Keeping Rosy (2014) Poster


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There are some problems here, but it's quite a tense picture with solid performances from Maxine Peake and Blake Harrison
jimbo-53-18651126 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Charlotte (Maxine Peake) has devoted her life to her career and is disgusted when she discovers that she has been passed up for promotion. As a result of this she quits her job on the grounds of constructive dismissal. When she arrives home, she vents her anger out on her cleaner Maya whom Charlotte catches smoking in her apartment (despite Charlotte giving Maya a previous warning about not smoking in her apartment). Following an altercation between Charlotte and Maya, Charlotte's life takes a darker turn setting off a chain reaction of events that see her life spiralling out of control.

In the main Keeping Rosy is a pretty decent film - it has a sense of foreboding tension that makes it the sort of film that you don't want to take your eyes away from. That being said it is a film that does require some suspension of disbelief in order to be able to truly enjoy it - such as Charlotte managing to drag her cleaner's body in a sleeping bag out of her apartment, into a lift and out into the car park without anyone seeing? Possible? Yes... Likely? No. It seemed strange that you never really saw anyone in the apartments where Charlotte lived and yet the car park was always full of vehicles? It also seemed strange that Charlotte seemed to forget that her apartment complex had CCTV cameras and was only reminded of this when her sister saw her drop a box on her way into the apartment. Even if you never look at your CCTV cameras you'll know they are there as there are always signs telling you that there are CCTV cameras in areas where they are installed so it seemed unlikely that she would forget that the cameras were there. Anyway these are minor gripes and don't take away from the tension that exists on screen.

The film bogs down a little in the middle of the film when essentially we're just seeing Charlotte looking after her dead cleaner's child. If I'm honest not much happens in this section and whilst it's presumably included as an insight into Charlotte trying to cope with looking after someone other than herself it did slow the picture down somewhat and much of it felt a little unnecessary.

The film picks up again in the second half when Charlotte's sister Sarah (Christine Bottomley) comes to visit her and she brings home Roger (Blake Harrison) who happens to be the guy who works for the company that monitor the CCTV cameras. The story takes a predictable turn when Roger blackmails Charlotte by telling her he'll destroy the CCTV evidence of her committing the crime if Charlotte pays him £30,000. Despite the predictable turn of events here the picture still held my interest, but this is mainly thanks to a terrific turn from Blake Harrison. To be honest I've only ever seen him as Neil in The Inbetweeners and to see him play a character that at once is helpful and genuine to a callous opportunist that is prepared to cover up a crime for his own financial gain is a showcase of his talents. He was quite terrifying at times and for the most part made me forget about the wobbly screenplay. The likes of Christine Bottomley and Maxine Peake were also good, but it's Blake Harrison that was the real surprise and it was his performance I remembered the most when the film ended.

The end of the film is probably another one of those that may divide audiences. On the one hand you could look at it as being a bit of a cop-out and a lazy way to end the film. On the other hand you could look at as both Charlotte and Roger getting what they deserved as neither of them did the right thing in the first place. I can see arguments for both answers, but I think what lets the film down slightly is the lazy way it left so many loose ends untied and for that reason I'm more inclined to go with the first answer.

On the whole, and despite the questionable ending and some questionable aspects within the plot I did enjoy this film. It grinds a bit in the middle, but the simmering tension in the second half and the strong performances from the cast make it worth the effort.
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Black humour
philipfoxe12 December 2020
Ignore all the puff pieces giving this a high rating(always do this on IMDb) I found this tense and stressful until I started to treat it as a black comedy and then it was enormous fun! Peake is at her white faced stressed best. Try to guess what's going to happen next! There's enough real London footage to give it character, and the isolation of high end loft style apartments is evident. Also the perceived sell out of Northerners betraying their roots down that there London....a treat.
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Feeling anything but Rosy - instinct takes over - more than once
arthurcrown3 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Steve Reeves film, whose screenplay was written with Mike Oughton, tells the story of the what Charles Dickens might have described as "the worst of times and the best of times".

Charlotte (Maxine Peake) - a driven, ambitious and astute lawyer - stumbles over the fact that her male employers have betrayed her and passed her over for a promised promotion in favour of another lawyer, whom by virtue of gender alone has been unfairly selected for promotion in unjustified precedence over her.

Reeling from this straightforward and underhand duplicity, she struggles with feelings of furious anger as she travels home and tries to take in what has happened to her. Her career has been truncated unexpectedly; but she is a trained lawyer and tries to unscramble her feelings and rationalise them as she jouneys home to her 10th floor appartment.

