Sol Cresta (Video Game 2022) Poster

(2022 Video Game)

Kazuki Hiiragi: Dita


  • Sho Tendo : [after fighting, the Trimurti is damaged]  All right! How'd you like that, you crow?

    Dita : Amazing... You fared better than expected against two fighters. I suppose I should ask your name.

    Sho Tendo : I'm not telling you a damn thing!

    Dril Martin : Don't hold out, Sho. I know you're just dyin' to tell him!

    Dita : Sho, is it? I'll remember it as the name of my prey. My Trimurti is only whole with all three fighters. Don't die before I return fully prepared to hunt. Until next time!


  • Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : He's... coming back!

    Reichi Cosmea : Tingles! That guy from before is coming back, but...?

    Go Kurogane : 4D radar, maximum power! Yatagarasu, Alert Level 1!

    Reini Cosmea : M-Alpha ID code detected. And... there's another unit.

    Go Kurogane : What?

    Sho Tendo : [the fighter appears]  M-Alpha!

    Dril Martin : M-Beta is here too! It's really movin'!

    Dita : M-Alpha? What an unrefined name for my precious ship.

    Sho Tendo : Who are you?

    Dita : I am Dita, a proud warrior of Mega Zofer!

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : ...Dita?

    Sho Tendo : Proud? Ha! You're just a dirty invader!

    Dita : Save your impotent barking, vile Terran insect.

    Sho Tendo : The HELL did you say?

    Dita : Witness the power of my superb ship, Trimurti!

  • Reini Cosmea : Yamato squad, you're ten kilometers from the Vaikun.

    Sho Tendo : Let's clean this up and move on to the next...

    Reichi Cosmea : Ahhh! There's those tingles!

    Sho Tendo : I knew it! We'll take out the battleship and the Vaikun at the same time!

    Reichi Cosmea : No, it's not a battleship... it's something much worse!

    Reini Cosmea : A three-unit squad is closing in fast.

    Dril Martin : Three units? Could it be...

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : !

    Dita : [appears]  Still alive, eh Sho? But your luck has just run out.

    Sho Tendo : Keep cawing, crow!

    Dita : I'll show you the true power of the complete Trimurti!

    Sho Tendo : A murder of crows is still just a bunch of mangy birds. I'll roast you!

    Dril Martin : I turned the original Trimurti design into a three-man ship to get a handle on its power. But he's controllin' all three parts solo. He's a beast!

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : ...

    Sho Tendo : Don't get scared! We just gotta do the best we can!

  • Sho Tendo : [after destroying Mars' Vaikun]  Alright! Another one down and a victory for teamwork!

    Dril Martin : Teamwork? My designs did all the work. Right, Hamco?

    Sho Tendo : What did you say?

    Dita : [his mask breaks off]  Ha ha ha... Such fools, sated by such a small feat.

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : !

    Dril Martin : Holy-- You've gotta be kiddin' me!

    Sho Tendo : That face...!

    Dita : It's my first time controlling all three in combat. I thought I'd collect some response speed data.

    Dril Martin : W-Wait just a minute! You're human? Then why are you with Mega Zofer?

    Dita : Human? I'm no stray dog like the lot of you. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : No... Stop that demonic laugh!

    Dita : What?

    Sho Tendo : L-Luna?

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : Why... What have you become?

    Dita : You... you're...!

    Dril Martin : What's going on? Luna, you know this guy?

    Dita : I can't believe it... Anum, is it really you? Alive?

    Sho Tendo : ...Anum?

    Dita : Why are you with them? Fighting alongside TERRANS?

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : What are you saying? Please, Dita, wake up!

    Dita : They must have brainwashed you! I'll save you right now!

    Chandor : That will be enough, Dita. Retreat now.

    Dita : Chandor? I can't retreat! Anum is alive!

    Chandor : Calm yourself. They won't run off anytime soon. You were here to collect data, yes? Tune your Trimurti, then do with them as you like. You are Lord Mandler's right hand. No harm must come to you.

    Dita : Fine. I'll turn back... this time.

    [flies off] 

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : DITA!

    Chandor : ...Now then, I'm very pleased to meet you, soldiers of Sol Cresta. I am Chandor, most honorable servant of Lord Mandler. You seek to destroy all of the Vaikun, correct? I shall await your arrival in my domain--planet Earth!

    Dril Martin : What... what's goin' on? Why'd he call her Anum?

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : ...

    Go Kurogane : Yamato squad, return to the Yataragasu immediately! It's time we regrouped as well.

    Sho Tendo : R-Roger!

  • Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : !... Dita?

    Reichi Cosmea : Terra tingles! That guy from before is coming back!

    Reini Cosmea : A three-unit squadron is closing in fast.

    Sho Tendo : The crow returns!

    Dita : Anum, can you hear me?

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : Dita!

    Dita : Come back, Anum! We'll fight the Earth Federation Forces together!

