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(I) (2011)

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Much more than it seems
ultra42919 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Now those calling this film crap need to stop watching horror or anything remotely symbolic. Stick to your empty calorie action flicks.

This film is a horror movie on the surface, but really a commentary on both masculine vs. feminine and wild vs. civilized.

The men in this film abuse, oppress, subjugate, rape and even murder, the women around them who question their authority. This film is not misogynistic, the male characters are. Look at the end, the husband and son die horrible deaths. The mother, because she was weak and betrayed her own gender by not protecting her daughters from the husband, paid that price with her life. The oldest daughter was saved because she freed The Woman, who represents feminism and strength against male oppression, thereby freeing herself from the shackles of it. The female child is innocent, still untainted and will be raised to be strong.

The next aspect is wild vs. civil. The Woman represents the ancient, uninhibited side of human nature. Dark, unrelenting, unsympathetic to those around her. She kills without remorse, but also to survive. But she does not hide who she is by living a lie. She represents the truth and cruelty of nature.

Chris Cleek represents some of humanity. People who hide behind an exterior of normalcy, education, manners and society. They are just as vicious and cruel as The Woman, but have learned to keep their baser desires in the dark. These people are the serial killers, abusers, rapists and psychopaths of the world. Nature's instincts that could not be tamed. Chris's downfall was his betraying Nature, which is yin/yang, male/female. By violating the women around him, he violated Nature and, The Woman (Nature), paid him in return.

Now, this film does have its flaws. I was not a huge fan of the soundtrack. I would have preferred something more darkly symphonic, but I truly enjoyed this film very few I watch actually have a message to convey. I recommend it for both true horror fans and those who think outside the box.
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Its very sick twisted
nickpedersen27 December 2020
I am not sure if this is a dark comedy, og a thriller? Its not a horror! The film gets more and more sick, to a point where you have to laugh. Its well made. The acting is okay. The music seems to be very loud compared to talking and other sounds.... I found it entertaining, and I still think about it, here two days after watching it :-)
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Awful music ok movie
daviddelamancha17 March 2021
I found the music way more disturbing than anything in the film. The levels of the music were way too loud compared to the rest of the sounds in the film. I really wanted to enjoy this but the music ruined it. Seems like the director owed someone a favor or they held his family captive unless he put this music in his movie.
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Whew that woke me up
jonnytheshirt31 October 2012
This is not a movie for all people. Well I was a bit tired when I started watching The Woman by the end of it I was wide awake and a little bit stunned. I'd definitely place this in a genre with the french movies Irreversible and Martyrs, horror with an underlying social message. Now I'm not going to get into that here as some have given this movie 1 and I'm not saying it is an epiphany or revelation but I see a lot in this movie even including the music choice as being relevant even though some have scorned it as simply bad and inappropriate. How you interpret the characters are portrayed is up to the viewer but they are acted quite well. For me the characters were symbolic in many aspects and this is a superior Horror, and horror it is. It certainly sucked me in and entrapped me in it's story. As a horror fan the large majority are predictable twaddle with people who can't run straight without falling over and generally panicking and making very bad decisions to further the plot. There were a few moments in The Woman I was approaching the feeling of - this wouldn't happen - but the good performances, underlying fear and intentionally off hand portrayal of sociopath tendencies by male lead kept me reeled tight to the story, and a story is what it is. For me I believe I 'got' this movie and i think it was well made and memorable.
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Different, That's For Sure
chicagopoetry19 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
What the film "The Woman" has going for it is that it's different than your average horror movie. Instead of a family being terrorized by some feral people in the woods (as in Wrong Turn or Hills Have Eyes), a man captures a wild woman and brings her home to his family, keeps her chained up in a cellar in an attempt to civilize her (as in Black Snake Moan), or so he says. We soon learn that all the females in his house are sort of prisoners at the hands of this abusive husband / father and his real intention is to have a girl toy so that he can go out and rape her at night while his wife is sleeping. Even though this implausible story moves along at a snail's pace, it's still pretty interesting simply because it's something different. The film does a good job of really making us hate the evil man, but it peters out in the revenge department, which happens during the last ten minutes, resorting to cheap gore effects. I would have liked to see the man suffer a bit more, would like to have seen the wild woman toy with him or hunt him down instead of killing him so quickly. In fact, I would have liked a different ending altogether, because even though the man is evil and all, he is after all a lawyer and is masterfully meticulous in his psychological and physical torture, so for him all of a sudden to turn into a total madman is out of character. Pollyanna McIntosh is fabulous as the wild woman and the rest of the casting is superb (the kids really look like the product of their parents). Lauren Ashley Carter does a fine job as the depressed, secretly pregnant daughter, and Angela Bettis is convincing as the flinching mother / wife so scared of her husband that she goes along with whatever he does, even something this absurd (although her sudden bout of bravery at the end is unconvincing, but that's the fault of the writing, not the acting). There is a good surprise at the end but unfortunately the timing and mood are off in my opinion, so it isn't nearly as scary as it should be. If you're a horror fan you'll want to check this out, because even if it's flawed it's at least something different and probably the beginning to some great careers.
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Mixed bag
micalclark1 June 2011
I don't write a lot of reviews but this film gained a lot of publicity after some guy at Sundance walked out (or got kicked out) for complaining about the violence and misogyny in it. He was probably right to walk out, but did so for all the wrong reasons. I didn't find the movie particularly violent for the horror genre. What it was lacking was better writing and character development. So adding the review to give people a better idea of what they were getting, since it's presently sitting at an 8.5 with no other reviews.

