Meteor: First Impact (2022) Poster

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Not Much Impact
stuart-wise20 January 2023
I'm scratching my head over the people who gave this movie 10/10. I wonder if we watched the same movie. I usually am pretty generous if at least I enjoyed it but this movie failed to deliver much of anything. It was the usual scientist who nobody listens to at their own risk, and no issue was resolved. The acting was OK but the teen girl was terrible. The flashbacks were so awkward that I didn't even know if I was still watching the same movie. Too much time was spent on the psychopath in the woods. As for typical disaster fare, there was nothing to get excited about, and based on what I did see, it is a stretch to believe that the meteors actually had the impact the scientist predicted.
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HUH??? (Spoiler alert)
flmomof3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
WHERE DID THE MOVIE GO??? It was a bad movie to begin with. Wooden acting (although to be honest, I actually liked a couple of the actors). Predictable obnoxious college student. Boss that won't listen. Yada, yada. Okay, I kept watching. My mistake. But then-POOF! The end. Say WHAT??? The movie just....ended. Nothing got resolved. Plot lines left dangling. I expected it to go right into a "part two", but it didn't. It took me a minute to realize it was just....over. Why do so many of these films lately have completely unsatisfying endings? It's like the writers decide they aren't interested in actually finishing the movie, and just mail it in as is. AVOID AT ALL COST. It's not even a movie that's so bad it's good. It's just plain NOT.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Meteor: First Impact
burlesonjesse523 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A scientist who gets fired from his job, must try to save the planet from a slew of meteor attacks. That's the blueprint for Meteor: First Impact, a bad flick only made worse when it descends from the latter into hostage banality. Thom Hallum plays boffin William Zito. He's kinda like the poor man's Gerard Butler (ouch).

Watching "First Impact", you realize that it's low-budgeted and paltry in ways that you don't think are possible. Call it a disaster flick if you want but the special effects here are almost pointless, especially when there's no extras to run from the ruination. The scenes of destruction and mayhem are just pseudo CGI, splashed onto the screen however separated from the actual footage.

So yeah, Meteor: First Impact is a so-called thriller that doesn't hide its self-evidence. Look there's a meteorite hurling for Nevada yet appearing like a marshmallow burning over an open campfire. Ugh. Added to that, the actors featured (Hallum, Roscoe Nash, Kristin Keith) bicker back and forth and seem compelled to yell incessantly when no one else is in the room. I mean it's like Tourette's gone wild.

Lots of tiffing aside, "First Impact" is kind of about the end of the world but it features roughly only 8 characters. Wha?? Really? Where's the National Guard here? What's the president up to? Where are the helpless sufferers? And how come there's very little media coverage? Heck, it just feels like there's only a handful of denizens inhabiting the earth in Meteor: First Impact. Odd and well, ill-considered.

In the end I blame "First Impact's" director (Brett Bentman) because he's well, the director and makes all these decisions. Other bad ones include the way he poorly transitions to flashbacks, the way he shuffles around his fading cast members, and the way he shoddily shoots action set-ups. "Adverse impact".
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Potential wasted unless producer was your 10 yr old nephew.
DeeLoLats8 January 2023
When I researched this title, 123 people had put in a rating and the average sat at 4.9, which doesn't mean much with such low participation and then I read the one good review (there were only 3 at the time) from someone who actually took the time to write something substantial. It left me feeling I would be entertained, at the very least, giving this movie a shot.

5 minutes into it and while the acting was weak, I thought, OK, give the story itself a try, it has potential and maybe the acting gets better over time. The next 15 minutes set up more of the story and I'm thinking, can't wait to see the disasters!

Boy, was I in for a wait...the next 40 minutes are very slow moving (I don't want to spoil it but a kinder person would put you out of your misery before you get to this part). Imagine a slow funeral march, or how slow one walks when you've been shopping all day or running after the kids at an amusement park, and you'll likely equate those 40 minutes to the same thing. OH! Watching a snail cross a football field works too.

Yes, like all disaster movies, time is always of the essense and things move quickly (or should). I think the director forgot that part in the story line. Nothing is rushed.

Last 18 minutes: There's the meteor strike (that's not spoiling anything since it is about meteors striking), scenes from nature, and a few populated areas with some very bad effects edited over them. Nothing gets destroyed, no one is running for cover or in a panic, even with massive fireballs flying low above them. Finally, there's a bit of nerd talk that really doesn't matter.

