The game is great so far. I've played about 3 hours so far and to this point it feels like what a sequel should be. Bigger, better, and I can definitely appreciate the continuity with Cal and his abilities. (Things like double jump, pull, push, etc available right away). Always been a weird nit pick of mine that sequels make you relearn things you learned in the previous game. Although, I can't ignore the frame rate struggles. I've never been one to complain about graphics or a games performance, but playing on PS5 for 3 years now I've been spoiled with little to no frame issues. For a game to finally come out with noticeable struggles is a bit jarring, and a bit upsetting. Nothing too gamebreaking, but it is definitely noticeable in some bigger fights, and for me anyway, cutscenes have STRUGGLED so far. I'm sure this will get fixed in a future patch, so I won't let it affect my score. Can't wait to really sink my teeth into this over the weekend and get it rolling.