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : How can you say that? Get a hold of yourself!

    Dita : ...I see I have no choice but to bring you back by force.

    Reini Cosmea : A heat source is closing in fast. Possible enemy battleship.

    Dril Martin : Seriously? They're still comin'?

    Kethu : Master Dita, allow me to offer my assistance!

    Dita : Kethu? Very well. But be careful! These vermin continue to overcome our defenses.

    Kethu : As you command!

  • Kethu : [Kethu's battleship is damaged from the fight]  NGH! How are they so powerful?

    Dita : Fall back, Kethu! Retreat!

    Kethu : B-But Master Dita, the iron code of Mega Zofer...

    Dita : Forget the code! Retreat, before you die!

    Chandor : I think not, Kethu. Your death will provide vital data and serve us well!

    Kethu : No! The eject mechanism? M-Master DITAAAAAAAAA!


    Dita : Kethu!... Chandor, why would you do such a thing?

    Chandor : Your weakness causes victory to slip through your fingers. Abandon it if you hope to ever reclaim Anum.

    Dita : Ngh... Yes... Terrans are my sworn enemy. I must take Anum back, no matter the cost!

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : Dita?

    Chandor : Wait, Dita. Retreat for now, and prepare yourself fully.

    Dita : B-But...!

    Chandor : We will crush them, and reclaim Anum. The plan must not fail. I'll bolster your ship using the data from this battle. Now go.

    Dita : ...Understood. Sho, Anum is yours for now. Don't try to escape!

    [flies off] 

    Sho Tendo : H-Hang on! You're the one escaping!

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : DITA!

    Go Kurogane : Sho, let them go! Destroying the Vaikun is our top priority!

    Sho Tendo : R-Roger... Dammit!

  • Reini Cosmea : Yamato squad, you're one kilometer from the Vaikun.

    Sho Tendo : We finally made it!

    Go Kurogane : Put it down fast and we'll break away from the planet!

    Sho Tendo : Roger!

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : He's coming... Dita is coming!

    Sho Tendo : NOW?

    Reichi Cosmea : Tri-tingles! Three fighters coming in fast!

    Reini Cosmea : A three-unit squadron is approaching rapidly.

    Dril Martin : [the Trimurti combines and transforms]  Did they just... transform?

    Sho Tendo : Is that... a mech?

    Dita : Prepare to feel the power of Trimurti's ultimate form!

    Sho Tendo : It'll take more than big talk to scare me! I've been waiting to knock some sense into you, ya crow!

    Dita : Don't make me laugh! You abducted and used my beloved sister! You may destroy the Vaikun, but you can't stop Mandler! Anum! You don't need them anymore. I'll save you!

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : Dita, you've got to wake up! You and I are both synthoids created by Mega Zofer. We're weapons they made to take over the universe!

    Dita : That's absurd! Terrans are the true evil corrupting the universe! The force that toppled our officers must be stopped!

  • Dita : Ugh...! You've grown much stronger than you were before!

    Sho Tendo : Damn right! When you fight for galactic peace and justice, you can't lose!

    Dita : You speak of justice? You cowards who use my own sister against me?

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : They're not cowards! They're my dearest friends! The only one being used here is you!

    Dita : Still you speak such nonsense!

    Reini Cosmea : Mercury's gravity is exceeding possible escape velocity levels.

    Dril Martin : Ah man! We gotta blow the Vaikun and scoot or else!

  • Dita : Why do you persist? What drives you to keep fighting?

    Sho Tendo : We fight for every soldier who fell before us. We fight for everyone behind us who holds out hope for peace. We fight to honor their sacrifices and faith!

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : Dita, please! Be the kind and loving brother I once knew again!

    Dita : Ugh... I... I must...!

  • Dita : [after being subdued for the last time]  GAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! Am I... beaten?

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : Dita!

    Go Kurogane : [the Yamato arrives at the final Vaikun]  Yamato squad, blast that Vaikun! Cut off Mandler's energy now!

    Sho Tendo : Roger! Let's wreck that thing and get out of here!

    [the Yamato is suddenly struck by debris] 


    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : AAAIIIIIIIIIEEEE!

    Sho Tendo : Luna!

    Dita : Anum!

    Sho Tendo : Dril, emergency docking maneuver!

    Dril Martin : Geez! The Vaikun's right there, but this comes first!

    Dita : What are you...?

    Sho Tendo : Luna! Are you ok?

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : Sho... Dril...

    Sho Tendo : Damn! Gravity's so strong, I can't go any higher! Commander, you've got to take out the Vaikun with the Yatagarasu!

    Go Kurogane : Yatagarasu, deploy main cannon!

    Reini Cosmea : Hatch gears damaged. We can't deploy the cannon!

    Go Kurogane : What?

    Sho Tendo : No way!

    Dril Martin : Aw, geez! I knew I should have sprung for the Pt78 gears!

