Star Raiders: The Adventures of Saber Raine (2017) Poster

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Ray gun for hire
bkoganbing5 June 2019
Somehow I doubt that Casper Van Dien will be doing a sequel of his Saber Raine character. Then again look at how many Sharknado movies were made.

Van Dien's character is an intergalactic gun for hire. At one time a decorated war hero on earth he's an exile now, willing to sell his ray gun and fighting skills to the highest bidder.

His mission here is to rescue a brother and sister heirs to a planetary throne. But things get complicated when it turns out that sister is in league with the" bad guys.

Casper must really miss those glory days of Starship Troopers. This film doesn't come close in any category you care to name.

If you like cheesy sci-fi than this is your movie.
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B Movie? Not even C
rdamian196331 October 2020
Wow. This movie is just bad. It would have been bad even in the early 80s. Bad script, bad acting and horrible effects. Most fan made movies are better than this.
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Mild value, some good ideas, a lot of questionable craft
I_Ailurophile14 May 2022
I'm not sure why I expected anything different. The opening moments of the film, showing exterior shots of vessels and a battle, suggest computer-generated imagery of quality hovering somewhere between modern first-tier videogames and second-tier genre pictures - unremarkable, but fine, though the sheer abundance of the CGI is unfortunate. Shortly after we see computer-generated interiors, and visual effects, and they are an eyesore. Set design and decoration at large, and costume design, range from spartan, to questionable, to suitable - or, in some rare instances, all the way to enticing. Hair and makeup work follows a like pattern, though the more ambitious that the creature design for an alien race aims to be, the more dubious it looks in realization. The plot is fairly straightforward, bland, and common genre fare, while dialogue is too often downright tiresome and overblown. Characters fulfill certain archetypes and don't necessarily possess much of a spark otherwise - the protagonist is effectively a more heroic Han Solo, and the divisions between two chief figures frankly reflect antiquated sexist tropes. Scene writing is perhaps mostly best described as serviceable.

'Star raiders: The adventures of Saber Raine' is nothing if not low-grade entertainment, and no one who chances upon it even from a distance could ever confuse it as anything else. In fairness, however, there is also no intent here except to be a fun sci-fi romp, a saga in the spirit of but a few steps down from 'Star Wars' - only, just how much fun it actually provides, to those involved or to viewers, is up for debate. It's difficult to tell just what is shaping the acting here: it could be the proliferate CGI backgrounds, green screen creations that hinder honest reactions; somewhat indulgent and surely uncomfortable prosthetics, forcing the players to chew scenery to compensate; the restraining guiding hand of Mark Steven Grove's direction, prioritizing conveyance of the narrative and execution of each scene over their impact; a genuine lack of skill, making convincing performances the exception rather than the rule; or maybe a combination of all these factors. I don't think the acting is bad across the board; I detect glimmers of meaningful sincerity and effort in the contributions of some, and especial weakness in those of others. Yet the overall effect is undeniable.

It rather seems to me that the screenplay was rushed. There are actually some good ideas here, and beyond that, some scenes are actually done very well, on paper and on film. Yet in addition to being unexceptional, the fundamental storytelling feels loose, and unbothered. Nothing was going to change the core nature of 'Star raiders,' but if the writing were tightened and approached with more care to even a small extent, the picture would have greatly benefited. As it stands, there are no surprises, and only passing enjoyment. There are a lot worse movies out there one could suffer through - I've seen too many of them - and there's just enough value here to make it a mild good time for a lazy afternoon. Still, I can't particularly begrudge anyone who thinks more poorly of this, and I wonder if I'm not being too generous as it is. Recommendable mostly for fans of the cast, or diehard sci-fi buffs, 'The adventures of Saber Raine' is okay - but keep your expectations in check.
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SebastienSpa11 March 2017
I guess everyone who took a quick look at the cast was wondering: "Wow, really, THAT Casper Van Dien? The guy from Starship Troopers and Sleepy Hollow?" And yes, this is the only reason why I sat down at a friend of mine who collects trash movies. And it didn't take long and I got this weird "Command & Conquer 1 Cinematic" feeling. It's been 20 years ago that Titanic actually looked kind of realistic and Starship Troopers set the benchmark for action packed CGI. And here we are in the year 2017 and are being served with visuals that could have been done by a group of self taught high-schoolers. But that's only the first thing you notice - after this is goes on and on. This story. Sorry, I am usually a guy who tries to value even smallest mercies but no, no mercy here. This story is recycled, rehashed and wrecked - you are pulling your hair out because you just know everything ahead.