In short, let me save you time you could better use perhaps cleaning the crud between your toes, taking the trash out, or watching a spider spin its web. You would likely have more fun counting all the letters in the dictionary.

Anyone proud of this movie, would have to be related to the 10 year old who put it together. There is no real concept of impending doom, nor a rush to stop it. The person also had limited area to work with, so perhaps in their back yard or at camp is where most of the real footage was shot. Any and all disaster shots seemed to have been taken from the internet or some travel videos. My bet is on travel videos based on one of the scenic locations. From there, they used their limited CGI skills and you then have sonny's amazing movie.
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So bad not even good
furrytailfarm14 February 2023
I love a good bad "B" disaster movie. They are so ridiculous they are funny. They follow the same silly formula. This movie didn't have a point or one good laugh. Not even bad science facts. Didn't care about any of the characters. Giving credit to a 10 year old is insulting to the 10 year old. I think a cat dancing on my keyboard could come up with something better. If we were to look at the quality of the movie itself: flashbacks weren't explained; meteor's weren't explained; relationships weren't explained. Lots of cursing which was basically dialogue filler. I love cursing but it has to be used for a reason. Bottom line-don't bother.
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A Complete Waste of 1hr and 20mins of your Life
marshelly-9626527 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I seriously don't know what to say, this is just a really terribly executed and planned movie. I highly don't recommend anyone to watch. The plot is all over the place!

Imagine you are a scientist and you have known that a meteor was gonna hit but your boss got mad and fired you. Then your daughter, Haley brings her infatuated idiot boyfriend, Lucas who, like a headless chicken roams around the woods, gets lost and get hurt like a 5yr old. Haley forces you to find him at night instead of trying to tell the world about the meteor (like bruh, no wonder she got rejected to Stanford, like how does one search at night with bunch of wild animals and if y'all die then who would save your kind boyfriend). Haley then accuses you for killing your wife who coincidently was diagnosed and died with cancer and all the exaggerated family drama and crazy mood swings. Then they get kidnapped and somehow managed to murder an old Russian kidnapper then to miraculously finding a safe house and Lucas. Then they managed to survive against the fake CGI meteors that looked like small rockets. Haley somehow got pregnant under the same roof they lived for months and suddenly get a radio signal of other people contacting. The End. Now do you see how dumb this is and how much it deviated from the ACTUAL THEME!

Look I'm not even picky nor usually comment on these things but I was seriously frustrated that I wasted my time watching this. Regardless of the overly fake acting, the director most of written this while they were drunk most probably. The others who said that this movie is a 10/10 are either pranking or just paid to give delusional positive reviews.
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Don't bother!
peacelife-4659126 February 2023
I love disaster type movies and was excited when I saw this one as I had not seen anything about it. The storyline could have been a good one, but it needed a stronger screen writer. The actors were beyond terrible and never once did I believe anything they were saying or doing. Not to spoil anything, but when people say they love you and you are discussing catastrophic situations one would expect some physical emotions - tears, hugs, anything, but nope! Not this movie! The best 'actor' was the rifle with the wooden butt stock that flew out of the daughter's hands when she tried to shoot it. I kept thinking it'd get better but it never did and I did watch til the end with hopes of a decent ending - denied! Whoever wrote, directed, and starred in this should have to return their paychecks! Again, don't bother watching this movie! I've read better stories from my young students!
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denisdega25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, its 6am, i turn on the laptop and search for a movie to watch...tadaaa!!! METEOR FIRST IMPACT is right there, am excited🙃 at this point coz i love disaster movies....i get my popcorn ready and make myself comfortable in the sofa.

....30 mins into the movie and am still waiting for the real deal but NOPE!!!! Everything is dreadful and at ths point am starting to think if i chose the right movie,.....oh wait, thrz ths teenage girl, HORRIBLE ACTRESS, scenes with fake tomato sauce blood everywhere, edited clips from Nat Geo , flashbacks tht dont make sense, no climax.

....the slowest disaster movie ever(compare it to a walk in the park) while your expectations are (people running for their lives, screaming, panic) Nope, you won't find it in this movie. Hilarious 😂😂😂 to imagine a meteor flying over ur city while people are happily ordering at Macdonald's and waiting for their order numbers called out. Oh, there's a Meteor🙄😏!!