The mother and kids of the family and even "the woman" were fairly well acted and developed, although I find it hard to believe in any teenagers these days that will just do whatever their father says. Unfortunately, the father, teacher, and some other small parts seemed to be more caricature than character. The fact that it was not working was obvious, although how much of it can be blamed on bad writing, bad acting, or bad directing may be debatable. Unfortunately, the father is in almost every scene, so this caricature becomes the centerpiece that the rest of the film revolves around.

There are some other problems with sound choices and some of the worst use of music I've heard in any film. Almost every time one of these alt-pop tunes came on all I could think was "Really? They're using this to set the mood?!" I think only once during the course of the film, did a song come on that I thought "Oh, this almost, sort of works". Most of these songs would probably be fine on their own, but didn't seem to fit the mood of the film at all.

In addition occasional bad directing, lighting, and editing choices left me not being able to see or understand what was happening at certain points in the film or understanding why they edited the same shots cutting back and forth at times. This is most obvious in the opening scenes where they are showing the girl raised by wolves. It's a pretty common theme that's been done dozens of times before. Yet here they spend too much time on it, without actually developing it at all. Just a lot of jumpy cuts going back and forth to state the obvious, to the point that I started fast forwarding to get to the credits and see if the film was actually going anywhere. The credits really shouldn't be more interesting than the opening scenes. I would have much rather seen more development on the father's character and what his motivations were in these opening scenes. We never really get any of that, and as I said earlier, he's pivotal to the way every other character acts and reacts during the course of the film. Other than those complaints, the overall technical aspects of the film were pretty professional for an indie film.

The biggest problem for me though, was lack of any kind of suspense buildup. Something that is ever present in the best of horror films, and usually at least some hint of, even in a mediocre horror film. I was never really left wondering what was going to happen next, things just happened and we watched, but didn't feel much of anything for the characters involved.

I respect the director's decision to do something a bit out there in terms of film norms these days, and the ending might give you a bit of a chuckle, if you hang in there that long, but in the end found it to be a rather low end mediocre movie, so 5 out of 10.
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Decent horror, awful soundtrack
dcj26 May 2022
I agree with most of the other 5-6-7 star reviews. Read those for an idea of what you're in for. But dang, that "soundtrack" is terrible. Rather than using music that elevate the scenes, the film forces us to listen to entire songs -wuth lyrics - at almost every turn, and those songs have little to do with what's happening on screen. Like the director took a demo tape from his buddy's garage band and said "Sure, this'll do". Really the weakest part of the movie.
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Ketchum and Kill 'em or "The Girl Next Door" (2007) Revisted
badmoonrising413 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What The Woman was trying to get across is beyond me. What begins as a relatively interesting plot, advances very slowly with horrible soundtrack choices, awkward acting, and ends in a confusing and unsatisfying way.