The camera, the sound effects, the dialogues, the music, the costumes, the locations (this was probably shot in a forest nearby), the whole way people encounter and talk to each other, it's all so unbelievably lame - i wonder what some of the actors thought when they read the script. In fact a few actors try so hard to make this work you can immediately tell the quality of someones talent. Even with bad camera, clumsy dialogue and cheesy costumes some prove that even in worst conditions they can at least deliver a believable performance - and that goes to some actors, and the actors only.

When you see some student movies coming out of some film or media universities you'd be surprised what the next generation has to offer. Even they would laugh about this embarrassing excuse for a movie. I'm so sorry, I just couldn't be nice this time. This is an insult to movie lovers - and yes, I'm also the kind of guy who also "gets" and laughs about Kung Pow - Enter The Fist.
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Bad in a good way
peter-20021 November 2017
I liked this movie.

It's definitely a B movie, much of the acting as well as the effects is so-so, but there are also clear nods to old school sci-fi, kind of a mix of some old Flash Gordon movie and some of the cheaper 80's sci-fi stuff, but also randomly mixed up with modern style tech/effects just to spice things up.

If you also consider that it's literally a low budget movie (at least partially financed through fundraising), it's not bad at all.

I think it works. I've seen worse stuff rating higher on IMDb...

+ + + Just to give you perspective: I like sci-fi a lot. I rarely shut off or fast forward even the shittiest of movies. It has happened perhaps 2-3 times that I can remember, and I've watched hundreds of sci-fi movies and TV shows.
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Raiders of the amateur hour galaxy
TheLittleSongbird21 April 2018
The idea for 'Galaxy Raiders' was sort of interesting, despite sounding like a very silly and derivative one at the same time. Likewise with the cover. Also enjoy sci-fi/adventure films out there, a few of them low-budget oddly enough.

Despite the interest, expectations were not high before watching 'Galaxy Raiders'. It turned out to be pretty much what was thought it would be, except even worse. Knew 'Galaxy Raiders' would be a silly film not to be taken seriously and not a grand, lavish in scale film, not having the budget for one, but was hoping it would overcome any limitations. It doesn't do that and the amateurish execution of every component made it unwatchable.

Visually, 'Galaxy Raiders' budget limitations show loud and clear, but it actually looked as though the production crew were not trying to overcome the limitations or make it look good. The sets and costumes look garish and cheap, it's chaotically photographed and even more sloppy to the point of incoherence editing. The effects are pathetic and look like they were an afterthought or made with only a tiny amount of money left. The modern technology doesn't really spice things up, the inclusion came over as random and pointless.

Music is perhaps the least bad asset of 'Galaxy Raiders' on its own, it tries to sound ok, though the placement of it is inappropriate and discordant a lot of the time and it fails to rouse or give atmosphere. Not that there is a whole lot in the first place, it all feels dull and muddled with very little character or coherence.

'Galaxy Raiders' writing is non-stop gibberish, unintentional humour and clumsiness. The references were not witty or clever, let alone inspired, they felt thrown in and very randomly and clumsily. Then there is the story, which is ridiculous, emotionally cold, all over the place in terms of focus and tone and dull. It's basically too many ideas thrust into the already over-crowded kitchen sink and there is not one scene where this feeling is shaken off. The more action-oriented scenes are far from exciting.

Characters are ones one is irritated by rather than connecting with them, nothing relatable or interesting about characters so sketchily developed and annoying. They are over-familiar archetypes and the conflict is so black and white it becomes predictable. The acting is a mess, some of 'Galaxy Raiders' on this front over-play, others are like emotionless robots. This is including, and actually especially, Casper Van Dien, the most well known name.