...Here comes the saddest part, THE MOVIE JUST ENDS🤣😅😂!!! Yes, u won't be ready for it, i think the writer's wife came back home abruptly and caught him playing with the keyboard in the basement.
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Wow, just wow...
paul_haakonsen23 February 2023
Granted, I wasn't really harboring much of any grand expectations to the 2022 disaster movie "Meteor First Impact" as I sat down to watch it in 2023. In fact, I had never actually heard about it, yet I still opted to give it a fair chance.

And I would be lying if I said that I figured that writer and director Brett Bentman would deliver just another run-of-the-mill disaster movie. You know, the generic ones that follow the same formula, and often is troubled by inferior CGI effects.

However, I was wrong, because "Meteor First Impact" actually turned out to be even worse than just your average generic run-of-the-mill disaster movie about celestial bodies hitting Earth. "Meteor First Impact" was actually one of the worst disaster movies that I have stumbled upon.

The storyline was all over the place, and had very little focus on the disaster aspect actually, which is odd, because you would assume a movie about meteors would be focusing on the dangers and threats of meteoric strikes on Earth and the damage in its wake. However, "Meteor First Impact" seemed to spend its time between being a drama about a marriage struggling with the cancer of the wife in the marriage, the aftermath of having lost a family member, trying to find a lost young man, and then a little bit of natural destruction from meteors.

You would assume that meteors striking Earth and with multiple more meteors inbound Earth that there would be a lot of press coverage and news bulletins, not to mention panic across the nations. Not for one second throughout the course of 78 minutes that the movie ran for did it even come across the screen with anything even resembling those things. And that made "Meteor First Impact" a very laughable attempt at making a disaster movie.

And the actual impacts of meteors hitting remote nature areas and cities didn't feel believable at all, because the destruction was minimal, the impact blasts were weak and small, and you just don't buy into the fact that this was supposed to be an end of the world phenomena.

The acting performances in the movie were mediocre. I mean, the performances were probably fair enough taking into consideration the severe limitations of the script and storyline, but there weren't any noteworthy or memorable performances on the screen.

Visually then "Meteor First Impact" was adequate. The special effects looked okay. Nothing grand or particularly impressive, but it just didn't feel like anything with a forceful impact to it - pardon the pun.

If you enjoy natural disaster movies, then you could essentially skip on watching "Meteor First Impact" from writer and director Brett Bentman, because it was just another dubious foray into the genre.

My rating of "Meteor First Impact" lands on a two out of ten stars.
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What a impact
frazenk15 February 2023
A lot of people aren't understanding that this movie is actually a prequel and so some of the things they want explained are explained in the first Meteor movie. Maybe try watching that one before complaining that this one doesn't give you the answers your looking for. First Impact is another win from the director and team. The negative reviews might have you thinking it isn't much but give it a chance and think for yourself and you might find something to like with this one. Like their other movies this isn't made on a Hollywood budget so you shouldn't expect that. These guys are klling it on small budgets.
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Space movies are happening
sunjinrayside22 January 2023
This movie started out SO GOOD. Great dialogue and acting. You get the feeling of a disaster about to happen. I think that why so many felt let down. A space scientist was getting balled out for turning in his predictions of a meteor. The director, right from the start got my attention. I really expected this movie to be more IMPACT between the space program and this meteor but it turned into the scientist spending 2/3 of the movie walking round the woods looking for his daughter's boyfriend. We never saw that director at the center again except for a moment. That guy was dynamic. So I'm giving it a 7 for the acting. But the story ( boring) was a Father Daughter thing more than an Impactful Meator. This will probably get low reviews because the TITLE just makes you expect much more.
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Rule #1. Hit fast forward whenever daughter is on screen. Hit play when meteor strikes and pray she's hit.
mark.waltz16 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Does every disaster movie in modern filmmaking have to surround a family in crisis with parents split up, kids annoying, and nobody listening to the expert in the family (usually the dad) on the pending disaster. Barely past the level of an Asylum film, this meandering film is preposterous on so many levels, starting with the fact that practically everyone is unlikable and the manipulative script makes it impossible to care about everything they're going through. As usual, the dad is made the bad guy, the mom is the long suffering giver (yet very demanding in ordering her now estranged husband around), and apparently has a fatal illness.

When the first meteor hits (predicted by dad who ended up being fired from his job because of this), he only gets a brief moment of respect, and then it's back to dad bashing because well, dads just don't matter. There's also the stereotypical heavily accented villain who kidnaps dad and daughter after their big confrontation so this sets up a maudlin reconciliation later on. The acting is amateurish and the script is just plain uninteresting. This is best for skipping past the soapy scenes (75% of the film) and go to the meteor shots. The movie will be over in 10 minutes.
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Totally unbelievable
chrisbw196530 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love a good disaster flick, but so much about this just screamed "yeah right". Let's start with the choice of cast: the lead just is not convincing as a scientist. Scientists don't have those muscles and especially tattoos. Really? This guy would be more convincing as a wrestler, bouncer, or motorcycle badass, but Not as a scientist.