While I respect originality, I found none of it here. Sean Bridgers acting reminded me of Will Ferrel, only serious. The story of removing someone living in a primitive way and into society is nothing new. It could be Pocahontas, or Nell (1994) or a number of others. Just take sense out of the equation and you get The Woman.

Ketchum seems to have a fetish with tying up women and then abusing them. He already made "The Girl Next Door" (2007) and it seems as though he's looking to repeat that success, if you wish to call it such. I believe he's trying to make it come across as something feminist but beyond the patriarchal lifestyle there isn't much here that's revealing anything interesting and again, new.

The music is rather unnecessary and fails to invoke any sort emotion other than annoyance at having to turn the volume down after turning it up to listen to whispered lines that don't meet any sort of quality acting standards themselves. This leads to a number of scenes that slow to a crawl and made me feel as though I were watching an angsty music video. The music just did not fit.

After an hour in, I felt it had been much longer. There aren't any characters to root for except the teenage girl but she only succeeds in making you sympathetic before making some odd choices that force you to question her all over. There was a development of the teacher's character but it sank before it even began. There are hints at sexual abuse but never confirmation. No one seems to be aware of getting help. Police are non-existent. The teenage girl develops a mutual understanding with the Woman apparently through her being pregnant, again never explained. I'm fine with not having my hand held, but when things get this convoluted, and there are several missing pieces to the puzzle, there seems little point in solving it.

It began interesting. The middle slowly, very slowly developed. Then there is a burst of excitement and race to the finish, but the last scene and the scene after the credits left me so confused that I couldn't imagine ever watching this ineffective experiment again.

The movie is nothing as advertised and would probably have been significantly better had it actually been about civilizing a "wild woman." I'm not giving it a negative review because it's advertised wrong. I'm giving it a negative review because it's garbage. If you're into plots that never quite develop and wish to see a woman tied up for two hours while the rest of the awkwardness continues then this is for you. It's not even so bad it's good. The only reason the movie might stick in your mind, is because you'll never be able to understand what it was you just watched or why.
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Disgusting, Perverse, and Thought Provoking
ZombiGurl2 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Woman- The movie opens with a seemingly happy family enjoying a backyard BBQ with some friends. But it is apparent very soon that this family has a lot of terrible secrets they are hiding. The wife seems to be walking on eggshells around her husband, the teenage daughter is having trouble at school, and the teenage son is showing signs of being a psychopath like his father. The father may seem like the picture of an upstanding citizen but is actually a wolf in sheep's clothing.

During a hunting trip, the father finds a feral woman. But instead of calling the authorities, he brings her home to live with his family? He decides to make it a family project to clean her up and domesticate her. It is no surprise that things do not go as smoothly as he hoped. What follows is a disturbing gory end to the story.

From a woman's point of view, I saw this film as more of a piece about what is actually civilized and what is feral. The Woman could instinctively tell who was there to harm her or help her. She could easily read other people's emotions and reactions to what was happening to her. During the duration of the film, the father seems to act just as uncivilized as his captive, but displays it in a very different way than The Woman.

The movie was shocking, disgusting, thought provoking, and perverse. Horror fans will be be satisfied and cringing with the splatterfest ending.
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Good but hollow "men are evil" movie written and directed by a couple of men
amazing_sincodek29 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The first hour is rock solid. Then it becomes too directly a movie about how men are evil and women are oppressed. Also at about the one-hour mark, it loses the subtle parody aspects. There's some brutal horror scenes at the end, but they're exactly what you were expecting from the beginning, and the effects are kind of comical and sloppy. Someone gets thrown in the air and it looks like they go into anti-gravity mode. There's also this sad indie music playing at random points throughout the film; it makes sense in the early scenes, but it feels haphazard towards the end.

