After Bobby arrests Sorin in the beginning of the movie and is interrogating him, Sorin uses his hand to gesture and moments later a police officer is instructed to remove the handcuffs from Sorin which were keeping his hands behind his back.
Toward the end of the movie, when Dmitri and Bobby are chasing Dada, just before Dada is hit by the car, you can see the car's windshield is already broken on the exact same spot Dada hits it.
In the bar scene at the end when the bar tender comes out and gets hit with the shot gun and is flying in the air, the camera switches to a side view and it appears that the glass shelf he falls into starts to break before he hits it.
During the shootout in Costel's club, when Bobby and Steve are going for him, the bar where Costel hides behind is hit several times and, some bullet holes (obvious ones) just disappears from the top part.
At 1:03, dead woman on bed still breathing.
In the first part of the movie when the gang counts money, you can clearly see "Specimen" typed on the back of notes.