Aliens vs. Avatars (2011) Poster

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Undefinable load of manure
denieuwehoorspelers27 November 2011
Unfortunately, zero or a minus number of stars are not allowed, because even one star is already too much credit for this undefinable load of manure. Plan nine from outer space is Oscar material in comparison to this waste of time. Is it really that bad, you might ask. No, it's even worse. The acting is awful. The script is awful. The costumes are even worse. A teenager with a moderate computer could make better effects. It looks like someone decided to make a film without any budget at all. The result is as can be expected. Just five minutes into the film, i already knew it was bad. Instead of switching it off, i kept watching it, hoping it would improve. A dreadful mistake on my part. It didn't get better, it got worse. Save yourself a lot of wasted time and don't bother watching it. You'll be a lot better off. The only advantage of watching more than an hour of this garbage is that bad films such as Plan nine from outer space or Starcrash seem to have become a lot more watchable than before.
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How many ways to say rubbish?
Netjer-y-khet30 November 2011
Bad, crummy, lousy, bilge, garbage, hogwash, and still there isn't a single word in the English language to describe this badly-acted tripe. Mumbling, squeaks, squeals, blank stares and stupid grins are passed off as dialog. The *cough* "actors" outdo Pinocchio in the wooden acting stakes.

I give this waste of an otherwise perfectly good blank DVD 1/10. If not for the bizarre record attempt to get bare breasts, gross misogyny, references to incest, a person attacked by an alien, a muscled, slow-talking jock professing to be the best friend of a weakling Übergeek, lewd suggestions, virginity-fixation and sexism into the first ten minutes, it would have scored half out of ten. The half being given to the director for having the nerve to actually publish this offal.

If, within fifteen minutes of commencing to view, you don't get the urge to bleach your brain to a crisp or don't feel like running around in demented circles, beating yourself upside the skull with a heavy bat, then please, seek immediate psychiatric intervention.
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Too easy a target...
camera-shy26 November 2011
I could be mean and rip this film a new one but as my title says its just too easy a target so i won't bother.

Instead i'll just say well done for having a go at filmmaking but i think you all need to work on your skills both as filmmakers and actors.

It looks like it was shot on one of those low end DV or HDV pro-sumer cams and the costumes were made out of egg crates and old toilet roll although they did make me laugh so there was a silver lining.

I'd be remiss as a reviewer not to warn people that this is a very low low ...low low budget film and you should enter into it with expectations to suit said budget ...low.

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This is a joke right?
carsten-358-284871 May 2012
I was invited to watch this movie with a friend of mine. We both love Aliens and Avatar movies, so here might be the perfect combination.

Unfortunately it turned out to be more like a hangover or perhaps someone used to produce XXX-rated movies who have made this.

I am not sure if its a serious production or just some school project that was made to see how many IMDb users would tilt about it.

I hadn't heard of this movie until my friend invited me and after watching 50% of it (zapping through the rest) - I guess we know why it never showed up in any cinemas. No one would pay to watch this movie in a cinema.

The special effects looks like something made with AfterEffects in 2002 and the actors (if they are at all) are so bad I for a start thought this was going to be a soft-porn movie.

The "alien/avatar" parts are - well, looks like it was made as a school project.

If its just a school project, they can be "okay" proud with it, but don't waste your time on this if you like Sci-Fi. There is NOTHING in this movie worth watching - well except a half nude scene, aha! so it WAS a soft-porn movie or?
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Most unnecessary nudity in movie history
emphedokles11 July 2012
I watched that flick a few days ago. Of course not completely. I guess nobody ever did.

The most interesting fact about that movie is that it was directed by Lewis Schoenbrun. I did not knew that guy till yet. But it seems that he is some kind of mentally ill reincarnation of Ed Wood.