I kept typing because I needed 10 lines. This is perfectly in parallel with the film; both my review and the film started out with the right idea and then just kept going until they completely ran out of steam.
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What the hell was this????
rinspeed9098 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I came in expecting bad and man was it pretty bad. I had my fair share of disturbing and strange films from all around the world but this one certainly makes one of the top on my list. It's about a lawyer who plays a double life of good guy attorney during the day and sadistic asshole at night. On a hunting trip literally behind his house, he finds a feral woman living in the woods. He captures her and somehow convinces his family into "civilizing" her because it is right thing to do. And what better way to do it than to chain her up in the cellar and sexually abuse her. Oh yeah, it's also kind of hard to believe that this woman spent years in the woods without realizing that there is a whole farm next to cave she lives in. Let's skip a little to the gory scenes which we usually love about the horror movies. So the abused daughter (assumed impregnated by her sick father) frees this woman in an attempt to save her teacher who is being fed to dogs and surprise! Another feral woman being kept in a doghouse. The first feral grabs what looks to be a 2x4 or a rectangular piece of steel and manages to chop the abusive father's son right in half!! Can this get cheesier? Oh yes, it can! She then turns her attention towards the father, plunges her fist into the man's chest, lifts him off the ground, and pulls out what I'm assuming is his heart (even though it's not beating) and eats it while he dies. Sigh. There are all kinds of things wrong that I would love to chat about but if you like, you should check it out for yourself and come back and write a bad review like I am now. The film's director was obviously trying to create something unique and different but it's definitely no "Martyrs". After watching this movie, I felt like I would have been a lot more entertained watching a cheesy Mike Bay film.
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A really excellent, somewhat disturbing study in family dysfunction
Bloodwank30 August 2011
Its funny that the first major notice this film got was because somebody stormed out of an early screening crying misogyny. Funny because The Woman in fact is a long way away from misogyny, in fact I'd almost be inclined to call it a feminist film. Its an account of an average American family going about their business, except for the fact that the father is a complete monster who one day brings home a feral woman from the woods, who he decides to educate. From the very start this is unusual stuff, with the titular woman hallucinating birth then slaughtering a wolf for food, and while not especially violent given its reputation some pretty heavy territory gets explored, domestic abuse, familial corruption and a visceral take on gender power conflict. The film is anchored in Sean Bridgers' performance as Chris Cleek, family man gone very, very wrong. He gives the character a constant menace, a smile, bright face and charming demeanour, a plastic outside so almost right, so not quite all there that it perfectly suggests his inner depravity, and in his depravity he is just as slick and even darkly humoured. The character is patriarchy at its most terrible extension, dedicated to control and dominance, assured of its utter superiority and quick to cruelty. It finds perfect match in the woman though, femininity in its most feral savagery. Pollyanna Mackintosh is wonderfully inhuman in the role, conveying sheer violent animalism through her body language and freakish guttural grunts and growling. The rest of the performances are strong stuff too, Angela Bettis as the meek wife of the piece, downtrodden to the point of barely having her own personality, Zach Rand as son Brian following in his fathers footsteps and Lauren Ashley Carter as daughter Peggy withdrawing into her own shell from the horror. Everyone gels well together, drawing the audience in so the punches hurt all the more. I won't go into too much of what occurs once the