Her hapless, impoverished, immigrant cleaner Maya (Elisa Lasowski) is smoking while hoovering the flat. It is Maya's birthday and in her bag she carries both a gift of of sparkling white wine and a card of good wishes from her partner or husband.

Misdirecting her fury at her unfair dismissal towards Maya; Charlotte replicates her own constructive dismissal by summarily dismissing Maya, who is no less angry at the outcome than Charlotte has been earlier.

Mistakenly, and no less unfairly, Charlotte falls into the misbelief that Maya has stolen the bottle of sparkling wine from her own fridge, where Cahrlotte has placed several bottles. They fight. Charlotte seizes the bottle and strikes Maya on the head - who dies shortly afterwards from a concussive cerebral haemhorrage. Only when her inert body is laying on the floor does Charlotte discover the birthday card which accompanied the bottle she has used to murder Maya.

Events continue to deteriorate as Charlotte foolishly tries to cover her tracks. Maya's infant child, Rosy, is still in the car where her dead mother has left her. As the action plays out, Charlotte developes a deep bond of affection with the child and involves her sister in covering up the awful crime.

More subterfuge, blackmail and a further suicide and murder ensues; but the audience is left with a sense of genuine remorse as Charlotte eventually acts in the best interests of Rosy bequeathing her to the care of her sister.

But the more responsible among us wonders; where's Dad, then, who bought the card and the bottle of bubbly for his wife's birthday ? Where's he in all this ?
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The Most Thrilling of Thrillers
chousissy24 September 2016
I really enjoyed this awesome British movie. Without getting into spoilers, there's a massive, oh- my-Gosh twist in the first 10 minutes that sets in motion a crazy and tragic chain of events.

Awesome acting from Maxine Peake, her self-absorbed character makes it hard to root for her, but she grows more likable as she gets more desperate, and I found myself willing her on. This tense and electrifying movie is outstanding in some areas, hard to watch in other places but I guarantee you that with all the plot twists it stays gripping from beginning to end, and doesn't let go for a second.

Keeping Rosy has an awesome plot, and cool acting performances, but it seems strange that there wasn't more hype surrounding this electrifying movie, it should have been a breakout success. Go see it if you can
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When in a hole - stop digging...
skipp-511 February 2022
Oh dear, a simple confrontation that starts an avalanche. If this had been real life, I would hate to be the policeman that has to work out what actually happened... Its an enjoyable watch, though be warned, it will give you that feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach. I enjoyed it; it was not complicated, no having to remember a whole load of characters, just a cautionary tale of someone who, when in a hole, should have stopped digging...