The movie is really not worth any description. There is a blue avatarish creature in a spaceship orbiting earth, a Pretator like other creature and a Lost in Space (1965) look a like robot. Also some college students. All of them interact somehow without any sense or story line. They walk around on grass, now and then you see a tree. Guess the whole film location was not bigger then 100 square meters. (Maybe somebody's garden or a lawn beside a motorway station?) Oh! Also there are some laser beams in a 1970s movie stile.

I was fascinated by the most unnecessary nudity plot ever added into a movie. Its somewhere at the beginning of the film. Some chicks hike to a cabin. Then one of both instantly starts undressing while the other one walks without any reason a few meters into the forest. The conversation and the music gives you the feeling that you got accidentally the wrong disc and you are watching some kind of weired hiking soft porn. The second chick undresses during she walks into the forest and apparently just throws her cloth on the ground. Which really makes no sense in any way. After making sure that you have seen enough breasts, the predator thing shows up and kill her or whatever, i do not care.

Well if you wanna see the most unnecessary nudity scene ever, then watch the movie to this point. Then hit the stop button and bump your head for the next 40 minutes rhythmic against the wall. I guarantee you! It will be much more fun and hurt less then watching the rest of the flick.
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A palatable evening's entertainment...
paaskynen18 September 2012
...if you consume this flick according to the following instructions: Get a bottle of good wine (I would suggest a claret), some fine cheese (Comté and Bleu d'Auvergne, for instance) and fresh bread (Ciabata, why not). Settle down in a comfy chair, with a glass and a bite and fast forward the movie through the first few minutes to the scene where Victoria De Mare walks topless towards the camera. Her suitably attractive body bears looking at. Pause the film... Enjoy your wine and cheese casting an occasional glance at the paused screen and when the bottle is empty, stop the film. You can now feel that you have been moderately entertained by this film (which is more than you will be able to say about any scene in Blubberella). Trust me, this is the only way to watch this film!
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Terrible or Awesome ?!! It all depends on how you look at it !
javad-arbabi1 December 2011
How can anybody make such a terrible sci-fi movie ?! You can't possibly imagine it to be any worse . This movie just achieved the highest level of sucking in whatever aspect imaginable ! In fact it is so terribly bad that makes you think it's made by the greatest mind of 21th century ! And you ask why is that ? Paying attention to every little Sucky detail and making it suck even more is not something ordinary men can do , it needs a genius man, getting help from a genius crew, doing a lot of thinking and hard work . So if this was the goal of the staff of the movie(sucking as much as possible in 70 minutes), then I should say they achieved it perfectly, no hesitation whatsoever ! Considering this fact we can say :

DIRECTING : Simply brilliant ---ACTING : Marginally the best acting possible to mankind ---VISUAL EFFECTS : OMG! I am sure they found real Aliens and Avatars, made them furious of each other somehow,started filming their war,got caught in the middle,survived the war,edited the valuable footage and rolled it out as a movie ,cause otherwise how could everything in the movie be so real !!!!!!!!

All the above aside , I think if you watch this movie as a comedy everything starts to change ! Then it's definitely a astonishing comedy with lots of laugh and fun !
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Stay AWAY!!!!
johnny1226122612 May 2012
This is one of THE most crappiest movies i have EVER seen. The producers didn't even TRY and make an effort when it comes to "morphing" from human to utter hopeless "show" ( or a "movie" as the producer and crew would have liked it to be ) My kid could have done this on his cellphone's "camera"... NOT WORTH THE EFFORT TO WATCH. I need to add 10 lines to make this post, and i have nothing more to say. Believe me...I have been to the theater since i was 5 years old, and this is by FAR the worst of them all. Maybe if this was shot in the early '60's, it might have meant something, but to hit your name with a plank THIS hard...UNBELIEVABLE!!!
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Very Bad!
danialaizaz2 July 2012
Okay this is my first ever review and unfortunately its for this pile of garbage! I watched this movie just to see if it was really as bad as the other reviews claimed it to be and its much worse. I have seen my fair share of B movies and this one is in a league of its own. I wouldn't even give it a sympathetic A for good effort even if a bunch of school kids have made it and they don't look that young. Its porn acting without the sex! so you can imagine what i am talking about. The visual effects are a sorry cause and the way the story has been put together is really pathetic. All in all watch a game of golf and you will find more entertainment in that!
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For real?
paul_haakonsen27 November 2011
I initially thought this movie was going to be a spoof of the recent popular movies such as "Aliens vs Predator" and "Avatar", because of the title of the this movie. And truth be told, the title of this movie is one of the most unimaginative ones I have seen in all of 2011. But all the same, I decided to watch the movie because I had nothing else to watch and I was semi-interested to see just how they would be making fun of these movies.