woman is imprisoned, but you can probably guess some of it, and the film does a great job in stirring up a sense of intense, boiling rage at the increasing dark events. The soundtrack is an important part of this, often using soft indie rock it works perfectly alongside the whitebread setting and in the way it underlines the travails of the children, but also makes a fine contrast to the nastier stuff. I must say there was almost nothing that I didn't care for in this one and it's by far the best US horror film I've seen in years. Lucky McKee directs with a sure hand, mixing jolting savagery with cruel, calculating drama and a few moments of affecting dreamlike melancholia, although the film does get somewhat melodramatic and the intense finale goes into feverish pulp territory slightly unsuited to the mostly just disturbing bulk of the film, things are always surely handled. Arguably the film could have rounded things out better, developing its themes into something more intellectually satisfying than simply bloody violence (though the bloody violence is pretty darned satisfying) but its a minor quibble really. 9/10, really great stuff.
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Engaging and suspenseful
zhivago9720 June 2021
Not at all what I expected. It was rather intense at many different points throughout and the characters always had my full attention. A nice tight script, albeit with some lose ends that left me wondering why? But overall this is a really good film, if you don't mind some graphic scenes.
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terrible movie
crazylikeamoose1 September 2014
The only positive thing i can say is all the actors involved are great and did their best considering the director and his execution of the material. Pollyanna McIntosh and Angela Bettis were especially excellent and were the only reason to finish watching. I am not troubled by disturbing themes and visuals as long as they aren't trite or gratuitous. The use of music was terrible, the camera-work at times seemed amateurish, and nothing rang true like something like this could actually happen. I guess i'm not a McKee fan. 'Red' with Brian Cox was excellent though but i'm uncertain how much of his talent is in the final product.
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very controversial , but excellent!!!
jjonquet-146-38071430 August 2011
first , iam surprised that not one reviewer yet mentioned that this is part two of a trilogy by ketchum...the first being a book a cant remember the title of off hand , and the second being a low budget horror flick called the off spring that came out a few years ago...i will say that to really gain insight and understand this movie you need to watch the cheese fest which is the offspring first...jack ketchum plays the alcoholic sheriff in that , and it s pretty bad , but will explain a lot...i wont spoil the offspring for you , just go and watch it ...i will say that the woman is from a tribe of cannibalistic children that were abandoned by their parents when they died off some time ago , and that ,movie/book, all takes place on the east coast islands around cape cod somewhere...the woman starts off right where off spring left off..thats why the beginning probably makes little sense to most viewers... I'm puzzled that the amount of disgust this movie generated , its not all that gory, no really bad or graphic rape scenes at all, its all left to your imagination...thats the scary part..i think movies like the saw series have no value and are mindless senseless waste of film...this movie however , has substance and tells a twisted story ...also worth mentioning is the lost , one of the greatest films I've seen in a long time...see it if you enjoyed this..
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Can't decide if this is a black comedy or not
i_am_bryony22 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm undecided on this one. First, let me say that the soundtrack is completely inappropriate, intrusive and distracting. When Cleek first encounters The Woman it should have been a silent and nervous scene, even erotic, but instead we get some whiny and unconnected college rock crap that adds nothing. All the songs in the film suck.