Oh and great acting by Maxine Peake.
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Compelling drama
robcartwright-2603424 March 2019
I like most things with Christine Bottomley in and really enjoyed this film.
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emma9658 May 2015
One mistake I make sometimes before watching a movie when it comes up on Sky Movies is to read reviews. People should just start watching themselves and see how it goes. This was an excellent movie, very watchable, very "what's going to happen next' as the main character tries to make the best of a bad situation. I didn't find it scary at all, and I'm quite squeamish, some places had classed it as horror. It wasn't. It's a tense gripping drama with a few surprises here and there. And there was no bad violence gore or anything of the sort. There was an element of comedy in parts, maybe unintentional. I also found many reviews were negative about the main character which I disagree with. I wish it was slightly longer. Thoroughly recommended, Ms Peake was fabulous as usual
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Got sick of the crying baby
xfranco_uk3 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like Maxine Peake and the film started off well enough and I thought it might have turned into a good detective type of film, with Maxine getting deeper and deeper under suspicion. I had more than enough though when the whole film started to revolve around looking after the crying brat.
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Incredible piece of film-making
cageybird14 May 2015
I have to say I was completely blown away by this film. So affected, that this is actually my first ever review. I hadn't heard anything about it, and I'm glad I didn't. Dark, bleak and shocking, it's not an easy film to watch by any means. Superbly directed with an understated hand, the viewer is drawn into the clean, sterile and ultimately lonely world of 'Char'. Maxine Peake was just outstanding in her portrayal of a career woman, with nothing in her life but her job, and when she loses that, her life starts to spiral out of control. I usually hate 'career women are bitter and empty' type films, but not once did I not believe in her. She isn't some stereotype, but a real person, living a real life, rich in money, yet poor in the things that make life worth living. Sure, she's not a sympathetic character to start with but as she loses control she discovers her own humanity. The last minutes of the film left me open mouthed with shock, and yet oddly satisfied. Highly recommended if you like your drama nuanced, with no easy answers..
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Terrible movie
roseliya25 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Don't bother watching this movie - it contains only pain and has a terrible ending. I wouldn't mind if this movie actually contained some form of redemption. As it is, all that happens is that things go from bad to worse, with no hope of anything getting better. It contains characters that are either heartless, hopeless, or both combined. Clearly the family that these two women grew up in had no capability for sensitivity or compassion, and the movie doesn't address this lack in any constructive way. I also don't believe a storyline where no one who knew the dead cleaning lady reported her absence, and the fact that she worked as a cleaning lady for the main character. If even only one person had reported her absence, there would be a strong likelihood that the police would have been involved early on, and would have been led straight to the scene of the crime.
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Deft thriller - semi-realist, rich with cultural and psychological references
michaelberanek27526 August 2016
I've just seen this in a network premier on BBC 1HD. A mixed bag of a film but it all averages out well for me with the cinematography and location - cool grays and Docklands glassy tower block vistas, hardly a soul around - - in a city of over 6 million. But this is where much of the plausibility factor kicks in and takes it down a couple of pegs, but its haunting shots and splendid dramatic acting all round makes me want to go back and watch it again just for the contemporary references & authentic nuance - this is what Cameron's Britain has come to: it has all the key ingredients with estate agents, an undocumented East European employee a Range Rover,and a major cleaning OCD for an obsessive era. There's a lot of clever plot twists but it tends towards allegory and fable as opposed to realism. At face value it's preposterous - but it's a lot more clever and artful than its might first look and the pace quickens nicely. There I go, I didn't give anything away.
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Can I Have My 90 Minutes Back Please ?
daviddunn-906533 February 2020
Implausible storyline, littered with plot holes. Incredibly disappointing, extremely rushed, ending.
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Deep, dark, and profound
ChrisKessler31 March 2015
I'll just start by saying that this movie is not for the average viewer, and if you are the superficial type, always in search of a simple and comfortable state of mind, then this movie is probably not for you. A certain depth is required to understand that this is real life, and real life is not the one that the every day irresponsible or the ignorant happy-go-lucky type believes it to be.

Without giving away any specific details, it's a moving and intense story with well developed characters. It's also an atmospheric experience, dark and sad, but real and, quite frankly, I am surprised it got such a low score. Most probably people don't get this movie and then there are those who get it and are so terrified of the clarity with which this movie paints the horrible way life can spin out of control that they rate it low.

Make no mistake, this movie is good and it is clearly underrated. It delivers what it promises and it does so beautifully. Life is more often like this than the ignorant bliss people want it to be. My views may be seen as somewhat cynical. If that's the label some people put on seeing reality for what it is, then I'll take pride in being labeled as such and being taken away by good movies like this one from idiocy painted in pretty pictures.

I highly recommend it and I'm sure this one will stay with me.
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Dull, implausible & predictable
bhpaley-633794 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The talents of Maxine Peake are wasted in this pretty much by the numbers so-called thriller. For one thing we're supposed to sympathise with this career woman who accidentally kills her cleaner in a fit of rage when she wallops the cleaner with a bottle of champagne the cleaner is carrying that Peake thinks is her own, only to later find out she was wrong. But why would the cleaner carry a heavy bottle of champagne up to Peake's flat rather than leave it in her car? And would she really leave her baby in the car, rather than bring it upstairs with her? The ending too was lazy, as if they didn't quite now how to get Peake out of her dilemma so they just tossed her and the security guard she was blackmailing out the window. Nor was there any point to the revelation that Peake had been having an affair with the man who got the promotion she was hoping for, it added nothing to the plot save to chew up a bit of time. Then there was the back story involving Peake and her sister and Peake's estrangement from their family, which didn't add anything either and whose only purpose seemed to be to fill out an empty plot. A weak film.
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djowsley31 May 2015
Seeing the name - a film I hadn't heard of - I decided to watch. Of the 5 reviews I have just read 4 of the 5 tally with my feelings: the one that doesn't actually complains about what makes this film absolutely stunning. This film isn't a gore-fest, has barely any violence, very few characters and a very simple story line; on two occasions I was almost reduced to tears; I had my heart in my mouth and almost stopped watching at one point as I was starting to get traumatised (OK, a bit of an exaggeration...but crazy!). Anyone with children will know exactly what I mean. For a film to do that means it's worked. An easy 10 out of 10.
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In security
Prismark1024 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Maxine Peake is a go getting but brittle career woman who is severely put out when she is passed over a promotion. When she goes back to her flat she takes her frustrations out on her Polish cleaner and accidentally kills her with her champagne bottle but then discovers the cleaning lady's baby in the car.