The relationships: the marriage just isn't believable, and could you pick a more mismatched couple than the daughter and boyfriend? No chemistry between any of them.

The boss: really? I've had bad bosses, but they've all had a passing familiarity with the job. This guy is clueless, and has zero respect for supposed experts and their findings. I just don't buy it.

I won't comment on the cinematography, but it seemed adequate.

As for the plot: meh, if done right it could be believable.

I just didn't believe this, I couldn't see the characters as relatable, and I never cared what happens to any of them. In fact, the attitude thrown at the dad by the daughter was rude, disrespectful, and totally unbelievable, and the way the dad allowed it was also un-relatable. Again, so many issues made the whole thing a miss.
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Remember that time the world was ending and we didn't care?
Despite the fact that this movie quickly runs off the tracks, i will say it is watchable. Thom Hallum and Emma Grace Sanderson don't have the greatest material to work with here but they make the most of it. I've seen some other movies similar to this where the main event isn't actually the oncoming disaster, but everyday people problems. There just isn't enough here to warrant a very high rating even though i think Hallum does sort of engage the audience. For me it was something to watch and critique, and will be fondly recalled. But it has some holes. In fact Plot Holes might have been a better title. I dunno, maybe if i watch it again it will all be clearer to me. Don't fear it though, pop some corn and give it a watch.
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seanianartist3 January 2023
It was an enjoyable film. I watch movies to go somewhere else, and this film took me away. The storyline is solid, the cinematography is beautiful, and a chilling end-of-the-world scenario leaves you on the edge of your seat.

I often wonder what the future has in store for us all. The thoughts are overwhelming at times, and the repercussions of our decisions can be devastating. Why is it that people struggle to listen to each other? Why do we look the other way when things are wrong? Why are systems set up to maintain themselves at the expense of others? Would we listen if warned, or would we ignore the signs? The questions are daunting, and the film touches upon them with style.
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Meteor: First Impact Crashes and Burns with a Disastrous 1/10 Rating
douglas-9910110 September 2023
"Meteor: First Impact" is a cinematic catastrophe that leaves viewers longing for a real meteor strike to put an end to their suffering. From the opening scene, it's clear that this film is on a collision course with failure. The plot, if you can call it that, is a jumbled mess of clichés and predictability.

The characters are as flat as the surface of the moon, lacking any depth or development. Their actions and motivations are often baffling, making it impossible to invest in their fates. The dialogue is so cringe-worthy that it's almost impressive, with cheesy one-liners that belong in a parody rather than a serious disaster movie.

Special effects, which should be the saving grace of a film like this, are shockingly bad. The meteor itself looks like a poorly animated rock, and the destruction it causes is laughably unrealistic. It's as if the filmmakers were trying to outdo the absurdity of the script with equally absurd visuals.

The pacing is excruciatingly slow, with long stretches of nothing happening followed by brief moments of chaos that lack any tension or excitement. Even the most die-hard disaster movie fans will find themselves checking their watches and wondering when it will all end.

In conclusion, "Meteor: First Impact" is a catastrophic failure in every sense of the word. It's a film that should come with a warning label: "View at your own risk." Save your time and money for something more deserving of your attention, because this meteoric disaster deserves nothing more than a 1 out of 10 rating.
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No matter who you are, your time is worth more than this Warning: Spoilers
If you search for a synopsis of this film online you'll find a few different variations. Weather scientist trying to save the world. Stolen Russian research. On the run from mercenaries.

None of these are true.

The following is a summary of the plot, written in a disjointed fashion so you can experience the story as it was designed.

What you will find here is a disconnected mess of stories, ideas, shallow flawed characters, and bad acting. You begin with a disagreement between two men with rage issues, transitioning into one of those men revealing he's also pretty awful at being a family man. Divorce is threatened. Suddenly months, maybe years have passed. How many? It's unclear. Our Protagonist sits on a couch in a cabin cradling his face. Will we see some emotion? No. The Daughter is suddenly introduced, and seems as pleasant as her father. She is at college. He has been fired. Where is the wife and mother? Did the divorce happen? A token nerdy boyfriend appears! There's a meteor crash on TV. Here's what I came for, finally. Cue a second round of angry men fighting... didn't I see this at the start? More meteors are coming? Good.