Overall, extremely poor. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Leofwine_draca27 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
GALAXY RAIDERS is another Z-grade slice of sci-fi nonsense made on a non-existent indie budget. This one stars Casper Van Dien, who must be absolutely desperate for the money, alongside Cynthia Rothrock and a cast of no hopes. It's an embarrassingly bad space opera which riffs on STAR WARS and '80s cinema but looks absolutely horrendous, like something a group of kids made down at the local park. There are no redeeming features whatsoever.
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Oh, how the Mighty have Fallen
JoeB1311 May 2020
Casper Van Dien and Cynthia Rothrock used to be people... and now they are reduced to this kind of barely student film fluff. The Special effects look like something a Nerd would produce to get his work rejected by the Asylum. The acting is sub-standard. The only thing to speak for it is that the creature effects are kind of good.

The movie had a very dense plot for a movie that was hard to follow, but it involves a bad guy who wants to conquer the galaxy. Most of the film is the actors walking around a forest pretending it's an alien planet. The sets are cheap as well.
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Not much star raiding in this film...
Aaron13751 July 2020
I did not expect much when I started watching this one and it did not fail to deliver the not much. A film obviously trying to capitalize on the success of the more recent Star Wars films, but you know, with a lower budget so we get 75% of the movie set on a planet that looks a lot like some woods on Earth and not remotely resembling an alien world. We also get Casper Van Dien in the lead so not much else to say other than it is not very good and for a movie called Star Raiders it is very unclear who the star raiders are as no one raids a single star!

The story, well, Casper is Saber Raine and he stops people killing an alien at the beginning of the film and it is eye rolling the whole story with that so lets continue with the real story of a brother and sister kidnapped! They are being held captive by a Darth Vader like enemy who shows he has the ability to choke the two siblings and really does nothing sinister beyond that and does not even participate in any of the final action scenes. Well this trio of heroes lands on a planet and enlists Saber Raine's help, but they do not really need it too much as they are already on the planet that the siblings are on, how convenient and it saves on budget!

The film tries to do an interesting twist, but it is not all that interesting, because, you know...the movie isn't very good. The weapons frequently hit people and do nothing to them. I kept expecting fat dude with half sunglasses to die as he gets hit dead on three or four time, but doesn't faze him a bit! The villain is still trucking and he lost the top part of his head so maybe their race is just really tough?

The film is just not good and at the end you can tell they clearly expect to have a sequel as there is not too much that gets wrapped up at the end. Not sure if they are going to make this sequel or not, from what I see here at IMDB no sequel has yet materialized. With films like these though, i always wonder how they get made in the first place. I know people do go fund mes, but I just cannot see people donating to have crappy movies made, but not to people who actually need help.
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xwagner-269937 February 2021
Badly directed, badly cast. Well lit and nicely shot, but it's DOA. The less said about the writing, the better. I like science fiction, and can overlook a lot, but this movie is a disaster.
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jaigurudavid23 January 2022
I have to give this movie one star, even though some of the acting and effects aren't terrible. It's just that I don't understand why anyone would make a film that looks like another Star Wars rip off from the 1980s in 2017. There's absolutely nothing original in the plot, the sets, the make up, the acting, the dialogue, etc. Etc. Etc. We've all seen it dozens if not hundreds of times since 1977. There's nothing here for anyone as far as I could see. The only reason I watched it was it was being treated by RiffTrax.
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Old school in oh so many ways - including bad acting
aramis-604-62081728 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is old school space opera at its full silly. When I watched it, I didn't note the release date. It felt like I was watching something from the late 80's or early 90's.

It looks like 1980's movie effects. The script is typical 80's low budget. Boy meets girl, boy and girl save the universe. Boy and girl fall in love. It even borrows the look of Han Solo from the 80's. White shirt, blue uniform jacket with no insignia, blue uniform trousers, obvious sidearm... and just slightly graying.

Wait, let's run that checklist again: Boy Meets Girl: Two, actually, both aliens. (One is Very Near Human, one isn't.) Boy and Girl save the universe: Kinda... for the moment... but the villain escapes for the sequel. Boy and Girl fall in love: Yep. Well, it sure looks like it.

