japan", thus, no large battles as well as attempting to avoid those same, is also more or less, true to it all..

As I'm writing my review, more than couple months after I saw the show, my question, or complaint is: "seasons two and three"?? This was obviously supposed to be a Limited Series that deals with this part, thus additional seasons will follow the events post creation particular Shogunate? An era of "Japan's closed borders" and "expelling of" the Catholics"? Is Shogun going to become Anthology Series??? What are we going to watch exactly part of additional seasons??

It would seem the show got "renewed" for additional seasons only to have an entrance into "Drama Series" promptly. Let's just hope that "business models" don't leave a bad mark on this well made, and obviously Limited Series, down the line..
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Almost great, but...
kimhansen-4228029 April 2024
I like it, the acting is really good, the visuals are awesome, the pacing is good and the overall story is great, so why does it fall short for me? Because it is an increadibly shallow adaptation of Clavell's book.

Clavell's book is about a stranger in a strange land, meaning understanding cultural differences, and the major themes are about honor, duty, sacrifice, and power. And that is the problem as I see it because besides the acting and the visuals - which are great - the story actually lacks these elements or gloss over them as if they are not important. But they are! It's what makes the book (and the 80's version great). Here's a couple of examples: We don't really get to know why Blackthorne (Anjin) is important, or the role of christianity in Japan, or pretty much any other social aspect of Japanese culture. There is sub-plot about a petulant and reckless son, which I don't remember from the book, and I have no idea what the point of him is, except for the writers to add to the story themselves. Similarly, Mariko from the book and the 80's version is probably my favorite character after Blackthorne, and I don't really recognize her in this version; by making her tougher, they also make her more distant and it diminishes her inner strength which makes her less sympathetic (to me at least).

In a nutshell this is what i see as the problem, when the show sticks to the book's original themes it is awesome, when they they don't you see actions taken where you sit back and say "that was weird why do that?" And here's the kicker, the very best dialogs and scenes are taken verbatim out of the book, so it's not like the writers don't understand that the source material is superior.

Still, the show is absolutely watchable, but I always measure a show's quality by whether I want to rewatch it, and I doubt it, instead I actually feel like watching the 80's version instead - that's not really a glowing endorsement is it?
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Actually spectacular
greenmangreat28 February 2024
When I first heard about this show, I figured it would just be another cringeworthy Western depiction of Shogunate Japan. But then I read about the glowing reviews, and decided to determine the accuracy of those reviews myself. And my my, this show is indeed amazing.

I've never heard of the book, much less read it, but as a fan of world history, I found the depiction of the political intricacies of feudal Japan to be fascinating.

2 episodes in, and I hadn't even realised how fast the time had gone. I just found myself glued to the screen from start to finish. Such fantastic work from a talented cast of actors. What a shame that this is only going to be a limited series!
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As of episode 5 this is the best show of 2024
sgildea-7830619 March 2024
I watched the original Shogun on VHS when I was a teenager (a long time ago) and was hugely impressed.

This updated version trumps it.

Something remarkable airing on the Disney channel, which apart from the The Bear doesn't happen a lot!

Cosmo Jarvis plays a brilliantly flawed British sailor stranded in feudal Japan.

His portrayal is gruff, funny and realistic in his fish out of water role.

All of the supporting cast are absolutely fantastic as well.

Giving the Anjin some funny looks and some angry responses when required.

This series doesn't glamorise the outdated and barbaric practice of Sepukku which is great to see. But it also doesn't shy from it. It happened.

The colours of the Samurai blue uniforms/armour is very realistic and the battle scenes are brutal and to the point.

I'm very excited to see the rest of the series.
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nightshot_9527 June 2024
Story follows English sailor John Blackthorne (Cosmo Jarvis) as he lands on the shores of feudal Japan. His appearance sparks an unlikely alliance with Lord Toranaga (Hiroyuki Sanada), who faces challenges from rival lords vying for leadership. Mariko (Anna Sawai), an outcast from a notorious family, serves as Blackthorne's translator, connecting their intertwined fates.

What sets this adaptation apart is its interwoven character arcs. The show delves beyond the Western outsider's perspective, allowing Japanese characters to become fully fleshed-out individuals. Confusion and enchantment bind both parties, transcending orientalism.

Balances political strife with interpersonal relaonships, creating a fresh take on Clavell's work. It's a sweeping historical epic that proves shows of this caliber can still achieve greatness. From stunning battle sequences to emotional depth, this reinvention delivers on every level.
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Uh....Ten Hours of Buildup to What, Exactly?
sdicus129 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My least favorite part of any action movie is usually the "boss fight". But my god this show demonstrates why you need one. There was about ten minutes left in the last episode when the horrible realization sunk in on me.....this is going to crest on the closing credits shore as the weakest tsunami in history.

All that nothing.

The show has some great acting and wonderful scenes. The scenes would have looked better with a little less Vaseline on the lens, but that's the style these days. Better than "shaky-cam" I guess. And insane amounts of detail went into costumes and dialogue, and I do love that. But we end up to nothing.