    Go Kurogane : Blast through the hatch! We must destroy the Vaikun, no matter what happens to us!

    Sho Tendo : [Dita suddenly uses the Trimurti to destroy the Vaikun]  Crow? What are you doing!

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : Dita!

    Dril Martin : ...

    Reini Cosmea : Gravity has returned to normal.

    Go Kurogane : Excellent! Now go to full speed and take us out of here!

    Sho Tendo : Wow crow, that was...

    Dita : Why did you... prioritize Anum... over your mission?

    Sho Tendo : I guess... We couldn't just abandon a friend, that's all.

    Dita : Friend...

    Dril Martin : Sho, hurry up! If we get caught in the eruption, we're toast!

    Sho Tendo : Copy that! Dita, what are you gonna do?

    Dita : I-I... I want to...!

    Chandor : Geh... heh... heh... It seems you've outlived your usefulness.

    Sho Tendo : You!

    Dita : Chandor? GAAAAAAAAHHH!


    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : DIIIITAAAA!

    Sho Tendo : Dita!

    Chandor : Lord Mandler's return is at hand, as is your end. We have no further need of Dita. I will await you on Sol... your final resting place.

    Sho Tendo : You bastard!

    Dril Martin : Sho! The Yamato's hull won't hold any longer!

    Sho Tendo : Dammit! Let's get outta here!

  • Dril Martin : [while attempting to escape the crumbling Mega Zofer base]  I can't see a thing! Are we goin' the right way?

    Sho Tendo : Of course! I think...

    Dril Martin : We're done for! We never should've let Sho be the leader!

    Sho Tendo : Hey! What's that supposed to mean?

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : ...? Wait... I think I hear something...

    Sho Tendo : Wha?

    Dril Martin : [Dita suddenly appears]  Is... is that...?

    Sho Tendo : D-Dita?

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : Dita!

    Dita : Mandler's defeat broke me free of my bondage, and I escaped. We can talk later. Anum, Sho, and... nameless one.

    Dril Martin : It's Dril. D-R-I-L. And don't forget Hamco!

    Dita : Follow me. This way!

    [Sho, Luna, Dril, and Dita then escape] 

  • Sho Tendo : [after escaping from the exploding base]  This is Unit 01, Amaterasu! Is everyone okay? Come in, pilots! I repeat, come in!

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : This is Unit 02, Tsukuyomi. I'm all right.

    Dril Martin : Unit 03 Susano, alive and kickin'! Hamco is fine too. Who's askin'? Sounds like you're about to cry.

    Sho Tendo : I... I'm not crying! We did it... We really did it! We finally defeated Mandler!

    Dril Martin : You are totally cryin'.

    Sho Tendo : W-What about everyone on the Yatagarasu?

    Dita : Worry not. Your mothership is safe and sound.

    Sho Tendo : Dita!

    Reichi Cosmea : See? My tingles told me everyone was okay!

    Reini Cosmea : Yatagarasu, navigational condition green.

    Go Kurogane : Sho, Luna, and Dril. You've all done an amazing job!

    Sho Tendo : Commander Kurogane! Reichi and Reini! You're all okay!

    Dril Martin : Looks like our prayers did the trick, right Hamco?

    Sho Tendo : Doesn't sound much like engineer talk...

    Go Kurogane : It seems there's one more soldier who helped us win.

    Dita : ...!

    Sho Tendo : Dita...

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : ...

    Dita : I did nothing to help. If anything, I... I almost defeated you and doomed the universe. Though I was deceived, what I did was unforgivable.

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : Dita...

    Dita : Anum, I...

    Sho Tendo : Pretty big talk there, Dita.

    Dita : ...What?

    Sho Tendo : You almost defeated us? No way! We'd beat you any time, hands down! So... there's nothing that needs to be forgiven. If you've got nowhere else to go, come with us.

    Dita : Sho...

    Sho Tendo : But I'm gonna sock you later for making Luna worry!

    Dril Martin : And then get knocked out by Dita's counter...

    Sho Tendo : Can it!

    Luna Zarnitsyna Sheena : Heh heh. Come with us, Dita. I know you'll love Earth.

    Dita : Anum... Thank you.

    Go Kurogane : Very well, everyone. Now let's go home! It will take a lot of work to restore mother Earth's beauty.

    Dril Martin : Ooh, Commander Kurogane!... Can we do the thing? You know, that thing I made for a day like today?

    Go Kurogane : Ah yes, very well. I'll authorize it. Catapult three, launch firework drone formation! Yamato and Trimurti, escort the Yatagarasu!

    Sho Tendo : Roger!

    Dita : Roger!

    Reichi Cosmea : Tingles! I'm sensing a peaceful future ahead!

    Reini Cosmea : Yamato and Trimurti, condition green.

    Go Kurogane : Yatagarasu, set a course for Earth. Full speed ahead!

See also

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