The thing is, this is a modern cast, with retro (obviously practical), Gerry Anderson style FX. Space Precinct wants it's look back...

Casper van Dien is at his heroic comfortable level here. He does some stunt work, he does a decent sword-fight or two (depending upon where one draws the line at decent), and is the worst actor of the primary cast - and at that, he's not bad. He's the right age and physicality fr the character.

Britt Laree does an excellent job as Fade - who is the leading lady every bit as much as Casper is the Leading man.

Sara Salizar is definitely making a good choice moving to acting... she's both easy on the eyes and ears, and made me care about her character.

And the actress under the lizard mask does a remarkable job considering the lack of articulation.

Despite this seeming like a complaint, it's not. I love practical FX, even in miniatures. I love the "Tangibility" of them.

And this does it reasonably well for the ships. Not, however, for the aliens. Oh, my, how very Jason of Star Command they are. (Look it up, younglings. It's a fun ride. Lame FX, but a fun ride.)

The thing is, this looks like it was aimed to be either a series of low budget made for TV movies, or a pilot for a TV show, and not committed to which... And it ends on a scenery-chewing note by the villain. It screams, "More to come!" It's set, however, so that the first adventure has hit a strong chapter break, just in case funding fails.

Bottom line: Waiting for the sequel...
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A charming sci fi B movie that has plenty of heart.
daniel-mannouch10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A cheap homage to 30's film serials and 90s era space operas, Galaxy Raiders features some smart casting and unmistakable passion for the genre, but be warned, there are only two backdrops in this film, the Colorado woods and a green screen. It is insanely cheap and the prosthetics are almost flaunting in their unconvincing quality.

You also have some lighting at moments which is too dark in my opinion and the CGI is... fitting for the tone really. Yes this film is cheap, but it's far from amateurish. I am very confident that the makers of Galaxy Raiders knew what they were doing and the film is knowingly camp. It also achieves the mammoth task about not being obnoxious about that kind of thing. The best aspect really about this film is it's tone. The film is at a perfect pitch in my opinion.

But, self-awareness or not, the film does have it's pacing problems. It's overly stately dialogue does wonders for exposition, which there is always plenty of need in sci-fi features, but too much of it, like here, and your engagement wanes and the time drags. The storytelling is very much in 90s mini series mode and yeah that's good for twenty minutes, but for three times that long it outstayed its welcome.

What keeps Galaxy Raiders from falling off the wayside though is the small character moments, especially from Casper Van Dien, which, combined with some good costume design, makes for a lot of great world-building. Could this turn into a series for Casper Van Dien? Well, the tone is definitely there and I could see myself watching another one of these.

Galaxy Raiders is cheap, sometimes slow, but is a charming and enthusiastic Sci-fi B movie that will definitely appeal to fans of 90s fantasy yarns.
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Campy, campy, campy
jwinps-561-92420611 June 2023
Think of Battlestar Galactica/Buck Rogers in the 25th Century melded with the 1930s Flash Gordon featurettes. That gives you the type of campy, laughable plots, special effects, makeup, and acting in this film.

The props are the equivalent of low budget 1950s sci-fi films. Facial prosthetics equal the quality from lower budget 1960s productions. Augment that with rudimentary CGI. As to acting, anticipate an overall C- grade. Casper Van Dien delivers as usual an engaging character performance, give him a B. Acting in other roles such as the Princess and the female guardian sent in search of her are of a similar level. The other roles spiral downward from there with C grade acting down to failing E - that goes to the man portraying the prince. His overacting and overly exaggerated facial expressions are over the top bad.

So, don't expect much. There is no edge of your seat suspense, no "OMG that's impressive" moment. Think of it as a Saturday afternoon kids film diversion.
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WFT is this??? 😵😵
stm-034043 November 2019
Jesus I really thought B movies were bad, but this doesn't even fit into the alphabetical categories. God Casper doesn't age well at all, come on is he really that hard up he can't even afford a face lift? I've heard of Star Wars rip offs, but this one in 2017??! It makes the original 1977 Star Wars look absolutely amazing.... Which it still is by the way! Plus.. Is Casper meant to be a bad, bad Han Solo rip off? I spared 5mins of this film and really can't remember anything possibly half decent about it. Where do I end this.....?.? If you seriously want a cheap nasty laugh, watch this incredibly joke of a movie.
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Awesome B movie! They still exist!
barosanescu6 June 2018
1. Bad acting. Check! 2. Bad special effects. Check! 3. Will become a classic? Check! 4. Fun to watch if you want to get away from your chatty wife/girlfriend? Check! 5. Bad script? Hell yes! Check! 6. Have time to waste and watch this flick? Check! 7. Casper not aging too well? Check!