Then as I sat down to watch the movie, I realized that this wasn't a spoof in the likes of "Epic Movie", "Date Movie", "Scary Movie" and all those types. No, this was actually a serious movie. That baffled me, especially when they picked a title like that.

All throughout the movie I was sitting there with the sensation as if I had put on an old 1980's horror movie, because it definitely had that feel to it.

Well, let me start with the bad things in the movie:

At some point in the movie, Ava (played by Cassie Fliegel) states that English was the simplest language she had encountered in the universe. And this comes from a far superior race in evolution and technology. Wait? Back it up just a notch. In the beginning of the movie, when she is in her spaceship and launching that robotar down on Earth, the text on her console is in English! Are you kidding me?

The scythe creature that Ava was hunting, it looked like something they had copied from the "Feast" movies. At least the design of the face did. The rest of it was basically just a guy in a jumpsuit, and it was painstakingly obvious that it was just that! And the part about it turning invisible, can anyone who have seen "Predator" raise their hands as say 'I have seen that skill somewhere' ?

Moving on to Ava herself. Clearly a rip off of the creatures from "Avatar" mixed with something from "X-Men". And also, you would think that when choosing a corporeal form to manifest on Earth, you would select some clothing suitable for the environment, not a snug, tight-fitting latex suit! A lot of the dialogue in "Aliens vs Avatars" was halting at best, and makes you wonder who exactly talks like that in such situations.

Okay then, moving on the good parts of the movie: The cast; they actually had some decent enough people in the movie, despite them having a bad script and poor dialogue to work with. Most memorable was Ginny You (playing Dana) and Jason Lockhart (playing Tyler).

"Aliens vs Avatars" had some good enough camera work in it, and there were some pretty nice scenic moments as well.

However, as an overall entertainment, "Aliens vs Avatars" is not really all that great. And I thought it was going to be a comedy making fun of recent sci-fi movies, so I was sorely disappointed to find out it wasn't. I suppose if you are a fan of anyone on the cast list in this movie, it would be worthwhile to sit down and watch it, otherwise, don't bother with this movie, unless you have absolutely nothing else at hand. But wait, isn't there usually something showing on TV?
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a lesson in catching d and kicking ASS!! ;)
phoe_er1 January 2017
Best film I've seen this year. A triumph, a tor de force. I am lost for words at how to convey the supremely competent narrative and stellar performances by this elite cast. Watch. This. Now. for a comedy it is no joke. solid sci-fi/rom com. a bit like the room but with aliens and set in the woods. there are boobs in the first five minutes just in case you haven't figured out how watch porn online.

Having said all that, the film is satisfying but cloying. jock guy is the minister of the healing power of hope. He educates the aliens on the healing power of catching the d. He builds a tent. He asks crystal why she stopped playing snakes. When crystal replies that it's no use in the woods, jock guy looks at her soulfully and replies that "here's where you need it the most." Despite the somewhat unbelievable friendship between a white, upper-class alien and an African- American man in 2011, it's a valuable lesson that may seem inspired to kids who haven't heard this story before.
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Greatest movie in the Alien franchise
warehousereviews16 August 2020
Pure unadulterated art work. The acting in this slightly underappreciated movie is nothing short of fantastic. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be on the edge of your seat for the length of this masterpiece.
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How can you not enjoy this movie?
dudeusrius26 December 2011
I would give it ten stars but that would give viewers the wrong impression about this movie. There is not a doubt in my mind that this movie was a complete and total flop, but it's the hardest I've laughed in a long time. I'm a huge fan of MST3K, and this movie would be a modern classic by their standards. It's so easy to make fun of. The acting, the not so special effects, and the set-ups were to die for. I rate this production as movie making at some of its worst or unintentional comedy at its best.