Let's not forget that the premise of this is absurd to the point of hilarity. Look honey, I found this savage woman wandering the woods. Let's keep her and train her to be a proper girl, just like in Pygmalion. Only much worse. OK, so he gets her home and she bites his finger off. His reaction? 'Ouch!' That's it. He yelps for a second then puts a plaster on it. Now, I assume we are expected to surmise from this that he is a psychopath and impervious to pain, like Raymond Lemorne in The Vanishing, but he carries none of the menace and his sleek professional face is just a little too slick. The look on The Woman's face as she crunches his finger is priceless though.

So on to his family, a bunch of one dimensional caricatures lorded over by this smiling psycho, that makes me think that this is an attempt at a dysfunctional family black comedy like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but there's just too much that's set up and obvious. None of the characters are believable and it's impossible to sympathise with them, especially the mother. Her character has a perfectly good chance to put a stop to the disaster she can see coming, but chickens out and actually perpetuates it.

The gore factor of this is negligible, so forget that too. And why does the daughter lie about her brother masturbating when he was torturing The Woman? It makes little sense, especially as she appears to empathise and identify with The Woman, who can apparently sense that she is pregnant. The ending is baffling too. I can see what the storyteller was trying to say: the modern nuclear family doesn't work, so a return to savagery and primitivism is the way to survive, but again, its too trite and obvious an ending and it just sort of fizzles out. The fathers death, a good opportunity for some real payback, is rendered powerless with the clichéd 'tear your heart out and eat it' scene.

There are few saving graces to this film. The soundtrack is awful, the gore is blah, the characters are flat and unbelievable, the misogyny is delivered like a sledgehammer (yeah, men are bastards. we get it) and the moral, such as it is, is typical 'tack and ending on before we run out of money' fodder. Imagine company of Wolves, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and an elongated episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but without the production values and you're about there. The only thing that made this worth watching was Pollyanna McIntosh. She owns the screen and conveyed more drama with a look or a smile than the rest of the cast put together.

I didn't hate this, but I suffered it until the end for Pollyanna. A begrudged 6/10
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Music Ruined This One
The was a decent movie. An odd premise but the film maker made it work. This music in it is downright awful. It's laughable it is so bad. The musician must have been great friends with the producers. There no other explanation. And it's not just that it's bad but it is mixed way too high. This could have been higher rated but the music is just a rookie mistake.
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thought provoking
arighnachatterjee4 September 2020
An ugly take on the male dominance and liberals' supremacy of the higher class on the uncivilized and sexual predation in a gruesome torture/slasher diluted with a little drama. Oh! & the background score keeps it just casual & bright
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Well, I won't be buying the soundtrack...
natashabowiepinky29 January 2014
The description may sound like this man who abducts this wild girl from a nearby forest to attempt to change her primitive behaviour, is a hero... but nothing could be further from the truth. He already beats his wife black and blue, has impregnated his oldest daughter, and encourages his mental case son to engage in psychopathic behaviour. And who knows what fate lies in store for his smallest girl. The bloke is nothing but a misogynistic lunatic, and just sees this 'savage' as someone else to control and abuse. She however, may be made of sterner stuff than his usual crowd...

It's a very well made film, which constantly has you guessing as to what level of degradation this outwardly respectable lawyer will put his family and his captive through next. Whatever you may think, chances are it is worse.

Surely not as horrific though, as the dreadful background songs we have to listen to throughout. If the director has a son who's started a band in his garage, was it really necessary to include their screeching in his flick? Sometimes it's best to tell your kid that they've got NO TALENT for something they're passionate about... and leave them to find their true calling. Maybe something to do with shelf-stacking.

There is something lacking at the centre too, which would make this truly compelling... Could it be the endless parade of torture subtracts from the human element, and ends up damaging the movie as a whole? Possibly. Or perhaps it's Brandon Gerald Fuller's too-successful performance as the deranged patriarch. Sometimes, I couldn't concentrate on the goings-on... I wanted to slap him so badly. A job well done, I guess. Too well done... 5/10
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A feminist horror masterpiece
Boris_Day28 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
So far I haven't been that impressed with Lucky McKee's films, but with The Woman he has become a director who has found his voice. It's a singular and deeply personal vision and for the first time in a film of his, it all comes together. I still find it difficult to put my finger on what makes the film so upsetting and I will need another couple of viewings to completely get my head around it, but this is part of the film's brilliance.

In short, The Woman is about a man who, on a hunting trip, comes across and entraps a feral woman who lives in the woods. He decides to chain her up in his basement to 'civilise' her. He involves his family, as if this were a project like building a garden shed. As the film goes on it becomes clear that the man, a pillar of the community, has been mistreating the female members of his household for a long time and the character of "the woman" comes to personify and externalise what has been broken in that family all along.

While the last act erupts in bloody violence, it's the emotional violence and the effect on its characters that we experience along the way, which is really upsetting. There is also some pitch black humour in the film, which only makes the film more disturbing.

There has already been some controversy when there were walk-outs at Sundance where the film has been accused of misogyny, but I don't think that's the case. This is a feminist horror film, but one that avoids trite lectures and finger wagging moralising. Just because a film depicts something, doesn't mean it approves of it.