Most B movie actors are millionaires. Fact!
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Fantastically Good!
nepeta-0999521 April 2019
Lol, understand that it's a B-movie, but it's got everything. Monstrous villains, feisty vixens, lovable heroes, and plenty of cheesy moments. It's a good film, if you like the genre, and was enjoyable throughout.
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Freaking awesome
rueby-078378 November 2021
Perfect movie to put on before bed, and that's in no way an insult! Lighthearted and doesn't take itself serious. The laser sounds were absolutely ridiculous and that kinda makes me love it even more.
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Im surprised at how low the ratings are.
machrf11 November 2020
The premise is good, the acting is good, the story is good. It may not be an A list movie but I would watch this over many A list movies just for the story. I hope they do a sequel because it has a lot of merit going for it and the basis of a good story for a space opera. Considering Storm Troopers had three this one should continue as well.
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If you liked Sharknado you will love this
gzm58610 April 2022
I wasn't expecting Star Wars, but this was so bad it was good. The cheesey effects, the acting, I loved it. You just don't see acting like this. This movie is giving Ed wood a run for his money.
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Space adventurer, Saber Rainer, has his very own catchphrase, and THAT is why 'Galaxy Raiders' rocks harder than you do, dude!
Weirdling_Wolf14 November 2020
I have little doubt, 'Galaxy Raiders' (2017) greatest appeal may well be for those Trash-Movie-addled individuals that still actively support the terrific lunacy of Troma films, bark vociferously at Full Moon Productions and get still nerd-nodules at the merest mention of maverick, zero-buck, space bug impresario, Don Dohler's exquisitely autistic, 'Alien Factor', and spend too much of their free time happily extolling the hilariously over-earnest, heartfelt travails of psychotronic icon, Ed Wood Jr. And let us socially diminished, junk-movie mavens be more than thankful that the dark destroyer, Kathleen Kennedy was nowhere near the darn likable 'Galaxy Raiders, as I have the distinct feeling, that, given the profound limitations, stalwart writer/director, Mark Steven Grove, pretty much, made the film he set out to, and that of itself is an entirely laudable endeavour in our increasingly dour epoch of snarky internet dictators and their ceaselessly self-promoting, abject mockery. Objectively, the lackluster, poorly written script, penurious CGI, and fairly risible Radio Shack-enhanced interiors will, sadly, put many potential viewers off, especially those complacent gluttons weaned predominantly on the facile grandiosity of Roland Emmerich and Michael Bay, but Z-movie film appreciation is still a robustly democratic affair, and, thus, in these sadly ever decreasing circles it is okay to like clunky, wonderfully unsophisticated films like 'Galaxy Raiders'. This is certainly no backhanded compliment, since this is resolutely a 'good' 'bad movie', and certainly no less endearing than fellow no-budget, spaced-out iconoclasts, Norman J. Warren's sublimely silly 'Inseminoid', William Sach's 'ditsy-disco-Day-Glo', 'Galaxina', and the David Decoteau's cult classic 'Creepozoids'; the fundamental difference being in tonality, since this is quite plainly a softer-edged, more family-orientated space opera, and while heroically handsome Casper Van Dien's, apparently disgraced, serially sword slashing captain doesn't cuss, is unrealistically aloof from any lady's pulchritudinous charms, apparently sublimating hidden lusts by energetically dispatching the myriad alien/mutants in such a bloodlessly adroit fashion, Casper does, and this is, perhaps, the most pertinent part, his swarthy, gravel-voiced, space adventurer, Saber Rainer, has his very own catchphrase, and THAT is why 'Galaxy Raiders' rocks harder than you do, dude!😍
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