It's really a must see for people who get a kick out of making fun of movies.
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Watch for a Wake Up call
FilmMcCool5 July 2019
Sometimes when you watch a movie with Robert De Niro or Al Pachino or Clint Eastwood or other A listers you forget just how brilliant they are at their craft, their performances appear effortless so much so some ppl say, "They are just being themselves", and lots just think this is a good movie. Watch this movie and you will be reminded of the difference between bad acting or ppl chancing their arm and actors that are top of the tree. Otherwise there is no point watching this garbage.
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It's horrible. Good god...
SwedishCritic23 October 2013
When i first took a look at the DVD cover i knew this film was going to suck...But i could not imagine that it would be such a awful film.

A short summary of this garbage:

Starts of with two girls getting undressed in the forest for no reason. Why? I don't know. Probably cause this movie is stupid. Then both girls gets killed by this horribly bad made alien. (Looks like a bad Halloween costume). Then it changes story, the girls was just a buildup to the main story. A bunch of students walk around in the forest and gets killed one by one. So a avatar comes down from space to help them. Together with the avatar they start up this cardboard lookalike robot that belong in a 50s movie to kill the alien.

The actors are a disgrace, no emotion what so ever, it's does kind of actors who thinks that they do a good job by just groaning and do heavy breathings.

And the special effects.... Looks so cheap. I know that it's a low budget movie, but why sell it in stores? They are robbing buyers money. Don't buy this movie. They are selling you dirt.

Thank you for reading this review. SwedishCritic
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Don't waste your time on this
jacktalking2 September 2014
It's really difficult to write more than 10 lines minimum for this movie. At this moment, the rating is 1,5/10 from 1 240 users. You'd think it's low, but it's not low enough. I give it 1 star only because I can't give 0 stars. This movie was just awful and garbage. I can't see any signs of ANY effort at all. The acting was awful and the "special effects" are utter garbage. I don't know if the director was high or on acid. I refuse to believe that someone, somewhere meant this movie seriously. Don't get me wrong, i'm a fan of low budget movies. But this one was just the worst movie I ever saw. If you want to waste your time in a more efficient way, bang your head against a brick wall. Don't waste your time, money or even *cough* bandwidth *cough* on this movie. I really believe this movie was made as some kind of a joke.
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Just don't!
peter-585-30811410 August 2013
Unfortunately, this is not a review, its a warning! and unfortunately it takes more time of my life. Time witch I have already retardedly wasted on this indescribable vomit. It is actually so bad it might even be dangerous for you to watch. You may want to consider self mutilation as an optionally pursuit. To even mention words as acting, movie or script, makes no sense. This is so by far worst of all worst, that you have to redefine the word. Turn of your TV first and then watch it, would be a time better spent. It is so dreadful that it might already be forbidden in some countries.

Is it really that bad, you might ask...well flush you head in the toilet for 80 min, and you just might...No, this misery is even worse. From 1-10 its very close to...that feeling you might have after you just succeeded to rape yourself with a knife and a hammer. Someone said that, Plan nine from outer space is the worst film ever made...hmm,well that might be true, but that is at least a film, this is just 80 minutes of disturbance.
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Horror? No. Sci-Fi? No. Thriller? No. Comedy? Maybe.
jonathan_k8010 April 2014
Here is another waste of 80 minutes of your life that you will want back.