The film sits between something like a Todd Solondz film but without the hipster nihilism and the visceral rawness of recent French torture horror films like Martyrs or Inside but without the moral vacuity or leering voyeurism. Those looking for a straightforward shocker may be disappointed, because the film constantly side steps the conventions and clichés of the genre. McKee doesn't give you fake scares to jolt you or conventional suspense sequences and it doesn't "reward" you with violence, when you expect it. If you are open to McKee's approach then the film will crawl under your skin and it will fester there and that's what I call a real horror film.

The film's horror lies in its characters and in the unequal power dynamic between men and women. On the surface this may look like a film about a monster woman killing people or it maybe about a family trapping and abusing a feral women, but while those are aspects of the film, they aren't really what the film is about. The emotional pay off to these genre conventions is completely different from other modern horror films and their depiction never resorts to clichés. It's a film that gives an audience what it needs, rather than what it wants.

A note on the acting some comments have been complaining about. The performances by the entire cast are amazing. Those complaining about the actors in the film don't seem to get that the performances are non-naturalistic on purpose. The acting style fits the sense of allegory and heightened reality, yet the actors still get to the truth behind their characters. In a perfect world they should hand Sean Bridgers, who plays the father, the Oscar for best actor now and be done with it. Angela Bettis' fragile frame and sad face have never been put to better use. The actress who plays 'the woman' is truly ferocious and the kids are great too, especially the teenage daughter whose slow withdrawal from the world is painful to watch.

The use of a rock soundtrack in the film is also fantastic, which gives it a raw punk power and aesthetic. There is a moment where the mother allows herself to connect and identify with the 'woman's' plight, while a guitar chord drones on and it is absolutely exhilarating.

There are things in this film which during my initial viewing I reacted against and now when I think back on it, they were absolutely perfect creative choices. Shot digitally and looking it, using slow motion, fish eye lenses and many dissolves at times seemingly at random, the film is often quite ugly looking but this only adds to it's raw, ragged punk quality. The fate of one central character genuinely appalled me and for a moment I hated the film, but then thinking back, it was absolutely the right thing to do.

I'm a jaded viewer of horror movies by now and its not often that a film gets to genuinely mess with my head and leaves me richer for it. The horror genre needs more films like this.
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A Wild Woman And A Modern Monster Collide
TheAnimalMother18 January 2022
I loved the mix of upbeat music with the downbeat story. It's sort of like great jazz on film, but here it's rock and horror. This film captures some pretty unique craziness. I enjoyed the film. If you love horror films, I'd say definitely don't miss this one!

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This is garbage!!!
80sHorror11 September 2011
I have just watched this movie and felt that it was my duty to review it so that others will not be as unfortunate as me and have to watch this garbage, this is just a waste of time.

The movie had a relatively low budget but thats no excuse for this movie. I've seen films with virtually no budget that manage to hold the attention better than this. The acting is abysmal. As I said before I like bad films, but the cast here are both overacting and underacting at the same time. The "special effects" are just god awful and quite embarrassing. Its not even funny in a bad way.

I hate that there's nothing positive to say about this, and don't believe the rest of the reviews where they say its touching and poignant. Its not. Its just crap
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Strange and unique
jennifer-25-96523126 July 2011
I went into this movie expecting the worst but came out pleasantly surprised. With all of the controversy regarding this film when that guy walked out almost made me wonder if he was planted. I mean it really wasn't all that gory and certaining not the most disturbing movie out there.

Another reason why I thought this movie was going to be worse was Jack Ketchum's "The Girl Next Door" one of the most disturbing movies I have ever seen that still makes me feel uncomfortable thinking about it even though I viewed it almost a year ago. That would be a movie I would totally understand why someone would freak out, in some ways I wish I had never seen that movie. Since "The Woman" was co-written by Jack Ketchum, I expected it to be along the same lines.