As she tries to cover her tracks and get rid of the body she realises that she might had got caught on CCTV. This is when a slimy security guard enters her life demanding money from her with menace.

This is a doom laden film with plenty of London Docklands location shooting, many unlikeable characters, little plausibility and plot contrivances. This low budget movie comes across more as a gritty television film.

Peake mellows as she cares for the baby and becomes attached to it and in the end she will do anything to keep the baby safe.
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Great Film!
djlaycock10 May 2015
I have no idea why the reviews for this film are so low. I read them before watching and was a bit unsure as to whether to go ahead and watch it or not. However I am really glad that I did, as I found it to be an absolutely brilliant film. I was kept on the edge of my seat from start to end. The story line was exciting and not at all predictable. The films ending was fabulous and completely unexpected. The actors were all great, especially Maxine Peake, who continues to produce fabulous work. I would highly recommend this film, especially for anyone who enjoys Maxine Peake. It is another great example of the fabulous writers and actors we have in the film industry in the UK.
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Like a bad episode of Eastenders
clarkmr12 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can not fault the actors who all give excellent performances but are let down largely due to the poor writing. The two characters are all two dimensional which makes it difficult to empathise with any of them. All the women in this film are portrayed as victims or heroines (even the one who commits murder) and all the men are perpetrators or villains. So to summarise women good, men bad, this kind of tedious stereotyping makes it difficult to take the film seriously at all unfortunately the plot very quickly spirals out of all believability. Apart from a lot of crying and screaming not much happens and the ending stretches credulity to the max.

I was left feeling cold and a little cheated. It is possible that I am just not the target audience and that had I have been a middle class women I would have enjoyed this film more. I can definitely see why the BBC commissioned this though, with 90% of it set in one apartment the lack of locations must have made it very cheap to make.

I have given three stars for the actors who where brilliant.
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Maxine Peake at her finest!
malibusurferdude1 May 2017
Wow what a great film! I don't want to get into details and spoil it. I love the way this film starts and how her choices change her life. It's the decisions we all make that rule our lives. Great unknown film...give it a go! Steve Reeves directs a entertaining story of self-discovery, atonement and danger!
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Two New Brilliant Talents: Peake and Reeves - Keeping Rosy
arthur_tafero5 January 2019
This English import is a totally original script with an electric performance by Ms Peake. Steve Reeves (no relation to superman; I'm very sure he has heard that one before). does a masterful job of writing and directing. His suspense devices work very well; the elevator, the tapes, the tape worker, and others. All very well done. A wonderful script can take a film a long way. Had elements of Psycho and various other thrillers, but extremely original in almost every way. The story of a lifeless woman brought to life by a baby; if just for awhile, is really very creative. Whenever I am having a bad day, I will think of this film and what a really bad day is really like. The suspense is palatable. Not since Hitchcock have I seen an English director with such ability. An excellent production from start to finish and I am looking forward to more good work from England's finest director.
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caught me unawares
HumbleMensa3 January 2022
Well done! I had zero inclination about this flick, definitely a thriller, and some unexpected happenings. Characters well developed. Nearly believable because it is so unbelievable for a normal everyday person to have happen what happens in this flick. The end was a surprise.

All I will say is "sudden panic"---
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hallesq30 August 2021
Shocked that the overall rating is not significantly higher. I came on this film when I was in a "there's nothing to watch" mood and I was stunned at how good it is. The other 10 star reviews explain it so well that I'll just say that this movie is frightening, shocking, completely absorbing and one of the most meaningful movies, in terms of human nature, I've watched in a long time.
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interesting and watchable
watcher20193 February 2020
No idea why there are any negative reviews. wth are people looking for? great film, great cast and well acted. keep me watching all the way to the shocking ending.
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jennyvelezcolby-1464811 April 2022
I saw this movie a few years ago and I absolutely loved it, I am quite hard to please when it comes to TV and films, it has to be really, really good to impress me! Maxine Peake is so believable and captures the mood spot on. I went in search of this movie again remembering how much I have enjoyed it the first time. Wish more films of this quality were made.
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Great film but not in your typical way
dawntennis24 September 2017
Great and realistic story with some unexpected twists. This film is much better than the average ratings suggest. People that will not like this film or think it is average are usually those who enjoy commercial Hollywood type of movies and need their heros and fun pass time rather than a real life stories, character development and the reality of life. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend it to everyone who like European cinematography (films like The Hunt) - it is not on that level, but it is along those lines.
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