This has all the elements of a horrible movie: cardboard stereotyped characters portrayed by amateurish actors, a lame plot, locker-room dialogue which sounds as if it were written by Beavis and/or Butthead, and a cheap 1960s-era rubber monster costume. The "Avatar" (named "Ava" - how creative!) is a woman in blue make-up obviously stolen from a movie of the same name. She comes to Earth in pursuit of the "Scythe," a rubber alien which must be destroyed before it can multiply. To aid in her hunt for this creature, she brings with her a "Robotar," a robot that looks like it is on loan from the prop department of "Power Rangers."

The cheap background music and 1980s CGI special effects do not enhance this ridiculous attempt at another "stop the aliens from invading the Earth" movie. If you can manage to stay awake through the first hour of this, you may enjoy the final 20 minutes watching the laughable showdown between the alien and the Avatar.

Otherwise, avoid this at all costs.
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What a waste
Tuukkah-amon16 March 2015
I wish that IMDb had a zero in scores. I wish it was fun to make this film. I wish I had not spent less than one dollar for this. On the other hand. This so called movie sets a golden standard for a bad movie. Story is bad. Acting is worse. Special effects and make-up are the worst. And so on. Sorry to say. It is not funny or bad enough even to get cult movie status. I hope. If it is, I'm confused. It's easy: Buy a camera, shoot something. It's a wrap! Reviewers want a few more lines to get this ready for submission. It is pointless. What if there is nothing more to say? What if this film is so very bad that I can not find more words. I am speechless.
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There is absolutely nothing good about this laughably terrible movie
TheLittleSongbird5 February 2015
From the title of the movie and that it's low-budget you shouldn't expect very much. But there are some examples of low-budget movies with strange title. Aliens vs. Avatars is not one of these though, these factors would be taken into account and forgiven if the movie in question showed signs of any effort but if there was an ounce of effort in Aliens vs. Avatars it was impossible to spot.

The movie does look cheap even for low-budget, any ropey special effects would be forgiven but these effects are worse than ropey, even worse in fact than a rushed last-minute job. Not in a while have I seen special effects this fake. Unfortunately the rest of the production values are little better, with garish sets, costumes that would leave one one quarter-crying with laughter and three-quarters-cringing in embarrassment(especially the left-over rubber suit for the robotar) and camera work so jumpy and haphazard that it'd make epileptics uncomfortable(speaking as one myself so there is no discrimination here intended). The music is so out of place and inappropriate that it sounds like it belongs in a completely different movie.

As for the writing, that's even worse. It didn't sound or feel like that the movie had a proper script, because the dialogue is so awkwardly delivered, giving it an improvisatory feel(but with none of the actors being good at it), and incredibly random. The story is very lazy in pace and so structurally scant that if one thought that the movie was without a plot it would be entirely excusable. What there is of one makes very little if any sense, Ava's origins story and her purpose in the story is more perplexing than intriguing, and there is an overkill of nudity, almost all of it irrelevant and just there for the sake of it. There is some lazy direction going on here and the characters don't engage at all, the human characters are like annoying planks of wood, the robotar is underused and is only memorable for his man-in-a-rubber-suit-like appearance and Ava's barely in it either and serves very little point to the story(if her background was explored better that'd get a different reaction). The acting is poor all round and that's being kind, Victoria De Mare is the only one who stands out and that's more to do with her looks than her acting.

Overall, laughably terrible with nothing good about it. As for whether it entertains in the unintentional humour department, this viewer did find it too inept for that. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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A great night with a good buddy of mine.
andreasfoghp7 December 2020
If you want to watch a cinematic masterpiece, this movie wasn't made for you.

I originally bought this back when I worked at a video store in 2014. I HAD to own it. Then it collected dust until tonight. My roomie and I decided to watch it, and it was so much fun. Only 77 minutes long, but it didn't include chapter 5 on the dvd, so it skipped some of the story. Luckily that wasn't a problem as this movie is a "tell, don't show" kind of movie.