To get on with the review, I truly enjoyed this film. I have watch many (too many lol) horror films and to find one that is unique as well as well filmed is a rarity. This movie, contrary to popular belief is not all that violent or gory. Yes, there are scenes with abuse of a poor woman but it's really nothing you haven't seen before.

This was such a strange story as well. A seemingly perfect family, with its homemaker wife, successful lawyer husband, son and daughter living out what seems to be the "Leave it to Beaver" lifestyle. As the story goes on you learn that the father is seriously dysfunctional and drags his family down with him by capturing a wild woman and forcing the family to participate in her torture.

Strange, yet wonderfully filmed. I enjoyed this movie. It was also nice to be able to watch something so original and unique.

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What Woman
view_and_review4 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Our feature presentation begins with a feral female in the wild attacking a dog. She was filthy, feral, and presumably unable to speak. After that attention grabbing scene we're transported to a nice, civilized pool party with your basic middle class Americans. The eldest daughter Peggy Cleek (Lauren Ashley Carter) was sitting poolside rebuffing a boy. The father, Chris Cleek (Sean Bridges), was at the grill with the mother, Belle (Angela Bettis), close by. The son, Brian (Zach Rand), was idly watching a girl getting bullied, and the youngest daughter, Darlin' (Shyla Molhusen), was aggressively trying to kiss a boy.

Remember the woman in the wild I mentioned? Chris Cleek captured her in the wild and brought her home to his cellar to domesticate her (I suppose). Who knew that this all-American family was headed by a sadistic patriarch?

In the meantime, there is something strange happening with the teenage daughter Peg. Her math teacher, Miss Genevieve Raton (Carlee Baker), correctly guessed that Peg was pregnant. It wouldn't take us viewers long to surmise that her father was the father.

What interested me the most was the actions of The Woman (Pollyanna McIntosh). In the end when she was freed by Peg she viciously attacked the wife Belle first. She chewed up Belle's face like a chimpanzee. It was assumed that she would go straight after Chris and his perverted son, but she chose the mom first which reminded me of Elizabeth Fritzl.

Elizabeth Fritzl is an Austrian woman who was locked in her father's cellar for 24 years. In that time he repeatedly raped her and fathered seven of her children. When Elizabeth finally got out she was instrumental in making sure her father was prosecuted, but she also cut off her mom. Why? Because her mom was such a passive bystander in her long abusive marriage that she allowed her husband, Joseph Fritzl, to abuse her children, and more importantly, keep one of the children imprisoned for 24 years. For that reason alone Elizabeth wanted nothing to do with her mother.

The parallels in "The Woman" are uncanny. The Woman may not have been Chris and Belle's daughter, but Belle did nothing while her husband violated her teenage daughter and The Woman.

"The Woman" ended very gorily, yet satisfying. I didn't need to see her eat Chris's beating heart, but boy did I want to see him and his son painfully suffer. The gore was the only drawback of this otherwise fantastic find. Wow what a woman!
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You have to be kidding me.
dfranzen707 February 2019
I don't mind violent movies. I don't mind blood and gore and gratuitous torture. I can handle it, and in a few movies here and there, it helps move the plot. I also don't mind cringe-worthy movies. This one, however, fails on just about every possible count. The violence is fleeting, albeit shocking. Until it's not. The motives are unknown, until you realize they don't matter. Almost all of the blame can be laid at the feet of the director and writer (the poor actors feel like unwitting accomplices at times). In the hands of a pro behind the lens, this might have been quite the nasty piece of work, something that'd make you feel something - anger, revulsion, terror, hopefully - but instead it's all so badly paced and shot and edited and organized that you feel like you're watching a work in progress. Point in fact: we're supposed to be shocked, SHOCKED! that a prominent lawyer/family man is capable of such violence. Only this dude seems sketchy, even creepy, right away. And that's the main tenet of this movie, how a Good Family goes bad. What a load of crap. No, I didn't like this movie, no sir I did not.
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