Also our main European character was just outright annoying. I kept waiting for him to find his footing and stop acting like an overly excited chihuahua, but it never happens. Even after he earns the respect of his Japanese hosts. It makes his rise in stature that much more inexplicable.

Can't imagine ever watching it again.
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Highly recommended
0U28 February 2024
I've just finished the first two episodes and I cannot wait for more! The atmosphere, plot, acting are superlative. The politicking and scheming are prime Game of Thrones but I hate making that comparison as I want this show to stand on its own. The scheming between the various lords and the Portuguese faction is titillating and suspenseful as we watch various characters play the game. I love it! I cannot wait for next week. I haven't felt this way about a show in a long while. Highly recommended if you enjoy top tier drama.

Funny to see most one star review being uneducated people who complain about subtitles.

Japanese should never be dubbed. If you can't read, move to something your level like barbie.
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An amazing political drama show
dhruvkothari-7634123 June 2024
This show really made me to binge watch it as it gets interesting with every episode and for me the end of season 1 is sufficient. The sets and cinematic view with the culture of Japan's sengoku period which is most splendid thing of the show, plus the performance by the actors genuinely makes it perfect. The screenplay was impeccable you can't find any flaw while watching the scenes going forward with actors into there character and listening the Japanese dialogue giving chills! At last an incredibly show created by Rachel kondo and Justin marks and the intriguing novel (which the show is based on) written by James clavell.
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Great quality production that stays pretty close to the source material, strongly recommend checking it out.
cgvsluis15 June 2024
Beautifully told story, based on the 1975 James Clavell novel with the same name, of feudal Japan. The story is told from the perspective of an Englishman who is shipwrecked and taken hostage. After watching a fellow shipmate be boiled alive, John Blackthorne becomes the fastest talking man on the ship. He also slowly endears himself to Lord Toranaga, who seems to be in a battle for power that he doesn't really want. He assigns a married woman named Mariko to be a translator for the smelly white barbarian they call Anjin.

Visually stunning, this story is about honor, sacrifice, loyalty, betrayal, the quest for power, survival, and strategy. It is almost like a beautiful game of chess, where pieces are sacrificed for the ultimate goal.

I think the series is worth watching for the production quality alone. It really is stunning. I appreciate that things aren't overly explained like the role of Christianity, and specifically the Catholic Church in well as the animosity between the non-Catholic and Catholic Christians. This and so many other cultural differences are shown or alluded to in quiet or more subtle ways. This is not the most romantic of stories, but I think people who appreciate strategy and high production well as fans of Shogun itself, will enjoy this series and it is a recommendation from me.
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It Worked For Me
rickspung29 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this series. I didn't watch the Richard Chamberlain series, so I didn't know the story. I liked coming into this raw, because everything was a surprise.

They spent a ton of money on the budget, and it shows. Great, scenic shots. Completely immersive. Costumes, locations, sets all 100% real to me.

Other reviews talked about VFX. Evidently, the tech has improved to the point that, when it is done correctly, the average viewer can't tell. For this show, I couldn't tell. Everything was real to me.

Midway through, I was hoping for another season, but the last two episodes made me realize there was nothing left to tell. The death of one of the characters was devastating and I couldn't imagine another season without her.

I have one rule for a TV series or movie: It is either a success or a dud, based on one thing- did I feel immersed? Did I buy into it and lose myself in the story? With this one, the answer was yes.

Really, that's all I need to know. If I find myself questioning the plot, the dialogue, the casting, the sets, etc. Then it didn't work. Harsh, but that's the job - either sell it or fail.
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Spectacular, Stylish and Brilliant
Pinank-1831 May 2024
I don't really have anything else to say that hasn't already been said about Shogun. Politically, it's extremely rich and feels pretty thoughtful and clever with the game every single character plays throughout the season. It's mature, stylish, gorgeous, feels truly well structured, and never relies on nudity or big battle sequences. Every single line of dialogue that's been shared between the characters expresses their motives precisely, whether it's their greed for power, fears, or determination towards their duty.

Hiroyuki, Anna, Cosmo, and every actor truly made this show what it is; there isn't a single conversation where I kept my eyes away from the screen, even for a second, because the drama and tension are there from the start, and it's truly immersive. The female characters were the best; they were brave, dutiful, and stayed behind the eightfold fence but never shied away from breaking it whenever necessary. Yabushige was still my favorite, though. It doesn't try to oversimplify the complexity of its world and respects its audience's ability to properly get along with its world. I already admire how impressive the Japanese culture is, but Shogun portrays it brilliantly. Whether it's the spectacular setpieces, gorgeous landscapes, or the fine and colorful outfits, it excels in everything with its massive budget.

The finale reveal wasn't unexpected and justifies what Toranaga has been saying all along: "You are playing a game of friends and enemies when you have only yourself in this life." Although I was expecting a stronger closure, I'm mostly satisfied with how things wrapped up. I'll say it again: Shogun is a remarkable show, and I couldn't recommend it enough.
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