This piece of trash movie that was probably filmed in two days, is worth a watch if you are in good company and you all know what you're about to watch.
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t-3975017 September 2016
I will be more confident of my 10 minus-film which was produced in my first year of college as a biology major student!!! Well, it's a general politic class assignment, required whole class randomly grouped into 3 teams, and everyone should participate. As a biology major class, we just used one week to finish it. I'm the team leader (I don't know who assigned me this position!) responding for everything including writing, shooting, and product. Actually I nearly have never used laptop before, no to say producing a film. However, as really amateurs in everything, it was a not bad film and even been posted to the first page of famous video website for one week. But I really thought it doesn't deserve that....

But! I now change my mind!! At all~~
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Terrible in every way possible, just judging by the title you can guarantee it's terrible
nzswanny1 April 2016
Okay, why are you reading reviews of a movie called Aliens VS Avatars? Just judging by the poster and title, you can already tell it's going to be terrible. But, whatever. Here you are, and I guess I should supply you with my review of the film.

The film starts off with an asteroid hitting earth, and some alien is in it. A bunch of women go to find out what happened and the monster turns invisible and rips off the movie Predator. If that still doesn't sound bad to you, keep reading. It gets way worse.

The avatars, the rip off of the movie Avatar, fly down something else while we get a boner watching the women in bikini's when suddenly the alien ruins all the fun and kills all of them. The scene then switches to two men in a house discussing matters. Really cheesy matters. Unbelievable matters. Awhile later, they go with a bunch of women and go camping somewhere. The avatar then goes onto earth as a human (where the main characters are camping). Already, too much has happened in. The pacing is terrible in this film! SLOW DOWN!

Oh, we now have another scene of a dead woman, and a couple didn't care when they saw it. What?

After a completely long time of boredom, the alien/predator rip off chases a woman from the camp with some really cheesy TV movie music, and then it kills her. This is the greatest masterpiece I have ever seen. Lots of story! Then, it's morning, and everybody wakes up. They all have a talk and the pacing starts getting okay when suddenly they see a bloody patch on a rock, with a shoe covered in blood as well and the avatar that had formed into a human. Yes, there is lots of cheesy TV movie music. They then get the avatar and find out that she's an avatar, not a human. The avatar then makes a woman unconscious. I don't know for what reason, I'm sorry, I fell asleep while the avatar was talking.

The avatar walks with the humans and is introduced to the other campers. They then go on a random walk and...oh, haven't you heard enough? You should know by know that this is going to be a terrible film when you watch it! This movie is in my worst movies of all time list! Overall, a 1.1/10!
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This movie is excellent!
vict15763 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
My dad had bought it because him and I love sci-fi movies. When the intro started, we could already see how bad the movie was. The special effects were so bad that you would think they were made in Microsoft paint. We started to laugh just 2 minutes in the movie because the acting was so poor. It was so funny (in a bad way) that we ended up seeing it from start to finish.

The movie is about some young people camping in a forest next to a military base. The meet the "Avatar" which has made ​​herself into a human. I did not understand why because she quickly reveal what she is. She must fight the evil alien which I did not understand why it was on the earth. The campers helps this avatar and must fight together against the evil alien.

The plot sounds okay, but believe me, it has been cut so bad, and the special effects are really really bad.

but 10/10 because it gave me a good laugh!

Sorry for bad English
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Sci Fi B Movie type
stargrazzer10830 October 2015
A terribly funny Sci Fi B movie type.

3 for the laughs it gave me! Didn't know they made them that badly these days.

Not sure if on purpose or just a very low budget.

Effects very poor to what you'd expect in these times.

With bigger budget could have been a hit.

Story line was quite one dimensional, with little surprise.

Music was quite tacky.

But it made us laugh and watched to the end.

Good to watch to the end for humour.
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