We head back to the cabin. Daughter is less confrontational. Nerdboy is missing. A meteor destroys a city. That's our cue to descend into a wilderness adventure with our manly man Protagonist being called in to save the world, but instead slinging a rifle on his back to go find the nerdboy he openly despises. Have we seen emotions yet? No. Excellent.

Nerdboy has a broken ankle, and faints from the pain. Protagonist and Daughter fight while searching for him. Mother liked Nerdboy before she left. Left for where? Don't fret, long after the time frame to save the world has passed everyone gets whacked on the back of the head. A flashback reveals the wife has died of metastatic cancer, after a rant and rave from Protagonist about a Russian. Something in the brain. Something in the thyroid. Operating on the thyroid costs $300,000, the brain lesion is untreatable. Daughter and Nerdboy have been sent to the movies for a date so they don't hear the news. Protagonist WILL save Deadwife

Back to the present. Suddenly, Russian man. Protagonist stole his meteor research and must broadcast this fact on local TV so a few people know he's a fraud and his research was stolen SIX years ago. After a quick stroll through the forest, Protagonist reveals to Daughter he stole the research to make a name for himself and save Deadwife. Still, no emotions.

Wait. Six years. How old is Daughter? How long did Deadwife live with metastatic cancer? When did Nerdboy start dating daughter? Surely she can't be more than 19.

Russian is killed. Another flashback to Deadwife and Protagonist discussing... perhaps euthanasia..? Punctuated by scenes from another film named Meteor featuring the same actor being a naughty boy instead of manly man. Protagonist shows no emotion. Deadwife seems a little melancholy.

The present! Protagonist and Daughter find a bunker. Nerdboy is here! Meteors hit. Snow is everywhere. Nerdboy shows nerd powers and uses a computer and a radio with competence. Uh... Protagonist appears to have failed the main quest "Save the World".

Some time has passed. How long? No one can say. No one looks like they need a hair cut, shave, or beard trim so surely not too long. But rations are low! Protagonist assures there is enough for three people. Daughter says four. Who is the extra? After some awkwardness, we learn Daughter is pregnant! Locked in a bunker in a new ice age with no access to medical care. She is overjoyed! Protagonist retains his stone mask of apathy.

And then the radio splutters to life!

Roll credits.

Are you as lost as I am? I was so confused by this film that I created an imdb account to warn the world. Please, do not watch this film. This isn't even "so bad it's good". It's just bad.

Daughter and Nerdboy. Keep trying. You're new to this acting thing, you're young, you can learn. The rest of you? Please stop. I could have forgiven you if I hadn't noticed Meteor 2021. We don't need Meteor 3.
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Cool movie
Bessie-amato4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Rosco Nash shines in this movie! Although the plot is excepted... Rosco's acting is above many in this Apocalyptic thiller. I loved the relationship that Rosco Nash had with the meteor impact as it impacted earth, you could see his whole world change through his eyes... The pain and how his life changed is what sold the story for me... this is a good movie if you have to watch... I recommend it for anyone who loves apocalyptic thrillers., cool story and some really great actors and memorable moments. Definitely a movie to watch on a snowy day when you have time to just sit about and watch.
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Loved this movie!
bqmbhw8 January 2023
Great, action packed film! Kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time. I really enjoyed the storyline. The actors were talented, engaging and kept me very entertained. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone and everyone! The special effects were done very well and looked great on my brand new 85 inch tv. I felt like I was experiencing everything right there with them. I do not have anything bad to say about this film and give it 10 out of 10 stars. If you like suspenseful, action packed movies with a good storyline then this film is certainly for you! I would say more but I don't want to give away any spoilers!
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WoW! Entire cast and crew made a memorable flick
kjnsbjrdt16 January 2023
I wasn't expecting much, when this movie was suggested to me. I watched it with my mother. She's picky about films and falls asleep, when bored enough. Not a snooze at all! We were both completely surprised! I would highly recommend this movie with a talented cast and a riveting action packed plot. I recognized a comedian Rosco and was amazed at his versatility. Truly though, my sincerest applause to every person involved in this venture. I look forward to seeing more from them all in future projects! I could say more but don't want to give away the enjoyment from other viewers. Just watch and judge for yourself. You will not be disappointed. By the way, mom is going to be watching it again with dad.
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