42 of 81 found this mild
Almost every episode has several hot kissing scenes.
There are two episodes that focus around having sex, a character sleeps with a woman, and then sleeps with another to negate the affects of sleeping with the first woman.
It is worth noting that there is absolutely no nudity in this show. There is some occasional cleavage, and a couple scenes of women in undergarments.
Rosalie seduces Monroe while wearing a revealing outfit (very brief)
Sex is implied, not shown.
There is quite a bit of immodestly clothed women in the show. For example you can expect any episodes with Adalind to include her undressed in some way. Any chance Adalind has, she will take her clothes off
38 of 61 found this severe
A 18yr' eyes get pecked out
Most episodes contain fights with guns, weapons and fists. Sometimes there is blood.
Most episodes are centered around murder and/or mutilation, some of which is graphically presented. This includes severed heads and bodies torn open.
A woman is seen being cut open, she is dead (very graphic and gory)
There is a moderate amount of blood on victims' bodies with talk about what caused the death.
Violence ranges from guns, fist fighting, to slicing and dicing with medieval weaponry. The really gross stuff happens in the dark. Mostly just sounds of pain. But sometimes the violence is onscreen and quite gruesome.
37 of 48 found this mild
Mild profanities throughout...but the series finale does have a GD in it.
Use of ass, hell, piss, etc. Also, Jesus, God, etc.
33 of 43 found this mild
Anti-drug is a theme in a few episodes. Alcohol use is seen as being okay. Potions and concoctions created by both bad and good characters are used with outcomes ranging from heightened sexuality to painful diseases.
Some episodes revolve around bars and can range from bar fights to picking women up using the "let me buy you a drink" method, to just drinking to stop depression.
26 of 50 found this moderate
The premise is that Grimm's Fairy Tales were "a warning" so all episodes have a supernatural/horror theme.
Although many of these stories have been edited into stories for children, the original "Brothers Grimm Folk Tales" (English translation of title of the two volume collection) were mostly gruesome.
When people worge it may be unsettling. Some creature are harmless while others are very scary and usually attempt to kill someone.